Jainuzei returned the gesture, then said to Fiesei, “We’re ready sir.”
Fiesei nodded. “Excellent, may the gods’ light shine upon us.”
The journey toward the summit would have been deadly if it wasn’t for the combat armor and its shields. The temperatures within the suits were adjusted to the specifications of the person wearing it, while the shields kept snow and ice from building up during Jainuzei, Henylea, and Xyniea’s three-hour trek up the hill. Just another hour to go, Jainuzei thought as they entered the snow blanketed forest. They periodically kept the other teams updated as they pushed on, lots of snow, no Hashmedai, though Jainuzei fully expected that to change once they get closer to the edge of the forest.
“So, speak to me,” Jainuzei said, stepping over a tree stump. “What do you think of this mission?”
“The Whisper has a hand in it,” said Henylea. “And I believe Fiesei may be a member.”
“That thought crossed my mind as well,” said Jainuzei. “The mythical Whisper. Radiance’s answer to the Hashmedai Assassins’ Guild.”
“Fiesei is a Linl as well,” said Henylea. “And as I recall most Whisper members are Linl since they can disguise themselves as Hashmedai with ease, unlike the rest of us.”
And if humans ever become a threat, they can infiltrate their world as well. “It must be his op, most Linl in the service request to be stationed at Lejorania or Morutrin,” Jainuzei said.
“And he’s a first-class ranger.” Henylea added, “Most of them use their rank to transfer into prestigious professions, retire or become generals, not stay as rangers.”
“Unless Fiesei is working with The Whisper, overseeing operations such as this one,” Jainuzei said, grinning, hidden behind his helmet. Another part of the puzzle had appeared.
They continued to penetrate deeper into the frozen boreal forest while Jainuzei’s enquiring mind processed the previous conversation, then spoke once more. “Four unknown high valued targets, well, unknown to the rest of us.” Xyniea broke her silence with a laugh. “You laugh as if you know something Xyniea,” Jainuzei said, directing his face toward her.
“Let’s just say, if we live to see the next day and finish this op,” Xyniea said. “We all will be getting promotions, and riches so intense your credit chits will overload with the numbers it has to remember.”
“Get down!” Jainuzei shouted. His helmet zoomed in on the image of two Hashmedai, dressed in combat gear.
They spread out with their rifles powered up and firmly grasped in their hands. Three nearby trees served as cover as the two Hashmedai slowly walked toward their position.
Jainuzei quickly peeked at their enemy. One Hashmedai wore full combat gear and had an arm shield active with a plasma sword holstered to his side. The other was equipped with an exosuit, and clearly had a sword similar the one Jainuzei had, strapped to his back. “Standard Hashmedai patrol,” Jainuzei said. “One warrior and one guardian.”
“Let them pass,” Xyniea said. “If they transmit a distress call, we’re finished, if they fail to check in same thing.”
“I agree,” Henylea said.
Jainuzei gritted his flat herbivore teeth, for he longed for combat. But, they were right, this whole operation could be aborted if those four high-value targets panicked and left. And this clearly being a Whisper operation would bring great shame and dishonor to Jainuzei’s name.
They needed a way out, and fast. Jainuzei’s head shifted about, scanning for an escape route. The holo display within his helmet displayed a superimposed image of the estimated line of sight range for the two Hashmedai, it appeared as a red colored fan shaped image that painted the ground. The data for it was based on current weather conditions, the patrols estimated position, and the viewing range of Hashmedai eyes. As long as we don’t step inside of that we should be safe, he thought, then transmitted his tactical information to Xyniea and Henylea.
“Stay low and away from that,” he said then entered a prone position, Xyniea and Henylea followed his lead.
Led by Jainuzei, they crawled across the ground onto a clearing off to the far right, a frozen pond. Risky, but it was their only chance as the superimposed red fan became two, the Hashmedai patrol were using both sets of eyes now. Jainuzei scanned the icy surface of the pond, three bodies in heavy combat armor crawling on potentially thin ice was a bad predicament to be in. The data came back, holographic text and diagrams relayed inside of his helmet, over fifty percent chance the ice could to break. We shall take those odds.
The snow-covered ground beneath them became a smooth sheet of ice as they crawled onto the frozen pond. Jainuzei glanced back satisfied that they were creating distance between them and the two red fans from his display. They reached the center of the pond and heard a small crackling sound below them. All three of them came to a full stop to appraise the stability of the ice. A web of cracks manifested underneath them, and it was spreading out fast, so they proceeded to push forth, fast.
Perhaps too fast, the ice beneath Henylea shattered sending her body into the abyss of the ice-cold water below. Henylea’s safety was of no concern to Jainuzei, after all the shields of her armor were still active and her suit provided her with enough air to last hours. The two superimposed red fans on Jainuzei’s display, however, became a major concern. They instantly changed direction toward the pond. The Hashmedai heard the ice break and Henylea splash down.
Jainuzei spun his body around to face the hole Henylea had sunk into, his actions resulted in him breaking though the ice as well. Too fast he thought as his body sank. That was two splashes the Hashmedai heard, now they knew something was wrong.
“Xyniea be careful!” Jainuzei transmitted the warning.
“Patrol coming over now, I got this,” Xyniea said.
Jainuzei sank slowly to the bottom of the pond, next to Henylea who later helped him get to his feet. His tactical display informed him that Xyniea fired three rounds, she was in combat. Looking up, she saw a silhouette of Xyniea lying upon the sheet of ice above them. A second figure appeared above him, with the red shaped fan warning directly in front, there was a green glow radiating from it. A plasma weapon was charged and ready. Instincts commanded Jainuzei and Henylea to aim their rifles upwards toward the unwanted figure. They let loose streaks of bubbles and shockwave lines. As their bullets shredded the ice above them, the Hashmedai warrior dropped into the water. His arms and legs flailed uncontrollably while the weight of his body and equipment sent him to the pond’s floor below. Propulsion jets, normally used for space walks on Jainuzei’s armor, launched his body onto the Hashmedai. Jainuzei fought enough warriors to know that their exosuits were equipped with jump jets and it was only a matter of time before the warrior activated those jets to escape drowning.
Jainuzei and the warrior wrestled for several minutes, every action, every kick, every punch Jainuzei used, prevented the warrior from getting air or using his jets properly. Eventually all the flailing from the warrior ceased, and his lifeless body sank to the bottom permanently.
“That’s quite the party,” Xyniea said as they hid behind a tree at the mouth of the forest. The mansion was in view and Jainuzei did not like what he saw. There were Hashmedai forces everywhere, on the rooftops, along all the exterior walls and a dozen more riding recon bikes toward the main entrance.
“So how do we get in without getting our heads sliced off?” Henylea asked.
“It will be another hour before the rest of our people can get this far, assuming they do not run into any more patrols,” Jainuzei said. “And I am certain someone right now as we speak, is wondering what happened to the patrol we put down.”
“I can get us in,” Xyniea said in the same manner she originally offered to come in this assignment. “Getting out will be the tricky part.”
“If that’s the case, I shall have the rest of our forces move in,” said Jainuzei, activating his communication device to speak with Fiesei. “Let us hope we are done by the time they arrive.” Ja
inuzei proceeded to brief Fiesei on their current situation, the green light was given for them to go ahead shortly afterwards. “Now Xyniea, what is your plan?” Jainuzei said to her.
“Follow me,” she said and ran off back down the hill, they followed her and she led them toward a maintenance hatch. A hatch with one Hashmedai guarding it, and he didn’t look like a soldier. He had black hair, pale skin and wore an officer’s uniform. Xyniea stepped toward the Hashmedai man with her weapon holstered. She began to remove her helmet, exposing her olive skin and brown hair. The Hashmedai man appeared to be happy to see her as they began to speak in his language.
“My gods, what is she doing?” asked Henylea.
The sight before Jainuzei caused him to grimace under his helmet. “Let us ask questions after we are victorious,” he said.
Xyniea returned to her companions while the Hashmedai interacted with a computer terminal next to the hatch. “This is Yominv Crossblade,” Xyniea explained. “An officer in the Hashmedai navy and,” the hatch popped open, revealing a dark tunnel before them, “our invite to the party.”
Yominv hastily waved his hand toward them, motioning them to step into the tunnel. “Our targets should be in the main living area,” Xyniea said. “It’s next to the courtyard and these tunnels should take us under it.”
This is going to be a complex report to write when we are done, Jainuzei thought, and entered the tunnel taking point.
Imperial vacation lounge, New Paryo, Uylanni system
Emperor Rezeki of the Hashmedai Empire pushed aside the canopy covers to the enormous bed he and his beloved mate, Y’lin slept on. White light from the bay windows illuminated the cold darkened sleeping chamber as snow continued to pile up along the sides of the window. The vacation home here in New Paryo was one of his favorites since becoming Emperor and it was imperative that he and his family spent the Conquest Day celebrations here, despite Radiance making this planet their top focus in their campaign. His glowing orange eyes gazed at the slender figure of Y’lin’s pale skin and platinum blonde hair while she comfortably remained sleeping.
They were still nude from the previous night of passionate copulation. A used anti-pregnancy chem tube lay on the floor next to the bed. Y’lin wasn’t partially interested in having a third child just yet. Rezeki didn’t blame her, as she was only a stage three pre-adult, two heirs to the throne was fine for now. Once Y’lin enters adulthood in another year they could look into having a few more heirs, the imperial family was down to four members after all, thanks to the merciless efforts of the zealots within the Radiance Union.
Rezeki entered the main hallway sometime later dressed in his morning robe and a pair of black slacks. The robe was elegantly decorated with gold and platinum rings along the sides of it, not his first choice of clothing to wear this early in the morning, but the servants haven’t gotten around to finding something elaborate for him to wear on this national holiday. Another reason why they haven’t picked anything out yet, it was a holiday so many of the servants were given the morning off to sleep in.
A window next to him during his walk caught his attention. His first born, Prince Akeia was outside in the courtyard playing in the snow. Several other children were playing with him as well, Rezeki recognized them as the offspring to the some of the servants that made their home here. He continued his walk across the hall, a few guardians and warriors bowed their heads as he walked past them. A combat psionic wished him a joyful Conquest Day, while another warrior thanked him for coming to this world to boost morale.
Rezeki finally entered the intended destination of his walk, a small bedroom with walls painted in a dark gold color. In the center was two small beds, one was for Akeia the other for Princess Kroshka who, like her mother was still asleep. Rezeki’s hand brushed across her platinum hair, he still couldn’t get over the fact she’s grown so much. It has been almost two years since Kroshka came into existence.
Kroshka’s face shifted upwards toward Rezeki and her maroon colored child eyes opened. Rezeki smiled at her, then said, “It’s Conquest Day Kroshka.”
“The holiday we came here for?” she said, there were still traces of sleepiness in her voice.
“Yes dear,” he said then out from his pocket he produced a red gem. A red gem with a sphere within the center of it. “This is for you, it will protect you from the dangers of the galaxy,” he said and placed it into her tiny hands.
She sat up and gazed into it in awe, the red glow from it shining on her pale skin. “Pretty,” she said softly. “Thank you, Father.”
Rezeki embraced his daughter. Seeing her so happy was one of the few things that could take his mind off the state of the empire on the frontlines. The union was winning. Which was ironic considering Conquest Day was the celebration of the empire’s retaliation strikes against Radiance following the Hashmedain psionic genocide. The end of that battle marked what the Hashmedai people at the time thought was the end of the conflict. Of course, history now tells that Radiance simply was recovering and rebuilding their fleet. Five hundred years later, the fighting continued.
“Your Majesty.” Rezeki rose to see who had interrupted his thoughts and father, daughter time.
A woman with blue skin, long black silky hair stood in front of the entrance to the room. She was dressed in a revealing sleeveless half robe with psionic augmentation present, Archmage Iolysta Frosttouch. “I didn’t think you would be up at this time,” Rezeki said as he exited the room with Iolysta.
They stood in the outside hallway a few feet from the door to Kroshka and Akeia’s room. Iolysta gave Rezeki that same sultry gaze she was known for when she wanted something from him. “So, you finally gave it to her, how thoughtful,” Iolysta said. “How about Akeia?”
“I gave it to Y’lin instead,” Rezeki said. “Akeia is a boy, he wouldn’t care for things such as this.” His reply caused her to grimace, not that he cared, and he’s the damn emperor after all.
Iolysta hands slowly opened Rezeki’s robe then grinned at the same red gem hanging from his neck. She licked her lips at the sight of his chest, and ran a finger across it. His hands shifted up to remove her invasive, yet stimulating touch. “There are guards walking around.”
“Your hands are soft, too soft,” she whispered. “That’s what happens when you penetrate women so young like Y’lin.” Rezeki gently guided her hand away, only for it to return, gliding down his chest once again. “When was the last time you copulated with a grown woman?”
“You damn well know the answer to that.”
“You’re right,” she said, pressing her chest against his. The coldness of her body. It was exhilarating. “It was two nights ago.”
“Y’lin was showing off her new gift to friends that night,” Rezeki said.
Iolysta’s tongue made a quick trek across Rezeki’s lips, lubricating them with her saliva. Grey cold mist exited her mouth afterward triggering his body to tremble with pleasure, and his member become hard. She melded her hands with his and raised them up into the air, her cybernetic implants started to glow. In an instant, blue light teleported them away from prying eyes.
Iolysta and Rezeki rematerialized inside her sleeping chamber, on the third floor of the mansion. It was a dark room much like the one he shared with Y’lin, just smaller. There was a bed in the corner with a bay next to it, allowing white light to trickle in.
“Did you know this room used to be where Emperor Forlin kept his harem?” Iolysta said.
“Harems, that’s part of the old ways.”
“Men on Taxah still partake in them, as well as a few of our lords across the empire.”
Rezeki shut his glowing orange eyes and grinned, and it wasn’t because she was now stroking his chest from behind. Iolysta had one goal in mind, keeping her psionic daughters out of the Psionic Training Facility, much like how he used his power to keep Y’lin and their children out of it.
“You need not worry. Phylarlie and Noylarlie will be safe as long as I’m alive,�
� he said. “There’s no need to convince me to go back to the old ways so that you can be part of my harem.” And thus, benefit from me bending the rules.
“I appreciate that milord,” she whispered into his ear then grazed the side of his neck, with her tongue.
“Now that you got me this far...” Rezeki’s robe hit the floor, his firm chest was exposed. Iolysta upped the ante. Her half robe fell on top of his attire in the same graceful manner her naked body fell on top of the bed. Silky bed sheets billowed around underneath like a sensual river, spreading positive vibes throughout her body.
Rezeki lay on top of her sans pants, his hard member needing extra space to grow. Their tongues wrestled in a seemingly endless movement of passion. He felt every, groove, every bump, of the soft texture of the inside of her mouth. She no doubt felt the same, the taste buds of her tongue brushing across the top of his mouth. All the while his hands cupped her breasts, while her hands were stuck to his member. He entered her. His plan was to take it slow unlike the last time, but slow wasn’t on her mind. Her hands gripped on to his fit abs hard pulling them toward her, she wanted all of him inside.
She got what she wanted, and secured it by wrapping her legs around him. A bout of fast and deep thrusting ensued. She got wet fast. Rezeki’s back tensed up as her cold hands embraced it, he was ready for her retractable claws to make their mark across his strong back. Adding to the small scars that she, Y’lin and countless servants he pleasured immensely over the last thirty or so years of his life had made. The sound of flesh colliding with each thrust and her moans of ecstasy echoed throughout the chamber. Sounds Rezeki wished Y’lin could produce.
Chapter Nine
Taxah, Uelcovis system
The planet Taxah was a dark blue shining beacon of pride within the Hashmedai Empire. It was one of the first worlds colonized after the creation of the space bridge network, and therefore located in a region of the galaxy far away from Radiance, over three hundred light years to be exact. Colonies such as this were the primary reason why Radiance, despite their superior numbers in ships, still failed to completely wipe out the Hashmedai. It would take the fastest Radiance fleets over six hundred years to reach there, while the Hashmedai could send a single small ship there in a matter of days, and hundreds of ships inside a command ship in eight years. Furthermore, all exterior systems conquered by the empire were scattered throughout the galaxy, so if Radiance did send ships out this far, it would take them hundreds more years to reach the next closest Hashmedai controlled system, assuming they had enough ships left after dealing with the Hashmedai fleets defending it.
Equilibrium of Terror: Part 1 Page 14