For the last several thousand years, Radiance races have all reproduced via hatcheries located in each city on every world the union controls. It was one of the many gifts from their gods used to combat the growing problem of overpopulation during the early days of the union, especially amongst the Aryile race, since pregnancy was a quick and easy process. With predators out of the equation and the advancement of medical technology, populations on worlds with a heavy Aryile population hit catastrophic levels. Even with colonization, those worlds quickly filled up as more and more couples showed up with children. And that was just the Aryile race. Throw in the total populations of the rest of the Radiance races, and the union was forced to implement one of their more controversial laws to date, forced sterilization of all members.
Sex became nothing more than a means of pleasure, real reproducing happened at the hatcheries. Every Radiance world kept a close eye on its population numbers for every planet and the cities on it. Maximum population caps were established, if a location hit its max numbers all hatcheries were shut down and immigration to those worlds was banned until the population levels dropped, when immigration and/or reproduction rights were started once again. If a married couple wanted to have children, and lived in a city that hit its max numbers, they were forced to move to city with a smaller population. If all cities on a planet hit their max numbers, thus meaning the max population of the planet has been hit, they were forced to move off world, or wait until the population numbers dropped.
Furthermore, a law was passed making it only possible for married couples to use the hatchery. Anyone else who was not legally married was forbidden from having children. Adding to that, married couples needed to be approved by the government. If they were deemed to be unfit parents, lacked the credits needed to raise a child, had a criminal background, they could be all out rejected. Becoming a parent within the Radiance Union was a privilege you needed to have a license for. And it was these rules that made it possible for all planets under Radiance control to properly manage resource consumption, and force people to live in newly established worlds and prevent unfit parents from bringing up children whom the council believes would be at risk of becoming an issue in their society.
Jainuzei and Marrea arrived at the Veromacon hatchery, a massive five chambered building with thirty stories, solely responsible for the breeding and fetal development of infants. Each chamber was designed for one of the five races of the union, as each race had different means of reproduction. Aryile, Rabuabin and Linl children, were normally born via an embryo growing in the mother’s womb, so artificial wombs for those respective races were built. Javnis were hatched from eggs, resulting in artificial eggs to be synthesized in a lab. The Vorcambreum normally reproduced via the impregnated female carrying the larval inside her for a period of time until it was time for them to grow its first set of legs and walk on land.
Once Jainuzei and Marrea’s license to use the facility was confirmed, they were taken to a small room where a sample of their DNA was taken and added to a vial. A computer screen displayed what their children were expected to look like when born. Additional options allowed them to view how they might look at certain ages. But that would have to come later, first they needed to utilize the customization options.
Marrea wanted a daughter, Jainuzei wanted a son, they selected the option to have twins, one male, the other female. Additional options were selected as they continued to make their adjustments. Many of them had a price tag as it would require extensive genetic alterations to the genes they both provided. Everything from height, hair and eye color, brain processing power, hand eye coordination, sexual orientation, the shape of their faces was adjusted. Marrea wanted the most perfect, hottest, and smartest daughter in the city. Jainuzei wanted a son that would lead the union into a new golden age. Credits were limited however, even with the high payout he had, the more modification you made to your child, the more you had to pay. Most of the credits spent ended up on their daughter, Marrea had a long list of wants, wants he was willing to give her.
When the process was complete and the transaction made, the vial of DNA was sent off to a team of geneticists who spent the next week making the necessary alterations. From there they used it to create an artificial womb and embryo inside a glass tank. They later spent the next two months visiting the tank once a day to watch the dual embryos grow and develop.
Jainuzei’s retirement from the rangers gave him ample time to work around the house, namely its garden. He considered getting a job someplace local, perhaps a merchant, maybe even a school teacher, there was quite a demand for that now that the population levels within the city dropped. Hundreds of babies were expected to be born soon, schools that were shut down ages ago, were expected to reopen once those children come of age. But there was a part of him that felt a level of guilt for being away for so many years, not to mention failing to send Marrea messages. No, he thought, staying at home will be the best course of action. He’ll always be here for her now, all while making up for the years of lost time.
Jainuzei heard the door chime ring from their backyard garden. Who can that be? Marrea was home early from her job, and they had never had any visitors since his return. He rose from his work in the scorching sunlight, entering back into his home and headed straight for the door. He saw Marrea run toward the door as well, though he got to it first. She looked somehow frightened. Something wasn’t right.
“What’s wrong?” he said as he reached toward the door control panel.
“I ugh...”
The door unlocked and opened at the push of a button, an Aryile man stood in front and gave Jainuzei an aggressive look. “May I help you?” Jainuzei asked.
“I’m just here to visit my partner, Marrea,” the man said.
“What?” Partner? Who the Paryo does this man think he is?
“Jainuzei,” Marrea said from behind him.
Jainuzei faced Marrea, who was clearly ready to panic. “Who is he?” Jainuzei said in a demanding voice.
“I should be asking the same question!” the man said.
“This is my house and she is my wife!” Jainuzei said to him.
“You?” The man said, then addressed Marrea. “You said he was dead?”
“One moment, Dienei,” Marrea said to him, then yanked Jainuzei back and shut the door. “Okay, Jainuzei, listen—”
Jainuzei cut her off, as his hands clenched together full of anger and the feeling of betrayal. He wasn’t a stupid man, he quickly put together what happened during his absence. “You met someone else while I was gone.”
“I didn’t think you’d be coming back ever.”
“Then why did you welcome me back?”
“Because like you, he too spent too much time in space,” she said. “We were in regular communication until his convoy was attacked by the Hashmedai then I heard nothing afterward other than the fact there were few survivors.”
“Well, looks like the gods wanted him to come back to you.”
“They wanted you to come back alive too.”
“I’m sure they did,” he said as he reopened the door and stormed out in a rage. Dienei her secret partner fell over backwards as Jainuzei’s fist rammed into his face.
Jainuzei spent the next several hours drinking at a local tavern trying to figure out why this happened. He did everything he was asked to in life, even took on the challenge of going to war to fight the empire, and unlike most of his comrades did it with honor. He’d done nothing wrong, yet the gods returned the favor by making his beloved choose another partner, then allow said partner to return safely into her arms? He was being punished, but for what? Penetrating Xyniea? Can’t be, he prayed, asking for forgiveness, claiming he regretted those actions. Even then those actions didn’t outweigh all the other great and noble actions he’d taken prior to that.
He stumbled drunkenly into the great temple of Veromacon, he remembered Xyniea talking about this place and that he should visit it. May as well do it n
ow, his faith in the gods was wavering, he needed answers, he needed a way out of this problem that was tearing his newly found paradise apart. The temple was empty as expected for night had fallen. He took one last gulp of his drink, before slamming the empty bottle on the floor and kneeling to make another prayer before a statue of the three gods.
“My child,” a voice called to him in the distance. “It is late for this, don’t you think?”
Slowly, his head turned and he saw who had spoken to him, Patriarch Ure Dalhakei walked toward him, holding his staff with a glowing orb at the top. “Your eminence!” he said in a panic. Attempting to rise and bow, his intoxicated state meant he fell face first to the floor instead.
“Oh, please stand, I was on my way back to my chambers to rest,” Dalhakei said. Jainuzei ever so slowly climbed back to his feet, this time taking more care. “You seem lost.”
“The gods have placed me in a strange spot,” Jainuzei said.
“Sit,” Dalhakei said, pointing to a bench with his staff. “Tell me what is troubling you my child.”
Jainuzei moved over to the bench slowly, careful to not fall over, and they sat together. Dalhakei looked at him with interest, while the glow on his staff intensified. “I’ve fought the Hashmedai for years, our sworn enemy. Those that wish to go against the gods and defile our lands. I’ve done so much good in life, and now my wife wishes to be with another man.”
“Tell me more.”
Jainuzei went on in greater detail, explaining his life story, meeting Marrea then marrying her, traveling to the recent battle on New Paryo, and his return only to run into his current problem two months later. Dalhakei raised his staff above him and it began to glow brighter.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity hit Jainuzei. A brief vision entered his thoughts, glorious battles he never fought in, a woman in his arms, a Linl by the looks, or maybe human? Thoughts and ideas that weren’t his, yet they made sense, they were the truth, it had to be, because... He couldn’t explain it, only feeling that it was the truth. The one truth.
“I wasn’t on the true path the gods laid out for me,” Jainuzei said as the vision ended.
“No, you were not. Many of us aren’t.”
“The council, that’s why.”
The great Dalhakei, speaking ill of the council? If he says such things, then it must be true, he is the voice of the gods, the leader of our religion after all. “Then what is my path?” Jainuzei asked.
“You saw the path yourself, retirement or weapons master, retirement was the path the council and their beliefs would rather you take. Weapons master is the one truth path for you.”
“I already resigned my commission.”
“Then I shall give it back to you, and more,” Dalhakei said then stood, extending his wrinkled hand toward Jainuzei. “Come with me, my child, I am about to embark on a journey to two of our newly colonized worlds, Rasi and Oyuri. I will teach you everything you need to know, everything all people in the galaxy should know.”
Jainuzei returned to his home the next night to gather his belongings. Marrea and Dienei were asleep together in the bed he once shared with her as he moved through the darkened hallways. He stood watching them sleep, and wondered what he would have done had he not been a man of honor and fairness when it came to conflict. He did after all have a bag full of weapons from his collection. He could have easily killed them both in a jealous rage. His final act before boarding the Abyssal Pelican.
But, that wasn’t his style, and he moved downstairs toward the front door, leaving his beautiful home once again, this time for good. As Jainuzei’s feet hit the main floor, he heard steps behind him, coming down the staircase he had just descended. He turned his head. It was Dienei, who pounced on him, striking Jainuzei multiple times with his fist as they fell over. Jainuzei couldn’t fault him entirely. From Dienei’s point of view in the darkness, Jainuzei was an intruder, someone that broke in stealing from the house and posing a threat. This was a good thing, at least Marrea would have a man that was going to protect her and the twins once they were born.
He certainly wouldn’t be able to on the other side of the stars.
The struggle came to an end as Jainuzei’s massive arms established control, and tossed Dienei through the glass door into the patio. Feeling he had won the fight, Jainuzei grabbed his bag and ran toward the front door. The hairs on the back of his neck rose as he heard the sound of a magnetic pistol powering up.
Dienei shot Jainuzei in the back as he tried to make his escape.
Chapter Twenty
Kasidey’s transport, Barnard’s Star System
A wormhole spat out Kasidey’s transport as it traversed on its journey through the galaxy. Whigli was becoming increasingly impressed with the ship with each passing day. Near light speed travel was one thing, but being able to freely open wormholes at will? This transport had means of travel that could very well allow him to carry out his plans for vengeance, and evade any type of retaliation in the process.
For a split second, he thought he was going to get just that chance as a Radiance patrol ship was detected. This could only mean one thing. “Union territory,” he said to himself. “Have they seen us?”
“Yes, but it doesn’t matter,” Kasidey said. “The Pelican is transmitting to the rest of the ships that we are friendly.”
“I suppose this is where I get off,” Torval said. “This is an interesting ship, one I’ve never seen.”
“And to think, it’s only a transport,” said Kasidey.
A look of intrigue formed on Torval’s face. “Oh?”
“There’s more like it, larger faster and stronger.”
“The order can use a fleet like that.”
“If the order completes their end of the bargain, they can have it and more.” Kasidey adjusted their course while the transport journeyed through the system. Minutes later, the Abyssal Pelican started to grow larger in size via the windshield as they got closer to it. “For now, the order will have to make do with the Pelican and its sister ship.”
Port Shala, Morutrin Prime, Morutrin System
The Crimson Arrow’s landing sequence began as it descended from the skies onto the high-rise starport on the outer edge of the city. The morning sunshine squeezed through a clearing of cloud coverage, the aftermath of a four week long rainstorm that soaked the region, leaving the air extremely muggy. The heat from the rising sun went to work, turning the water on the surface into vapor. It was that same humidity that made Danyal feel extremely uncomfortable upon stepping foot outside of the Crimson Arrow alongside Parcisei.
“What do you think?” Parcisei asked him while his fingers swiped across the cracked screen of his data pad.
“It’s hot.”
“I know, it’s great, isn’t it?” Parcisei said as they stepped closer to the landing pad’s elevator. “Give me a few, need to run a search on the news in this system via the local knowledge network. I don’t trust the news couriers that update headlines between this system and Uemaesce.”
The mention of the network gave Danyal an idea, one that might allow him to continue his search for Rana. “Knowledge network, it’s like the internet we use on Earth, right?”
“Something like that yeah.”
“So, it’s possible I could post an ad, right? Like if I was searching for information.”
“I don’t recommend it, lots of untrustworthy people here. But yes. That option does exist.”
“I’ll take the risk.”
Parcisei summoned an elevator to come up as they approached the sliding doors. “You don’t want to do that.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes, you want to come with me to downtown Port Shala,” he said showing Danyal two-month-old news reports from his data pad. “According to this, our friend Avearan was quite active there.”
A high-speed tram rushed through the glass tunnels and entered a complex web of connecting tunnels that led to various districts in the city
. Parcisei was surprisingly quiet during the ride. He sat in a chair across from Danyal, his Aryile serpent like eyes, never moving away from his data pad. Danyal looked out at the skyscraper filled city from the window next to him on the tram, it was the only thing that could take his mind off his aching muscles as they slowly adapted to the gravity of the planet. Mist rose along the sides of the builds as the rainwater from below continued to vaporize from the rising heat.
A newly purchased data pad rested on Danyal lap, obtained from a vendor just outside of the tram platform they stood at before boarding. May as well grab it he figured, he lacked the cybernetics Hashmedai have that allow them to create holographic computer displays. Meanwhile everyone outside of the empire seemed to have relied heavily on them to keep up to date with things. During their long tram trip, he used the pad to place an ad on the knowledge network against Parcisei’s recommendation, in hopes that out there in this system someone knew Rana’s whereabouts in the galaxy.
One hour later, Danyal’s sore neck forced him to move his face away from the window and toward Parcisei looking concerned. Noylarlie typically told him to shut up multiple times a day. Now he’s doing just that...what the hell did he discover? “Your silence is deafening,” Danyal said to him.
Parcisei head cocked up to address Danyal. “How so? I’m not loud. In fact, I’ve been quite silent.”
Danyal sighed. “Never mind.”
“Ah you were trying to make conversation. I was starting to think that was going out of fashion.”
“Why do you do it? All this running around the galaxy.”
“My associates just want to make sure the galaxy is in the spot it should be,” Parcisei said. “And I want to play a key role in it.”
Equilibrium of Terror: Part 1 Page 32