Quantum Boxed Set: The Complete Series

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Quantum Boxed Set: The Complete Series Page 165

by Force, Marie

  She says she loves me, and I’m beginning to believe she means it. Leah doesn’t say things she doesn’t mean. I already know her well enough to know that for sure. Could I love her, too? Possibly, and that’s a huge concession for someone who’s gone out of his way to keep his dealings with women at the surface level, where no one can get hurt.

  I rub the spot on my chest that aches when I think about her being bullied and disregarded by parents who were disappointed not to have a biological child. I hate that for her, even if I know all too well what it was like to have parents who barely noticed they had a kid. I had my grandmother. Who did Leah have?

  The thought of her lonely and afraid and persecuted by her peers makes me fiercely protective. And then I remember the guy, Tom, who wouldn’t take no for an answer, and I want to roar with the need to keep her safe and secure and protected always. Maybe I could love her. Maybe I already do. If the intense feelings she arouses in me are any indication, I’m in deep trouble where she’s concerned.

  I put my glass in the sink and take a minute to gather myself, to prepare for our scene, to focus entirely on her pleasure. I want it to be so good for her that she begs me for more.

  My cock aches, but in a good way. The pain from the injury is all but gone, but the ache of my need for her is so intense, it has my full attention. Knowing she’s in my bed, spread out for me to feast upon, is the single most arousing thing I’ve encountered in a life full of sexual debauchery. Nothing I’ve done before can compare to what’s about to happen with her.

  Moving stealthily, I go into my room, my heart stopping at the sight of her stretched out and open for whatever I might dream up. The sweet pink folds of her pussy glisten with her arousal. Dear God, she’s sexy and innocent and sweet and feisty. So fucking feisty, and I love that about her. I love her saucy mouth and the way she says whatever she thinks, that I never have to wonder where I stand with her or what’s on her mind. I go into my closet to get what I need.

  I retrieve fur-lined cuffs for her arms and legs as well as a bottle of lubricant and a medium-sized plug so I can begin to prepare her for eventually taking my cock in her ass. I can’t allow myself to think of that ultimate pleasure without running the risk of losing the control I’m barely clinging to after seeing her spread out on my bed.

  I remove my clothing and leave the closet with the items I’ve chosen for her. She doesn’t realize I’m there until I drag my finger from the side of her breast to the inside of her arm.

  She gasps and startles, and I love that I’ve taken her completely by surprise with my touch.

  “I’m going to bind your arms. Is that okay?”

  Hesitantly, she nods.

  “I need your words, Leah. Is it okay if I bind your arms?”


  “Yes, who?”

  “Sir.” She licks her lips. “Yes, sir.”

  Her submission is the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever experienced, and as a sexual connoisseur, that’s saying something. I cuff her right arm and attach it to the bedpost, noting the trembling that has overtaken her body. That’s a common reaction for someone new to this, but I’ll keep a close eye on her to make sure she’s not hyperventilating or anything that would be dangerous.

  The bindings I use have longer leads that’ll make it possible for her to turn over when we get to that. I walk around the bed and secure her left arm. “Are you comfortable?”

  She swallows hard and licks dry lips. “Y-yes, sir.”

  “Will you tell me if you aren’t?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “What’s your safe word?”


  “What’s your other safe word?”


  “And you know if you say either of those words or the word red, everything stops, right?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “If you need a break or a breather, you can say yellow and that slows things down. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you want me to dominate you, Leah?”

  She sucks in a sharp deep breath. “Y-yes, sir.”

  “You’re a very sexy sub, and you followed my instructions perfectly. I’m very pleased with you.”

  “T-thank you, sir.”

  I fucking love that little stammer, which is so out of character for my brash, confident Leah. I love that she’s already so undone, that she’s so willing and eager to please me. By pleasing me, she’ll please herself, but she doesn’t get that yet. She will, though. She’ll see how submission leads to the sharpest pleasure she’ll ever experience. I’ll make sure of it.

  I get on the bed and flatten my hands on her inner thighs, smoothing them up and opening her even further. I show her she’s capable of spreading her legs even wider than she already had them. Then I lean over her and give her a full sweep of my tongue, from ass to clit, and she nearly levitates off the bed. She definitely didn’t see that coming, but I see her coming, over and over and over again, until she’s out of her mind with pleasure. That’s my only goal here—her ultimate pleasure. With that in mind, I slide two fingers into her tight, wet pussy, bending them to press against her G-spot and suck her clit into my mouth.

  She comes hard, which was my intention. I wanted her to take the edge off. Leah gasps and pants as her pussy convulses around my fingers. I keep my fingers deep inside her as I suck on her left nipple, biting down gently on it and drawing a keening moan from her. She’s so fucking responsive to everything I do to her, it’s no wonder I’m quickly becoming addicted to her.

  “I don’t recall giving you permission to come.”

  As she blinks me into focus, she’s got a blissed-out look about her that we refer to as subspace. Have I finally found a way to render her speechless? I curl my fingers in tighter against her G-spot and another small orgasm has her internal muscles gripping my fingers. “So much trouble.”

  “Quit doing that if I’m not allowed to come,” she says, her teeth gritted, her annoyance obvious.

  “Are you talking back to your Dom now, too?” I quickly withdraw my fingers, making her gasp. “Turn over.” Because she’s like a limp noodle, I assist by picking her up and turning her into the position I want, head down, arms crossed, ass in the air. I cup her left cheek and give it a gentle squeeze. “Do you need your safe word?”

  “I don’t know. Do I?”

  “You tell me.”

  “I don’t know what you’re going to do, so how do I know if I need it?”

  Oh, she’s entertaining and funny and so fucking sexy. I can’t recall a time when I’ve ever been harder than I am right now, with her bound to my bed and willing to do whatever I ask of her. Because giving up control doesn’t come naturally to her, it’s that much sweeter to receive her trust.

  “First,” I tell her, “I’m going to administer your punishment. Twelve spanks—six for coming without permission and six for talking back to your Dom. And then I’m going to plug your ass to start getting it ready for my cock. Any questions?”

  She makes an inarticulate sound that’s a cross between a grunt and a groan.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. Any questions?”

  “No.” I can tell her teeth are still gritted.

  “Do you need your safe word?”


  “Excellent.” I bring my hand down on her left cheek swiftly, making her startle from the shock. I follow that up with four more in rapid succession, making sure to rub the rosy redness until she purrs from the pleasure. Eager to get on to the next portion of the program, I deliver the other seven spanks and then drag my fingers through the surplus of wetness between her legs, satisfied that my “punishment” resulted in her pleasure.

  I retrieve the plug and bottle of lubricant, applying a healthy dose of lube to the wide end of the plug and then squirting some on my fingers. “Ready for the plug?”


  “Yes, who?”

  “Sir. Yes, sir.”

; “That’s more like it.” I can honestly say I’ve never had more fun in any scene than I’m having with her. This is not her thing, but she’s doing it for me, and that makes my heart swell with emotions I’ve only experienced one other time in my life. I never got to hold or kiss or make love to Elena, who was eternally out of my reach, so I’ve already had more with Leah than I ever did with her.

  I feel more for Leah than I ever did for her.

  The realization stops me cold, shocking me to the core of my being. Elena has been the gold standard, the most important woman in my life for fifteen years. Even in her diminished state, she still shines brighter than the sun to me, and the thought that I would one day care more about someone else than I do about her has honestly never occurred to me. Truthfully, after the disaster with Elena, I wouldn’t have thought myself capable of caring the way I do about Leah.

  Leah glances back at me over her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  The question snaps me out of my own head and back into the moment with her. “Are you allowed to question your Dom?”

  She rolls her eyes and puts her head back down.

  I can’t let her sassiness go unpunished, so I deliver two swift spanks, one to each cheek. “Don’t roll your eyes at your Dom.” I can feel her rolling her eyes again at that, and I smile, loving the sauciness, although I can never tell her that. She’s unmanageable as it is without giving her ammunition to use against me.

  I return my attention to the plug and my plans for her sweet ass, coating her opening with a liberal amount of lube.

  She sucks in a sharp deep breath as my fingers breach her entrance.

  I want this to be good for her, so I take the time I need to make sure she’s properly prepared to take the plug. After sliding my fingers in and out several times and watching her skin flush with the heat we generate together, I remove my fingers and replace them with the plug.

  She immediately tenses up.

  “Relax and push back. You can do this.” I tease her mercilessly, pushing the plug in a little before withdrawing it and then leaving it perched part of the way inside her when I reach for the lube that I’ll need to get my cock inside her when she’s plugged. I settle back on my knees to smooth the lube onto my dick.

  How to describe what happens next… With the plug halfway inside her, she sneezes hard. The plug comes shooting out of her ass and hits me square in the left eye, making me see stars.

  “Holy shit.” She looks back at me as I howl from the pain of being half-blinded by a butt plug. That has certainly never happened before. Leave it to Leah… “How do I get these cuffs off?”

  “There’s a release latch on the top.”

  She removes the cuffs, gets off the bed and comes around to where I’m seated on the edge of the bed and pulls at my hair, trying to get me to look up at her. When I do, she recoils. “Oh my God! Your eye!”

  I can feel it swelling shut, and when I open it, both eyes tear up so badly, I can’t see shit. Fuck!

  “I’ll get ice. Don’t move.”

  I hear her leave the room and wish I could see well enough to appreciate her running around naked in my house.

  She’s back a minute later with a damp paper towel full of ice that she presses gently against my eye. “Hold it there.”

  I do what I’m told while wondering how my submissive became the Dom in my own bedroom.

  “I’m so sorry. That sneeze came out of nowhere. I don’t know how this happened. I had no idea my butt could do that.”

  I can’t help but laugh, even as I wonder if I’ll ever see out of my left eye again.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “It’s kinda funny.”

  “No, it isn’t. I told you I was going to suck at this.”

  “You don’t suck at it. Before you butt blinded me, I was thinking how much fun it was to play with you.”

  “Really? You were?”

  She sounds so sweet and vulnerable that I put my arm around her and pull her close enough to kiss her belly. “Yeah, I was.”

  “Let me see it.”

  I remove the ice.

  With her hand on my chin, she turns my face. My uninjured eye has started working again, thankfully, and I can see the concerned way in which she examines me.

  “I don’t think it hit your actual eye, just above and below it.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Should we go to the ER?”

  “Absolutely not.” I’m trying to imagine explaining how this happened.

  “But what if your eye is damaged?”

  “It’s not.”

  “How do you know that?”

  Painfully, I force my eye open. “I can see you. I’m not blind. It’s fine.”

  “You’re gonna have one hell of a shiner for the wedding.”

  Fuck, I haven’t given a single thought to the wedding. “I’ll wear shades.”

  “I’m really sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault that you have a super butt.”

  “Stop,” she says, laughing. “You’d better not tell everyone how you got that shiner.”

  “Why not?”

  “Seriously. You can’t tell anyone.”

  I smile slowly, going for maximum impact.

  “Emmett, I mean it.”

  “Are you telling me that the Leah who says whatever she thinks, regardless of whether it’s appropriate or not, doesn’t want me telling people she shot a butt plug at my eye—out of her ass—and nearly blinded me?”

  She glowers at me. “If you tell anyone that, you’ll never see my butt again.”

  “Somehow I doubt that. Your butt loves me, or were you just saying that to get me in bed?” I pretend to be hurt.

  “Quit fucking with me and promise me you won’t tell anyone.”

  “Not sure I can make that promise. It’s such a good story.”

  She starts to get up, but I stop her by pulling her in closer to me. I love that she fights back—and she fights dirty, twisting my nipple until I gasp and almost release her before redoubling my efforts to keep her right where she is.

  “Let me go!”

  I release her immediately, alarmed by the panic I hear in her voice.

  “Hey, I’m just playing with you.” I reach for her hand and link my fingers with hers. “Come back.”

  “Do you promise you won’t tell anyone? I work with those people. I don’t want them laughing at me.”

  Ah, damn. I realize her fear is related to the mean bitches from high school who tormented her. “I won’t tell them, Leah.”

  “You mean it?”

  “I promise.” I give a gentle tug that brings her onto my lap. I wrap my free arm around her. “Are we good now?”

  “Does it matter to you if we are?”

  Will I ever get used to the way she leaves nothing unsaid? She’s forcing me to confront feelings I’ve only recently realized I have. “Yeah, it matters.” I tip her chin up to receive my kiss. “You matter.”

  She curls her hand around my neck and opens her mouth to my tongue. For the longest time, all we do is kiss, with more passion and feeling than I’ve ever experienced. I knew she was going to be trouble. I had no idea just how much.

  Chapter 14

  Emmett kisses me like he means what he just said, that I matter, that it matters to him if we’re okay. Even though I’m mortified by the plug incident, I’m filled with elation and giddiness as we kiss for what feels like hours. Being with him this way is like a dream come true. In all the time I lusted after him, I never really thought I stood a serious chance with him. But now everything has changed for both of us, and he seems as into what’s happening between us as I am.

  Moving slowly, he arranges me under him on the bed, his stiff erection sliding through the dampness between my legs. When he nudges my clit, my whole body seizes from the sharp burst of pleasure. All he has to do is touch me to set me on fire, but when he tells me I matter, that we matter, I’m lost to him. I’ve never given any man the kind of power t
his one has over me, and I’m still afraid he’s going to crush me in the end.

  The sight of his swollen eye, which is turning a dark shade of purple, is mortifying. I can’t believe that happened, and I’m not entirely sure I believe him when he says he won’t tell anyone. It’s true that I’m usually an open book and hard to embarrass, but that… I’d die if the people I work with and consider my friends ever knew that happened.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  His lips hover just above mine. “Anything you want.”

  “Can we do that again sometime? What we were doing before the thing with your eye happened?”

  “After I get goggles and a hard hat,” he says with a teasing smile.

  “I told you it’s not funny.”

  “And I told you it really is.” He kisses me, softly, sweetly and with a tenderness that ruins me. I can handle sarcasm and harshness and domination from him, but the tenderness will surely break me.


  As he pulls back from me, his brows knit with concern. “What’s wrong?”

  “I just… I want to stop.”

  He moves to his side and props his head on his upturned hand, keeping his other hand on my belly. His hard cock stretches above his belly button. “Talk to me.”

  “Nothing to say.” I yawn. “I should head home. I need to figure out what I’m wearing to work tomorrow.”

  “Why are you running away?”

  “I’m not!”

  “Yes, you are. What happened here?”

  I can barely bring myself to look at his swollen eye. “You need to put more ice on that.”

  “You’re deflecting.”

  “Don’t use lawyer talk on me.”

  “Don’t run away from me.”

  “You don’t even like me. Why do you care if I leave?”

  “I believe I’ve given you ample evidence of how much I actually like you.”

  I need to get out of here while I still can, and yes, I realize it’s weird that I now feel the urgent need to flee when I’m finally where I’ve wanted to be for months. I don’t understand it, either, but the fact remains that I need out of here. Now. I sit on the edge of the bed and reach for my clothes, aware of him watching me as I get dressed.


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