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Accelerate Page 20

by Kay Marie

  “I truly appreciate the bluntness, even if it’s a lot to take in. It’s just, you leaving,” I try to find the right words to say next and word vomit. “You broke me when you left. You didn’t call, text, nothing. At first, I wasn’t sure what to think. Maybe you were in an accident, maybe you were with another girl. After a couple of days of not hearing from you, I reached out to Ellie and she told me you moved away. I had to play it off like I knew and like our breakup was mutual. Meanwhile, I was dying on the inside. You had been my best friend since I moved here. You have had my heart since not long after. And you just left.”

  Tears are pouring down my cheeks. I didn’t want him to see me cry, but there was no stopping it.


  I put my hand up, stopping him. “Don’t, Ryan. I appreciate you apologizing but I need time.”

  I stand to leave and he stands too. He looks me in the eye and it’s like he’s staring into my soul.

  He nods. “Take your time, Sólnyshka.”

  I turn and walk away before he sees more tears fall. I make it all the way back to my apartment before I completely fall apart.

  Chapter Eleven


  Watching Cali walk away as upset as she was hard as fuck. I would have gone after her if I hadn’t agreed to give her time. I didn’t expect her to leave like that, but I also didn’t intend to have that conversation so soon. I couldn’t help it, I needed to apologize and I didn’t understand the can of worms that would open.

  I knew I hurt her when I left, but seeing the hurt on her face today cut deep. I get a box for the uneaten pizza and pay my tab. The waitress smiles at me, trying to get my attention. I ignore her and walk out of the pizza shop, walking right to A Novel Bunch. I walk in and Sketch is standing at the counter talking to the baristas. Their smiles fall when I walk in.

  “Anyone want some pizza?” I give a fake laugh. I walk to the table closest to me and let myself fall into the chair.

  “That bad, huh?” Sketch sits across from me.

  “What happened, Buster?” That comes from Wren.

  “I fucked up. I knew I hurt her when I left, but I didn’t understand how bad I had hurt her.”

  “I’m going to be one hundred percent honest with you,” the other girl, I’m pretty sure her name is Emma, says. “I don’t think she ever stopped loving you. You showing up like you did, opened old wounds. Give her a couple of days.”

  Sketch flips open the pizza box and grabs a piece, leaving it open. He’s trying to be stealthy, but I spot him watching Wren. She turns to me but before she can say anything, gunshots ring out and glass shatters.

  “Get down,” I shout, pulling my gun out before I hit the floor. Sketch grabs Wren, pulling her to the ground and shielding her. I look toward the front window in time to see a white van driving away. “Son of a bitch.”

  “Where is Calina,” a man with a thick Russian accent asks. I jump up off the floor.

  “She left to go home about ten minutes ago,” I respond, leaving out how upset she was. It’s best not to get on this guy’s bad side. “Emma, are you alright?”

  “I think so,” she says on a shaky breath, still hiding behind the counter.

  “The shooters are gone, it’s safe to come out,” I tell her, walking to where she is. She’s sitting on the floor, hugging her legs.

  “Are you sure,” she stutters. I crouch next to her.

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “I’m going to have to call Cali, aren’t I,” she asks, turning to face me. I give a light chuckle.

  “Yeah, probably,” I tell her. She sighs, slowly standing. She stares at the front of the bakery and her eyes go wide.

  “Holy shit. She’s going to freak.”

  “Ms. Emma, are you alright,” the Russian guy asks her.

  “Yes, Yury. I’m alright,” she replies to him and turns to me. “That’s Cali’s bodyguard.”

  “Buster,” Sketch calls. I walk over to him.

  “What’s up?”

  “I called Prez. He said to get to the clubhouse asap,” he tells me as the cops pull up. This is gonna be fun.

  Once we were done dealing with the cops, we left the bakery. Since it’s Cali’s shop, she had to come back and talk to them too. I kept my distance and let Sketch and the girls talk to her. I didn’t want to leave her, but she had her bodyguard watching after her. As soon as we walk into the clubhouse, Bull is signaling for Church. As soon as everyone is settled, he gets started.

  “Sketch called and said there was an incident. What happened?” Bull requests.

  “We were hanging out at A Novel Bunch bakery. The girl who owns it is someone I’ve known since I was young. Some guys in a white van drove by and shot at the place,” I explain to him. “No one was hurt.”

  “Did you see the guys in the van?”

  “No, the men had masks on,” Sketch tells him. Bull nods.

  “We’ll keep doing what we’ve been doing until we get confirmation it’s the cartel or not. If anyone wants their family to stay at the clubhouse, go ahead and bring them in. We have plenty of room,” he tells everyone. He hits his gavel down, dismissing us from Church. As soon as I get my phone, I send Cali a text.

  To Cali: I said I would give you time, but I need to know you’re okay.

  I don’t expect to get a response back from her right away so I put my phone in my pocket and head over to the bar. Lolita is there, putting clean glasses away.

  “Can I get ya a drink,” she asks me.

  “Yeah, let me get a Jameson on the rocks.”

  “Rough day?”

  “Something like that,” I tell her as she sets my drink in front of me.

  “I can help with that,” Lexus says behind me. She runs a hand across my back. “Let me help you forget whatever is bothering you.”

  I throw back my Jameson, trying to ignore Lexus. My phone vibrates in my pocket, but I ignore it too.

  “Lo, let me get another,” I say, sliding my glass toward her. She fills it up and slides it right back. I shrug Lexus’s hand off me.

  “Get lost, Lexus.” She does the opposite and slides up next to me.

  “Give me a little bit of your time and I’ll make you feel better,” she whispers in my ear. Diesel sits on the other side of Lexus. He takes her hand and pulls her into him.

  “I don’t understand why you waste your time on him,” he tells her in a softer tone. “Why don’t you and I go have some fun.”

  I shake my head as the two of them walk off together. I finally decide to pull my phone out and Cali texted me back.

  From Cali: I’m okay, thank you. Bakery will be closed for a while. My papa is taking care of it. In the meantime, Emma, Wren, and I will be staying with Minx.

  To Cali: That’s good. I’m sorry about your bakery. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.

  As soon as I send the text, Minx walks into the clubhouse. She walks toward me but Raze stops her about halfway. I take the time to head to my room to avoid talking to her, but not before grabbing the bottle of Jameson from behind the bar. I’m sure Cali has already told her everything and I’m not in the mood to talk about it again.

  I lock my door so no one will try to come in. You can never be too sure with these fuckers. I turn the TV on and lounge back on my bed. I stare at the TV, but I’m not paying any attention to what’s on. Today went nothing like I expected. I want to drown my thoughts in Jameson. Tomorrow is a new day.

  Chapter Twelve


  On top of dinner with Ryan being a complete fail, my bakery was shot at. It’s one thing after another and I’m not sure I can handle much more. I was talking on the phone with Minx when Emma called me to tell me what happened. Once I told Minx, she insisted the three of us come stay at her house. I had Yury follow us to our apartments to get clothes and to Minx’s house before relieving him for a few days. I told Papa about Minx’s father being the President of the Savage Menaces and how her house will have Menaces protec
ting it at all times. I’m pretty sure it’s the only reason he let me send Yury home. He didn’t give me details, but he said he would take care of my bakery.

  When we got to Minx’s house, she set Emma and me up in her room and Wren in Rivet’s room.

  “How did dinner with Buster go,” Minx asks me. We’re all sitting in her living room hanging out, trying to wind down. Emma and Wren’s eyes shoot to me.

  “Not well,” I tell her. I let out a heavy sigh. “He apologized. He also told me he wants to make it up to me.”

  “What did you say to that?”

  “I told him I need time. This has all been a lot to take in. Yes, I still love him, but can I trust him again? Do I want to be with him again?” I didn’t mean to blurt all of that out. Minx is staring at me like she gets it.

  “I may have only known him for a short time but I can guarantee he’s not the same guy he was before he moved to Arizona. If anything, the shit he saw me go through changed him. He’s been like a brother to Riv and I since we met him. If anything, get to know him again on a friendship level,” she tells me.

  I nod. I should be able to do that.

  “Alright, enough about Cali and Buster. Y’all should have seen the way Sketch was watching Wren,” Emma says enthusiastically. Wren’s face goes pink.

  “What?” Minx shouts.

  “I have a boyfriend, so I was trying to ignore him,” Wren says.

  “Pshhhh! Flirting doesn’t hurt.” Rivet winks at her and Wren turns a deeper shade of pink. Minx rolls her eyes.

  “Ignore her. Sketch will respect the fact you have a boyfriend, so don’t worry about that,” Minx assures her. “He’s a good guy.”

  “I’m going to head to bed.” I yawn. “I’ll see y’all in the morning.”

  We all say our goodnights. Minx leaves for the clubhouse as I walk up the stairs to go to bed. I check my phone and my heart skips a beat. I have a message from Ryan, asking how I’m doing. I text him back and he responds right away. Before I can send another reply, I fall asleep.

  The next couple of days are sluggish. Minx came back after Raze left for work. Yesterday, we all chose to have a chill movie day. Emma and I contacted all of our employees for the bakery and tell them what happened. Between insurance and Papa’s help, all of our employees will still get paid while we’re closed. All day my mind kept drifting to thoughts of Ryan. I would write out a text, only to erase it.

  Right now, Wren, Emma, and I are sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. Wren made us all breakfast this morning and it was fantastic. I stand, collecting everyone’s empty plates and taking them to the sink. I’m washing dishes as the front door opens. Not long after, Minx walks into the kitchen.

  “Good morning, ladies! Where’s Rivet,” she asks.

  “Ugh, I’m here.” Rivet groans as she walks into the kitchen. “Oh! Coffee!”

  “Good morning, sleeping beauty,” I laugh out. “There’s still some biscuits and gravy if either of you would like some before I put it up.”

  “That sounds fantastic,” Rivet sighs. I’ve learned quickly Rivet is not a morning person by any means. She needs her coffee and food before anyone attempts to talk to her.

  “Are you girls ready to have some fun tonight?” Minx sounds excited.

  “What’s tonight?” I turn around to look at her while drying my hands with a tea towel.

  “The Menaces are having a party tonight.”

  Rivet rolls her eyes.

  “Don’t pay any attention to her. She’s mad because she and Saint are still dancing around each other,” Minx tells us. I chuckle. Both her and Rivet’s eyes zone in on me. They give each other mischievous smiles.

  “I don’t like those smiles,” I say, shaking my head.

  “I do,” Emma shouts. “What are we plotting?”

  “Whatever it is, count me out. I’ll probably hang out here tonight,” Wren announces.

  “Aw, no! Why,” Minx asks her. Before Wren can answer, her phone distracts her.

  “I have to get this. I’ll be right back,” Wren says. She walks out of the room.

  “She hasn’t talked about it much, but there’s something going on with her boyfriend,” Emma tells us. “I’ll try to talk to her later.”

  “So, this party tonight, who all will be there,” I ask Minx.

  “All of the brothers, the cut bunnies, and some hang-arounds, I’m sure.” She shrugs. “And before you ask, yes, Buster will be there.”

  “I wasn’t going to ask but thanks.” I laugh.

  “Sure you weren’t.” Rivet side-eyes me and grins.

  We hang out for most of the day, planning what we’re all going to wear tonight. Around four, Minx and I head over to the clubhouse. She wants to introduce me to a couple of her friends and Raze should be getting back from work soon.

  “Hey girl,” a girl from behind the bar shouts at Minx as we walk into the clubhouse.

  “Hey Tink,” Minx responds. “This is Cali. She owns the bakery I told you about.”

  “Hey! Nice to meet you. Minx has raved about your bakery,” Tink says.

  “You’ll have to come by when we open again,” I tell her.

  Tink winces. “I heard what happened. How long will you have to be closed,” she asks.

  “About a week, maybe a little longer,” I say. “Which will be the longest I’ve gone without working since I opened the bakery.”

  “Holy shit, girl! It will be a well-deserved break.” She laughs.

  “It definitely will be, but I might go crazy with all the time off though,” I respond with a light laugh and sit. Minx disappeared, probably to go find Raze. Tink and I keep talking until another girl joins us.

  “Ugh, Tink, can I get something to drink, please?” She sits next to me.

  “Bad day?” Tink asks her and she nods. She turns to me and perks up a bit.

  “Hi, sorry, I’m Lolita,” she introduces herself.

  “I’m Cali.” I smile at her.

  “Cali, Minx’s friend? That owns the bakery?”

  “Yeah.” I laugh. “Has she told everyone about it?”

  “That girl never shuts up about it,” she responds. “One of these days, I’ll get to check it out. I work at Rosie’s, the club’s diner, and I work a lot.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Tink mumbles. I chuckle.

  Lolita and I get lost in our conversation while Tink goes about prepping the bar for tonight.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The past two days I have gone on autopilot. Shade and I have been crashing at the clubhouse until we can figure out this cartel bullshit. I go to work and come right back to my room at the clubhouse. I’ve hung out in the main room as little as possible. I’ll have to suck it up and deal with it tonight for our weekly club party. Even if the cartel is in town, it won’t stop us from having a little fun.

  I walk into the clubhouse wanting to go straight to my room to shower. I’m covered in grease from the last car I was working on. I glance up and Cali is sitting at the bar, a smile lighting up her face as she laughs. I want nothing more than to talk to her right now, to make her laugh some more, but I told her I would give her time and that’s what I’m going to do.

  “Hey, Buster.” Her sweet voice stops me in my tracks. I can’t say I ever expected her to call me by that name.

  “Hey,” I respond.

  “You’re more broody than normal.” Lolita points out. “What’s up?”

  “I had a long day,” I tell her.

  “Mmm, that’s not it. You’ve been like this for a couple of days,” she keeps at it.

  My eyes go from her to Cali. I turn and walk to my room. Seeing Cali sitting at the bar was pretty unexpected. It’s nice to see she’s getting along with the girls. I hate that her bakery has to be closed for the time being, but I hope she takes advantage of the time off. She mentioned the bakery was her life and she didn’t do much outside of work, so this will be some much needed time off I’m sure.

/>   I hop in the shower, taking a little more time than I normally would, to let the water hit my back. This has been one hell of a week. Savage Repairs has been busier this week than normal. Which has been nice to help keep my mind off of things, but some of the cars we have gotten have been real pieces of shit. Things that should have been easy fixes have taken twice as long if not longer to fix. It’s like anything that can go wrong, has gone wrong.

  After I finish my shower, I dry off and get dressed. My same old jeans, black tee, and cut. I put on my Hooey hat and check my phone before sliding it into my pocket and head out to the main room. As soon as I walk in, my eyes go to the bar. Lolita is still there but Cali is gone. I scan the room to see who else is here. Sketch and Rascal are playing pool, so I head over to them.

  “What’s up, brother,” Sketch asks.

  “Have either of you seen Cali around?”

  “She went back to the house not long after you got here,” he tells me. I nod. I would bet I scared her off.

  “Are we playing doubles?” Hollywood walks over with a big grin.

  “I don’t see why not,” Sketch says, looking to Rascal who shrugs, then to me.

  “I’m down,” I tell them. Once Rascal and Sketch finish the game they had going, we start our game with teams. Any time I’m not taking a shot, I’m facing either the door or the bar.

  “You’re watching to see if she comes back,” Sketch says. He didn’t ask which is a bit presumptuous for him.

  “Yeah.” There’s no use in lying. “I told her I’d give her time so I haven’t even talked to her since that night.”

  “Minx told Raze that Cali and Emma are both coming over for the club party tonight. Grow some balls and talk to her.”

  “Like it’s that fucking easy. Maybe she fucking hates me now.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I realize it makes me sound like a bitch. As expected, Sketch laughs.


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