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Accelerate Page 33

by Kay Marie

  “Don’t know. She hadn’t gotten any texts or calls while we were talking,” he says. “So unless he texted or called her after I left, I have no idea. What about Sienna? What’s with you two?”

  “Nothing, yet,” I tell him and laugh. “I might let her suck my dick if she asks nice.”

  “Ha! What the fuck ever, bro.” He chuckles. “I saw the way you were watching her. You got pissed when she flirted with Buzz.”

  “Fuck that shit. What are we going to do about this douchebag Wren is dating?” I change the subject. I’m not about to admit any feelings when it comes to Sienna. Forget about the fact I wanted to punch Buzz’s face when he said something about Sienna bending over the pool table. I wanted to mark her ass up for doing that shit, too. Something tells me she would really enjoy being spanked.

  “Let her and Sienna go on their double date,” he says. “I don’t think Sienna likes him either. We can see what she says then go from there.”

  We get to our hotel at five in the afternoon. When we get settled in our room, I call Mouse.

  “What’s up?” he answers on the second ring.

  “Are you at the clubhouse?”

  “No, I’m up at Minx’s house,” he replies.

  “Is Sienna around,” I ask him.

  “Yup, she’s sitting right here.”

  “Give her my phone number and tell her to text me,” I tell him.

  “Hey, Sienna, Shade wants you to text him,” Mouse says to her.

  “I’m not texting him,” she responds.

  “She . . .”

  “Put her on the phone,” I growl out, interrupting him. Sienna argues with Mouse before she comes on the line.

  “What?” she sasses.

  “Keep up the attitude and I’ll make sure to turn that ass red when I get back.”

  “Oh, I’m so scared,” she mocks. “What do you want?”

  You, naked in my bed.

  “I need you to text me and let me know what Wren’s boyfriend is like,” I tell her. “She’s kept him from me for six months. I need to know if I should be worried or not.”

  “Fine,” she sighs. “Only because I’m not sure about this guy either.”

  “Thank you, Sienna.”

  “Mhm,” she says. “What’s your number?”

  I rattle off my number and get a text not long after.

  “I sent you a text so you have my number. I’ll text you after our date to tell you about him,” Sienna tells me.

  “I’ll talk to you then,” I say. The line goes silent, so I glance at my phone and smirk. That brat hung up on me. I save her number, setting her name as Whiskey. I send her a text.

  To Whiskey: Add that to the list.

  She responds right away.

  From Whiskey: What list?

  To Whiskey: Reasons I’m gonna spank that ass.

  From Whiskey: *eye roll emoji*

  From Whiskey: I have a date to go on. Leave me alone.

  I keep forgetting that she’s not just meeting Wren’s boyfriend tonight. She has a date. With a guy that isn’t me. The thought alone pisses me off. A knock at the door pulls me out of my thoughts. I open the door to Rascal.

  “Ready to go grab some food?”

  “Yeah, let’s go,” I reply. I grab the room key and head out the door. She’s out on a date so I may as well have some fun tonight too.

  Chapter Six


  I saved Shade’s number in my phone as Mystery Man on the off chance Wren might look at my phone. I don’t want her seeing her brother’s name pop up on my phone. Never mind the fact he keeps threatening to spank me. A chill goes down my back causing me to shiver. I try to push those thoughts out of my head. I don’t need to be having freaky thoughts about one guy while on a date with another. We’re on our way to meet Zack and his friend at Prime Grill and Seafood. It’s an upscale restaurant— one that I’ve never been to because I can’t afford it.

  “Zack likes taking me to nice restaurants,” Wren tells me.

  “Do you like going to them?”

  She shrugs. “Sometimes it’s alright. I don’t know. I just like spending time with him,” she explains. She’s quiet the rest of the drive. We walk into the restaurant and Wren’s eyes scan the room. Her eyes land on someone at the bar and a smile spreads across her face.

  “Come on. They’re sitting at the bar.” She grabs my arm, dragging me toward Zack and his friend. The two guys we walk up to are not what I was expecting. They look like frat boys. Compared to Sketch and Shade, they look scrawny.

  “Sienna, this is Zack.” He’s tall, but not as tall as Sketch— short blonde hair, clean-shaven, no tattoos— completely opposite from Sketch. “Zack, this is my best friend, Sienna.”

  “Nice to finally meet you,” Zack says. He hooks his thumb over his shoulder. “This is my buddy, TJ.”

  “Hello, princessa,” TJ says to me with a slight Hispanic accent. His hair is shorter on the sides and longer on top. He takes my hand, kissing the top of it. Out of the corner of my eye, Wren is cheesing so big.

  “Why don’t we get a table,” Zack suggests.

  “Great idea,” TJ agrees. Wren links her arm in Zack’s and they lead the way.

  “After you,” TJ says to me. I follow Wren and Zack while TJ follows me. Zack and TJ pull the chairs out for Wren and me. And they say chivalry is dead.

  “Thank you,” I tell TJ as I sit. It doesn’t take long for our waitress to come to our table.

  “Good evening, Zack.” Her eyes are filled with lust. Wren is looking at the menu so she doesn’t see this bitch ogling her man. She called him by his first name. He must come here a lot, but she doesn’t address Wren or even glance her way. Red flag. “Would you like your usual?”

  “Not tonight. Water for the lady and me.” He doesn’t bother looking at her when talking to her. She turns to TJ and I, her smile more forced.

  “And for you?”

  “I’ll take an unsweet tea, please,” I answer.

  TJ grins at me. “I’ll have a sweet tea.”

  I feign disgust and get a light chuckle from him, causing me to smile. Zack is whispering in Wren’s ear. Whatever he’s saying to her has her blushing. Her entire face is pink.

  “So, Sienna, tell me about yourself,” TJ says. “What do you like to do for fun?”

  “Fun? What’s that?” I chuckle. “I’ve worked my ass off for the past four years. I’ve barely had any time for fun.”

  “Where do you work,” he asks.

  “Past tense. I worked at Bluez Lounge for the last couple of years,” I explain. “Friday was my last night working. I’m taking some much needed time off and am looking for a new job.”

  “Have you gotten a degree?

  “I’ve thought about it, but I don’t think that’s the route for me,” I tell him. Me and school go together like oil and water. I’m more of a hands-on learner.

  “Schooling makes a woman more desirable,” Zack adds. TJ shoots him a glare and Zack shrugs.

  “Ignore him,” TJ whispers. “He can be somewhat of an asshole.”

  “Nothing I’m not used to,” I admit. “You meet all walks of life when working at a bar.”

  “I can only imagine. I bet you have all kinds of stories you could tell,” he says.

  “Oh, you have no idea,” I reply. As if on cue, thoughts of Saturday with Shade come flooding back. I may not have been on the clock when it happened, but it’s the best memory I have of that place. The waitress brings our drinks and takes our order. Zack orders himself a steak and Wren a salad.

  “Wren, you’re seriously getting a salad?” I gape at her. She’s never been someone who watches what she eats, nor does she need to be.

  “Yes, she’s having a salad. It’s good for her,” Zack answers for her. Another red flag. I don’t respond to him, not wanting to cause problems between them. I order a steak for myself and TJ orders some seafood. TJ and I fall into quiet conversation, neither of us wanting Zack to butt in again.

  “What do you do? Did you go to college,” I ask TJ.

  “I did go to college. I went to Brown University. I graduated last year and am now working for my family’s business,” he explains to me.

  “That’s awesome. I’m not close with my family,” I admit.

  “Why not?”

  “Some disagreements when I was younger caused them to disown me,” I tell him. It’s not the full truth but I’m not telling a complete stranger stuff that deep. I’m not that much of an open book. I’ve never told Wren and she’s my best friend.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that.”

  “It happens. It was years ago and I’ve let it go.” For the most part, I really have. What happened did affect my relationships and friendships. Wren isn’t just my best friend. She’s the only true friend I’ve had since I left home— until now anyway. I can actually see myself being friends with Minx and the girls.

  Our conversation throughout dinner is small talk. I’m usually a better conversationalist but my mind keeps drifting back to Shade. Don’t get me wrong, TJ is good looking, but I don’t feel any kind of connection with him. Shade and I had mind-blowing sex, but every time I’ve been around him since, I get fucking butterflies or some shit. I want to get to know him but he’s my best friend’s brother. I don’t want things to get weird between any of us, so he’ll always be just a one night stand. Not to mention, I haven’t let a guy close to me since high school, and that didn’t end well.

  My phone buzzes in my purse. I ignore it. When we’re finished eating, the waitress comes back to our table.

  “Did anyone save room for dessert?” She’s looking at Zack like she wants to have him for dessert.

  “Not tonight, thank you,” Zack answers for all of us. The girl’s face falls and I scoff.

  “Is there a problem, Sienna?” Zack glares at me. The waitress sets the check down and scurries off.

  “No problem at all.” I hold his stare. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch TJ put money in the book and set it back down.

  “Zack.” TJ tries to get his attention. Zack doesn’t break our stare. I smirk. This asshole thinks he can intimidate me. I don’t scare easily. “Zack,” TJ says sterner. This time Zack breaks eye contact. I turn to Wren. Her face is bright red.

  “I think it’s time for us to leave,” I state.

  “I wish you wouldn’t,” TJ says. “I’d like to spend more time with you and get to know you more.”

  “I’ve had a good time, but I really think it’s time for us to go,” I tell him.

  “You can leave whenever you’re ready. Wren will be staying with me,” Zack deadpans.

  “Like hell she is. She came with me, she’ll leave with me.”

  “Sienna, it’s okay. Zack can bring me home later.” Wren tries to ease the tension.

  “Please do not make me call Shade,” I whisper to her. She gapes at me.

  “Who is Shade,” Zack asks, trying to mask his anger. I see right through him.

  “My brother,” she turns to face him.

  “You mean the criminal whose part of that gang,” he spits out.

  “It’s not a fucking gang,” I seethe. TJ places a hand on my arm, telling me to back down, which I won’t. I may have just met Shade and the brothers, but they have treated me with more respect than this needle dick has in his pinky. Wren is timid and doesn’t like confrontation, so I understand why she won’t speak up. I’ll be a big enough bitch for both of us.

  “Right.” Zack has a trace of humor in his eyes. I dig my nails into my palm trying to control the urge to grab my steak knife and cut this motherfucker.

  “Let’s go outside,” TJ suggests. “I think we all could use some fresh air.”

  We all stand from the table. Wren walks to my side and links arms with me. We walk outside together.

  “I’m sorry,” Wren whispers.

  “What the hell do you have to be sorry about?”

  “The whole night. I should have stood up for my brother,” she sighs.

  “Oh, girl.” Once outside, she walks over to Zack, wrapping her arms around his waist. I pull my phone out. There’s a text from Shade.

  Mystery Man: How’s the date going?

  TJ walks over and I turn the screen off, dropping it back into my purse.

  “I’m sorry for the way Zack acted toward you,” he says.

  “You have no reason to be sorry,” I tell him. “You can’t control his behavior.”

  “True, but still. I hope you don’t hold it against me. I’d like to see you again,” he admits. Shit, how am I supposed to respond to that? Sorry but I’m hung up on a one night stand who happens to be my best friend’s brother? I don’t think that would go over well.

  “I’m sure we could figure something out.” I give him a small smile. While Wren is saying goodbye to Zack, I give TJ my phone number against my better judgment. If he calls, I can just tell him I’m busy. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

  “Thank you again for dinner, TJ,” I say. Wren and I go on our way.

  “I’ll call you later,” he promises as we’re walking away. We head back to our apartment to binge-watch Netflix.

  Chapter Seven


  I texted Sienna, thinking her and Wren would be done with their date by now. I was wrong. The guys and I are sitting at a bar in Denver. We’re hanging out and drinking beer. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out thinking it’s Sienna responding. Wrong again. It’s Ace.

  From Ace: Hey, brother. Found out more details about the circuit. Can you meet up?

  To Ace: We’re at Tilted Tap. Come on by.

  From Ace: Be there in 15.

  “Yo, Ace is on his way here,” I tell Diesel.

  “Who’s that,” Sketch asks.

  “A buddy we met in Arizona. He and some guys came out to Tucson to race a few times and we’ve all stayed in touch,” I explain. “Any time any of us are in town, we hit them up and vice versa.”

  “Would they be down to join the Savages,” Rascal asks. “Raze said Bull wants to expand the Menaces and Riders.”

  “I’d have to talk to Ace but it’s a possibility,” I reply. My phone buzzes again. This time, it is Sienna.

  From Whiskey: Just got home.

  To Whiskey: You gonna tell me what he was like?

  Wait, she said home.

  To Whiskey: Home as in Minx’s house, right?

  From Whiskey: You would love him. We’re at our apartment.

  Knowing the mouth she has on her, I’m not sure if she's serious or fucking with me.

  To Whiskey: You’re fucking with me.

  From Whiskey: Busted.

  “What the fuck has you smiling like a bitch,” Diesel questions.

  “None of your business, asshole,” I respond.

  From Whiskey: In all honesty, he and his friend are both Ivy league, pretty boys. He was a huge douche canoe toward me, but he treated Wren well.

  From Whiskey: She’s too good for him.

  The thought of someone disrespecting Sienna causes anger to bubble up. I’m happy to hear he treated Wren well, though. The day that changes, I will find out who he is, hunt him down and fuck his world up.

  “My man,” Ace shouts, smacking my back. I turn to face him.

  “How’s it going?”

  “It’s going pretty damn good. Some bitch got you pussy whipped?” He nudges his head toward my phone.

  “Hell fucking no. I was checking on how my sister’s fucking date went tonight,” I tell him. I catch Sketch’s face drop out of the corner of my eye.

  “Right,” he draws out. I introduce him to Rascal and Sketch, then he moves to talk to Diesel, and Nitro walks up.

  “Hey! Long time, no see,” I say to him.

  “I’m finally back for good,” he tells me. Last time I saw Nitro, he was in the Marines on leave, counting down the days until he would be out for good.

  To Whiskey: An Ivy league guy, huh? Is that the type of guy you normally go f

  From Whiskey: Oh yeah, that’s exactly what I want. My dream is to be some Ivy League guy’s trophy wife.

  To Whiskey: Keep throwing that sass at me and when I get back, I’ll make it so you can’t sit for a week without feeling my handprint on that sexy ass.

  From Whiskey: What makes you think I want you anywhere near my ass when you come back?

  If any other chick threw this much sass at me, I’d be done with them in a heartbeat. Sienna giving me sass makes my dick hard as steel. Forget the part where kissing her is like a shot of whiskey. That shit goes straight to my head. Being in her presence and even texting her, puts me in a whiskey haze and being away from her gives me a hungover feeling.

  To Whiskey: Keep it up. I’ll have you begging for it before too long.

  She doesn’t respond to my last text so I put my phone away.

  “Ace mentioned you were getting in on this underground circuit,” Nitro says.

  “Yeah, I am. I grew up hearing about them around here. I feel honored to be invited to race in it,” I admit. Ace and Diesel come over to us and we all discuss the circuit. After a couple of hours, Diesel, Sketch, Rascal, and I head back to our hotel. Tomorrow afternoon, we’re meeting with Blaze.

  The next day, we’re chilling in our rooms, waiting to go meet with Blaze. I want to text Sienna but choose to reach out to my sister.

  To Wren: Hey, sis. Wanted to let you know I’ll be racing in the circuit tonight.

  “Did Sienna ever tell you about how their double date went,” Sketch asks.

  “She said Wren’s man was a douche toward her but was good to Wren,” I tell him. His face shifts, but he turns away before I can read him. Something is going on with him. Thirty minutes pass before I get a response from Wren.

  From Wren: That’s awesome to hear. You’ve been dreaming of that for years now.

  From Wren: Good luck and be safe.

  To Wren: Always. Are you doing alright?

  Dots pop up, letting me know she’s responding, then disappear. For a second, I don’t think she’s going to respond.

  From Wren: Yeah, all good here.

  That doesn’t sound like Wren, I think to myself.


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