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Accelerate Page 38

by Kay Marie

  “First Minx, then me. Now you,” Buster laughs. I glare at him as he follows Cali to their room.

  “Asshole,” I mutter. Sienna starts to stir. She stretches an arm out, sticking it right by my face. I kiss her hand and she yanks it back, sitting up quickly.

  “Holy shit, Shade,” she says with a hand on her chest.

  I let out a light chuckle. “Forget where you were?”

  “Yeah, I did,” she admits. “I should probably head home.”

  “Why don’t you stay here? You can crash in my room. I’ll sleep here,” I tell her. She pauses like she’s considering it.

  “You don’t have to sleep on the couch,” she says.

  “No?” She shakes her head. “Where should I sleep then?”

  “With me,” she says, then quickly adds. “But just sleep.”

  I smirk. “Can we at least snuggle?”

  “I think that would be okay,” she says with a smile. I turn the TV off and stand from the couch. I hold my hand out to her and she grabs it without hesitation.

  “Can I borrow a t-shirt to sleep in,” Sienna asks as we walk into my room. I close the door behind us.

  “Sure.” Walking to my closet, I grab one of my Savage Riders shirts. She pulls her shirt over her head, folds it and sets it on my dresser before slipping into my shirt. She does some kind of female magic and pulls her bra out from under the shirt.

  “Taking your clothes off in front of me is gonna make it hard to just sleep,” I tease her.

  “Oh, I’ll make it hard alright,” she says with sleep in her voice. She freezes when she realizes what she said and shakes her head as if she’s scolding herself. I grin, trying not to laugh. She shimmies out of her pants. My shirt falls just above her knees and she looks fucking adorable. I grab a pair of sweats and head into the bathroom to change.

  When I walk out of the bathroom, she’s made herself comfortable in my bed and is scrolling through Netflix.

  “Are you comfy enough?” I tease.

  “Yup,” she says. Her eyes are still on the TV. She turns to face me and pauses. I watch as her eyes travel slowly down my body and back up to my face.

  “Don’t go getting any ideas in that pretty little head of yours.” I wink at her. She rolls her eyes and goes back to scrolling through Netflix. I climb into bed next to her and grab the remote. Turning on a comedy and turning the volume down a bit, I pull Sienna into my side so she’s lying on my chest again.

  “Can I ask you something?” she says on a yawn.

  “Sure,” I say as I slide my hand up her shirt and lightly rub my fingers across her back.

  “Did you call me whiskey earlier,” she asks. Shit. She wasn’t meant to hear that.

  “Yeah, I did,” I admit. There’s no point trying to hide it.


  “Because the color of your eyes reminds me of it and when we first kissed, you tasted like it,” I tell her truthfully. It’s only part of it, but it’s all she needs to know right now. I feel her smile against my chest.

  “I like that,” she whispers.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’ll be alright,” she replies.

  “I didn’t ask that. I asked how you’re feeling right now,” I say.

  She lets out a heavy sigh before responding. “My heart hurts because for the first time since I’ve known her, my best friend is so mad at me she doesn’t want to talk to me,” she admits.

  I kiss the top of her head. “It’ll be okay. She and I have had our fair share of fights. She’s not one to hold grudges. Just give her a day or two to cool off. She might surprise you and reach out to you first,” I tell her. She snuggles into me and yawns again. “Get some sleep, Whiskey.”

  I feel her smile again. I rub her back until I know she’s asleep, then close my eyes and let sleep take me too.

  Three days go by and neither of us has heard from Wren. We’ve both tried calling and texting her with no response. I don’t have a good feeling about this, so I plan to talk to Tech and see what he can dig up. Sienna has been spending some time with Cali and the others while I work during the day. She has stayed the night with me every night since dinner Monday night.

  It’s been a real shit day at work and I’m ready to get home to my girl. First, I need to talk to Tech. I walk into the clubhouse and damn near collide with Coco.

  “Sorry,” she says as she glances up at me. “Oh, hey Shade!”

  She snakes her hands up my chest and around my neck. At that very moment, Sienna and Cali come walking out of the kitchen. Cali crosses her arms over her chest, disappointment written on her face. Sienna is not as easy to read. I yank Coco’s hands off of me and walk away from her. Cali is shooting her daggers while Sienna’s eyes are locked on mine.

  “I’ll be here when you get tired of your little plaything,” Coco calls from behind me. The look in Sienna’s eyes turns deadly. I shake my head at Sienna, silently telling her not to respond. Something shifts and Sienna gives me a mischievous grin.

  “Coco! Quit trying to stir shit up or you’ll find yourself kicked out of my clubhouse!” Bull booms from the couch. Sienna and Cali both tense up at the sound of his voice. He doesn’t generally hang out in the main room, so none of us expected to hear him chastise her.

  “Sorry, Prez,” she whines.

  “Aren’t the two of you supposed to be at the house,” I ask Sienna.

  “We needed some things for dinner tonight,” she replies, holding up her bag.

  “I need to talk with Tech, then I’ll be home,” I tell her. I delve my hand into her hair before bringing my lips to hers. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, she gasps and I deepen the kiss. I pull away and rest my forehead against hers. “I’ve been looking forward to that all day.”

  “Rough day,” she asks.

  “Something like that,” I reply. She brings her hand to my cheek. I close my eyes and breathe her in. Something about her grounds me. Every shitty thing that happened today dissolves away.

  “Go. Talk with Tech and hurry home. We’ll have dinner and then I’ll do what I can to make your day better,” she whispers to me. I give her a quick kiss and go find Tech.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I come to Tech’s door and knock twice. There are some shuffling sounds before he opens the door. When he registers it’s me, he opens the door further and gestures for me to come in. He sits at his desk but faces me.

  “What can I do for you,” he asks.

  “I need information on my sister’s boyfriend,” I tell him. “Problem is, I only know his first name.”

  “Not a problem. Give me his name and Wren’s cell phone number. I can hack her phone, get his phone number and go from there,” he explains. I write down his name and her phone number and hand it to Tech.

  “If you need anything else, let me know.”

  “Will do. It shouldn’t take me long to get information on this guy. I’ll hit you up when I’m done,” he says.

  “Thanks, brother.” We fist bump. I walk out of his room at the same time a woman walks into Bull’s office. She’s not dressed like a cut bunny but she’s dressed up like she’s trying to impress him. I chuckle to myself. The old man still has game. I walk out to my car and make my way home. What should only be a fifteen or twenty-minute drive turns into a forty-five-minute drive— fucking rush hour.

  I walk into the house and I’m instantly assaulted with the smell of apple pie. Chris Young’s Neon is playing pretty loud, making me think they didn’t hear me walk in. As I walk closer to the kitchen, I hear Sienna singing along to the song. I know it’s not Cali because I’ve heard her sing and it wasn’t this good. Nothing against Cali, I love her like a sister, but she doesn’t have this beautiful of a voice.

  I stand in the doorway watching Sienna. She has her back to me while she’s at the stove cooking. Cali isn’t too far from her, preparing a salad. Whatever Sienna is cooking smells amazing. She turns around and freezes when she sees me.
/>   “How long have you been standing there?” she chuckles.

  “Not long,” I reply, walking over to her. She slides her hands up my chest and around my neck, interlocking her fingers. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into me, needing her as close as possible. “Dinner smells amazing.”

  “It’ll be ready soon,” she tells me.

  “Is Buster here,” I ask Cali.

  “Yeah, he went to take a shower,” she says.

  “I should probably do that too,” I tell Sienna.

  “Go ahead, you have plenty of time.” She gives me a quick kiss and moves her hands down my chest. I readjust my hold on her to let her know I’m not ready to let her go yet. She wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head on my chest, letting me hold her. I inhale her sweet, earthy scent. The stress of the day melts away. I give her a squeeze and let her go.

  “I’ll be back after a bit,” I tell her.

  “Let me know if you need anything,” she says. I nod and head to my room. Hunger and the urge to get back to Sienna have me in and out of the shower as quick as possible. I throw some sweats and a t-shirt on and head back to the kitchen. When I walk in, Buster is sitting at the table. He lifts his head in greeting.

  “Do you ladies need help with anything,” I ask them.

  “Nope, we got it.” Sienna smiles at me. “Just sit and make yourself comfy.”

  The table is already set with plates, silverware, and condiments. Cali brings a big bowl of salad and a dish of asparagus to the table while Sienna brings a plate with four juicy steaks and a plate of baked potatoes. They shuffle around the kitchen for a couple of minutes before coming back to the table with drinks in hand.

  “Here you go,” Sienna says. She hands me a beer as she sits.

  “Dig in,” Cali tells Buster and me.

  “This all looks fantastic,” Buster says as he takes a steak and passes it.

  “Hell yeah, it does,” I agree.

  “Sienna did the majority of the cooking. I just prepped the salad,” Cali admits with a shrug.

  “And it’s a damn good salad,” Sienna teases her, both of them giggling. There’s light chit-chat while we eat.

  “Cali, has Wren reached out to you at all,” I ask her.

  She shakes her head. “No, and she’s not scheduled to work until next week,” she says. “I’m sorry.”

  “There’s nothing you need to apologize for,” I tell her. Conversation is pretty light the rest of dinner.

  “So, when do y’all find out what you’re having,” Sienna asks Cali.

  Cali’s face lights up. “We’re going to do a gender reveal baby shower in June. Emma and Minx are planning it,” Cali explains.

  “I’ll have to see if they need any help.” Sienna smiles. It’s good to see her smiling. I know she’s still upset with everything that happened Monday with Wren, but I’m glad she’s been spending time with Cali. It’s been good for her. I just hope we can get Wren to talk to us soon. I’m worried about her.

  “I’m sure they would love for you to help them,” Cali tells Sienna.

  When we all finish eating, Buster offers to clean up. Sienna and I go to my room so we can have some alone time.

  “Do you want to talk about your day,” Sienna asks as I close the door.

  “I dealt with one asshole after another all day on top of worrying about Wren. My patience ran thin really quick,” I explain to her.

  “Oh, Shade,” she coos. “Take your shirt off and come lay on the bed.”

  “Are you gonna take advantage of me?” I tease her. She walks to my dresser where her purse is and pulls a bottle of something out of it.

  “I’m going to give you a massage,” she tells me, holding up the bottle of massage oil. It has lavender, citrus, and chamomile in it. I do what she says and take my shirt off and lay on the bed on my stomach. The end of the bed dips slightly as she climbs up the bed and sits on my ass, straddling my body. She pours oil onto my back and before I know it, her hands are on me. Pressing into my muscles and spreading the oil around. Her soft hands roaming my body cause everything else to fade away. The longer her hands are on me, the harder my dick gets.

  “Fuck,” I moan. After what feels like hours later, I flip over so she’s now straddling my front. I delve my hand into her hair, pulling her face down to mine, kissing her. She grinds herself against my hard cock, moaning into my mouth. I let go of her hair only to flip her over so she’s the one on her back.

  Chapter Twenty


  His massage lasted thirty minutes before he stopped me and flipped over. Feeling his hard cock as I straddle him turns me on. So when he grabs my hair and pulls me in to kiss me, I can’t help but grind against it. Which is something I knew would make things progress. He flips me over and pins my hands above my head.

  “I’m ready for my dessert,” he tells me. He kisses my jawline just below my ear and trails kisses down my neck. He lifts my shirt, kissing down my stomach to the edge of my pants. “These gotta go.”

  He pulls my yoga pants and panties down simultaneously, tossing them to the floor. Wasting no time at all, his mouth is on my clit within seconds. I moan and can’t help bucking my hips. He drapes his arm over my hips to hold me still. With his other hand, he grabs my thigh, lifting my leg over his shoulder. He slides a finger in my cunt while sucking on my clit. I move my hand to his head, grabbing a fistful of hair while gripping the sheets with my other hand.

  Releasing my clit, he does a come hither movement with his finger that has me wanting to grind myself against his hand.

  “Uh-uh, sweet Whiskey. Stay still,” he says, sliding his finger out and putting just a hair more pressure on my hips. I whine at the emptiness, making him chuckle. “You want more?”

  “Yes, Shade,” I moan. “Please!”

  “Are you begging,” he asks, teasing my pussy with his fingers.

  “Shade, please,” I draw out. This time, he slips two fingers in. I fight the urge to arch my back. His mouth is back on my clit, his tongue massaging it. He’s moving torturously slow but hitting all the right spots that have my release building. He pulls his face away and looks at me.

  “Let go for me, Whiskey.” He keeps his eyes on mine while he sucks on my clit, picking up the pace with his fingers. My walls contract around his fingers. I slap my hand over my mouth, stopping myself from screaming out as I hit my peak. Shade replaces his fingers with his tongue. My legs tremble as he licks up every bit of my release.

  “Fuck, babe.” He licks my pussy one last time. “I could eat your sweet cunt till I fuckin’ die.”

  He moves up the bed so he’s lying next to me. I reach over, grabbing his cock through his sweats, earning a moan.

  “Your turn.” I grin, pulling his pants and boxer briefs down.

  “Not your mouth,” he says, stopping me. “I need inside you.”

  I pull my shirt off and remove my bra, tossing them to the floor at the same time he tosses his pants. He reaches for the nightstand, grabbing a condom. I take it from him, ripping the foil and sliding it on his dick. I straddle him on my knees, lining him up with my entrance. I lower myself onto him, letting him fill me up to the hilt.

  “Sienna,” he moans. Delving his hand into my hair, he pulls my face down to his, kissing me roughly. I slowly move my hips, trying to torture him as he did to me. He breaks the kiss, leaving his hand in my hair. “Ride me, babe. I want you to cum all over my cock.”

  His words go straight to my core. I sit up and his hands drop to my hips, gripping them as I bounce up and down on his dick, not only trying to build my release but his too. I switch it up and move my hips in a circular motion. He moves his hands up my body, cupping my breasts. Sitting up, he wraps one arm around my waist. I grind myself against him while he bites down on my nipple.

  “Ahhh,” I moan, throwing my head back, my release building a lot quicker this time. He sucks hard on my tit, just above my nipple, it’s sure to leave a hickey. He slams his mouth ont
o mine, kissing me as I move my hips quicker and quicker trying to take myself over the edge with his cock deep inside me. I moan into the kiss as I cum all over his dick.

  Quickly, he flips me onto my back and starts thrusting into me hard. I wrap my legs around his hips, letting him go deeper. He buries his face in my neck and I wrap my arms around his shoulders, digging my nails into his back.

  “It’s your turn to cum for me, River,” I whisper in his ear. Two more thrusts and he’s growling out his release. He doesn’t make a move to get off me. Holding himself up on his elbows so he doesn’t put all his weight on me, he kisses up my neck.

  “I’ll never get enough of you,” he says in my ear. I run my fingers through his hair. More of the wall around my heart chips away. He lifts his head and kisses my nose before moving off me and off the bed. “Be right back.”

  He goes into the bathroom for a couple of minutes and when he comes out, I have his t-shirt on and am under the blankets. He slips back into his sweats without putting his boxer briefs back on. I bite my lip and he grins at me as he climbs into bed.

  “Easier access for a late-night session,” he explains. He rubs his hand up my thigh.

  “Great minds think alike,” I say when he realizes I didn’t put panties back on. I snuggle into his side, resting my head on his chest. He kisses the top of my head and I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  It’s been almost two weeks and we still haven’t heard from Wren. I’ve been hanging out at A Novel Bunch all morning. I now know what all the hype is about. It’s a cozy place with delicious food and coffee. Cali really knows what she’s doing. All of the employees I’ve met so far have been so friendly. I’m drinking an iced coffee and people watching when my phone vibrates on the table. Wren’s name flashes across the screen, so I pick it up.

  From Wren: Meet me at the Starbucks in the mall in 20 minutes.


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