Makin’ the Cut

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Makin’ the Cut Page 18

by Rennie Rivera

  “Savannah, no one believed for one minute that those lies were true. You can’t let fear dictate your future. Walk in with your head held high and show them that you aren’t bothered by Lindsey. Come on, I have something I want to show you anyways. Plus, I’m sure Izzy would love to see you. She was really worried.”

  “Okay, I’ll go in. But I’m telling you, you’re wrong. They were whispering and pointing last night. They definitely believed Lindsey.”

  “I can assure you Lindsey won’t be showing her face here or at any other fashion show again. The judges made sure to let the agency know, and she was fired along with now having a black mark on her resume.”

  We get out and walk into the hotel and are headed for the elevator when we’re approached by someone who looks familiar.

  “Savy, I’m so glad to see you’re back. I was worried I wouldn’t have any real competition if you dropped out. I’m Olivia, by the way,” the woman says.

  “Oh. Hi. Um, I’m not returning for the competition. I won’t have enough time to remake the ruined outfits. Maybe the next competition that comes around. Thank you, though.”

  “What? What do you mean? I heard you were working all night and day to get them redone in time for tomorrow’s first round show,” Olivia states.

  I’m so confused right now. I look at her and then at Lukah, who looks like he’s up to something.

  “Baby, what’s she talking about?” I ask him.

  “I think it may be better if I show you. Come on. Let’s head upstairs. Olivia, you’re welcome to join us,” he says with a shaky voice.

  We get in the waiting elevator and head upstairs. I wonder what’s got him so nervous?

  Olivia smiles. “So what inspired you to become a designer?”

  “To be honest, my mom. She always told me I could be whatever I wanted to be if I worked hard and gave it my all. I used to take the seams out of my Barbie clothes and pin them in a different style. Momma decided to go out and get me some fabric for me to just make my own outfits without destroying the store-bought ones,” I reply.

  “That’s interesting. Did you start out by sewing by hand or always use a sewing machine?” She asks.

  “Oh, I sewed by hand until I was ten. Then Momma wanted to see what I could create with the sewing machine. But I always do all the details by hand still. A machine can never get it just right. How about you?”

  “Oh, I started sketching at seven and started sewing at twelve. Ten is an impressive age to use a sewing machine. My mom used to insist on assisting every time I attempted to use it because she was afraid I’d sew my fingers together.” She laughed.

  We all chuckle at that as the doors chime alerting us we have reached our floor.

  “Babe, this isn’t the right floor.” I look up at Lukah.

  Lukah looks at me with smile and motions for us to follow him. Curiosity spiking, I step out of the elevator and follow him with Olivia close behind me. We approach a door and he swipes a key card and opens the door for me to enter first.

  I walk in and stop dead in my tracks just two feet inside the suite. I see Rhen and Fia working away at the sewing machines with fabric everywhere and my sketches, the ones I thought were destroyed, hanging on the planning board I use as a reference while sewing my designs. In complete shock, I walk slowly to the work area and start examining things. These are great. Not perfect, but they’re amazing. I turn back towards where Lukah and Olivia stand.

  “What? How? It was all destroyed last night. Where did you get these?”

  “Girl, you have got to continue the show now. No excuses. I’m gonna head back to my room and get ready for last fittings, but I’ll see you tomorrow at the first-round show. Good luck.” Olivia waves goodbye to everyone as she leaves.

  Lukah comes up wrapping his arms around me. “We just did what we could to ensure you still had a fighting chance in this competition. You deserve to be here just as much as the rest, if not more. Fia had pictures of your designs that she took when you were finished sketching.”

  “Sure did. I’ll be damned if I let some toothpick little hoe come in here and take what’s rightfully yours. And I’m not only talking about the competition. Savy, you let her come in and own you.” Fia looks at me with tears in her eyes.

  “Fia, it was more than that. She destroyed everything. I was scared and hurt. So, I did what I thought was best and eliminated myself from it all, including Lukah. But believe, me I paid for that decision all night. I laid tossing and turning, regretting the fact that I ran. I regret the fact that I let some toothpick come in and get in my head,” I say.

  “Well I’m glad you suffered a little. Because so did Lukah. Lovebug, he loves you. Stop sitting around waiting for him to do what Gavin did. He isn’t Gavin. He’s better.” She says.

  “He’s the best.” I agree.

  “You’ve got to stop living in the past. Stop waiting for him to hurt you and just enjoy each other. Enjoy the here and now. This is your future, he’s your future. We all love you, so get the fuck over it and let’s show them what you’re made of,” Fia states.

  Rhen interrupts. “Well as much as I’m enjoying this little reality check, we have a lot of work to still do. So, what do you say, Savy? Ready for a cram session?”

  “Okay, he’s right, you’re all right. Let’s do it, let’s get to work. I can’t believe you guys did all of this for me. I’m so blessed and thankful. I love you guys.”

  I smile at Lukah and start barking commands on proper sewing to Rhen. Fia sits and laughs as we bicker back and forth over who’s right. Which of course, I am. These are my designs. I think I know them better than anyone.

  We continue to work through the night. We order room service and have Lukah run on coffee pickups. With the help of my amazing boyfriend and family, we’re sure to have the designs ready in time for the show tomorrow.

  Finally, at about three thirty a.m. I announce, “Done. That’s the last stitch, we’re all done. We did it. And it’s all thanks to you guys. I couldn’t ask for a better family than you. It’s not my best work, but I think it’s enough to at least finish in the top three. I hope.”

  Lukah walks over and kisses my cheek as he looks at our finished work. “Savy, these aren’t bad at all.”

  “They’re my designs yes, but this is all Sofia’s work,” I state.

  Sofia gets up and hugs me. “Savy, I refuse to let you walk away from this competition without at least trying. I just did what I could to help you by doing what you taught me. We love you and all just want to see you achieve your dream.”

  “I love you guys too. Great teamwork today, guys. Thank you for believing in me and thank you for all the hard work you put in. But let’s get some sleep, because tomorrow, or should I say today, is going to be a long busy day,” I say.

  Fia and I both stretch and yawn. Winking at Lukah, I say my goodnights to everyone and make my way to our new bedroom. This room is actually better than the last one we had. Deciding a hot shower is a good idea before crawling into bed, I grab my robe and head toward our ensuite bathroom. Standing under the water, I think of how it’s been a crazy twenty-four hours for sure.

  Shit, it’s been a rough and eventful couple of weeks. From getting my own apartment and graduating fashion school, to becoming a contestant in this competition. The highlight of it all is agreeing to go out with Lukah. Who knew that lunch would turn into this? But with everyone’s love and support, I’ve been able to power through. Completely lost in thought, I don’t hear the bathroom door open.

  “Can I join you?” Lukah says from behind me.

  About to jump out of my skin, I spin around. “Shit, where’d you come from? You scared the shit out of me. I didn’t even hear you come in.”

  He smirks. “Ha ha, I’m sorry, baby. I just heard the shower going and thought I’d join you. Didn’t mean to scare you. What are you thinking about?”

  “Of course you can join me, you never have to ask. I was just reflecting on the eventful couple of
weeks I’ve had. When we went to lunch that Saturday, did you see us ending up where we’re at now?” I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer. I crave him being close. I can’t ever get enough of him.

  “To be honest, no. I figured we’d have lunch and then maybe set a date for the near future. Take things slow. But once I was in your company, I wanted to stay. Do you regret us moving so fast?” He skims his hands up and down my spine.

  “No, not at all. I know I should be freaked out over how fast things progressed between us, but it feels so natural, feels right. I think that’s why I ran last night. I felt I should be more freaked out but I’m not in the least and that’s what freaks me out the most. Am I making any sense?”

  “Absolutely. I completely agree with you. Now, come on. Let’s finish up and get some sleep. And as much as I would love to make love to you, I’d much rather just hold you. We’ve got a big day tomorrow and I want you to get some rest,” He states.

  “I can totally get behind that. I missed being in your arms last night and sleeping wasn’t easy.”

  We get out, dry off, then I pull on a tank top and boy shorts so I can sleep comfortably before crawling into bed and snuggling up to Lukah. It’s kind of surreal how natural things feel between us. After Gavin, I never thought I’d heal. I never thought I’d find love again. Never thought I was truly worthy of love. But Lukah has shown me otherwise.

  It’s still hard to believe that this amazing man not only accepts me but loves me too. He believes in me.

  “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” he whispers.

  “Still reflecting. And realizing how thankful I am. Um, babe, where’s my fuzzy blanket? I need it to sleep.”

  “I know you do. It’s here. Let me grab it. I left it on the couch.” He gets out of bed.

  He returns, handing it to me and I snuggle it under my cheek. Fia calls it an obsession but really, it’s a security thing. I’ve always had to have that softness in order to sleep. Sometimes I tuck it under my cheek, other times I rub it between my fingers, but no matter what it has to be touching my skin.

  “Thank you, baby.” I exhale in relief to have it.

  “You’re very welcome. Now come here, let’s get some sleep.”

  Kissing his cheek, I snuggle back into his arms while pulling my blanket with me. He wraps his arms tightly around me, as though I’m his security blanket and we drift off to sleep.

  * * *

  The alarm sounds again and I groan at the thought of getting up, hitting snooze at least twice already. It feels like we just went to sleep. I’d love to lay in bed all day and only get up to eat or shower. But I know today won’t wait for me, so I jump up. Noticing Lukah is already up, I throw on my robe and head out to the living room. I can smell coffee coming from out there so they must have ordered room service.

  “Good morning, guys. What time did you get up, Lukah?” I inquire.

  “After you hit snooze the first time I decided to get up and order coffee and breakfast from that coffee place you love and have Graham pick it up. If you weren’t up in another ten minutes, I was coming in to wake you.” Lukah smiles.

  “Well I should’ve hit snooze again then.” I laugh.

  He just chuckles and hands me my coffee. I walk over to my designs and sigh with admiration.

  “These are really good, guys. I think the floral satin jumper is my favorite. Pairing it with the solid halter really makes the colors pop. The two-piece evening gown is definitely unique too. I think the judges will enjoy its elegant but playful look. But since Lindsey is gone, who’s the model for this one?” I ask.

  “Fia is. She had me take her measurements and then Rhen double-checked them. Let’s do the final fittings to be sure everything works well on the models. Hair and makeup will be meeting us downstairs in the dressing room in about two hours,” Lukah replies.

  “Good idea, babe. Fia, I’m so excited that you’re wearing the gown. I need to make a couple of adjustments to it first though. Can you go put it on so I can get a start on them? Rhen, will you call the other models to come for the final fittings? I’m going to run and get dressed really quick. Thank you.” I jog into the bedroom to get dressed.

  I hurry up and get dressed before throwing my hair into a messy bun and put on some eyeliner and mascara. So much to still do and only a couple hours to get it done. Now knowing Fia will wear the evening gown, I want to make sure it defines her rather than Lindsey. I brush my teeth and leave Lukah’s on the counter for him.

  “Baby doll, have you seen my belt?” Lukah asks from behind me.

  “Yeah, it’s on the chair by the bed. I put toothpaste on your toothbrush and left it on the counter for you. I’m going out to start the adjustments on Fia’s gown. I love you.” I kiss his cheek and dash out to the living room.

  Fia is waiting patiently for me. “Okay, bitch, work your magic.” Fia waves her hand at the dress.

  I grab the scissors and get to work as the other models arrive and put on their assigned outfits. I’m in the zone now, where I feel the most comfortable. Even if I don’t finish in the top three today, at least I’ll finish knowing I did my best with the time I had.



  “Fia, grab my sewing box. This way I have it if I need to make any adjustments once they’re fully dressed. The other two models are already in hair and makeup. So, let’s hurry up and get down there. I want to be there as soon as they’re done so that they can start getting dressed immediately.”

  “Sis, she’s downstairs with the models. I’ll grab what you need though,” Rhen replies.

  Grabbing the garment bags, I start to head towards the door, realizing I forgot to change my clothes.

  “Okay, thanks, Rhen. Shit, I need to change really quick. I don’t want the judges to see me in my comfies.”

  Lukah comes up behind me, putting his arms around me. “Baby doll, slow down. We’ve got time, your models aren’t in the chairs yet. They’re next in line. Stop. Take a breath.”

  “I’m already at a disadvantage. I need to finish in the top three to advance. I’m nervous because although these are good, they aren’t my best, so there’s a chance I may not advance. I just want to prove to everyone I belong here,” I state.

  “Baby girl, you’re worrying too much,” Momma says from behind me.

  I spin to find her standing in the doorway.

  “Momma, I’m so glad you’re here.” I run up and give her a hug. Hugging Momma soothes and calms me. She showed up at the perfect time.

  “Fia texted saying she was modeling for you and I couldn’t miss that. Plus, your backup personal assistant is here at your service,” Momma says.

  “Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m going to get dressed and then we can head down to set up.”

  Momma nods.

  I dash to change. Lukah comes in behind me, wrapping me in his arms. I stand for a moment just absorbing his positive energy. Finally calmed enough to think clearly, I kiss him and go about getting myself ready for the show.

  Walking back into the living room, I notice Momma and Rhen are gone. “Um, where’d everyone go?”

  Lukah smiles, holding out his hand for me to take. “They went on down to set up your station. Rhen has to get the music set for each of you designers. Now that you look fantastic, let’s head down. Your creations and models await.”

  Taking his offered hand, I follow him out and down to the ballroom where the show will take place. It’s not quite as big as I thought it’d be. But that’s probably because this is a closed show for only the designers in this round and the judges.

  Lukah will be the announcer for the event. I, along with my fellow competitors, prepared a que card for each creation. I hand Lukah my index cards and head backstage. Time for final touches and any minor adjustments needed. Curtain call’s in thirty minutes.

  Walking up to my station, I stop and slowly look around, taking it all in. I can’t believe it’s finally here. My chance
to share my creations with real judges and executives. I just need to get through today and finish in the top three, then I can truly shine in the next round. Because I refuse to let any more distractions interfere with my goals and dreams.

  Time to regain focus.

  “Hey Savy, what order do you want your models introduced in?” Izzy smiles as she approaches me.

  “Hey, Izzy. I’m going to go with Erica first, Joshua second, Sofia third. This way they present in order of how the outfits can be worn during a typical day. Can you give Rhen this? It’s my updated playlist. Which position do I hold to present in the show?”

  “The judges chose the order last night and have decided you’ll present last. And let me just say, I’m glad you’re back. If Lukah hadn’t stopped me, I was personally coming after you and bringing you back. Not just for Lukah either. You’re so talented and earned your spot here fair and square. Lindsey is just a spiteful little whore who has realized she’ll never amount to anything more than she is right now. Her face will wrinkle, her name is ruined, her body will age, but your brand will go on forever. She was jealous. Over you having not only Lukah, but also over your talent.”

  “Thank you, Izzy. That’s so sweet, and I appreciate your confidence in me. After what I went through with my ex, I told myself I wouldn’t let anyone hurt me like that ever again. But Lindsey found a way to hurt me even worse. I’ve never had anything handed to me, nor have I ever lost my self-respect to get anywhere in this world. I worked my ass off to get to where I am but the thought that others thought I slept my way to the top cut me so deeply. I do admit though, I was stupid to let some petty ass model attack me. I mean, she may just be so hungry that that’s why she’s angry.”

  We laughed at my wise crack.

  “Savannah, you’re one of the good ones. I’m anxious to see what you’ve created for this round. Then when all is said and done, I have a business proposition for you. But that’s a chat for another time. I see your man coming, I better run along,” she says.


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