Witch Unchained (Blackwood Supernatural Prison Book 2)

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Witch Unchained (Blackwood Supernatural Prison Book 2) Page 6

by Valia Lind

  "Why are you here?" I ask, holding my ground. She continues to move around me slowly before she finally stops a few feet in front of me.

  "I thought you and I could use a friendly chat."

  "Why? So you can try and get me on your side?"

  "I don't have to try, Cord. You'll get there soon enough."

  She's so sure of that statement it makes me pause for a moment. I haven’t given her any indication that I may be swayed, and yet, she still believes it.

  "Maybe you should rethink that."

  "Oh, I don't know. I have a knack for these things."

  It's getting more difficult to appear unaffected. Every time she opens her mouth, it brings back all the memories of our friendship, of the plans we made.

  "You know I went to prison for you."

  "You went to prison because your parents wanted you safe."


  Kelsey grins, but I can already tell she won't be diving into that truth bomb. Sure, I've thought that maybe I was put away for a reason. But I was also convicted. Wrongfully, but it didn't matter. I still had to serve my time. And Blackwood Supernatural Prison is the worst place I could've been sent to. The longer I would've stayed, the more broken I would've become. I've heard the rumors. But none of that matters now. I'm out, and it's only a reminder of what happened between Kelsey and me.

  "There is so much you don't know, Cord. I wish I could tell you everything. Then you'd see. I'm not the bad guy they paint me to be."

  "What are you talking about?"

  If she's trying to confuse me, she's succeeding. Every point she mentions is left undeveloped, and it only leaves me with more questions.

  "You really should be more careful where you put your trust." Kelsey smirks, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers, changing the subject again. She's so nonchalant, it's like we're having one of our late-night talks.

  "What is that supposed to mean?"

  "Just that you clearly haven't learned your lesson." She points at herself before flipping the hair over her shoulder. I can't get over how happy she looks, how carefree. All the stress from the past year, deciding what we were going to do with our lives, it's completely gone.

  But then it dawns on me what she means.

  "You're saying someone close to me is not to be trusted."

  "Ding ding ding, we have a winner!"

  "You really are so proud of yourself."

  "What's not to be proud of?" She laughs, and I have to fight the urge to scream. Or cry. I'm not sure which one I'm feeling more like at the moment.

  "If you're going to kill me, just do it already." I settle on anger. Kelsey's eyes flash as she stops twirling her hair and looks me straight in the eye.

  "Don't you get it yet, Cordy?" She takes a step closer, and now, only a few feet separate us. "We don't want to kill you. The king has much better plans for you."

  "Like bringing me to the dark side?"

  "Not everything is as black and white as this floor." She points down, and I shake my head.

  "You keep giving me these bits of information, you won't say anything outright. What do you want? Just give me one straight answer."

  Kelsey levels me with a look. For a moment, I see my old friend behind whatever this person has become. A part of me wishes she would attack, so I'd be forced to defend myself. Before, I wanted nothing but to get my chance. But with her in front of me, I can't bring myself to make that first move.

  "The war is here, Cordy. The time has come for the world to be remade. Things haven't been the same for a while., It's past the time for us to sit on the sidelines and let the Council and the Elders make all the decisions."

  "So, you traded one elder for another? How is following the king any different?"

  "It's different because I made the choice. And you will too. Ask yourself how much you trust this group of yours. How much you trust that shifter. You know nothing about them, just what your parents told you." I jerk at that, and she doesn't miss the move. "Of course I know you talked to them. You've always been a good little girl. Look where that has gotten you."

  She cocks her head to the side again, reaching for her hair. I can't pretend that her words aren't doing what they're meant to. She's getting to me. But it's only because I carried these doubts inside me already.

  "If I were you, I'd look for some answers on my own. In this world, you can only trust yourself, Cord. You should know that by now."

  Kelsey doesn't wait for a response but turns and heads the way she came. The fact that she's not afraid to turn her back on me tells me she's not afraid of me. Or maybe, she knows me a little better than I thought.

  "Until next time, bestie," she calls out before she disappears into the shadows. I'm left standing in front of the Summer Palace, the weight of a million questions on my shoulders. Whether I want to admit it or not, Kelsey is right. I've been walking this edge since the beginning. Something has been bothering me about the whole organization. Maybe it's just me being paranoid, but it doesn't help that Kelsey said the same things I've been thinking.

  The rational part of me understands that she knows how I think. She knows what to say to get under my skin. But another part tells me there's no harm in following my gut.

  That means I need to get away from them all. Especially Eric.

  Lying on a sleeping bag, I pretend I'm sleeping until I'm sure the rest are passed out. Besides Mitch because he has the first watch. I followed him with my eyes earlier, noting where he settled against the tree and which direction it would be best for me to sneak off to.

  Maybe it's premature for me to panic, but I can't get Kelsey's voice out of my head. Nothing she said rang false, and it's concerning. As it should be. I'm trusting these people with my life... essentially. My parents' words ring in my head, telling me I can trust Tom. And yet…

  I mean, I already had plenty of my own suspicions, which is why I called my parents in the first place. There's no way I wouldn't after what happened with my supposed best friend. But this feels like more. When Kelsey was talking... it just seemed right. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

  After she disappeared, they found me standing at the top of the stairs. Letty brought them. I told them it was nothing, that I thought I felt danger, but it wasn't there. No one contradicted me, but Eric gave me a long searching look. We left the palace behind and headed to the forested area. We could've stayed in one of the buildings on the grounds or taken a portal back to the compound, but Tom wants to search again in the morning. Just to cover all his bases. So, we're sleeping in the woods.

  The shifters feel stronger here when we’re close to nature and so do Letty and I.

  The necklace is with Tom. There's nothing I can do about that now. No matter how much I don't like being parted with it. Neither does the bracelet pulsing around my wrist. It's like the two need to be near each other, which doesn't actually surprise me. The whole armor is a magical being it seems. Not what I would've expected from mere items, but here we are.

  Slowly, I turn to my side, so I can study the others. From what I can see, their breathing is even and calm. I focus on each for at least a few minutes before moving on. When my eyes finally settle on Eric, I watch him for a little longer. There's a part of me that thinks he's just as restless as I am. I've never actually seen him relaxed. Right now, he doesn't look like he is.

  But I don't have a choice. I have to find a way to sneak away tonight. Tomorrow we're back to searching for the other pieces, and who knows where we'll be going. The pull I feel toward the Summer Palace has not diminished. I didn't have a chance to explore after Kelsey disappeared, and I don't want to do so with any of them present. Which means whatever is waiting for me there, I have to find it on my own. I can't leave without finding out what it is, and I can't tell my companions about it.

  With that decided, I move my gaze to where I last saw Mitch. The shifter is still leaning against the tree, facing away from us, but I know he's attuned to all of his surroundings. It's a sh
ifter trick, and I have to find a way around it.

  Turning to my other side, I face the forest at my back. Besides Letty, the rest are facing that way as well. They’re protecting the circle, I suppose. I didn't really think about it when I laid down, but now I am. Someone could've snuck up behind me when I was turned toward the fire. I'll have to remember that trick for later.

  Opening my eyes fully, I do a scan of the forest. It's so dark, I can barely see a few feet in front of me, just what's illuminated by the fire at my back. It would be really helpful to have some of that shifter sight right about now, but it's not like I can become a different supernatural creature on demand.

  I lay like that for a while, letting my eyes adjust and my mind wander. When we found this little area, we were heading south. That means I'll have to backtrack north. The gardens are large enough that I might get lost, but I'm kind of hoping this magical artifact on my wrist guides the way. I raise my hand so I can look at it discreetly, and I give it a good glare. It seems to understand what I'm trying to say, so goody. I won't have any issues there.

  I hope.

  All of this is guesswork after all.

  I'm planning to outwit two shifters, a powerful witch, and a man in charge of all three of them, so who knows what he's actually capable of. But the more I lay here and think about it, the more I believe it's the right thing to do. Ever since I escaped prison, yes, with the help of a certain shifter, something felt off. I can't keep following them blindly. No matter that my parents seem to trust them, I have to listen to my own instincts.

  I turn back to the other side, pretending like I can't get comfortable in my sleep. In case anyone is just as awake as I am. When no one moves, I stretch an arm overhead, specifically focusing on Mitch. He doesn't even turn around. Maybe I'm more convincing than I give myself credit for.

  It's another few minutes before I decide it's time to move. I can't keep lying here all night second guessing my decision. I need to act.

  The best way would be to move toward the forest, straight to the left of me. But I'm not sure I can just get up and go. That would be too noticeable. And if I pull on any sort of magic, I'm sure all of them will be awake in seconds.

  As awkward as this is going to be, I have to roll. What has my life come to? Slowly, I turn to the side, rolling over toward the forest. The move is just like I would've been doing if I was trying to get comfortable, but now, I'm a bit farther away from the fire. Even though both Mitch and Eric can see in the dark, the closer I get to the forest, the more chance I have of getting away.

  Before I roll over again, I push my blanket toward me, laying it out alongside my body. It's crumbled up enough that it makes it seem like I'm still laying there. Just a little farther from the fire than before. I’ll take whatever amount of time it can buy me. I roll over again, staying still for a moment and checking to see if anyone stirred.

  The process is kind of long. By the time I'm hidden by a tree, my hair and clothes are filthy. Getting to my hands and knees, I stay motionless and give myself the time to adjust to the near darkness. I can see the camp from behind the tree, and everyone is still right where I left them. I don't think that will last considering Eric has watch next and could be awake at any moment. But I also realize that now that I'm in the forest, I have to move extremely slow. Shifter hearing can pick up a twig snapping.

  Before I can move, a tingling on my wrist catches my attention. The bracelet seems to glow for just a moment before settling back down. Confused, I try to come up with an explanation, but I don't find one. Instead, I move. When I do, I realize my steps are completely silent.

  Glancing down, I see that I'm still walking on the forest floor with its crunchy leaves and fallen branches, but I can't hear my footsteps. The bracelet tingles again, and this time, I feel her satisfaction like it's my own. The corner of my lips turns up even as my head fills with more questions.

  The more I learn about these artifacts, the more concerned I'm becoming. It's a good thing the bracelet finds me a friend. I can't imagine what would happen if she didn't.

  Chapter 10

  With my footsteps masked by the bracelet's magic, it takes me much less time to reach the Summer Palace than I thought it would. No one has come after me either. I wonder if whatever magic the relic put out, it took care of that too. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for either, but since the bracelet is guiding me this far, I'm hoping she helps with that as well.

  It's crazy how quiet the grounds are with the fountains off for the night. The statues stand silently, watching over their area like guards. The silence and their steady eyes make the beautiful gardens feel more like the beginning of some horror movie. Even though I'm moving silently, I still keep my eyes on my surroundings. Kelsey and her minions might still be around. Although, I kind of think she used a portal and left for the night. It's such a Kelsey thing to do. She's never been much on roughing it up in the wilderness.

  We've always been different, but I've never understood just how much until she died. Or supposedly died. Now I'm discovering all kinds of ways I could've seen her true colors. Especially in the last year.

  But there's no sense dwelling on such things now. I'm here for a purpose. I just need to figure out what that purpose is.

  I stick to the shadows, moving between trees and bushes as I make my way to the palace. From what Eric mentioned, there are other, smaller palaces on the grounds, but nothing calls to me like this place. Maybe it is all tied to my magic. I mean, at this point, nothing surprises me.

  There aren't any guards about. I wonder if the place is always like this or if the magic has taken over for the night. When I try to feel the air around me, I don't feel any kind of binding spells. Not that I would be able to feel all of them. Kelsey's, yes. The king's, probably not. I know Kelsey's signature. The king has too many.

  That's what happens when you're not using your own magic but stealing it from others. My mind can't even wrap around what would happen if he had the relics at his disposal.

  When I get to the trees right at the bottom of the stairs to the palace, I pause. Doing another quick sweep of the area, I still don't see anyone. Once I'm on the stairs, I'll be in the open. Anyone will be able to find me if they only look in this direction. I'll have to be quick and silent. At least with the bracelet's magic, one of those is taken care of.

  Before I talk myself out of it, I dart out of the trees. There's no time to stop and look around as I race for the stairs. If Mitch or Eric realized I'm gone, they'll be on my tail in no time. But I don't feel any movement around me.

  The palace almost glows in the moonlight. I stop for a moment when I reach the top of the staircase. The pull I've been feeling is definitely toward the palace itself this time and not the fountain in front of it. It would be so helpful if these artifacts came with a user manual. No one can actually tell me what they do, and I have one on my wrist, guiding me to various places.

  Reaching the palace doors, I wonder if there's a better option than the front, but I don't think I have time to look around. Any moment now, they'll know I'm gone. Or maybe a guard will come around the corner, and I'll be caught. I have to make decisions on the spot. So, I reach for the front door, ready to use my magic, when it opens under my palm.

  I step inside carefully, the hall completely silent in the night. The door shuts behind me, pitching me into the shadows. The only light I can see is the moonlight coming through the windows in the hallway.

  I do a quick scan, but I can't see much. Now that I'm here, I don't know where to start. My only option is to use my magic, but that will definitely bring everyone here. Not that I actually have a choice.

  "Okay," I whisper, if only to hear my voice in the stillness, "You brought me here. Now I need you to show me why. Is there another artifact here? Something we missed? I'm going to need you to guide me."

  It no longer seems silly to me to be talking to a piece of jewelry. The more I do it, the more it feels right. So, I close my eyes, looking insid
e of myself for my power, and then I feel it reach toward the bracelet. The two move in sync, weaving themselves together. My body hums with the thrill of so much magic inside of it.

  There is something otherworldly about this place, not like it was in the light. With the sun shining outside, this building is just a bit of history. Now, it feels like a step into another dimension.

  Maybe I'm losing my mind. That could surely explain a lot of this weirdness. Or maybe there's simply more to the world than I knew before, and I'm finally discovering it for myself.

  I continue to move slowly, led by my magic. I'm beginning to think of the bracelet's magic as my own. I think she likes it. The hallways dips to the left then. When I turn, I’m met with two choices. There is a room to the left and a room to the right. Without hesitation, I step to the right.

  Once inside, I find that I'm in a simple sitting room. Well, simple by these standards. The wallpaper alone is probably worth thousands of dollars. Gold accents are in every part of the room. It looks as intricate as the throne room.

  I do a slow three-sixty, trying to find anything out of place. What finally catches my eye is the large mirror on one side of the room. It seems a bit out of place in here. I walk toward it carefully. When I'm right in front of it, the magic on my wrist seems to dance, excited to be here. I don't understand the response, but it does make me curious.

  Just then, the mirror seems to ripple as if it's not a mirror at all. Tentatively, I reach out, my fingers hovering near the surface. Before I can think too much of it, I touch it, making the surface ripple once again.

  "A portal," I breathe out, fascinated. The magic here doesn't feel like it would've been Kelsey or anything to do with the king. It's almost... pure. And similar somehow.

  The bracelet on my wrist tingles again, and suddenly, I understand. She wants me to walk through it. A part of me really wants to.


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