Witch Unchained (Blackwood Supernatural Prison Book 2)

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Witch Unchained (Blackwood Supernatural Prison Book 2) Page 12

by Valia Lind

  "Eric?" I try to wake him again, but he's out. His wound has stopped bleeding, so I take the bandage with me as I pick up the other items and slowly get off him.

  I roam around the apartment, checking the windows and seeing if there's any unusual activity on the street. I know they'll be on our heels, but so far so good.

  Glancing over to the living room, I contemplate what to do next. There are so many questions twirling in my head. Is Letty alive? What about Tom? How many have died? How did they find us?

  Honestly, I can probably stand near this window all night and still not have any answers. My hand rubs the bracelet absentmindedly as I try to figure out our next move. I have no idea how hurt the guys are or if there is any lasting damage. They could be bleeding internally for all I know, and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.

  Well, actually.

  Looking down at my bracelet, I get an idea. Maybe I can do like a magic scan and see if there's anything on or in Eric and Mitch that might still be harming them. Like the binding spell. If it's still working itself through their system, they may stay out for a long time.

  I've never done anything remotely close to this, but I've read about it. Healers have all kinds of magic up their sleeve. When we're sent on missions, there's always a crash course on how to treat someone with a magical ailment. Since I never got that far in my training, I'm hoping something I've read stuck with me.

  Seeing no other option, I climb on top of the couch again, settling myself over Eric. The only thing I know for sure about Healer's magic is that it works best directly over the heart. Leaning forward, I place my hands on his chest, feeling it go up and down as he breathes. The intimacy of the situation does not escape me, but I try not to focus on that. I have to make sure he's okay first.

  Granted, sitting on top of him is probably not the best option if he is bleeding internally, but there's only so much I can do.

  Closing my eyes, I call upon my magic. It stretches, reaching toward Eric like it knows exactly what I need. The bracelet flares up as well, entwining with my own magic. Right before I can find the courage to let it free, something jerks me to a stop. It's a physical reaction, and I yank my hands away from Eric, trying to figure out what's happening.

  I try to pull on my magic, but it's like something is keeping it down. The bracelet heats up on my wrist, and I look down to find it shining. It dawns on me right then and there that it's the bracelet stopping my magic from doing its thing. I'm fearful for a split second before I realize why.

  The crown can track the other artifacts. Which means, if I use the bracelet's magic, they will find us.

  This also means that it's my fault they found the compound.

  It's my fault all those people died.

  It's hours later, and I still can't get over the fact that all of this is my fault. The compound’s destruction. Mitch and Eric in a magical coma. Who knows what else is included in the aftermath of what happened. And all of that is on me.

  I keep making mistakes. I keep putting people, and the world as a whole, in danger. It would be better if I disappeared.

  There's beauty in leaving. I'd never be responsible for anyone getting hurt. But that's also a lie. Because if I leave and I could've done something to help, that's on me. I'm stuck in a vicious cycle, and I have no idea how to get out of it.

  A noise catches my attention. I walk back into the living room just in time to see Eric stir. Mitch is still completely passed out in his bear form, taking up most of the floor area in the small room. Stopping at the foot of the couch, I watch Eric open his eyes.

  "Hey," I say, catching his attention. The moment his gaze lands on me, the tension in his shoulders visibly lessens. I give him a small smile before I reach out with my hand. "Mitch is taking up all the room." I nod to the floor. "Are you getting up?"

  Eric takes my hand and allows me to guide him to a sitting position before he climbs over the side of the couch and stands before me. There's a moment of stillness and then his arms are around me, holding me close to his body. I don't have a second's hesitation before I wrap my own arms around him and hold on. Maybe we felt the same when the magical bombs began dropping. Maybe he needed to know I was okay as much as I needed to make sure he survived.

  Just as sudden as his embrace came, so is the end of it. He steps back, and I instantly miss the feel of him around me. But I don't reach out. That's not what I do.

  "What happened?" he asks, once again all business. I wonder if that's the only glimpse of emotion I'll get out of him. I've already decided I'll be cherishing it forever.

  "Mitch and I were on our way out when the building exploded. We really didn't have a chance to fight, there were so many of them."

  "Tom and I were just heading toward the stairs when the wall came down. So many people…” He trails off, his mind somewhere else. "Where's Letty? And Tom?"

  "I have no idea," I reply, keeping my voice as gentle as possible. These are his friends, and I can understand that. "We didn't find them when we found you. We couldn't stay. The king's people just kept coming. And they had some kind of a magic suppressor. It kept people from fighting back."

  "Even you?"

  I know what he's asking. My magic has always acted strangely. Even before I had the bracelet around my wrist. So I can't lie to him.

  "No, I could still use some of my magic. It's how I got us out. I'm sorry."

  "It's not your fault."

  "Only it is."

  I turn away, heading for the kitchen. He follows, although a little slower than usual. I fill up a cup with water and hand it to him. He takes it gratefully, gulping it down before he speaks up again.


  "What do you mean?"

  "I can see the weight of guilt all over you. This wasn't your fault."

  I'm not sure how I feel about him being to read me this well. At the rate we're going, I won't be able to keep anything from him.

  "This," I raise my wrist, pointing to the bracelet, "they can track it. So they did. It's the only explanation."

  Eric watches me for a long silent minute, before he takes a step forward, closing the distance between us. His fingers wrap around my wrist with the bracelet, and he pulls it down to our side.

  "You're not the only one with an artifact, Cordy. Tom had one too. And it was there for a while before you even arrived."

  He's right, of course. I didn't even think about the necklace. We stand frozen for a moment before Eric releases me and leans against the counter. I can see he's tired. There's perspiration collecting at his temples.

  "We should get you back to the couch," I comment and watch as his eyes flash. Even without being able to read him, I can see how much this weakness is getting to him. He's a warrior. And right now, his body is anything but strong. When I wrap my arm around his torso, he doesn't hesitate to place his over my shoulders.

  I lead him back to the couch, watching as he climbs on.

  "How long has he been like that?" he asks, nodding toward Mitch.

  "A couple of hours. He passed out when we got here, and then five minutes later, he was a bear."

  Eric watches Mitch for a moment, as if seeing for himself that his friend is still breathing.

  "He'll heal faster in that state."

  "What about you?"

  Eric turns his head, meeting my eye, and I realize that asking about his wolf is personal. But I think we're past that anyway. At first, I don't think he's going to comment, but then he does, making my heart hurt.

  "I can't shift."


  "It'll be okay." He interrupts me, clearly trying to put on a brave face. But I can see it's hurting him not being connected the way he usually is. "It's kind of what happened at the Summer Palace, but on a grander scale. He's there, I just can't... reach him."

  There's nothing I can say here to make him feel better. I've never been good at words anyway.

  "You should rest," he says when I continue to stand at the foot of th
e couch. "Come on, I don't bite. Usually."

  He motions to the couch. Before I can think too much of it, I'm climbing over the side and settling myself beside him. It doesn't matter that I was straddling him only a few hours ago. This feels more intimate somehow.

  "Shouldn't one of us stand guard?" I ask.

  "I think we all just need rest right now. Come what may."

  I nod at that because he's right. I don't remember the last time I slept. Or ate. I'll have to figure that out once we've rested.

  "Do you remember when we thought I was just on some hit list and things were simple?" I ask, sighing. There's a moment of silence and then Eric chuckles. I stare at him as if I've never seen him before. Well, I definitely haven't heard that sound.

  "Only you would think being on a hit list makes things simple," he says while I continue to stare. "What?"

  "I just... I didn't know you were capable of laughter."

  "Dramatic, Cordy. You're dramatic."

  He rolls his eyes, but even I can see that he's trying to suppress another smile. I let the sound of his voice saying my name wash over me, enjoying this way too much for our current situation.

  "I'm just saying. If I'm dramatic, then you're moody. So it's perfectly normal for me to be surprised by any kind of happy sound coming from that mouth of yours."

  "Oh trust me, I'm capable of plenty of happy sounds."

  The air around us crackles with his words. I feel my body freeze. We stare at each other, and he seems surprised by his own admission. But the surprise doesn't last long and is replaced with enough heat to power up the Western Hemisphere. I have no idea what to say or do, but I kind of wish he would do something. Sure, I have no problem taking the reins, usually. But in this case, something is preventing me from being that brave. And I don't understand it.

  Eric tears his gaze away, breaking the moment. I let myself take a full breath. We're two live wires that are a little too close to connecting and setting everything on fire. It's better if we stay in our corners. My mind knows that, but my body... and heart, have different ideas.

  "We'll make a plan in the morning," Eric says, leaning back against the cushions. "Get some rest."

  Chapter 19

  The next morning, I wake up wrapped in Eric's arms. Even though we fell asleep on opposite sides of the couch, somehow in the night, we came together like two magnets unable to stay away from each other.

  I wake up first, and I give myself a few seconds to enjoy the feel of him wrapped around me before I extract myself. He stirs when I'm on the other side of the couch, but I don't pause. Heading to the kitchen, I gulp down a glass of water, trying to put my emotions back into their designated boxes. I have to stay clear minded. There's a lot at stake.

  "How's your head?" Eric asks as he meets me in the kitchen. He reaches for the cup, and I hand it over so he too can drink some water. I feel my temple, but it seems the cut has healed over.

  "Good as new," I reply. We both turn toward the living room where Mitch is still passed out in his bear form.

  "What are we going to do about him?" I ask. He must've been more hurt than I thought. But then, shifters are stubborn and always find a way to keep the bravado in place.

  "We can't do much," Eric replies, turning back to face me. "He has to wake up on his own."

  "And you?"

  "I'm still useless."


  "No, it's fine. I… I feel him. He's getting stronger."

  There's nothing more I can say to that, so I leave it. I have other things to think about. We're on borrowed time here, of that I am sure.

  "Can you tell me how far we are from the apartment we stayed in?" I ask, getting down to business. Eric looks over at me in surprise, but then he too puts on his thinking hat.

  "I'm not sure where we are, but if we're still close to the compound, there are a few metro stations we can take. It wouldn't be too far. What are you thinking?"

  "That we need to get out of this apartment, get some food, and figure out our next move. And the apartment is cloaked, right? If I don't use my magic, it should stay undetectable."

  Eric nods, thinking it over before he glances at Mitch once more.

  "What about him?"

  "I don't know. Can we leave him here?" But even as I ask, I know we won't. Our only option is if I go and they stay.

  "Cordy, no."

  "Stop reading my mind. We don't have a choice. I'll go get food and do some recon. There have to be other survivors."

  "And if the king's soldiers are still at the compound, you'll be walking into a trap."

  "I have to go anyway," I say, running a hand through my hair and pulling it back into a ponytail. "I have to see if they have the necklace."

  "I can't let you go alone."

  "It's not really up to you to let me do anything."

  We stare at each other, neither one of us backing down. I won't run again. I can't spend my whole life running from my problems. He has to understand that. I will him to understand that.

  "I don't want to see you get hurt," Eric says, his voice much softer now, and I get it. We're on the same page about that one too. I'm as protective of him as he is of me. Looking for him in the rubble proved that to me once and for all.

  "I'm not going to get hurt," I say, taking a step forward and closing some of the distance between us. "But I'm also not going to sit on the sidelines. If going back to the compound is walking into a trap, then we'll be smart about it. But I have to go. The magic inside of me is begging me to go."

  Eric studies me, and I wonder what he sees. I feel dirty and tired but determined. I'm not running from this any longer. Maybe it's stupid to return. Maybe that's exactly what the king is waiting on, but I have to. Everything inside of me tells me I have to.

  "I'm going with you."

  There's really no argument there. I want Eric beside me. And maybe he needs this as much as I do. It's time for us to take some action. We just have to be smart about it.

  I leave to find us some food. When I return, I have a plan. Or the beginning of one. As Eric eats, I pull out a phone.

  "What?" I ask when he raises his eyebrow at me.

  "You really like to… borrow things."

  "I do what I do," I reply with a quick smile and dial my parents. I don't have anyone else to call. That might be sad if I wasn't so focused on what needs to be done.

  "Mom," I say the moment she answers the phone. There's a gush of air on the other side, as if she's breathing for the first time.

  "Oh, Cordy. We heard about the ambush. Are you okay?" She definitely sounds like she's been crying. My heart hurts in response.

  "I am. I need a favor. I don't have time to explain, but I need a portal keeper and a healer."

  "What's going on?" My dad's voice comes on the line. He also sounds tired. "Cordy?"

  "I'm here. One of my friends is hurt, and I can't leave him alone. I need someone to come get him."

  "Where are you?"

  Here's where I hesitate. I have no idea if they're being watched, so I can’t divulge any information until I'm ready.

  "I'll send you an address when it's time. Please come get him."

  "Cordelia, what are you going to do?" There's a bit of fear in my mother's voice, and I know it's for my safety.

  "What needs to be done."

  There's a moment of silence as I let that sink in before my dad speaks up.

  "Texts us when you're ready."

  "Love you," I say.

  I disconnect before anything else can be said. There's no doubt in my mind they're being watched. They agreed too readily to my demands. Eric has watched the whole exchange silently, and I don't think I have to explain the weight I feel. My parents are counting on me too. He hands me a sandwich, and I devour it before I down the water as well.

  "You ready?" Eric asks once I arrange a note on the counter. We left some food as well, but the healer will be here before Mitch wakes up. I give the bear shifter one last look and then Er
ic and I are out the door. It takes us ten minutes to walk down the street, far enough where I think I can text the address to my parents, I do so. Once I receive a confirmation, I toss the phone.

  There's no going back now. I have to see this through. I tell this to myself as we reach the compound. It probably would've been smarter to go to the apartment and lay low, but I'm not doing that anymore. I have to act.

  When we round the corner where we can see the building, I freeze. Standing in front of us is a whole building, no collapsed roof or walls. Nothing to indicate the battle that took place twenty-four hours ago.

  "A cloaking spell?" I ask, and Eric nods.

  "It has to be. Can you sense who's inside?"

  I'm aware he's asking me because his own senses aren't working. I concentrate and give it a try. But it's all quiet inside.

  "I'm not sensing anything," I reply before I try again. This time I'm looking for one thing and one thing only. The necklace. It takes me a minute, but then, I feel it. "There's a relic inside. I'm not sure if it's the necklace or something else."

  "You want to go in?"

  "You know we have to."

  We take our time, circling around the whole building and checking those adjacent to make sure there isn't something waiting in the wings. But all seems quiet. I don't trust it and neither does Eric. Finally, once we're more or less satisfied, he leads me to one of the back doors, through an alley I haven't been in before. We make our way through buildings connected by a narrow hallway before we come to a door. Eric places his palm against it, and it glows with magic for a second before clicking open.

  Carefully, Eric and I creep inside. The door apparently leads to one of the downstairs training rooms. The light is thankfully off inside. We reach the outer door, and after listening for a moment, I pull it slightly open. The inside of the compound looks as if nothing ever happened here. But even after a quick scan, I see that there are people who shouldn't be here. The king's soldiers are doing slow patrols up and around the area. There are not as many as I anticipated but still enough that I know we can't take them all.


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