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Faros Page 12

by Layla Nash

  Her body tightened on him like a velvet glove, stroking him from the inside, and Faros couldn’t take it. He forced himself through the clutching channel three, four more times, then groaned as he found his release and filled her with his seed. His forehead fell against the wall next to her head as Violet clung to him and panted harshly in his ear. He’d bent her almost in half against the wall but she hadn’t complained. Not that he remembered hearing, anyway.

  He managed to stay upright but only because he’d locked his knees. He didn’t know whether his legs would actually carry him back to his quarters. Faros hadn’t come like that in what felt like years. His hearts pounded against his ribs and against her; he felt her single heart beating wildly in response. He didn’t know what to say or do, suddenly overcome with just a hint of uncertainty. He wanted more of her; his cock remained rock-hard inside her, ready for the next round, but there was no telling whether Violet was up for more.

  Her arms lifted to wrap around his neck but her eyes remained closed. “I still hate your face.”

  He snorted and squeezed her luscious ass. “I hate your clothes, so we’re even.”

  “You ruined my clothes,” she muttered. “I have no pants now, asshole.”

  “I’ll give you clothes,” he said, even though he had no intention of doing such a thing. He’d keep her naked in his quarters so he could fuck her whenever he wanted. Twenty times a day or more, at least. “Maybe.”

  Violet cracked an eye open and managed to scowl at him even though she still looked sated from coming on his hand and cock. “You’re such a jackass.”

  “You love it,” he muttered. Faros managed to step back from the wall, though he kept her close, and Violet sucked in a breath as she remained impaled on his hard cock. Her feet dangled over the floor and she grabbed his shoulders tightly as he kept his hands on her ass. He wanted to stay inside her for hours.

  “I thought you came,” she said, frowning down at where they remained joined. “I felt—” She cut off and her face turned red, though a new surge of her heady arousal nearly sent him into a frenzy once more. She liked the idea that he’d filled her with seed, that he remained hard for her.

  Faros groaned and thought about throwing them to the floor so he could fuck her more right there in the gym, but he wanted the chance to tie her up and really restrain her, since she’d reacted so nicely to it earlier, and knew it was better in his quarters. Besides, the rest of the crew no doubt wanted to finish their workouts. He felt rather smug about them having to exercise in a room that smelled like sex. But he was the captain and did what he wanted.

  He bit at her neck once more and knew she liked it as she shivered and groaned. “I’m going to fill you again. And again. Plant my seed in you. Make you scream. Pin you down and have my way with you, as long as I want. How do you feel about that, Earther?”

  A moan was her only response. He grinned savagely to himself and headed for the door, the girl still on his cock. He suddenly didn’t give a shit when they found the next ship to steal from. He had a new hobby to explore.

  Chapter 25


  Violet clung to his shoulders and tried to find a speck of sanity in the inferno of lust and sheer ecstasy. She should have untangled herself and departed, but… she wanted him. The joking and teasing and that wicked twinkle in his eyes – it was addictive. She wanted more of him, even when he drove her absolutely crazy.

  She hoped no one else was in the corridors as Faros stormed back to his quarters, and she buried her face against his shoulder just to make sure she didn’t see whether any of the crew saw them. Not that it mattered – the moment they set foot in the gym, the entire crew would know what happened. She wasn’t that embarrassed by what happened, although she would have preferred to keep her private life slightly more private.

  Although there was no chance of that with Faros on a small ship.

  He squeezed her ass and ground her against his body as he walked, deliberately moving his hips to bounce her on his cock, and Violet barely hung onto sanity as he finally carried her into his quarters. As soon as the door shut behind them, she pushed away from his shoulders and snapped, “Don’t you just manhandle me around like –”

  “I want you on your knees,” he said in a low growl that sent shivers through every inch of her. Faros lifted her off his body and put her on his bed, still rumpled from their earlier exercise, and loomed over her until Violet felt petite and delicate. “Or I’ll be forced to restrain you.”

  She moaned and didn’t manage to bite it back in time; the mental image of being tied up by him made her thighs clench with need, and her hips dipped in anticipation. Faros grinned, obviously reading her body language, and leaned over to spank her ass with one powerful smack.

  Violet wanted to snarl at him but she wanted to be with him more. There was a curious equality in how he approached their interaction, and she got the sense he was rougher with her because he knew she wanted it and liked it and could handle it. And she liked the idea that he felt comfortable testing her limits and her strength. He knew she was strong enough to meet him head-to-head.

  But she didn’t want to make it too easy on him. She knelt on the bed but straightened up, hands on her hips, and let him see all of her. “Now look, you –”

  Faros caught her waist in his strong grip, turned her bodily, and planted her on her knees once more facing away from him. Facing… a mirror set near the bookshelf and the foot of the bed. Her breath caught as she saw her own reflection and the sight of the enormous Xaravian standing behind her. He rubbed her ass with one hand, right over the spot he’d smacked, and watched her watch him in the mirror. He leaned down until she felt his breath against her shoulder, and whispered, “I want you to see what you do to me. Watch me take you, Violet.”

  She groaned and almost collapsed as her thighs weakened. She remained on her knees but upright as Faros moved to the bed behind her. His scales flared purple and blue, lurid against her pale skin, as his arms encircled her and created a cage of muscle around her. His forearm rested under her breasts, teasing their soft weight with the rough edge of his scales, while his other hand slid down between her thighs.

  Violet couldn’t take her eyes off the mirror as Faros watched her over her shoulder. Her mouth hung open as she tried to breathe. She wanted to bend forward so his cock, already pressing against her back, could slide home and impale her again. But he held her captive, completely at his mercy, as his mouth explored the side of her neck and his teeth dragged slooooowly down her shoulder. He squeezed her breast until she gasped and arched her back, the pleasure verging on pain until it eclipsed every sensation she could name and sent lightning straight to her core.

  She couldn’t breathe. Her head fell back against his shoulder but she couldn’t stop watching him worship her body. She’d never felt anything like it – never felt so much desire for a male nor trust in a lover. She almost couldn’t believe herself, that she’d put herself in such a position only a short time into knowing him, and yet… it felt right. He felt right. There was a deeper connection already, and though it made her feel vulnerable all the way to her soul, she knew Faros wasn’t playing games. He made no pretense about being an asshole and a pirate, and that forthrightness carried through to personal relationships. She loved it, after so long surrounded by double-speak and people who took refuge in legalese and nonsense. He meant what he said, and said what he meant.

  His palms slid down her sides to her hips, and Violet groaned, her hands replacing his where they’d rubbed her nipples. Faros growled and started relaying dirty instructions for how he wanted her to touch herself, and Violet was only too happy to comply. It felt so freeing to not be in control, to just react and enjoy and know that she was driving him insane with lust. Every sensation fed her ecstasy, until even the brush of her hair against her back nearly drove her over the edge into a chaotic climax.

  Every time she got close, Faros backed off. Her frustration grew until she cursed him and dem
anded more, furious that he somehow still maintained control over himself when she melted into a puddle of pure want. Pure need.

  The pirate chuckled and moved his hands to her shoulders, pushing her down to her elbows as he gripped her hips and reared up behind her. Violet braced herself, shuddering with anticipation, as the broad head of his cock drifted against her folds and almost entered her. It was so damn close she wanted to scream. Faros leaned down until he met her eyes in the mirror, his dark scales startling against her skin, and he breathed in her ear, “Watch me take you. Don’t look away. I want to see your eyes.”

  Violet moaned but managed to nod, so desperate to feel him that she would have agreed to anything. He dragged his nails down her back to her waist and held her in place, waiting an eternity before his hips surged forward and he buried himself to the root in one long thrust that stole her breath completely.

  Violet cried out, unable to take her eyes away from how he looked in the mirror – huge and powerful, dwarfing her small frame, his spikes and scales standing out. She gripped double handfuls of the sheets and braced against the dominating thrusts as Faros found a rhythm and started pounding into her. It felt like a blink before the first climax took her; she closed her eyes and gave herself up to the sensations as Faros leaned over her, his fists buried in the mattress next to hers. He covered her as he rutted and grunted, animalistic in every demanding motion, and Violet was powerless to do more than just hang on and revel in the pleasure.

  His sweat dripped onto her and made the friction of their bodies even more intense. She stared into the mirror at his fierce expression as his movements became jerky and uncontrolled. He bared his teeth and growled, and wrapped her hair around his fist so he could tug on it until he rode her and she moved exactly how he wanted. Violet moaned and wailed, clawing at his arm and the bed and anything she could touch to try and stay connected, grounded, as she started to fly apart from desperate ecstasy and climax after climax.

  “Now,” Faros said. He thrust hard – sharp and deep and fierce – and his cock swelled and she braced herself for another heated rush of his climax but instead he kept pounding in short jerks until the thickest part of his cock almost wouldn’t fit. He forced it and she groaned, her forehead falling forward against the mattress, but Faros tugged on her hair so she looked up just as he roared his climax, the tendons standing out in his neck and his spikes throbbing as he fucked harder and the thick bulb on his cock pressed into her and stuck.

  The intense pressure was almost too much for her; her eyes prickled but she couldn’t have said whether it was pain or pleasure. It was so – much. He reached down and the rough pads of his fingers found her clit; just a whisper of their touch sent her over the cliff again, and Violet collapsed under his weight and the fierce ripples of the most intense orgasm she’d ever had.

  Chapter 26


  He almost lost his mind and all control. Watching her body move beneath him and seeing her eyes in the mirror… Faros wanted mirrors on every surface in his quarters so he could fuck her and watch from every angle. He never wanted to leave his quarters. Ever.

  And then some of his mind came back to him after she melted into the bed and lay limp underneath him. He rolled to the side so he didn’t crush her, but kept one arm locked around her ribcage so she wouldn’t try to detach from their joining. Her delicate frame felt so small in his arms, impaled on his cock, and the scent of her hair and skin kept him hard even after his climax.

  He couldn’t stop touching her. Every time his fingers teased between her legs, even if just to trail up the inside of her thigh, her entire body trembled and the warm, wet sheath around his cock compressed in the most delicious torment. She shivered and shook and moaned with short breathy little murmurs until he couldn’t resist and kissed her shoulders and neck and jaw, wanting to devour her. “I like watching you.”

  Her eyes barely fluttered open enough for her to give him a dirty look. “You like telling me what to do.”

  “And you like being told what to do,” he murmured. He stopped teasing her slit long enough to tease her nipples instead, and was rewarded with a gasp and moan that got him hard all over again. Faros set his teeth against her shoulder. “Don’t think I’ll forget that, little lawyer.”

  She muttered something and started to roll away, but he caught her in time and hauled her back against his chest with a warning growl. The barbarian side of him didn’t want his female leaving the bed until he was ready. And the smug, rational side of him knew her legs wouldn’t hold her. “Not yet.”

  “I want to – clean up,” she said, and that adorable flush rose up her cheeks again.

  “We are joined,” he said. Faros reached down to touch her again, that time where he entered her and felt the way her body stretched to accommodate his girth, and moved his hips in a long, sensuous roll that pressed more of the knot against her. “It will take some time before we separate.”

  She stretched and her arms reached over her head, her hands tangling in his hair as she reached for his shoulders. Faros wanted to roll her over and fuck her all over again the moment her soft palms touched his spikes. He caught her hands and restrained them in front of her, liking the way she squirmed and complained at his strong grip. “If you keep doing that, we’ll never separate.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to,” she said under her breath.

  He chuckled and wrapped her up in his arms again, closing his eyes. “Lie still, Earther. I want to enjoy you like this – all soft and sated and quiet. And for once not arguing or spewing curses at me.”

  She elbowed him and huffed in irritation, and Faros held her closer against his chest until she squirmed and finally settled. He smiled to himself and stroked her stomach until she sighed and relaxed, and the soft whisper of her breath told him she slept. He dozed and listened to her heart beat in the quiet of his quarters. He didn’t know how much time passed before his comms panel flashed and Violet stirred.

  Faros covered his eyes as the bridge hailed his quarters once more. He couldn’t ignore it, particularly when they were on the hunt for new prey, but with the way Violet reacted the last time he had to leave, he couldn’t just toss her aside. Although, if the results were the same as the last time, he wouldn’t entirely mind making her mad and then squabbling over what as asshole he was.

  So he called out to the bridge, “What? I’m in the middle of…someone right now.”

  She smacked his chest and muttered something, and Faros tried very hard not to laugh. He didn’t care whether the rest of the crew knew he’d taken Violet back to his quarters. They all assumed it would happen eventually after Faros took her from the jail. She was apparently the only one surprised by it.

  Wyzak managed to sound bored as he answered, “There’s a ship in range. Looks like a Fleet battleship but doesn’t act like one. It might be worth… looking at.”

  Which meant they had an opportunity to seize a hell of a ship and sell it to the Tyboli. Faros patted Violet’s butt as he sat up. “On my way.”

  “It’s a Fleet ship,” she said, her voice flat. But at least she got up and started to get dressed in what remained of her clothes. “You shouldn’t mess with it. Better to bypass and maybe point the Tyboli toward it later.”

  “What, you don’t want the Fleet to know you’re here, either?”

  “There used to be a bounty on my head, so no, I don’t want them to know.” Violet scowled and shook her torn trousers at him. “You’re such a jerk. What the hell am I going to wear?”

  He smiled and sidled over for a kiss, brushing his lips to hers, and thought it a pretty good sign that she didn’t punch him when he said, “Maybe you should just stay here, naked.”

  “Fat chance.” Violet stalked to some of the drawers in the wall and started searching until she came up with a handful of fabric from some of his old robes. He hadn’t worn those since the last time he was on Xarav. She started wrapping the fabric around herself in a fair approximation of robes, and glanc
ed up when she caught him watching her. “What?”

  Faros wanted to point out what it meant for her to be wearing his robes, that she’d pretty much just asked him to marry her, but didn’t mind letting the lawyer think whatever she wanted. “Nothing. Just appreciating your mass.”

  Her eyes narrowed but her lips twitched, an expression he was starting to associate with amusement, and she shoved her feet into her boots. “Such an asshole.”

  He grinned to himself and strode out of his quarters, not slowing down to accommodate her. He was hopping on one foot to get the other boot on, but loitered just long enough for her to catch up. He wasn’t a total asshole. Most of the time.

  Wyzak and Izyk and Harzt waited on the bridge, studiously not looking at Violet, but her cheeks stayed red as she found a chair in the back and sat down. Faros didn’t look at her as he said, “You’ll have to tell us whether they have good security or not,” and continued to stand before the viewing screen.

  He observed the ship they’d found on radar and scrolled through the ship’s movements, navigational track, and communications footprint. Wyzak was right on all counts—it looked like a Fleet ship, at least an Aldrin-class battleship, but acted like something else. Almost like a pirate or rebel captain got control of a Fleet ship and took it out for a test drive.

  “Interesting,” he said under his breath. “When are they in hailing distance?”

  “Five standard minutes, they should be in range,” Harzt said.

  Faros looked back at Violet after he brought the relevant information up on the screen. “Well? What do you think? Is the Fleet trying to draw us in?”


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