by Emily Hayes
“I will let you know what he wants. He hasn’t asked for anything specific yet.” Ashley replied.
They talked for a while longer, and Trisha made Ashley promise that if things take a dangerous turn, she would contact the police as well as her. She assured Ashley that herself and Kevin would be standing beside her in whatever way was necessary. Ashley had hugged her tightly, tears beading in her eyes.
Ashley reached her office and sat on her leather sofa. Her thoughts drifted to Vienna and their relationship. She had been so caught up with Paul and his threats, she had completely forgotten about Vienna.
Ashley knew she had been detached from Vienna this morning, and she felt so guilty for it. Wanting to make it up to her, Ashley grabbed her phone and dialed Vienna’s number. She wanted to hear her voice.
“Hello, you’ve reached Vienna. Please leave a message.” The call went straight to voicemail, making Ashley sigh. She was probably busy at the art class.
“Hey V. I just wanted to apologize for this morning. I know we didn’t get to spend much time together after last night and I had to hurry to work. So, I was thinking we could go out later. Let me know if you’re free from classes, and then I’ll come to pick you up. Okay then, bye. I miss you.” Ashley hung up, staring at the ceiling of her office room.
When did it get this screwed up? She sighed to herself.
Her phone chimed, and she immediately picked it up, wanting to see Vienna’s face pop up the text, and she was glad not to be disappointed.
It’s a date ;)
The text read, making Ashley smile genuinely for the first time that day.
Vienna practically ran down the building stairs and jumped into Ashley’s arms.
“I missed you,” Vienna whispered as Ashley caught her.
Ashley smiled broadly at her and leaned in for a kiss. Vienna happily obliged, snaking her arms around Ashley’s neck.
“Get a room!” someone yelled as they pulled back, laughing.
“I missed you too,” Ashley replied to Vienna’s earlier statement and then continued
“You look hot.” Ashley was genuinely happy to see Vienna.
And sure enough, Vienna did look hot in her casual jeans and cropped T-shirt. Of course, Vienna looked incredible in anything. The tight jeans showed the lovely curve of her ass and hips.
Vienna laughed and thanked her.
“Ready to go?” Ashley asked as she opened the car door for Vienna.
Vienna nodded, smiling as the two settled in and drove off.
“Hey, you looked a little ruffled up this morning, everything alright?” Vienna’s voice held concern.
“Um. You know how clients are, first, they call you to the office, mess up your schedule for just their appointment, and then when they get there, they’ll be like it would be better if we talked over lunch.” Ashley tried to cover up her absence as best as she could and followed it with a superficial laugh.
“But where are we going?” she said, diverting the subject.
“How about Piccolo Café?” Vienna replied
“Sure thing,” Ashley said, looking at her briefly with a smile then concentrated on the road again. The two talked about their day as they sped towards the café, with Ashley omitting the details about Paul.
Arriving at the café, the women got out of the car and entered the place. It was a small space with vintage designs and had a very welcoming, cozy feel to it. The place was packed, but Vienna managed to secure them a table.
When they settled in and ordered their food, Ashley looked at her, surprised.
“I take it, you’re quite familiar with this place?”
Vienna smiled broadly at her from across the table and said,
“I do, actually. Chloe and I used to come here a lot when she was in New York still. This was our meet up spot. We talked about all our drama here. I always love it.” She laughed at the memories.
Ashley smiled warmly at her.
“Ah, I see. Trisha and I have a place like that too. You must’ve heard of it, Maison Kayser.”
“Oh yeah! I have. It is the posh version of here to be sure! I’d love to go there someday.” She told Ashley.
“Chloe is your best friend?” Ashley asked her as the waitress brought their food.
“Yeah, everything’s been so sudden and all, I never got a chance to properly tell you. I met her when I started at Black Label. Meredith took Chloe on at a similar time. We went through our initial training together. But Chloe had so many other things she wanted to do. She left after Meredith put her through fashion school.” Vienna laughed.
“Chloe is a famous designer now. She has her own fashion house, Chloeque. She’s currently in Paris for the fashion week. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her. Seeing you and Trisha together really reminds me of our own friendship. I really miss her. She is honestly the only person I am close to.” Vienna told Ashley.
Ashley extended her hand towards Vienna’s and put it on top of her, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“We’ll go see her one of these days. Together.” Ashley promised as Vienna’s eyes lit up.
“Speaking of seeing things, how about you see me tomorrow night? I have to sleep alone in my HUGE bed.” Vienna’s voice had a flirty tone to it, and it was like that on purpose.
“Only if you make me dinner first.” Ashley smiled.
Vienna’s face lit up. “Sure thing. I make a mean Carbonara.”
Her eyes were bright, her hair was messy, there was a little coffee foam on her top lip.
Ashley was overwhelmed with emotion suddenly.
I think I love her.
Meet me at Lucid Café. No tricks, Davidson.
Ashley arrived at the place as directed by Paul. It was a small café and one that promised privacy.
She entered the place and looked around to find Paul, as a hand raised from the crowd and called her over.
“Over here!” Paul called out, a smirk on his fat shiny face as Ashley settled down at the table. The waitress came to the table, and Paul ordered coffee for himself and Ashley.
All the while, Ashley kept her gaze firm on him, and her lips stayed in a thin, grim line.
“Didn’t think I’d be seeing you again. I am honored.” Paul spoke as he extended his big red hand for Ashley to shake, only to be met by silence.
He smirked as if he had expected Ashley’s response. The words and the sentiment in his voice did not go together.
“Tell me what you want, and let’s get this over with.” Ashley said, noticing that Paul looked a mess.
He was wearing a pair of khaki pants with black sneakers. His blonde hair combed back neatly. He kept pushing up the glasses on the bridge of his fat nose as the smirk never left his greasy face.
You’d have never guessed this man here was the reason for Ashley’s torment, capable of blackmail.
“Oh sweetheart, you keep forgetting you aren’t the boss here. This time, I’m in control. My decision decides your fate, your entire career. Ring any bells?” Paul’s voice held bitterness.
“Look, it wasn’t personal. You had to pay for your actions. You violated rules and suffered the consequences. Anybody would have been treated like that.” Ashley spoke passively, trying to negotiate.
“The hell it wasn’t personal! I was the best employee you had! The best! And you ruined it. You could have let it slide. You were the boss, you could have done anything! You chose not to. And now, you’ll pay.” Paul’s elbows hit the table as his voice grew loud, which made some heads turn. His voice seething venom.
Noticing his outburst’s attention, he calmed himself down, and a sly smirk spread on his face.
“Don’t worry, folks, this is for a scene.” he remarked as people returned to their chatter.
“I am not going to apologize for firing you, it’s been years, let it go.” Ashley told him sternly.
“No, no, no. I don’t want an apology of any sort. Apologies are free. Some hard-earned, sweet cash
, on the other hand, is not.” Paul went on, revealing his terms to keep silent.
Ashley listened, not uttering a word.
“Since you were my boss, I’ll be kind to start. A hundred thousand bucks in three days, and like the good nerd I am, I will keep my mouth shut. I’ll make this easier for you, you don’t even have to see my face again. Just transfer the money to the account details I send you.” He continued.
“Why are you doing this? It won’t end well for you.” Ashley replied, trying to sound confident.
“Come on, Davidson, you made my life miserable. Now it's my turn to play. Haven’t you heard of Karma? The tables have turned. And this isn’t a great deal for a bigshot like you. Take it easy. You give me the money, and I keep my mouth shut. Easy peasy.” He finished with a grin that scared Ashley.
“I don’t believe you have photos,” she said boldly.
“I thought you might say that.” he produced a brown envelope from a file in his hands and pushed it across the table to her. She opened it and had a quick look inside. There she was with Vienna at a Charity dinner, Vienna smiling widely. She flicked to the next photo. It had been taken with a zoom lens from a nearby building. Vienna, on her roof terrace her breasts out of her dress and her eyes wild and scared. Ashley pushed up behind her against the railings fucking her. She had seen enough. She closed the envelope.
All Ashley could respond with was a blank stare. She wasn’t used to feeling this helpless.
“Three days. Enjoy your coffee. You can pick up the tab.” Paul said as he got up from the table and left.
The next day passed in a blur at the office, and Ashley was relieved to finally get to Vienna’s place.
“Oh finally, you are here, and so is movie and Carbonara night.” an excited Vienna greeted Ashley in some little short Pyjamas.
“Sorry, I got a little late, but I picked up your favorite tiramisu.” Ashley replied, smiling.
“Oh, you are SO welcome in my home, anytime if you bring me Tiramisu.” Vienna smiled, kissing Ashley’s cheek.
After dinner, the two settled in and found a chick flic on Netflix.
They ate popcorn, gulped down drinks, and cuddled close to each other.
Vienna laughed like a baby at the movie, and looking at her made Ashley realized how just being with her made everything better.
Her laugh could make her forget even the dreaded evening she had.
She deserves to know.
Trisha’s voice played in her head. Pulling Vienna closer to her, Ashley decided Vienna really deserved to know and that she would tell her everything, first thing tomorrow morning.
It might upset her or she might leave, but I cannot base our relationship on lies, I am telling her everything.
Ashley nodded to herself, satisfied with her decision.
The film finished, and Vienna leaned into Ashley for a kiss. They made out on Vienna’s sofa like horny teenagers.
“Why don’t we take this upstairs.” She suggested to Ashley.
“I don’t like that look on your face. What are you planning?” Ashley asked her warily.
Vienna rolled her eyes at her, and they went upstairs to her bedroom.
Ashley immediately kissed her, pressing her against the door as Vienna moaned into her mouth.
Ashley brought her hand to squeeze Vienna’s breast as their tongues clashed, savoring the taste of one another.
Tearing her lips away from Vienna’s, Ashley bit on the junction of her neck and sucked on the spot, leaving a mark. She threw Vienna back on the bed and stripped her shorts and tank top from her. Ashley’s fingers quickly went to work inside her. She held Vienna and fucked her, and Vienna orgasmed for her strong fingers inside her and her thumb tight against Vienna’s clit.
Vienna then wriggled out of Ashley’s grasp and pushed her back onto the bed, pulling Ashley’s clothes off.
Vienna got on top and straddled Ashley’s hips, grinding against her. “Aah, yes.” Vienna moaned. She spun around, so she was straddling Ashley’s face. Ashley felt more and more excited. Vienna lowered herself onto Ashley, and she moaned as Ashley’s mouth welcomed her wetness.
Vienna leaned forwards and buried her face between Ashley’s legs, pushing them apart slightly, nuzzling between them, determined to taste her again.
They licked and sucked at each other lazily as though they had all the time in the world. Vienna’s body hot and soft on top of Ashley’s. Vienna’s full breasts pressing into Ashley’s hips. Vienna’s pussy grinding into Ashley’s mouth. Ashley came quickly, moaning and writhing under her. Vienna felt Ashley orgasm hard in her mouth her whole body writhing and her sex pulsing. Ashley’s hands gripped Vienna tightly.
Vienna got off her and smiled languidly.
They took a minute, and a glass of water, and Ashley lay there smiling to herself. But, there was something else she really wanted to do.
“You blow my mind, V. Seriously. Thank you.” Ashley smiled and sat up. “There’s something I want to do. There’s somewhere else I want to take you. If you are willing.”
Vienna looked to her, confused as she tried to figure out Ashley’s cryptic plans. “Sure. What is it?”
“Have you ever had a whole hand inside of you?”
“Fisting?” Vienna smiled. “No, I mean, I know that is hard to believe, given my line of work, but surprisingly, it isn’t something that has come up. Well. Not never. I have done it to others, but I have never received it. I do have some lube, though. If you want it.” Vienna leaned over to her bedside table and then passed a bottle of lube to Ashley.
Ashley smiled and rolled on top of her.
“Well. Tonight is when it happens. I think you are very ready for it. Open your legs.”
Ashley settled herself between Vienna’s legs, she poured the lube over her right hand and smeared it up and down Vienna’s folds. She worked into her gradually until Vienna expanded to allow four fingers slipping in and out of her.
Ashley tucked her thumb in and made her fingers into a duck beak shape, still pushing in and out. Every time on the way in, pushing a little bit harder, twisting slightly, trying to find a way in for her knuckles, the fullest part of her hand. Vienna winced slightly, but Ashley expected it.
“It’s okay, V, it’s okay. It will just hurt when the knuckles go in, then it will be okay. Nothing worth having comes easy.”
Ashley increased the pressure as she pushed into Vienna. Vienna opened slightly for her, and Ashley’s hand slid right into her depths. Vienna cried out for a second. It felt too much, it felt too big. But then she took a deep breath and felt something else entirely. An intensity she couldn’t find words for.
Ashley curled her fingers into a fist and settled her hand inside Vienna. Vienna’s vulva tight around Ashley’s wrist.
Vienna’s pupils were wide as Ashley met her eyes and leaned over her.
“Are you okay?”
Vienna nodded speechlessly. “Are you in all the way?”
Ashley nodded and took Vienna’s hand, reaching it down to feel.
“Omigod.” Vienna felt Ashley’s wrist. Her hand had disappeared entirely. “Wow. It feels. Amazing. Intense. Like nothing else on earth.”
Ashley smiled at her and began to rock her hand deep inside Vienna. Her knuckles moved against Vienna’s G sport. Ashley moved up Vienna’s body, angling her wrist carefully and kissed her with her hand still inside. Tongue pushing into her mouth, intense in her kissing. Vienna felt full. Overwhelmingly full. It felt so intense. Feeling Ashley on top of her suddenly, the pressure of her weight brushing Vienna’s clit, Ashley’s tongue in Vienna’s mouth, Ashley’s whole hand moving inside her, Vienna came hard clamping Ashley’s hand.
Her orgasm built deep inside her and radiated out. It was the most incredible orgasm of her life. Tears beaded in her eyes and rolled down her face onto the pillow.
“I love you.” said Ashley, still inside her.
Vienna knew she loved Ashley, too, but it terrified her. She cried quietly in
the dull light, and Ashley held her.
“Vienna, wake up.”
Vienna stirred and opened her eyes, smiling lazily at Ashley.
“What time is it?”
Ashley looked at the clock resting above the fireplace and replied,
“8:30 in the morning.”
“I’m going to go take a shower.” Ashley told Vienna after a while.
“Want me to join in and help?” Vienna winked at her making Ashley laugh.
“I think I’ll be okay.” She said with a shake of her head. With one last kiss to Vienna’s lips, Ashley went to Vienna’s bedroom and hopped into the shower.
If only my reputation hadn’t been at stake here. Oh, I would’ve shown that bastard.
Ashley thought to herself as she finished her shower only to realize, she had left the towel outside.
“Vienna!” she shouted loudly, poking her head out the bathroom door. Footsteps sounded off as Vienna entered the room.
“V, can you give me the towel.” Ashley said to her as Vienna handed the towel.
Ashley’s phone rang, and she turned to Vienna to check who it was. She had communicated with Paul solely through texts, so she knew it was safe to ask Vienna to see who was calling.
As Vienna moved to the bedside table, the phone stopped ringing.
“It was Trisha.” She told Ashley.
Ashley nodded and got out of the bathroom in the towel, entering the walk-in closet.
Ashley’s cellphone chimed, and Vienna turned back again to see if it was Trisha, only to come face to face with a text from an unknown number.
Thanks for the dough, Davidson. Pleasure doing business with you, your secret whore shall stay safe.
Until next time, yours sincerely.
Vienna frowned as she read the text.
What’s going on?
She thought to herself, curiosity got the better of her, and she unlocked Ashley’s cellphone to further read the conversation.