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Elise Page 9

by Bobbi Smith

Clint was irritated as he started forward to claim his dinner and his date. He kept his dark mood carefully concealed, though, behind a benign smile. He didn't want anyone to suspect that he cared one way or another that he'd lost out in the bidding war for Elise. He could have just walked away from the social, but he'd wanted to stay around for the dancing part. He would dine with Julie, but as soon as he got the chance, he would get away from her and find a way to spend some time with Elise. He wasn't going to get to have dinner with her, but he could at least have one dance.

  "Congratulations, Clint. You two enjoy your dinner!" Reverend Ford told him before moving on to the next entry and continuing with the auction.

  "Shall we find a table somewhere quiet?" Clint suggested as he picked up her basket.

  "That sounds wonderful," Julie agreed, following along behind him as they headed to one of the more remote tables to share their meal.

  They settled in away from everyone, and Julie began to spread the food out.

  "Are you a good cook?" Clint ventured out of curiosity, looking at the fare she was unpacking.

  "Well-what I lack in cooking ability, I make up for in dancing," Julie said, managing to smile at him as she tried to make the best of a frustrating situation. Of all the men she could have ended up with, Clint was not even close to her first choice, and she knew from the way the bidding had gone that she wasn't his first choice either. All of which didn't make for a wonderful evening for either one of them.

  "I'm looking forward to finding out just how good you are, once we're done eating," he said, telling Julie what he thought she wanted to hear as he waited for the opportunity to go after Elise.

  Julie noticed how Clint kept glancing Elise's way, and she was not the least bit offended.

  "So you like Elise, do you?" she asked rather pointedly, seeing no reason to pretend.

  The easygoing manner he'd been faking slipped at her remark. "Her new boss, that Gabe West, must think he's pretty smart out bidding me like he did-the bastard." He suddenly realized what he'd said as his temper flared again, and he quickly apologized. "Sorry."

  "Don't worry, I know what it's like to want something and not be able to get it. When the dancing starts, we'll have our dance and then you go ask Elise to dance. Just because Gabe bought her dinner doesn't mean he can keep her to himself all night long," she encouraged him.

  Julie definitely had an ulterior motive to her plan. Once Clint was dancing with Elise, Gabe would be all alone and she would seek him out. She wanted to learn more about him. He intrigued her, and she wondered what his background was. Surely, dressing and acting the way he did, he was a gentleman from back East somewhere.

  Trace found Elise's dinner to be delicious, especially her freshly baked bread. He'd smothered it in butter and enjoyed every soft, delicious bite. He discovered to his pleasure that Claire had shared her apple pie with her granddaughter, so they all feasted on the delicious dessert together.

  "So what do you think of our town so far, Gabe?" George asked as he finished off his last bite of pie.

  "I'm impressed," Trace told him. "It's very friendly."

  "Durango is a good place to live," Claire agreed. "It's very safe. It doesn't have all that wildness that other towns have. I shudder every time I think of some of the horrible things that go on. Why, just reading those sto ries in the Star about what that outlaw named Harris and his gang have done is enough to make you really appreciate Durango and Marshal Trent."

  "We have been very blessed here," Elise agreed.

  "So far," Trace cautioned. "Let's just hope it stays that way."

  "You're right. The last thing we need is Matt Harris riding into town," George agreed.

  Trace's expression darkened at the thought of the murderer. He wished things were different. He wanted to be on the gang's trail, tracking them mercilessly until they were brought to justice. He resented being forced to bide his time in Durango. He hated the fact that while he was sitting there in an office pretending to be a newspaper editor, they were still on the loose, free to rob and kill.

  "That gang sounds just awful, doesn't it, Gabe?" Claire said, seeing the change in him and thinking he was intimidated by the prospect of dealing with such bad men. "You've probably never run into criminals of their kind before, have you?"

  "I read about them in the paper as you did, and I'm looking forward to the day when men like Harris no longer terrorize the West," he said grimly.

  "What do you think it's going to take?" Elise spoke up. "If Sheriff Jackson from Eagle Pass couldn't stop them, who can? These outlaws are amoral and deadly. It seems they know no fear."

  "The day's coming when they'll pay for what they've done," Trace vowed in a stern tone.

  Elise gave him a curious look. The fierceness of his tone surprised her. "Let's hope so."

  It was then that the music started.

  "Claire, would you care to dance?" Trace invited the older woman, glad to be distracted. Thoughts of the outlaw haunted his days and nights as it was.

  Claire almost felt like a young girl again, and she blushed prettily at his invitation. "I would love to dance with you, Gabe, as long as George doesn't mind. He did buy my dinner." She looked to her companion.

  "Go right ahead. I'll squire Elise around the dance floor-if she'll have me?" George said, smiling.

  "I'd be delighted, George," Elise told him.

  Lanterns had been hung all around the platform that had been set up for the night of dancing. The two couples made their way out onto the floor, joining the others who were already enjoying the music.

  Julie and Clint sat at their table watching as more and more dancers crowded onto the platform.

  "Are you ready to give it a try?" he asked.

  "Yes. I'd love to dance." The sooner she got Clint dancing with Elise, the sooner she'd be with Gabe. He looked so sophisticated and worldly.

  She couldn't wait to be in his arms.

  "Let's go!" Clint led the way, and once they were on the dance floor, he drew her close. The tempo of the tune was a quick one, and he gave it his all.

  Julie realized immediately that as a dancer, Clint was a good ranch hand. Somehow, she managed to keep up with him and not lose a toe. She had always considered herself an accomplished dancer, and she was proving it. She doubted there were many who could dance with Clint and survive unscathed.

  That dance ended, and the next song was a slow one. Julie was glad. She needed some rest after the excitement of the first dance. Clint tried to hold her even closer, but she succeeded in keeping a distance between them, all the while smiling up at him in sweet innocence.

  "So, when are you going to dance with Elise?" Julie asked, eager for the chance to go after Gabe.

  "I don't know. Who's she dancing with now?" He looked around.

  "Gabe," she told him. She noticed that a muscle worked in Clint's jaw as he spotted the other couple moving among the crowd of dancers.

  "Let's head their way. I think it just might be time that I cut in on him."

  Julie followed his lead as he crossed the floor and maneuvered into position near Gabe and Elise. She could hardly wait to be free of Clint and dancing with Gabe. She'd watched Gabe dancing with Elise and had seen how good he was. After Clint, Gabe was going to be heaven on earth.

  Trace had enjoyed his first dance with Claire tremendously. She had been the perfect partner. She'd been light on her feet, following his rusty lead with no problem. She had even laughed at his jokes, which had endeared her to him all the more. When the tune had finally ended, he'd been sorry to let her go, but George had been waiting to claim her for his own. Not that Trace was in any way reluctant to dance with Elise. Whether he wanted to admit it to himself or not, he was looking forward to it.

  "May I have this dance?" he asked courteously.

  "Of course," she answered easily, going into his arms.

  The slow melody brought them close together in an easy rhythm, and they moved in perfect unison as they swept about the floor.
  "You're a very good dancer," Elise complimented him.

  "Thank you. My grandmother insisted I learn when I was quite young, and I guess once you've learned the steps, you never forget them."

  She gazed up at him, studying the lean line of his jaw. There was something so puzzling about him. Though he appeared to be such a mild-mannered gentleman, and his dancing ability seemed to confirm it, sometimes she saw a glimpse of something more. When she'd walked in on him sitting at his desk at the office with his spectacles off, he'd looked like a completely different man. Even now, as he swept her around the room holding her near, she sensed that he was much more powerful than she'd originally thought. He moved with a certain controlled grace, and beneath her hand, his shoulder felt solid and strong.

  The memory of the kiss Gabe had given her when Preacher Farnsworth had declared them husband and wife returned again, and a surprising heat flushed through Elise at the sensual recollection. Maybe it was the rhythm of their bodies as they moved together about the dance floor or maybe it was the way his dark eyes caught and held hers in a penetrating gaze that left her breathless, but whatever it was, her heart was pounding a frantic rhythm.

  Elise told herself her reaction was ridiculous. This was Gabe West-the man who had tripped and fallen into Preacher Farnsworth to help "rescue" her. Gabe was not exactly the most manly of men in his suits and bow ties. Still-they did dance beautifully together.

  Trace had known that dancing with Elise would be enjoyable, but he hadn't expected to enjoy it this much. She fit perfectly in his arms, and as he squired her about the dance floor, it was as if they were floating on air. He looked down at her, his gaze settling for a moment on her lips. He remembered the kiss he'd given her after they'd been "married." The exchange had been heated and demanding, and he recalled every detail of that sensual encounter. Trace found that he wanted to kiss her again-to taste her innocence and passion once more. He wanted to-

  The tap on his shoulder abruptly shattered his thoughts, and Trace scowled as he glanced over to find Clint and Julie standing there beside them.

  "Mind if I cut in?" Clint asked.

  Elise's hand tightened in Trace's. Trace wanted to whirl her away from the other man without a word, but they were trapped. There could be no escape without causing a scene, and he couldn't do that tonight, not here at the church social. Trace paused, and when he did, Clint immediately stepped between him and Elise. Without waiting for an answer, the other man claimed her for his own partner and whisked her away.

  Trace was very aware of the abandoned Julie standing nearby. "Julie, would you like to dance?"

  "Why, thank you, Gabe. That would be wonderful."

  She went to him and was thrilled when he guided her expertly to the music. She remained quiet for a few moments, enjoying the pleasure of dancing with a man who was no threat to her physical well-being.

  "So, are you having a good time tonight?" she asked finally, wanting to strike up a conversation.

  "I am. I needed to get to know everyone, and this is a good way to do it."

  "I hope you like living in Durango. It's a beautiful town, and the people are very warm and friendly." She added emphasis to her last words.

  "So I've noticed," he agreed. He wasn't thinking of Julie. He was thinking of Elise, and her warm and friendly welcome at the stage depot.

  Trace looked quickly around the crowd and saw Elise smiling as she danced with Clint. He had to hand it to her acting abilities. No one would ever have suspected her real thoughts.

  Julie noticed his interest in the other woman and grew irritated. She was not used to being ignored. The auction had been hard enough to deal with, but she had no intention of being treated this way while she was dancing with him.

  "So tell me all about yourself. You must have been so surprised getting caught up in all of Elise's `wedding' plans like you did." Julie knew the best way to get a man to like you was to let him talk about himself. It was a strategy that had never failed her.

  "It was certainly a far different welcome than I'd expected when I got off the stage."

  "What were you expecting?"

  "I didn't know anyone in town, so I thought it was going to be a rather quiet time while I established myself as the new owner of the newspaper. I had no idea that I'd be instrumental in helping Elise report her biggest story ever."

  "She is a good reporter, I suppose. I hadn't paid too much attention to the news before, but now that you're here, things at the Star are becoming much more interesting-to me."

  Trace glanced down at her, surprised by her brazenness, but her expression remained sweetly innocent. "Well, we appreciate your support."

  "Where do you call home, Gabe?" Julie purred.

  "Durango now," he answered.

  "But you're obviously not from around here. Did you grow up back East?"

  Trace had known the questions would come, and he was prepared to be as evasive as necessary to cover himself. "Yes, but I wanted to see the West. I've been traveling for some time now." He told himself that none of that was a lie. The town he'd grown up in had been east of Durango.

  "And you ended up here."

  "After I won the newspaper from Ben Hollins in the card game, yes. I think this will be a nice place to settle for a while."

  "Just for a while? You're only passing through?" The possibility startled Julie. Ben had just up and left. He'd said he was going to take care of some family business, but now he was never going to return. She wondered if Gabe was going to be like that, too. If so, how then was she ever going to find a man who would marry her and take her to live back East, where she believed she belonged?

  "I'm not going anywhere right now, but to work at my newspaper," Trace said, hoping to distract her. He didn't want anyone in Durango to suspect his motives.

  "I'm certainly glad to hear that, and I'm very glad that you're here with us," she said flirtatiously.

  "I am, too." Trace supposed that wasn't a total falsehood. There was no way he could have stayed in Eagle Pass or remained with Gibby any longer. Until he was physically ready for his final showdown with Harris, he would stay in Durango and keep a low profile.

  "You sound like you're excited about taking over as the editor of the Star"

  "I think it's going to be a very interesting job. It will be interesting to see what Elise comes up with for her next big story."

  "She does have a flare for the sensational," Julie admitted begrudgingly. She was annoyed that the conversation had once again turned back to the other woman. She grew even more annoyed when she looked up at Trace to find him watching Elise and Clint again. "They make a handsome couple, don't you think? Clint's cared for Elise for a long time, you know." She sighed, deliberately trying to sound romantic.

  "They do look very nice together," Trace responded, turning his attention back to Julie.

  Across the dance floor, Elise glanced toward Gabe and Julie to see him holding her close. He was gazing down at Julie, apparently enraptured by something she'd said. The realization that he found the other woman attractive stung Elise, and the power of what she was feeling startled her.

  Elise couldn't imagine why in the world she cared one way or the other what Gabe thought or did. He was her boss. Period. And he was definitely not her type. He wore suits and bow ties and eyeglasses, for heaven's sake. It was absolutely ridiculous for her even to give him a second thought.

  Elise gave herself a mental shake and turned her concentration back to what was really important right then-keeping her feet safely out of Clint's way.

  Elise was very glad when the evening drew to a close. Clint's undeterred presence beside her had kept her from relaxing and truly enjoying herself. She had had no reprieve from his company since they'd had their one and only dance.

  "Can I walk you home tonight, Elise?" Clint asked.

  "Well, I-"

  Before she could get any further, Trace spoke up.

  "Elise came with me, so I'll be escorting her home."
  Clint shot him an ugly look. He'd tolerated the timid-looking newspaperman's presence all night, but he'd had about enough of him. "Why don't you let Elise decide who she's going to walk home with? She might want to spend time with a real man," he sneered.

  "Clint, I'm sorry, but it's only proper that I go home with Gabe, since I did come with him," Elise said with as much dignity as she could muster.

  "But-" Proper? Manners be damned! He wanted to be alone with her!

  "Elise?" Trace stood and offered her his arm.

  Clint's frustration was complete as she rose to stand beside Gabe. Except for the one dance, he hadn't gotten the chance to spend any time alone with Elise. He'd hoped he'd get to walk her home and talk to her then, but it wasn't going to happen. Clint was tempted to beat the hell out of Gabe, but they were at a church social, so he controlled himself. It wasn't easy. He wasn't a man who handled rejection well.

  "Well, good night, Elise," he finally grumbled resentfully, knowing that it was going to be a while before he could get back into town again. "It was good to see you again."

  "It was good to see you, too, Clint," she told him as she took Gabe's arm. She realized that she'd certainly gotten her money's worth out of Gabe tonight. He had saved her from dinner with Clint and from having to walk home with him. She'd been wondering how she was going to avoid Clint's more amorous advances if he'd been the one who'd ended up taking her home. As ardent as he was, she'd known it wouldn't be easy.

  Trace led Elise off, relieved that Clint hadn't started a fight. He'd been as ready as he could be to take him on if the need had arisen, but he was glad that it hadn't. He had most of his strength back, but he still wasn't his old self.

  "Thank you," Elise said to him in a low voice as they quit the grounds.

  "Don't mention it. Besides, since I paid for your dinner, I figured I got the privilege of walking you home, too." He grinned down at her.

  "That same way of thinking worked for me," George said with a laugh as he and Claire followed them down the street.

  "Poor Clint," Claire said sympathetically. "You have to admit the man is persistent. He's been trying to court Elise for months now, and somehow he just can't understand why she doesn't encourage his affections."


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