The Viper (COBRA Securities Book 15)

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The Viper (COBRA Securities Book 15) Page 6

by Velvet Vaughn

  “So he’s desperate. Do you know what shipment they were talking about?”

  “I don’t, but I fear Robbie might be involved with human trafficking.” The thought made her sick to her stomach. How anyone could just buy and sell another human without remorse was unfathomable.

  “I forwarded a snapshot of Bixby’s face to my office. They’re digging for information on him. If it’s out there, they’ll find it.”

  He flipped on the turn signal and motored into the parking lot of a mid-level hotel not far from the motel where she’d been staying. He navigated to the end of the lot and backed into a space close to one of the side doors. After he shut off the engine, she gripped the handle to open her door but his hand on her arm stopped her. She turned to him and even in the dark interior, the only light coming from security lights around the hotel, his eyes were warm and rich and she felt like she could stare into them forever.

  “We’ll stay here tonight, but my recommendation is that we get you out of town first thing in the morning. I can make sure your stepbrother can’t find you.”

  “I do want to leave, but there are a few things I need to take care of first.”

  “Nothing that can’t wait a few weeks?”

  She shook her head. “I need to go to my house and gather some belongings. There are things I have to have before we go.”

  “Can’t you buy anything you need?”

  “I don’t care about the clothes or shoes or anything, but I’m afraid Robbie will try to take the things he knows are important to me. Priceless heirlooms from my parents. I’d also like to have my passport and my computer.” God, she hoped he hadn’t ransacked her room already. It’d been fine when she left for the reading of the will, and Mr. Windham said the security codes were being changed. Theoretically, Robbie hadn’t been able to get back inside the house, but she wouldn’t put anything past him.

  “You won’t be able to use your computer. It can be traced.”

  “It has programs on there I need. I also want to get the key to my safe deposit box. Robbie might try to clear it out.”

  “He wouldn’t be able to access it without your key, could he?”

  “He has friends everywhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if he finagled his way inside.”

  “Okay, your house and the bank. Is that it?”

  “The lawyer’s office called. I have to sign some forms before I go.”

  “That it?”

  “I think so.”

  Kellan nodded. “Okay.” He opened his door and she followed suit, meeting up with him on the sidewalk. “I’ll get in touch with the LAPD and we’ll head to your house in the morning.”

  Annabelle grabbed his arm again, forcing him to stop walking. “No. No police. I was serious about that. My lawyer told me not to trust them just before he was murdered.”

  “I have a contact I trust. He just helped with a case we worked on. I’ll make sure he knows it’s confidential.”

  “Please, Kellan. I don’t want to risk it.” She took Mr. Windham’s warning to heart. If someone on the force was dirty, they could lead Robbie right to her.

  He stared into her eyes and she almost got lost in his again. He nodded slowly. “Okay. No police.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief. He’d listened to her and bowed to her wishes. Going back to her house wasn’t negotiable, nor the bank. She didn’t care about her clothes or shoes. Those things could be replaced. It was the irreplaceable things that she wouldn’t leave without. She’d have made Andy go back for them before they left, too.

  The thought of Andy made her heart clench. What if she was putting Kellan in the same line of fire? If anything happened to him, she’d be devastated. She’d just met him, but she felt a connection with him that defied logic.

  “You okay?”

  He was staring at her with concern and her heart skipped a beat. She could so easily fall for this man. Forcing a smile, she nodded. He guided her inside to a room on the first floor. She stood back as he inserted the key card and opened the door when the light flashed green.

  He tossed the card on a dresser and turned to face her. “Are you hungry?”

  Her stomach loudly answered his question and he chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes. Pizza okay?”



  Kellan tracked Annabelle’s movements as she wandered around the room while he placed an order for pizza. She had to have noticed there was only one bed. Though it was a king with plenty of room, he’d be sleeping on the floor. He could call the front desk and switch rooms, but they’d only be here one night, and he didn’t want to draw any attention to the fact that there was another person in his room. He was confident Annabelle’s stepbrother wouldn’t be able to find them, but he wasn’t taking chances. One little slip might mean the difference in keeping her safe.

  After he placed the order, he dialed the office. He needed to let Luke and Logan know what was going on. It was almost time for them to go home to their families, but he managed to catch them both before they left the office. As he was explaining about locating Annabelle and then her abduction, she tapped his shoulder.

  “Are you talking to your boss?” she mouthed.

  He held a hand over the phone. “Bosses. Yes.”

  “Can I speak with them?”

  He studied her and then nodded. He spoke into the phone. “Ms. St. John would like to talk with you. I’ll put you on speaker.” He punched a button. “Annabelle St. John, these are my bosses, Luke Colton and Logan Bradley.”

  “Thank you for speaking with me, Mr. Colton and Mr. Bradley.”

  “We’re not formal. It’s Luke and Logan. Can we call you Annabelle?”

  “Of course. I want to thank you for allowing Kellan to take my case. I’m not sure if he’s had a chance to explain, but I fully intend to pay the fees as soon as I can access the money.”

  “When Kellan told us about the case, we did some background research,” one of the men said, and she wasn’t sure if she felt offended her privacy had been invaded or not. She decided not to take it personally. Of course, they’d check up on her. “We’re sorry for your loss, but understand that you are in line to inherit a substantial sum of money.”

  “Yes. I am.”

  “That’s good enough for us. We’ll email a contract to Kellan for you to sign to make it official.”

  They chatted more and then Kellan took the phone off speaker. Annabelle disappeared into the bathroom and he heard the shower turn on. He tried like hell not to imagine her standing under the hot spray, water sluicing off her naked—


  He shook his head to clear the forbidden images. “Sorry. What was that?”

  “I asked what your plans are now,” Logan repeated.

  “I need to get her somewhere safe until the will is settled. Her stepbrother is gunning for her.”

  “You could bring her here,” Luke suggested.

  Kellan breathed a sigh of relief. It was the best place for her to hide out for a few weeks or months if she was willing. He was going to ask for his bosses’ permission, but they beat him to the punch. “Thanks, I appreciate it. She needs to run a few errands before we can take off. I’ll let you know a timeline as soon as possible.”

  “Do what you need. You have the full resources of the office. If you want backup, we can have someone there tomorrow.”

  “Thanks. I should be okay, but I’ll let you know.”

  “You can’t fly commercial without having her name show up on the manifest and it’s a long drive. When you figure out when you’re leaving, let us know and we’ll send the jet.”

  Another thing he was going to ask but they were one step ahead of him. He thanked them, promised he’d keep them updated and disconnected as a knock sounded on the door.

  After listening to make sure the shower was still running, he withdrew his gun and checked the peephole. A teenage boy wearing a hat with the name of the pizza joint he’d called stood with a large box in
his hand. Kellan opened the door and checked the hallway before he handed the deliveryman cash for the order plus a healthy tip.

  “I’ll get your change.”

  “Keep it.”

  The boy’s eyes widened. “Thank you, sir. Enjoy.”

  Kellan relocked the door and slid the box on the table. A bag on top held paper plates, napkins and plastic forks. Annabelle hadn’t come out of the bathroom yet, so he pocketed the key card and headed to the vending machines to purchase drinks. He wasn’t sure what she liked, so he fed bills into the machine and selected a Coke, a Diet Coke and two bottles of water.

  He’d just returned to the room and locked the door when Annabelle emerged from the shower in a cloud of steam. Her light blond strands looked darker when wet. The hot water added a rosy hue to her creamy complexion, making her aquamarine eyes sparkle. But it was seeing her in nothing but a towel that had his tongue sticking to the roof of his mouth. Something crashed to the floor and he realized one of the bottles had slipped from his grip. He didn’t spare it a look. He couldn’t take his eyes off the vision of beauty in front of him.

  Annabelle broke eye contact first. “I, uh, didn’t have anything to wear and I can’t put those clothes—”

  Her words ended on a sob and he realized she was barely holding it together. She’d been kidnapped and drugged for hell’s sake, and he was staring at her like a lust-filled teenager. He dropped all the bottles and in two steps, swept her off her feet and carried her to the bed, holding her in his arms as he sat with his back against the headboard. She buried her face against his chest and cried, the sounds breaking his heart. He wanted to tell her to stop, that her tears were killing him, but she needed the cathartic release. The least he could do was hold her and let her know she wasn’t alone. Her sobs eventually slowed and the shaking ceased. He glanced down to discover she’d fallen asleep.

  Careful not to wake her, he shifted her in his arms and tugged down the sheets, settling her on the bed. The corner of the towel had come loose and he eased it back in place. Gingerly, he tucked the covers around her body and ran the back of his fingers down her cheek. She was so lovely and he’d take away her pain if he could.

  After picking up the bottles of soda and water he’d dropped, he placed them on the table beside the now-cold pizza. He twisted the lid on one of the bottles of water and took a drink. The pizza smelled delicious. Lifting the lid, he slid two pieces on a paper plate and ate while he watched her sleep. He wished she’d gotten some food in her before she crashed, but her body needed the rest. He doubted she’d gotten more than a few hours the last couple of days.


  Annabelle awoke disoriented, a nightmare jarring her from sleep. Her surroundings were unfamiliar. Panic threatened until her gaze landed on the man sitting beside her bed, sound asleep in a chair. Kellan. Curtains completely covered the large window that faced the parking lot, but he’d left the bathroom light on with the door cracked to allow a soft glow into the otherwise dark room. She shifted and froze. She was practically naked under the covers. Had they…no, she’d have remembered. The last thing she did recall was standing in the shower, barely holding it together. Then when she came out of the bathroom and saw him looking so strong and handsome and capable, she’d broken apart. He’d picked her up and held her as she sobbed. He must’ve tucked her in, towel and all when she finally fell asleep.

  Her eyes tracked his face, mostly shadowed by darkness. His chin rested on his chest, one lock of hair slanting across his forehead. Her fingers itched to brush the silky strand aside. His hands were clasped in his lap and his feet crossed at the ankles. No way he was comfortable with his big body stuffed into the small seat. Grasping the cover to her chest, she started to sit up when his eyes popped open and he shifted upright, instantly awake.

  “Annabelle, are you okay?”

  His voice was gravelly and deep and sleep-roughened. The sound danced along her spine, sending her hormones into a tizzy. “Yes. Thank you. But I, uh…”

  “On it.” Pushing to his feet, he lifted a t-shirt from the bedside table and handed it to her. It was one of his. Breathing in his wonderful scent, she threaded her arms through the sleeves and adjusted the fit as he turned his back to give her privacy. If she were the brave sort, she would forgo the shirt, drop the sheet and flash him her sexiest smile.

  “You hungry?” he asked over his shoulder.

  Now that he mentioned it… “Starving.” Though it didn’t register at the time, the pizza smelled wonderful when she stepped out of the shower. It’d be cold now, but she liked it that way, too.

  Tossing the covers aside, she slid out and grabbed the towel she’d wrapped around herself after her shower. She draped it over a rod in the bathroom before walking to the table to eat. Though the t-shirt was a dress on her, she felt naughty without underwear. Kellan had a plate and napkin waiting for her, along with a bottle of water. She thanked him as she dug into a gooey slice. It tasted as good as it smelled. She polished off two pieces before calling it quits.

  “That was good. Thank you.” She met his gaze and he smiled, dimples bracketing his mouth. Damn, there went her heart again. This man was potent. She reached for the water, needing to quench the sudden flash of desire burning her from inside. “I’m sorry about earlier.”

  “Nothing to apologize for,” he murmured.

  She studied his handsome face. He’d showered and shaved. He wore a black t-shirt that hugged his impressive shoulders and biceps. So strong and brave. Her lids drooped and she blinked, fighting the pull of sleep. Bad things happened when she closed her eyes. Her dreams were unsettling and she’d rather keep staring at Kellan, but lingering effects from the drug Thug B injected her with were too strong to fight.

  The next thing she knew, she was in his arms again. “I can walk,” she protested weakly, burrowing closer to his warmth. She really couldn’t. Her limbs were jelly.

  “I know you can,” Kellan agreed as he placed her on the bed again.

  Before he could move away, she clutched his arm. “Lie down with me, Kellan. Please?” Her eyes closed. “Keep the nightmares away,” she whispered. She’d probably be embarrassed in the morning, but right now, she didn’t care.

  He stood silent so long, she was afraid he’d refuse. Instead, he kicked off his shoes and lifted the sheets. She scooted over to give him room. The mattress dipped when he crawled inside. Once he was settled, she rolled closer and melted against his body. His arms came around her and her last conscious thought was how right it felt to be lying in his arms.


  How in the hell was Kellan supposed to sleep with Annabelle pressed against him? Though she wore one of his t-shirts, she was naked beneath and his body had no trouble remembering that juicy fact. His lower body was primed and ready. When she’d burrowed her heart-shaped ass against his groin, he was afraid he’d offend her but she was out like a light. Whatever drug the kidnappers used lingered in her system. He hoped to hell he’d made the right call in not insisting she get checked out at the hospital.

  What he wanted to do was buckle her into the SUV and head East as fast as possible. It’d be a long drive, but every mile they put between her and her stepbrother was crucial. The man couldn’t harm her if he couldn’t find her. But, he understood her need to take her important belongings with her, especially since she’d lost three parents, all before the age of thirty. He was fortunate that both of his folks were still alive, so he couldn’t imagine what she’d been through. Now she was all alone except for a psycho stepbrother intent on doing her harm.

  He hadn’t brought up the subject of her staying with him at the compound for an extended period of time. Everyone involved with the company was family and they’d welcomed him with open arms when he arrived. They’d do the same with Annabelle.

  If they stopped by her house first and then the bank, they should be able to make it to the lawyer’s office in the early afternoon. He could request transport home tomorrow evening or the next morning. But,
as he’d learned throughout his police career, things rarely happened according to plan.

  Chapter Five

  Kellan woke up achingly hard, a very soft, very feminine body draped across him like a warm blanket. Despite his thoughts to the contrary, he’d managed to fall asleep and sometime during the night, Annabelle had wrapped herself around him like a second skin. Realizing his hand was caressing her ass—her very naked ass—he carefully extracted himself from beneath her. It was one of the hardest things he’d ever done in his life. Once he was clear, he stood and was happy to see his movements hadn’t awoken her. She curled to her side and slept on. He jerked the sheet over her to protect her modesty and his sanity. There was only so much a man could take.

  After using the bathroom and taking a quick shower, he dressed in his last clean shirt and tactical pants. A search of the bedside table produced a pad of paper and pen. He scribbled a note saying that he’d be right back in case she woke up and then he tiptoed out the door. He hated to leave her for even a minute, but she’d need clothes to wear and he needed breakfast, not necessarily in that order.

  Thirty minutes later, he returned with shopping bags full of supplies. He’d checked the sizes on her other clothes, so he was pretty confident they’d fit. Sliding the keycard in the slot, he eased the door open. She was still asleep in the same position. Dropping the bags by the door, he closed it again and headed to the lobby. The hotel offered a complimentary continental breakfast with a spread of muffins, donuts, cereals, and fruit. He loaded a tray with an assortment of items and two glasses of orange juice. When he returned to the room, he placed the food on the table and disposed of last night’s pizza box, folding it in half in order to stuff it in the small trash can.

  He glanced at his watch as he ate a cinnamon raisin muffin. He wanted to be on the road headed to her house already, but she obviously needed the rest. If they had to delay their departure from LA, so be it. Two bananas and an apple later and she still hadn’t stirred. Kellan powered on his computer and checked his email. Tyler forwarded him a report on Bixby, first name Melvin. He had a rap sheet for petty crimes, but he’d never done hard time. Possession of marijuana, public intoxication. Nothing major and no mention of any involvement with trafficking, other than stolen goods.


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