Resurfaced Passion (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 6)

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Resurfaced Passion (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 6) Page 33

by V. Theia

  His jaw tightened and she rubbed his fingertips, soothing him. “It was my greatest fear, ladybug. Losing you all over again would have killed me.”

  While Paige wasn’t the old person he knew her as, she was here now, and she loved him so much.

  “I think I would have always been drawn to you, no matter what. I love you.” She whispered into his neck and felt how hard his chest exhaled, his arms squeezed her tighter. “I’m going to love you for the rest of forever, Reaper.”

  “Thank fuck,” he grunted in return. “It killed me to miss you so much.”

  Stroking the back of his head she held him close. “I’m here now.”

  She hadn’t known a love like this could exist. That it would span years of not being together and still the love sustained.

  Would another man have done the same as Reaper?

  Would a different kind of man have moved on and left her to her new life?

  She’d never have those answers because her man endured.

  Through all his painful days of knowing everything and watching her, caring for her as much as he could and still… he stayed and that love she felt for him just went on and on.


  “Tick, tock, girl.” - Sargent

  The first time he saw her, she was the sweetest—barely out of high school, full of life girl, with her hair only blonde back then and piled like a pineapple on top of her head with wispy parts hanging down around her oval face. She’d been laughing at something her friend was saying, and she just took him.

  Her eyes weren’t even on him in that second and he’d known right there as his fucking feet refused to move, that she’d taken him. Owned him.

  He belonged to Paige before the first hello.

  Before she’d given him that shy, beautiful smile of hers. He was hers.

  Nothing about the way he’d felt then changed an inch over the years and looking at her sleeping on their pillows in their apartment, the heavy bricks he’d felt laid on his chest for days began to fall away.

  She was here and she loved him.

  What lucky fucker got to say his wife fell in love with him twice?

  He smiled and nuzzled her neck, whispering her name.

  * * *

  “C’mon, Paige, wake up for me.” The sexy as sin husky voice brought her all the way from sleep and she moaned a little for the intrusion.

  Just because she was up with God and the chickens most mornings, didn’t mean she liked it

  What kind of person claimed to enjoy early mornings? Crazy people that’s who.

  Hands pushed through the sheets and came around her waist.

  A hot breath brushed her neck.

  It felt so good, but she wasn’t ready to admit she was awake.

  “Go away.”

  “Come on, open those eyes.”

  “Nuh uh. Go away, you monster.”

  Instead she shuffled her butt and came up against hardness. Delicious hardness as hands stroked her belly and up between her boobs. “Time for breakfast, baby.”

  She groaned, torn between cuddling with Reaper and letting sleep claim her again. “Do you mean actual food?”

  Reaper chuckled like how she’d imagine the devil laughed when he was doing something really bad and loving it.

  She smiled into the pillow and covered one of his hands with hers, lacing their fingers. They’d come home last night, undressed, brushed their teeth side by side and then she didn’t know who started it, but they went at each other like two horny, fighting tigers in the wild.

  She was sore all over, was it a wonder her poor body needed more sleep?

  He’d told her so many times during the night how he loved eating her, so her question was super valid.

  “Yes, for now it’s actual food. Your belly has been grumbling for a while, I need to feed you.”

  She laughed and stroked the side of his face. “Take a look at these hips. These hips won’t mind if I skip a meal.”

  He growled. An honest to goodness sexy alpha boy growl and suddenly Paige was fully awake.

  One flip and she faced him, sliding both of her hands up his stomach, the hard plains of his chest, until her fingertips caressed the smooth ripples of muscle covering his shoulders, she hummed with appreciation for a man who had a body like a sex god.

  The kiss was long, and his mouth was hot, and Paige’s heart pounded a heavy thud. It obliterated every thought.

  For the first time in forever, her mind was locked into the present and not searching back through a past she couldn’t recall. The worries that plagued her evaporated like a summer shower on a sidewalk.

  She had no other wish but for their kiss to never end.

  “Thank you for last night.” She whispered against his heavenly lips.

  She wasn’t talking about the extraordinary sex.

  Not just the sex.

  He smiled and kissed her gently.

  It felt like a brand-new day between them.

  “I have something to show you.”

  Her nipples hardened, anticipating more sensual touching and Paige frowned when he climbed from their bed and padded naked out of the room.

  She scooted up in the bed and tucked the comforter around her boobs, waiting for him to return.

  “What are you doing?” She yelled through the apartment. “Reaper!”

  He appeared seconds later carrying a sneakers shoe box.

  There was no shame in how she mentally mauled him.

  She was his wife. She could mentally molest him all she wanted, thank you very much.

  He smirked, seemingly reading her mind.

  “You screamed my name just like that all night.”

  He was a scream-inducing kind of boyfriend. Husband.

  Whoa. Adrenaline rushed through her bloodstream.

  Reaper, this gorgeous piece of human was her husband. She loved that.

  In seconds he was back in bed with her, laid on his side. He offered her the box.

  “What’s this?”

  “Take a look.”

  When she did, that same adrenalin came back with force, pumping blood so fast through her heart she physically stopped breathing for a moment, her eyes searched out his.

  Reaper was silent, contemplatively watching her as she began to sift through the papers and photos. So many photos of her and him together.

  It was their life together. The one she couldn’t remember.

  Certificate of marriage.

  Wedding day photos on the beach.

  Birthday photos.

  Ultrasound photos.

  All of them had a little note written in her hand on the back marking the occasion.

  And with each photo she held delicately, searching out every corner and smile looking back at her, her heart beat that much faster. A mix of pain and happiness.

  She didn’t know she was crying until Reaper brushed a thumb under her eye.

  She looked up and smiled at him, her bottom lip quivering.

  “We loved each other so much.”

  “Love. Love each other so much.”

  Nodding like a bobble-head, Paige agreed and went back to pouring through the box of treasures. Reaper every now and then would give her the back story of one. She laughed and she cried, and she fell harder for the man who waited for her.

  The rest of that day was spent wrapped up in each other, like the world and everything outside their door didn’t exist.

  “I know what makes you combust, Paige. I know what makes you drip into my hand.” He shared sexily much later, nipping on her earlobe.

  He was being a torturous beast. All through dinner he’d given her the come sex me up eyes, all the while telling her to eat and pushing food onto her plate and then seducing her with more ice cream.

  Now she was ready to combust and crawl across the dining table butt first and beg him to grope her good and proper.

  So wet, she was going to leave a wet spot on the chair. Standing behind her, his mouth coasting perilously
close to her neck she was arching back begging to be kissed, it was no problem for Reaper to reach under her skirt as he used two thumbs to tug on the lace around her hips.

  Her whole body flamed to life, panting, she turned her head to try and capture his mouth and the monster evaded.

  “Have you had enough to eat, baby?”

  Nodding, she needed something else now.

  He smirked so damn handsome. “That’s good because I’m going to ruin these and eat my fill of my wife first.”

  “Will you stop saying my wife like that!”

  “I haven’t said it in four years, so forgive me for using it in every fucking sentence, bug.”

  That was fair. And she secretly got a thrill hearing it.

  All during the night he made her declare she loved her husband’s cock. She needed her husband’s cock, she loved riding her husband’s cock. What a bossy beast she loved.

  “I think I need to fuck my wife now.” he stated, plucking her out of the chair, he deposited her onto his lap once he took the seat, her legs spread wantonly over his knees, open for his hands to streak under the thin cotton dress.

  Arms looped around his neck; she nuzzled his nose. “Haven’t you been doing that for weeks?”

  “No, that was my girlfriend.”

  She laughed and rolled her eyes at him. “You and your menagerie of women…”

  “I’m a lucky fucking man.”

  And he belonged to her in every single way.

  Fingers crawled through his sun-lightened strands and he groaned, canting his head down giving her better access. He loved being touched.

  When he opened his hooded eyes, pinning Paige with a satisfied, wicked, pleased grin that told her wordlessly that she was his everything in return, she saw an entirely different man. One that was no longer guarded in his emotions. A happy man and one she was ever so lucky to be able to say she was the one who got to love him every moment of her life.

  Suddenly the air changed to thick syrup.

  The seconds became hassled and needy.

  She squirmed and Reaper clasped hands tightly on her hip bones.

  It didn’t stop her from grinding on his hardness.

  “You want it?”

  “God.” She breathed. “Yes.”

  “You want your husband’s hard cock?”

  “Reaper…yes.” More squirming, this time he helped her by directing the flow of her circling hips. He was so incredibly hard beneath his boxer briefs, the material hardly harnessing the beast. Long and thick, her mouth watered.

  “Pull your panties aside and take what you need, ladybug.”

  No. no, no. She was terrible in charge, she got clumsy. She much preferred Reaper steering their sex ship.

  Whimpering against his mouth, she pleaded.

  “You want it, you take it.” he growled and squeezed both cheeks of her bottom.

  Didn’t that just get her moving.

  She might have been clumsy pulling at his shorts and her panties at the same time, but Reaper didn’t appear to mind, his eyes hooded, his mouth slightly open, his breath brushing her face, he watched the whole time as she sank down and took his length into her.

  They both hissed.

  “Answer me this, ladybug. If I pour all my come like I want to deep inside you, are we gonna make a baby?”

  “God. God.” She moaned, foreheads together. Oh, the words he said to her knocked her dizzy and he knew it. She wanted that one day.

  She began rocking.

  “Show me that you need it, Paige. Fuck my cock.”

  “Please, I need it.”

  “I’ll give you anything, everything, you only have to ask.”

  He pushed forward, burying every last agonizingly perfect inch and it detonated her orgasm into the stratosphere, dragging a scream from Paige like she was being murdered, only the bliss was like no other death before. Her blood roared, Reaper powered in and out of her, using both hands to grip her butt, lifting her into his heavy slams. When he finally roared his own climax, she was poured through with more pleasure than she ever imagined possible.

  Her moan split the air. “How is it always this good?”

  “Because we’re fucking perfect together, you know it. I know it.”

  His mouth brushed her earlobe, sending shivers through her at the speed of light.

  Licking a path along her exposed throat, Reaper pulsed red hot lava into her limbs when he slammed his hips up, impaling her impossibly deeper and rasped into her mouth. “Say my name when you fuck your husband.”

  She was hoarse by the time she was done screaming his name.

  * * *

  “Holy fuck, ladybug. You know I can’t physically fuck you all day, right? My balls need a recharge just like your Android does.”

  Paige giggled and he felt a stirring. Maybe once more.

  They’d fucked three times that day already. Three epic fucks leaving his heart ramming up into his ribs and his cock so damn happy it lay like roadkill on his thigh and still the siren had taunted him by playing with her nipples and licking her lips and in turn sent heat rushing down to his empty balls.

  “Maybe we could test that,” the siren said, and Reaper groaned because he was tempted to try. He wouldn’t mind dying this way. Buried in his Paige trying to pump just one last time.

  Oh, the sweet suffering. He gathered in her little body and ran his nose along her shoulder before swatting her butt and rolling out of bed.

  He’d ignored five calls already from the club. Right now his world was narrowed down to one pink haired beauty, everything else could wait. He’d noted she’d ignored texts too by shoving her phone face down on the dresser.

  “Shower, ladybug, then we’re going out to eat.”

  When he turned around at the door it was to find her eating up his naked body like she was in a store and knew exactly what she wanted to buy.

  Again, his dick gave a token stir, begging Reaper to let him try another round.

  First he needed to feed his woman.

  He palmed his soft cock and let it know they’d play later.

  “Tease,” she huffed.

  His wife knew better. Reaper always delivered.

  Sometime later—unfortunately both of them dressed, he walked Paige down to her car through the courtyard of their complex building. It was parked next to his bike. No fucker would dare touch his prized possession; it was good to be associated to the RS for that reason alone. He could park in a no parking zone anywhere in town and no one would clamp his bike. With the amount of money the club paid to officials they could do donuts on city hall lawn and nothing would happen. No one had tested the theory yet.

  He brushed back the wisps of hair around Paige’s forehead and then fisted a hand around her long braid hanging down her back. She was plastered to his chest and neither were eager to see her go to work for her later afternoon shift.

  “I’ll come get you after work.”

  “I can get myself home, you know.” She told him, smiling.

  His hand found its way to her nape and he squeezed gently, tipping her face up for his lips. “Why would you want to when your man needs to escort you home.”

  “Ohhh,” she clucked. “Just like a gentleman. You weren’t such a gentleman when you had me bent over the bathroom sink.”

  No, he wasn’t. Reaper smirked then peppered kisses to her cheeks.

  “Let me give you a memory, baby. Of the times when I’d drop you off at work knowing how hard I’d taken you all night because I wanted you to feel me between your legs all day long.” Her cheeks flamed to two hot puffed domes. “I didn’t care that it was fucked up. That’s how madly I wanted to own you.” His lips moved against her heated skin. He fucking loved how she reacted to him. “That’s what I wanna do now, Paige. Stamp me all over you, make you walk funny, feel me with every step you take.” her breath stuttered, and another piece of their life knitted back together. “You think I was a weirdo before? Try me now when I’m desperate to claim my wife
in every way possible.”

  Eyes glazed; Reaper got his satisfaction from that blissed look on his Paige’s face.

  He smiled and licked her lower lip hanging open.

  “You—you can do all that when you come to collect me later.”

  Damn straight he would. Damn fucking straight.

  * * *

  Head in the Reaper shaped clouds as she entered the diner, Paige didn’t initially look around to see who was in as she hung up her coat, the smile soon fell from her face seeing her dad at table five, loitering with a cup in front of him, staring at her.

  He used two fingers to call her over like she was a fucking dog.

  There was no affection on his face, no sense of pride or love as she approached, and his rejection blasted through her yet again.

  When would she learn, she wondered?

  Never, most probably. A child would always seek the approval of a parent, no matter how abhorrent they’d been treated. Humans were ingrained to love their family, regardless of neglect and lack of affection. She hated it, but that was the truth.


  No hello, how are you, daughter.

  He was here for one reason only and her stomach tied in knots.

  She would forever be dragged back into his objectionable net.

  “You leave him out of it.”

  Sargent smirked.

  “I mean it.”

  “You can forgive him so easily for what he did?”

  “There’s no forgiveness needed. You never protected me against Sony.”

  Darkness burned in her father’s eyes. She’d always known he loved a kid that wasn’t even his more than he loved her. Probably because Sony was always willing to do whatever the old man wanted. Two bastards cut from the same cloth.

  “You’re gonna pay for saying that, girl.”

  “When haven’t I?” She shrugged then made sure to repeat. “You leave Jud alone after this, got it?”

  He laughed dryly. “Pure fucking gold seeing you with balls, girl. But I don’t take orders.”

  “Then I won’t…”

  “Won’t you?” Eyes narrowed, all humor gone, and he sat forward, laced his fingers and pinned Paige with the stare that brought back memories she only wished she could forget. Sounds of him threatening her when she was just a girl to be tossed on the streets for the perverts to pick over her ringing through her ears. “Fancy visiting him in jail do you? I can easily make a call.”


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