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Blade Page 5

by Blair Grey

  I couldn’t get enough of him, and as he continued to fuck me, I knew he felt the same. He moaned every now and then, pushing himself into me, letting his own pleasure be known by the look on his face. The tension in his body told me he was going to cum soon, but he was a gentleman.

  He wasn’t going to finish until he knew I was satisfied, so he took his fingers and rubbed my clit with his thumb as he continued to fill me with his cock. I moaned, reaching over my head and taking the pillow from the side of the couch. I pulled it down over my face, hardly able to muffle the sounds of pleasure emitting from my lips with each new thrust.

  I knew we were alone in the house, but I didn’t want the sound of my orgasm to sweep down the street. With the windows open, I was afraid my pleasured cries would tell the entire neighborhood what we were doing, and though I knew it was crazy, I really didn’t want the rest of the houses on the block to know what was going on.

  As I was getting closer and closer to orgasm, it was harder for me to keep my voice down. I knew Blade didn’t want me to be quiet – he encouraged me to make as much noise as I want.

  “Don’t be shy about it, baby,” he said. “Let the world know you’re happy.”

  “I don’t want the neighbors to hear,” I said with a soft smile.

  “Let them hear,” he said as he pushed into me fast and hard. He didn’t give me the chance to argue or even to retort. He thrust into me faster and harder than before, filling me with a tension I didn’t even know was possible.

  He pushed one last time, this time holding himself as deep inside my pussy as he could. I didn’t know it was possible for someone to be in me so far, and at that moment, he dislodged in my core something that was so intense, so deep, I didn’t even know I could cum so hard.

  “Oh, Blade!” I cried out as my orgasm rushed through me. It was by far the most intense orgasm I had ever had, and nearly the same time I came, Blade emptied himself inside me. He let out a groan of his own pleasure, filling my pussy with his load.

  He rocked back and forth on me slight, sliding a little way out then pushing back in, continuing to make the most of the orgasm. There was no holding back what he had for me, and I couldn’t get enough of him.

  After the last wave of pleasure had run out of our bodies, he slid on the couch next to me, holding me in his arms. Neither of us spoke. There wasn’t anything to say. I got the impression he didn’t find this to be out of the ordinary, and I didn’t want to ruin it by talking about what we had just done or what it did or didn’t mean.

  No, I wanted to just live life in the moment, making the most of the time I had with this sexy stranger. He might be my next-door neighbor, but I still didn’t know anything about him. I just knew he was the sexiest man I’d ever been with, and he knew what he was doing in bed, that was for damn sure.

  I got comfortable on the couch with him, not at all feeling the urge to leave. I knew I didn’t want to spend the entire night, but there wasn’t any need for me to rush off in the moment, either. I just wanted to spend a few more minutes with this glorious man, to bask in the light of his carefree, sexy ways.

  I didn’t want to think about home or what was waiting for me when I got there. I just wanted to have the time to enjoy the moment.

  And, that’s what I planned to do.

  “So, tell me about your day,” Amber’s voice came through the phone, and I told her how the first day at the clinic had gone.

  She was my best friend from the last clinic where I’d worked, and she’d been disappointed I’d been transferred back home. Of everyone, she was the one person who knew more than anything about my past and the reason why I didn’t want to be back.

  But, she was trying to be there for me as best as she could, so I was doing my best to be as optimistic as possible. As hard as it was, I didn’t want to drag her into what I had been dealing with at home. Instead, I focused on work mostly, telling her about the clinic and how things were pretty much the same from one facility to the next.

  “And, what about your house?” she asked at last. I had known the question was coming, but I wasn’t sure how to answer it. She knew my relationship with my mother wasn’t great, and though she was just trying to support me, I knew I had to be careful with what I shared.

  I didn’t want to make this even worse by telling her entirely what I was dealing with.

  “It’s what you would expect, moving back in with your parents after you know what it’s like to be on your own,” I told her. “But at least I have a sexy neighbor.”

  “Oh, tell me about him,” she encouraged. “Please!”

  “Oh, there’s not much to tell,” I tried to say, but she wasn’t going to buy that.

  “Come on, you know there’s a lot to tell. Are you going to tap that ass?” she teased.

  “I might have already done it,” I said.

  “Alexis!” she cried out. “Good for you! Get it, girl!”

  “It’s going to be a one-time thing,” I told her. I filled her in on how I had gotten up and left when he was asleep, not even saying a word about what had happened .

  “I just didn’t want to deal with the awkward morning after conversation, you know?” I told her. “And, I had to work today, so I thought I should get some real sleep before I did that. I don’t think he will be bothered by it. I mean, he’s sexy and definitely knows what he’s doing in bed. I doubt this is the only one-night stand he’s ever had.”

  “I don’t know why you would want to leave it at a one-night stand if he’s so awesome,” Amber replied. “I mean, come on, it’s been so long since you were getting action regularly, why not have some fun with this one and see where it goes?”

  “Because,” I told her quickly. “I’m not going to get wrapped up with anyone here. I’m getting through the next three months, and then I’m getting out of here and never looking back.”

  “If you say so,” she said. I heard her teasing me in her tone. She didn’t think I would be able to keep my hands off this guy, and I hated to think she might have a point. But, my resolution was strong, and I knew I couldn’t make things messy if I was going to get through this without any trouble.

  I had to stay focused.

  “I’ll keep you posted,” I told her. “But anyway, I just got home, and I don’t want you to have to hear my mother welcoming me.”

  “Take care of yourself,” she said. “Love you.”

  “Love you, girl,” I told her before I hung up the phone. It felt good to talk to someone who wasn’t here, though I had to admit, it wasn’t easy denying anything else was going to happen with Blade.

  Of course, it couldn’t. It wasn’t like I was here to get in a relationship. That was just a fun thing that happened one time, and that was the end of that. Neither of us was going to talk about it, and I wasn’t going to let it happen again. I needed that, and it was over now.

  But, when I walked up to the door, I suddenly noticed something had been left on the swing where I’d been sitting a couple nights before. Confused, I stepped over to it, suddenly realizing it was a pastry box.

  And inside, there was a single cupcake with a cherry on top. Immediately, my cheeks flushed a deep crimson, and I grabbed the box, sliding it under my arm as I glanced around to see if anyone saw me.

  Blade wasn’t home, and I didn’t see anyone else. But that didn’t stop me from feeling the heat rushing through my core. I might try to say it was a one-time thing, but I knew that might not be true.

  If anything, it was going to be a lot harder than I thought.

  Chapter 9


  Two days. Forty-eight hours.

  In any other instance where I’d slept with a woman, she was long forgotten by now. Either I had moved on with my life and was thinking about a new woman, or I had just moved on and was once again consumed with the MC.

  Either way, I certainly wasn’t thinking about the same girl I’d slept with a couple days before. That was for damn sure.

  I wasn’t cut o
ut to have relationships. I never went looking for one, and I hated it when I found a girl who happened to be clingy. Which, with my bad boy attitude and charm, along with my dashing good looks, it just so happened I had a tough time hanging around women and not having them fall in love.

  So, when I was still thinking about Alexis, I knew something was different about that girl. Something that the other women in my life lacked. Something a lot more intriguing – and something I knew wasn’t going to just go away.

  I was sure when I slept with her that would be the end of that. She was sexy, she was smart, and she was charming. She was the perfect girl for me to hookup with, and then forget about. And, that had been the true plan all along.

  I planned to sleep with her from the moment I saw her struggling with that nightstand in the back of her car. I knew it was just a matter of time before I convinced her it was a good idea, we’d do the deed, and then I wouldn’t give it another thought.

  It was a good plan. Foolproof, really.

  Or, so I thought.

  But, the act of hooking up itself had been different than I thought it would be. It wasn’t driven purely with lust like so many of the other times when I’d hooked up with a woman. Alexis wasn’t just good in bed, there was a connection there that was unlike anything I’d ever felt before in my life.

  As though we were meant to be together somehow. I couldn’t place it, really; as much as I wanted to try, but I couldn’t. There was something about the way we moved together – the feeling of not only her body under mine, but the way she wrapped herself around me that I couldn’t get out of my mind.

  And, it was really starting to drive me crazy.

  Normally, when I would wake to find a woman was gone already, it would be one of the best starts to my day I could ask for. It happened off and on. I would find a woman at the bar, I would charm her, take her back to my place, then she would be up and gone before I even got out of bed.

  There were times when I would hear her getting up and getting ready to leave, and I would intentionally pretend to still be asleep until she was gone – simply because I didn’t want to deal with the conversation of the next morning.

  Sure, it might be the nice thing to do to offer to give her a ride or something back to her place, or back to the bar so she could get her car, but that wasn’t me. It wasn’t my style to give rides to someone who wanted to come to my place to fuck.

  Hell, they already got their ride when they got to hang onto the back of me as we rode my bike to my place. They could figure out how to get back to the bar or wherever they were going themselves. I would sleep in as long as I wanted, then before going about my day as though nothing was out of the ordinary.

  Because it wasn’t.

  Then, there was the other end of the spectrum. There were the women who would latch onto me, somehow thinking that the fact we slept together made us meant to be together, and it was a sign we were supposed to explore what we could be. It was the worst scenario for anyone who just wanted to sleep with a girl and forget about it, and it led to a lot of shitty starts to my day.

  It wasn’t that I had a problem telling them it meant nothing to me, but I couldn’t deny I felt like shit to see how devastated they were when they really thought there had to be something there. But, I would push through the moment until I got rid of them, then I would try to move on with the rest of my day without giving them another thought.

  It wasn’t the greatest start to any day, and I always dreaded making the move in the morning when I woke and found out they were still in bed with me – or still in the house at all, for that matter.

  So, when I started to come to on the couch, and I realized I was alone in my living room, the initial feeling I expected was relief. After all, then I didn’t have to worry about dealing with any of the drama that could come after a one-night stand.

  But, instead of the welcome flooding through me when I realized I didn’t have to deal with a clingy woman, instead I felt a sense of emptiness and disappointment. It was as though I wanted her to still be there, even though I knew it was just a hookup.

  Since when do you feel this way about any woman you sleep with? Last night was fun, but you need to just leave it at that. You can’t get involved with a girl. You know how that’s going to go. Your life is the MC – not women. And, that’s the end of that.

  So why the Hell are you feeling disappointed? Are you even feeling disappointed? What is this you are feeling? It’s got to be something, but what is it?

  You’ve certainly never felt this way before.

  At first, I tried to dismiss the thought. But, as the day wore on, more and more memories from our conversation came rushing back to me. It wasn’t anything big, but I kept thinking about what she said about her vices.

  And, though it went against my better judgment, I’d gone out to get her one of those vices. It came in the form of a cupcake, but for me, it was so much more than that. It wasn’t just a cupcake I was getting for this girl. No, there was so much more to the act than that.

  So, I assumed when I gave Alexis the cupcake, it would mean the world to her. Sure, she might not know how many women had tried to get my attention over the years and failed, and she might not realize it was something big for me to set aside my inhibitions and get her anything, at all.

  But, regardless of whether she knew or not, I knew it was going to turn her into putty in my hands.

  Or, at least, I thought it would.

  This morning, the day after I purchased the cupcake and had given it to her, I ran into her as I was leaving the house. I guessed Alexis was on her way to work, but though she was in a hurry, she did stop long enough to talk to me.

  “Thanks for the cupcake,” she said with a sheepish smile. “That was the best surprise I could have asked for when I got home yesterday.”

  “No problem,” I told her. “But I was thinking if you’re not doing anything when you get off work, I’d like to see you.”

  I expected her to melt into my arms. I was sure she would be more than happy to come to me again. But, to my surprise, she just shook her head.

  “Sorry, but I’m going to be leaving in a couple months, so I really don’t want to get involved with anyone right now,” she told me with a smile.

  I was stunned. If there was one thing I wasn’t used to, it was being rejected by women. It had never happened before, and at first, I wasn’t sure how to respond. So, I tried another angle.

  “Come on, you had a good time, I had a good time, there’s no reason we can’t keep this going,” I shrugged. “You don’t have to worry about what happens then when you can just focus on having fun now.”

  “Thanks,” she said, “But no.”

  There were only a few moments of an awkward pause before she looked over her shoulder at her car. “I’ve got to get going. I’ll see you around, okay?”

  “Sure,” I shrugged again. I wasn’t sure what to say to her now. I wasn’t sure what I even felt. There was a lot of disappointment in what had just happened, but more than that, I was hurt, which made me angry. She didn’t stay to talk about it any longer, either, but instead dove into the car and sped off, leaving me to think about what had just happened, standing on the side of the road.

  I shook my head. I wasn’t exactly angry with her. It wasn’t her fault I’d acted out of character and wanted to see her again. But, at the same time, I wasn’t exactly angry with myself, either.

  She was the one who showed up on my doorstep with the pizza and beer and promise of a good time. So what was this now? Was this the same thing I did to so many women in my own life?

  It was hard for me to even fathom what had just happened, but I was left with no choice but to accept it. Suddenly no longer wanting to do anything with the rest of my day, I went back inside, and I’d been thinking about the conversation ever since.

  I had a couple beers, I thought about it, I tried to spin it in different angles, focusing on what I could do to change her mind – wondering if th
ere was anything I could do that would change her mind. So far, I couldn’t think of a damn thing.

  It was late in the afternoon, and I was growing desperate. Not to figure out how to change Alexis’s mind, but how to forget all about her. I wasn’t going to beg her to be with me, but I certainly wasn’t used to not getting my way, either.

  Whenever I wanted something, I went out and got it. There wasn’t another option. I saw it, I wanted it, I had it. This just didn’t make sense – the fact she turned me down just refused to register in my mind.

  I was brought back to my present moment by the sound of glass breaking and shouting next door. Ever since Alexis had moved into the house next to mine, I had grown used to the sound of fighting over there. I wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, but I did know she didn’t get along with her mother. I didn’t want to pry into that, so I just let it be.

  But this sounded a lot more intense. And, it wasn’t the sound of two women shouting at each other, either. There was clearly the sound of a man’s voice, and it was growing in intensity.

  If there was one thing I wasn’t going to stand, it was a man bullying Alexis or any other woman.

  When I heard the two come crashing through their front door, I came tearing through my own. I was going to head over to the house to take care of the situation anyway, but now that it was taking place on the front yard, I didn’t have a problem getting involved.

  The man was chasing Alexis – and almost at once I recognized him as the guy I’d seen unloading the car the other day. But, I didn’t have time to stop and think about that. He shouted her name and chased after her, his face tight with fury, his neck bulging with anger.

  Alexis was running for her car, but I stepped in between the two of them, grabbing the prick by the throat.

  “No!” Alexis shouted, “Stop!”

  I turned to her, loosening my grip slightly. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for the guy to wrench himself free, and he took off running. I wasn’t going to let him get away with this, and I turned to head back to my bike. I would run him down – I didn’t care where he went.


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