Maddie Shirkoff: World of Odds

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Maddie Shirkoff: World of Odds Page 10

by Danit Knishinsky

  “I’ll never work with you!” she cried. Avoiding any eye contact, Maddie dashed down the hall, pulled a mirror from the wall, and as Medusa shifted to look at Maddie in the eye to turn her to stone, Maddie inserted the mirror in front of her face. Medusa was now officially face-to-face with her own reflection.

  “No!” Medusa cried. And as fast as Samara had turned to stone, Medusa turned to stone as well.

  “We’re sorry for ever doubting you, Ragon said quietly. Maddie flipped around to see the remaining two goblins crying over Samara’s body. Maddie walked over to Samara. She stood over the goblin, crying. Without noticing, she dropped a tear on Samara’s head. In a split second, Samara began to glow. Samara’s stony body had once again turned to flesh.

  “How…how…what?” Brido asked, releasing a shaky breath.

  “What do you mean?” Maddie asked, wondering why he looked so shocked.

  “Your tear…never mind. I’m sure I’m just seeing things. Or…yes. It was just a coincidence,” said Brido, sighing. Each goblin and Maddie gave a group hug.

  “After this, I think we can deal with anything!” Maddie stated, breathing a sigh of happiness and relief.

  Suddenly, the palace doors opened wide, and a voice spoke out, “It’s such a mess in here! What could have happened-,” the mysterious figure turned to face the group, “so it was you. And you have arrived.”

  Although Maddie did not know, this person would be the most powerful being they had yet encountered. What would happen next was unknown.

  Chapter 13

  The Enchantress

  Maddie turned to face a tall woman with long, wavy, blonde hair wearing an extended white dress with a flowing cape. Maddie was reminded of the attire, which mythical goddesses were said to wear. But that was supposed to happen only in books. Maddie thought with a sigh. The lady’s skin was light, almost pale. Her beautiful appearance simply impressed Maddie.

  Her dress was drawn out, and it trailed the floor. The sleeves of the dress were lengthy as well, leaving a giant but stylish opening at the hand. Unlike superheroes, this cape seemed to flow like the wind, making the strange lady look unusually stunning. Her icy blue eyes seemed to pierce Maddie’s soul, searching for every trace of good.

  Her makeup was applied perfectly. She wore sparkly white eyeshadow and light pink lipstick. Her eyeliner was applied flawlessly in the cat-eye style, and her mascara made her lashes appear curly and long. Despite her kind face, the group was terrified. She waved one hand and the room was instantly spotless from the mess Medusa had made during the time she occupied the castle. Even Medusa’s body had now disappeared with the wave of this magician’s hand.

  “That’s better,” she said approvingly. Maddie watched the woman walk up to them, unsure of what to do or say.

  “Look ma’am, we mean no harm. If you are another crazy person getting ready to fight us…then.” Maddie looked at the goblins, “We’re ready.”

  The mysterious woman smiled and responded in a soft laugh, “No. I would never think of hurting another person, let alone an animal,” she added, gesturing to the whimpering puppy.

  “Who are you? And, please forgive my quick introduction. We have been attacked a lot lately, so I expected the worst. I am Maddie. I’m from Arizona. These are my companions. Samara, Ragon, and Brido. Over there, in Ragon’s arms is Sparky, my dog,” Maddie said to the woman standing in front of her.

  The lady smiled once more and answered Maddie’s question, reading her mind flawlessly, “I am the enchantress of Enchanted. My name is Rose, but I am referred to as the enchantress. I would be more than happy to have the honor of helping the traveler from afar,” Maddie smiled at her. Not only was she smart, but she had the best feature that Maddie could ask for. Kindness.

  “Well, I do understand that you aren’t SUPPOSED to be a threat, but how am I supposed to believe you? You walk in here, with MAGIC. The last encounter we had with a magical human being resulted in a dungeon, a knocked-out person, and a burnt croissant,” Maddie said, eying the enchantress with a solid amount of suspicion.

  The enchantress once again laughed her soft, warm laugh, looking quizzically at Maddie, waiting for an explanation on the croissant part of her story. That never came. Instead, the enchantress looked up and began to speak, “I understand, the journey here might not have been easy…but I am well known throughout Enchanted. I am acquainted with many things such as why you are here and all the things you wish to discover. But, if you are to survive during your short period of time here, you need to trust me. Like I said, I am well known here. Just ask your little friends.”

  Maddie looked at Samara, Brido, and Ragon, waiting for a response. To her surprise, they all nodded their heads. If her friends truly trusted this woman, then so would she.

  “Dear, I know why and how you are here. The important part is…you have reached this palace alive. I DON’T need another dead hero incident…” she muttered. Maddie stood, gaping at the lady in front of her. Dead hero?! What type of a comforting statement was that?! Maddie looked at the now clean building that was restored to its former glory. The giant pillars made of quartz, and the floor that was made of white marble. It was a beautiful sight. The only issue that concerned Maddie was the rooms, however.

  There were multiple rooms. Not just Doobi’s, she guessed. They were all probably very important, but the only room she would come to care about would be The One that could save her dog.

  Maddie wondered what “The One” could be about and how the enchantress knew Maddie was here, but her mind was on other things. She would finally be able to save Sparky if she could just wander throughout this place for a bit. No. This woman is ten times more powerful than the Royal Family. It would be downright stupid to wander around here, she thought scolding herself. After a while, the enchantress led them to a door. “In this room, you will see the spirit of the Great Doobi.” The goblins’ bodies trembled with excitement. Maddie, however, could not have been more enraged.

  “What about Sparky?!” she yelled.

  “The Great Doobi will examine Sparky and determine how to help him,” the enchantress answered. Maddie didn't want to go in the room without having asked a few more questions.

  “You are an enchantress?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Yes,” the enchantress responded.

  “And you are going to show us Doobi?”

  “Yes,” the beautiful woman said, patient with Maddie’s redundant questions. Her grace towards Maddie was shocking.

  “Could I be a powerful magician like you since I am the ‘chosen one’? That seems ridiculous. And you have been the one cleaning up this castle?” Maddie demanded.

  The enchantress paused before answering these questions, “The first one is simply a myth. It could be possible. I have no proof you are the chosen one…but, your personality says otherwise. I would need to get to know you better to determine this. But, there is one thing blocking me from believing you are the chosen one…you don’t have magic. Also, the reason I am so skeptical is because Medusa wanted to gain power so badly that she was willing to believe anything. And yes, out of respect for Doobi, I clean this palace. I will explain more about the chosen one with Doobi.”

  “Can we go in now?” Samara asked impatiently. The enchantress nodded.

  “There is a special key needed for all to go in. My magic can only allow me, and only me, inside,” she sighed.

  “You mean this key?” the goblins turned in shock as Maddie held up the key to the enchantress. The one she had magically glued to the key around her neck.

  “How did you come to receive that?” the enchantress asked quietly.

  “What do you mean?” Maddie asked, wondering. The goblins all stood, staring at her, eyes open and mouth wide. Whatever Maddie held was not something that was common. However, it had been for her. The original key belonged to her grandfather, and it was later gifted to her in a necklace. The other had been stolen from the Royal Family.

  “I am the onl
y one who can reach and open Doobi’s door…that key opens all doors of Enchanted. You would need the king and queen’s special key to do it! In addition to the sacred advisor key of the great Alecondrus! How…unless…you are a descendant! But I can sense you had to steal one of the keys. Let me guess, the royal one?” she finished.

  “Um, yes?” Maddie said, voice shaking, “I’ll return the key! I promise!”

  “They can always make a key to open every door in the castle. It is just what this one was made out of. The founding stones of Enchanted. I will let them know you have it, but once they find out you could be The One, they would probably be happy to let you keep it!”

  “Probably?” Maddie asked, immediately nervous.

  “Definitely!” the enchantress responded, “but do tell me your story.”

  Once Maddie explained the story to clarify what the enchantress wanted to know, the lady calmly stuck the key into the door and pushed it open. They were only a moment away from entering the room of the Great Doobi.

  Chapter 14

  The Great Doobi

  The room had marble flooring and walls with four pillars standing at the entrance. In the middle of the room was a fountain with a cement gravestone standing upright. The stone read:

  The Great Doobi


  July 13-December 8

  A wise and loving dog that was a skilled warrior

  who fought for the sake of Enchanted.

  May this loving dog rest in peace

  Maddie’s followed as the others bowed their heads to pay respect and remember the amazing dog. As Maddie watched this sad scene, she felt a little bad for trying to hurry things up in order to save Sparky. The goblins had focused on Sparky the entire journey; it was now their turn to have what they had asked for.

  Maddie watched Brido remove a jar filled with a clear liquid and pink rose petals at the bottom from his bag. At first, she was confused. Then, she realized that it was the item taken from the trapdoor at the Royal palace. “That is the magic used to summon Doobi. Would you like to use it? It is quite powerful,” the enchantress asked.

  “Wait,” the goblins stopped dead in their tracks. “what else can this potion do?” Maddie asked hesitantly.

  “The petals used to put Doobi back to rest are also used as a healing potion,” the enchantress replied. Maddie slowly turned to look at the goblins while the enchantress continued to speak, “I don’t understand why you decided not to use it on Sparky. Clearly Maddie wants him to be safe.”

  “Yes,” Maddie growled, “why didn't you use it on Sparky?!” she asked, breathing heavily. Maddie grabbed Sparky from Ragon.

  “I was trying to convince them-” Ragon began.

  “Obviously, you did a poor job! And why should I believe you anyway?! If you truly wanted Sparky alive, you would have secretly told me, no matter the cost!” she shouted.

  “Yeah well, we didn’t even know you,” Samara began, “and it’s not our fault that you were stupid enough to go into the portal in the first place!”

  Maddie was a little shocked that Samara knew about the portal and was even more shocked that she would say such a thing.

  “And you came to bother us in the first place. You should've done this journey yourself!” Brido cried.

  “It is rightfully mine! It was with my key you opened the trapdoor!”

  “Stop,” the enchantress said, glaring at everyone, “look at yourselves. Arguing like little fairies.” Maddie didn't quite understand the comparison, but everyone else seemed to understand and turned quiet.

  “We-” Brido attempted to speak, but the enchantress abruptly shushed him.

  After a pause, Ragon opened his mouth, “I really did try to get them to use it on Sparky.”

  “It’s true,” Samara managed, quietly.

  “The potion,” Ragon continued, “has liquid to wake up Doobi and petals to put his spirit back into the grave. The petals are also used for healing.” Maddie looked longingly at the petals.

  “Go ahead,” Maddie sobbed, “I can let him go.” It was obvious that she couldn’t, for someone that important to you cannot just be taken away.

  “This is wrong. I don’t know if we should do this,” Ragon said quietly.

  “Are you kidding?!” Samara responded. This is our chance to see Doobi! Why would you give that up?”

  “Because Samara, it isn’t ours to use. Maddie is right…it’s hers.”

  “No. She gave it to us fair and square.”

  “She really didn’t,” Ragon replied, fuming.

  “Whatever,” Samara responded angrily. She proceeded to pour the potion onto the grave. Ragon and Brido each let out a gasp.

  “Samara!” Ragon cried.

  There was a swirl of fog and in a split second, Doobi’s figure appeared. He was a white colored Golden Doodle with a light sky blue collar. His hair was curly and clean. All of the goblins trembled with excitement.

  “Well, hello there,” came his sweet voice.

  “Why, we are just so excited to meet you!” Ragon cried. Each goblin bowed down to Doobi.

  “You have summoned me. Is there anything you need help with,” he offered, “I can always lend a hand for a fellow Enchantedian.”

  “We are in need of a way to gain power and money. You see, Mr. Doobi, it is quite hard to live in our conditions. We rescued Princess Kara from the evil queen, Lilith, and were offered a reward. In an attempt to be humble, we declined. We only took supplies we needed for our journey. Sadly, my siblings and I are in need of a place to live and want to find a way to obtain this. Although we love our cave, we are shut away from modern life. We wish to live amongst other goblins. Even if we can’t, a home would be nice. We only have the bare minimum of food and water in our cave,” Samara finished.

  “Well, you need to approach the king and say that I told you to request a home built for you. Tell him, that earlier, you did not think of this need when he had asked the question. That should solve your issue. I give you this letter with my approval,” Doobi answered wisely. A letter formed from thin air. It slowly drifted towards the goblins until it was eagerly snatched up by Samara.

  “Thank you, sir!” all three goblins said at once.

  “Now, let me send it to them through magic,” the enchantress began, “it will be much easier,” she flicked her hand, and the letter disappeared.

  “Are there any more questions?” Doobi asked.

  “Yes,” Maddie began, “these goblins used a potion that they found in the trapdoor of the Royal castle to summon you. That trapdoor was opened with my grandfather’s key. First, I don’t understand whether my grandfather has been here or not. Second, why did the portal appear in the first place. Third, how will I save my dying dog? Those petals that are also meant to put your spirit back into the grave are meant to also save my dog. Please tell me there is a way to save him,” she began to cry.

  “Well, my dear. Your grandfather, Alecondrus, used to live here. He was born in the city of Hazakia. At the time, there was a different generation of the Royal Family. The Royal Family that you know now happened to be children at the time. I shall tell you the story. It will help you understand more. Lilith had grown up as the youngest child. Thus, she was second in line to the throne. She knew she would never truly gain it, for there was no way the future king and queen would pass in time for her to rule for a lengthy period. While she was a princess, she wanted to be known as a powerful force when it came to helping the Royal Family. When she tried to kill the king, her own father, and the other princess, her sister, a bracelet was made by your grandfather that could block her magic. He defeated Lilith when Enchanted needed him most. Thus, in his honor, a city was named after him. Alecondrus. After that, he received constant praise. Your grandfather had been able to lock up Lilith for many years. He was awarded a position of Royal Advisor. He had always heard of the myths of your world. A world of no magic or problems. Time does not pass here nearly as fast as it does in your world. He appealed to me f
or advice, and I had Rose, the enchantress, conjure up a portal to your world. He stepped through, taking his advisor key with him. However, you may be wondering why. He felt that, at the time, every moment a problem occurred, he would be called. He didn’t want to have the burden of being a hero when, to himself, he was just a normal man. By taking the advisor key, he made sure no other man would be forced into this position of constant fear of not being enough. He truly felt overwhelmed and carried the burden with him. He wanted to know where he could go to escape the troubles of the magic world.”

  “Wow. He really never seemed that cool…what are the other cities called?”

  “The capital is Doobi. It is followed by Alecondrus. Then you have Laksont that neighbors Alahara. Alahara is a city to the north of Misawa. Then you have the major trading city, Maripont.”

  “They all sound like weird names.”

  “They are. Names…not necessarily weird here. Alahara and Misawa are Enchanted’s military generals. They control how Enchanted fights. They had cities named after them because they worked together to plot an attack that would defend Enchanted when the evil giant Gor attempted to destroy our land. He is a giant Darkness Fang with no mercy. He is also very dangerous and smart. Many people had died attempting to fight him. But, we had the greatest military generals of all. Very impressive, what they did. When you arrived, you defeated Gor’s child, Osam. He was pretty big and stupid. Normally, we find darkness fangs incredibly dangerous. However, this specific one did not live up to his father’s name. The royal army was planning to get rid of him, but you seemed to take care of that problem. The last city is Maripont named after a famous chef that had started off poor but became very rich from performing the activities she loved. So many people looked up to the way she transitioned her lifestyle from powerless to powerful. It was such a large spectacle that the public convinced the Royal Family to name a city after her.”

  “Wow. That’s amazing. Now, can you answer my other two questions? Please, I’m just so anxious to hear what you have to say!”


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