Queen's Ransom: The Golden Bulls of Minos

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Queen's Ransom: The Golden Bulls of Minos Page 5

by Isabel Wroth

  So far beyond her depth, Jalia struggled to maintain her facade of a titled, wealthy woman used to being treated so decadently. Her sibs would have been used to treatment like this, and for the very first time in her life, Jalia was thankful for some of the protocol classes she'd been forced to sit through at Telantes.

  "Your hospitality is overwhelmingly generous, your highness. I hope my attendants have behaved themselves?"

  Turju assured her Tom and Croft had settled in just fine. "And you know, should you decide the competition is simply too much, there are no bylaws that state you have to run the labyrinths to lay claim to a prince of Minos."

  The suggestive bounce of his eyebrows made Jalia fight a smile. "I've never lost a competition in my life, and I'm not about to break my winning streak. But I thank you for the flattery, your highness."

  The playful prince tapped her on the nose like a little girl, not knowing how close he came to a broken finger. "You will call me, Turju. I insist."

  "Thank you, your highness."

  Turju rolled his eyes and led her into the open doorway of an enormous suite of rooms.

  He stayed at the threshold, describing all the amenities available to her, but Jalia was too busy fighting to keep her teeth together to listen.

  Unsurprisingly, everything was done in shades of white and gold, but not so ostentatiously as to make her uncomfortable. The bed situated in a round turret-like space framed with panels of lacy curtains, the delicate furniture situated invitingly, pots of tall green plants brought a splash of life to the otherwise sterile room.

  Her view looked out onto the orchards, the sounds of the happily singing workers who picked the fruit floated up through her open windows to create something out of a fairy-tale.

  Below, Jalia saw a glittering purple pool of water amid all the lush trees and quiet places where one could sit and contemplate nature. It looked so enticingly beautiful, Jalia interrupted Turju to ask how deep it was.

  "On you, it will perhaps come up to your waist. The pool is meant for relaxation, not swimming. This is Dysis; she will be at your disposal for the duration of your stay."

  Jalia turned around to find a sweet-faced Minoan girl with white curly hair and enormous blue eyes waiting to be acknowledged. Jalia offered her a smile, and Dysis turned pink with shyness.

  "She will draw your baths, comb your hair, help you dress for the feast—"

  "Feast?" Jalia asked, not having been told about any feast.

  "Of course! I wouldn't dream of hosting my king and his prospective wives without hosting a banquet in their honor!

  “I vow, it will be a relaxing, intimate sunset affair. No need to worry, Dysis will take special care of you."

  Jalia stood there blinking like an imbecile as Turju shut the doors behind him, leaving her alone with Dysis. The girl bowed low, her voice soft and sweet.

  "The journey from the king's palace is long, my lady. May I draw you a bath? Fetch you some refreshments?"

  Jalia gnawed on the inside of her cheek, looking around the room with a disbelieving shake of her head.

  Look at me now, dad. All that money of yours finally paid off. I'm pretending to be a lady.

  "My lady?"

  She blinked and raked her hand through her windblown hair. "Something to drink would be great, Dysis. I think I'd like to wander around for a while if that's alright. Where are my attendants?"

  Tom and Croft had come ahead yesterday morning with some of her clothes and to do a little reconnaissance,

  "Probably down in the kitchen trying to eat their way through your stores, doing a spot of gambling, or chasing after some lusty ladies eh?"

  Dysis giggled prettily, skipping over to a large arched doorway, beckoning to her from within. "All your things are here, my lady, and yes, your gentlemen have been making themselves quite at home. Thomas is...exceedingly kind."

  It took Jalia a minute to understand who Dysis was talking about. The Phantom, kind? He was a trained assassin who could disappear in plain sight and have a wire wrapped around your throat before you even knew what was happening. Kind? What kind of bullshit game was Tom playing?

  "Glad to hear it. Would you show me around? Tell me about the palace and the orchards?"

  The doe-eyed girl looked surprised and awed by Jalia's request, stammering her agreement with innocent eagerness.


  "Do I even have to bother guessing who your favorite is?"

  Dhega didn't bother responding to Turju's taunting question, too busy watching Jalia aimlessly strolling through the garden and orchards below with one of Turju's little spies at her side, and her two male attendants trailing not far behind.

  She was as curious as a child, touching the leaves on the trees, stopping to inhale the scent of the liyot before plucking one of the fat yellow orbs from a high branch at the maid's suggestion.

  Jalia's expression of bliss as she bit into the fruit almost had him smiling.

  She picked more of the fruit and handed it to her attendants—for her to have later he thought—but was surprised when she encouraged them to eat as well.

  Dhega found himself suffering an abnormal spurt of jealousy, watching the Marchesa engage with her men as friends, equals even.

  "She certainly is...unique. Kalphias told me her hair was white." Turju commented, standing beside him with the most annoying smirk on his face.

  Dhega briefly explained the manner in which Jalia was able to change her coloring at will as she continued to explore the palace grounds.

  When her maid led her to the lirriite pool, Dhega tilted his head and watched Jalia dip her bare toes into the water, her exclamation of delight clear as day.

  Turju made a sound of disappointment when Jalia sat and put her legs in the water, kicking them back and forth with a smile while her attendants looked on with amusement.

  "I was certain I told Dysis to instruct the Marchesa swimming in the nude was mandatory for the lirriite pool."

  "Touch her again, old friend, and I'll rip your arms off." Dhega's grave, deadly serious warning was answered with Turju's immediate laughter.

  Jalia must have heard it, her gaze rising unerringly to find he and Turju standing on the wide balcony of Dhega's suite.

  She waved her half-eaten fruit in greeting, her smile growing when he gave a nod to acknowledge her.

  "I will be on my best behavior from now on, my king," Dhega grunted at Turju's promise, falling silent to continue watching the Marchesa enjoy the pleasures of Islingrane.

  "I've never heard of her species. Human, was it?"


  "Lovely. Tell me of her, where she comes from."

  Dhega made to answer, but he realized beyond the information Nivir had gathered from the medical tests and meager history, Dhega knew nothing about her.

  "She is twenty-six years of age and commands an armada of space-faring ships."

  "And?" Turju prompted when Dhega said nothing more.

  "And...in two days of having observed her, she's clever. Quick-witted, patient, kind."

  Turju scoffed, shaking his head with a disbelieving lift of his brows. "What a veritable treasure trove of information you have on the female you'll take as your queen."

  In truth, beyond their medical clearance, Nivir's rumors, and pedigree, Dhega new nothing about any of the females. "It has only been two days."

  "Indeed," Turju responded dubiously.

  Dhega would have put his fist through the smugly smiling bastard's face if not for the fact that he appreciated Turju's reliable transparency and their odd friendship.

  Turju had never looked at him with fear, or with thinly veiled loathing. The prince of Islin had been the first to stand up and welcome him as Minos' new king.

  Whenever a new matter was brought before the council of princes, Turju was usually the first to support whatever Dhega's position was.

  Being prince of a poison-filled territory, Dhega had trusted Turju the least for his first few years as king, but over
time the prince had steadily proved his loyalty, which was why Dhega was honest with him. "I have plans to learn more about each of the females in turn."

  "With each? Why bother if you've already made your choice?"

  "I must at least appear to be fair," he grumbled, not caring at all to learn anything about Cockinti, or the Duggan.

  "Why?" Turju reiterated. "You're the king of Minos; these females are here at your pleasure. If you wish to spend your time with the Marchesa, who would dare stop you?"

  "I am not concerned with who would stop me, Turju. I am concerned the others would take heed of my favoritism and seek to kill Jalia at the earliest opportunity.

  “The Chentian already makes her murderous intentions clear with her death stares alone. Jalia baits the others using her wit and sharp tongue to distract them from purpose. Instead of focusing on how to solve the mazes, they focus on how to beat her."

  Turju's taunting smile turned to a serious frown, "You fear one or more of them will ensure the Marchesa's death within the Thorns?"

  "Unless she forfeits the challenge, I am certain of it."

  "Well, perhaps it wouldn't be a bad thing. You may find beneath her colorful visage the Marchesa is as atrocious as the Shitter."

  "No one could be as atrocious as the Shitter."

  "Hoping that purple menace decides you're not worth the trouble, eh my friend?" Turju chortled.

  "Well, not to worry, I sent my most inept domestic to care for her. Abominable sunshine. Ghastly nature.

  “If I didn't care about keeping my staff loyal, that little twit would find a pile of broad clover in her dinner this evening."

  Dhega stifled a laugh. His own staff already complained about the hazardous wasteland Cockinti turned her necessary chambers into. Surely, if she ate even a single leaf of the bowel-loosening broad clover, Turju would have to demolish her guest chambers.

  Although, if Cockinti was unable to leave the pot, she couldn't compete...

  The Marchesa dangerously aroused his senses, evident in his willingness to clear the way for her to win the contest of the labyrinths.

  It was true; he wanted a female strong enough to withstand his ferocity, a female who would have no political foothold in his world or agendas ingrained in her by her herd-sire. He needed an ally that was his and his alone.

  He found himself smirking as he stared down at Jalia, her refusal to show him her true self or explain how she had navigated the labyrinths so well this far until after she was his queen?

  Dhega wondered if she knew just how her little challenges aroused him and so steadfastly captured his interest.

  Would she still make them if she knew?


  Dysis had been an excellent guide as Jalia had wandered the orchards. Even more, the young girl had been a font of information. When Jalia asked if Dysis could describe the poisonous flowers and shrubbery she would need to be wary of within the labyrinth, Dysis had adamantly explained she could in no way speak of anything regarding the maze.

  Not only had Dysis never been inside the maze, but it was also a death sentence to speak of them to outsiders. She had instead, taken Jalia to what she called the Poison Garden and proudly told her every single plant within the walled area was native to the Islingrane Pastures.

  From the expression on Dysis's sweet face, it was clear Jalia couldn't be told the dangers within the maze, but a stroll through the poison garden on the palace grounds was not out of the question.

  "These flowers here are said to have been a favorite of our first queen, Oishild," Dysis told her as they passed a blossom with petals as large as Jalia's palm.

  "It's poisonous?" she clarified.

  "Oh yes! The deadliest in the entire garden! Legend says, Oishild boiled the petals and mixed the liquid it into her king's evening wine.

  “The next morning the queen's favored maid was found dead alongside the king, both their mouths swollen and bloated purple. Evermore, it was called the Queen's Kiss."

  Jalia kept her hands firmly clasped behind her back until they left the wide garden paths and began the walk back to the palace.

  "It's almost time for the feast, would you like a bath now, my lady?"

  "I would, thank you."

  By the time the sun set, she had never been more relaxed in her life. Galaxy-renowned spas had nothing on the gentle touch of Dysis' hands rhythmically pulling a brush through her hair until the wet length was dry and soft as morning fog.

  Dysis produced a gown as red as Jalia's hair, with a plunging neckline and a slit so high one misstep would reveal secrets Jalia was not prepared to share with the world.

  Croft came to get her for dinner, whistling low when she opened the door and sailed past him. They passed Akeyko on the stairs, and the poor little thing looked terrible.

  Her eyes were puffy and red, a wad of cloth bunched in her hand, her hair was in a sloppy bun on top of her head, and the two attendants she had with her didn't look much better.

  "Poor thing. She must have lost her imuno-booster somewhere." Croft drawled, the picture of innocence when she glared at him.

  "You stole her boosters? I don't need your help to win this, Croft!" she hissed as they turned the corner.

  "Oh, I know." He told her with a shrug. "I was just bored."

  "Put it back!"

  "No," Croft replied casually, stepping back to give a pretty bow.

  "By the Bull, you are a divine vision Marchesa."

  Jalia pasted on a quick smile, turning to meet the mischievous gaze of Turju.

  His white robe was edged in gold tonight, a giant purple gem lay upon his breast, staring at her like a third eye.

  "Thank you, Dysis chose my dress and I should warn you, if I win my way through the labyrinths, I might steal her away from you."

  Turju's grin was wicked as he led her into a dining room so opulent, Jalia had to squint to bear the shine of it.

  "I'm certain Dysis would adore the opportunity to be a queen's maid. Did you enjoy your walk?"

  "I did. Islin is unbelievably beautiful. I've never seen anything—"


  Jalia barely restrained a flinch at Dhega's sharp, cold bark of displeasure. Her host didn't so much as blink as he continued to lead her forward to the head of the table where the king already sat, the menacing look on his face enough to make the hairs on her neck quiver.

  Thank the stars Dhega's glare wasn't focused on her.

  "Here you are, my dear. Sit, sit. Wine?" Turju completely ignored his king, pulling the chair to Dhega's right out for her, pouring a stream of pale pink liquid into her glass himself rather than summoning an attendant.

  "Um, yes. Thank you." Jalia murmured, raising the glass to her lips with a quick look for the king.

  His narrow gaze was still fixed on Turju, but he grunted his approval, his expression softening ever so slightly when he looked at her.

  The crisp, bittersweet taste of the wine and the heated look she was receiving from Dhega warmed her insides and left her more than a little breathless.

  "Marvelous, the others should be joining us shortly, I—Good gods."

  Turju's choked gasp broke her fall into Dhega's velvety brown eyes. Akeyko had finally made her way into the dining room, and in the brilliant lights, she looked even worse than before.

  Turju left her side to hustle around in favor of seeing to the Chentian princess, leaving Jalia alone with the king.

  "You prefer the pastures to my palace at the coast?" he asked in his deep burr.

  Jalia took another sip of wine before setting it aside, wondering if it would be rude of her to ask for something sweeter.

  "I don't know I'd say I prefer it. I am simply overwhelmed by so much land and all the wondrous things there are to see.

  “My people and I live aboard starships, the only green things we see are what comes off the engine coils after a magnetic jump.

  “Perhaps a tank or two filled with vegetation in the heart of a wealthy home when we stop to

  "You have grown tired of such space-faring life then."

  Jalia inclined her head, using her wine as cover to give herself time to choose her words carefully. "I was born to a military family; we never stayed in one place for very long. A nomadic lifestyle is what I'm used to, but after breathing the fresh air and feeling the sun on my skin, it would be...difficult to go back."

  "Pray you do not have to, Marchesa." Dhega's softly spoken words sent goosebumps up and down her spine, but any answer she might have been able to come up with was forestalled by the arrival of Cockinti and her complaints as to the efficiency of the maid she had been given.

  "I require at least five competent attendants! It is an outrage to have been given such a dull-witted creature to see to my needs! If we were on my homeworld that boob would have her hands cut off!"

  "If we were on my world, you would be on this table with a spiked kava fruit shoved between your teeth." Axtasusa snapped, taking the seat beside Jalia with a roll of her small eyes.

  Jalia snickered, leaning slightly towards the Duggan. "Who the fark would want to go to Dish? It probably smells like a shithouse."

  Axtasusa's laugh was loud and abrasive, honestly joyful, and obnoxious as it was, Jalia liked it.

  Too bad they were competing against one another. She could see herself being friends with the gargantuan female.


  The suns had barely begun their climb when Dysis knocked on her door and cheerfully announced it was time to get up.

  Jalia groaned, not wanting to leave the cloud that was her bed. It was so comfortable, the linens so soft, she had gone to bed naked to better enjoy the divine sensations.

  "Up, up! It's time to dress and eat, come on, your bath is warm and waiting, and I have your combs all laid out—oh my! Marchesa, your hair!"

  Through bleary eyes, Jalia pulled her hair over her shoulder and smiled to see during the night, her Luna had turned Jalia's tresses an icy blue.

  She explained the transformation and yawned as she shoved the covers back to put on her robe, stretching a little as she headed for the bathroom.


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