Destroying Dominic (Genoa Mafia Series Book 3)

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Destroying Dominic (Genoa Mafia Series Book 3) Page 5

by Ginger Ring

  Chapter Six


  In April, she’d hit a biker with her car—on purpose. That wasn’t what she’d set out to do that fine spring morning. No, it was a simple coffee run to the Genoa Java Shop with Madison. When they’d left the parking lot, the guy came out of nowhere. A bad dream from her past that’d come to life. Once she saw who it was, her foot automatically hit the gas, not the brake.

  After they came to a screeching halt, Madison was shocked, to say the least, when Stephanie asked her to stay and take the blame right before running off. When Roman and Dominic arrived soon after, they knew immediately that Madison hadn’t been driving. Heck, it was Stephanie’s vehicle. Her purse and the coffee cup with her name on it were still inside.

  That same night, Dominic showed up to escort her to Firenza to be questioned by Roman. The man was furious that someone would blame his wife for something she didn’t do. When they questioned her, she blew it off and blamed it on having lost her license, but they knew something was up, just not what it was. No one knew that one of the men who had turned her life into a nightmare was here, in Genoa of all places. So scared was she that Dom took her home to his place and she went willingly.

  It was a stormy night, and he’d kept her calm when her nerves were ready to shatter. How she used to love a good thunderstorm, but ever since that night all those years ago, the flashes of lightning and loud claps of thunder caused a flood of bad memories to come rushing back, memories of betrayal, unspeakable crime, and now murder. None of it was really her fault but it felt like it. One couldn’t choose the family they were born into, but they could do their best to escape them.

  She stirred in the chair and then snuggled back into the warmth of the jacket surrounding her. It smelled like pine, fresh air, and a little bit of wood smoke. The scents were comforting. It was like coming home to a safe place. They reminded her of Dominic. What a contradiction that was. He would never be considered “safe.”

  The man represented everything she hated. He was Mafioso, he was a killer, and he was a cleaner for the mob. If anyone was a picture of evil, it was him. But what a pretty picture he was. It was like two sides of a very different coin. One shiny and new while the other was tarnished and older than the date stamped on it.

  His face flashed in her mind. The man was tall with an athletic build, not bulky like Arlo. He had deep brown eyes that never seemed to miss anything and a perfectly straight nose. His strong jaw was usually covered by a beard or goatee. It was like he’d stepped out of the pages of some historical fantasy book. Just picturing him in pirate attire and standing on a ship caused her to moan out loud, but it was his long dark hair that intrigued her the most.

  Whether he wore it down or tied up in the back, the man was sexy as hell. Stephanie shifted again in the chair. He was all wrong for her, for any woman. How did one get past what he did? Yet he took care of her when no one else had and protected her without asking why. She would have died if he hadn’t arrived at the right time. She shivered and pushed it out of her head. What did she really think of the man?

  Stephanie was covered in a blanket and the scent of pine was fresh in her nose. Her eyes fluttered and closed. Dom was there and he pulled the jacket tighter around her shoulders. It should have jolted her awake yet it felt nice to know he was there and that she’d have someone looking out for her for once. Her skin warmed and she snuggled deeper into the chair. Fatigue was getting the best of her as she slipped in and out of sleep. Maybe just one time she could get a full night’s sleep without waking in a cold sweat.

  Yet in her slumber, she dreamed of a good man who was a bad man. Dominic was a man with as many wounds and inner scars as she. One time, Madison mentioned that she’d suggested to Roman that they try to fix the two of them up. Roman’s only response was that Dominic was a loner and had “issues.” He didn’t elaborate further, yet Maddy and Valentina didn’t shy away from encouraging the two even though neither had acted on it.

  What did it matter? If her enemies found her, she’d be on the lam again anyway. Running for her life couldn’t be called living. Fear resurfaced and sleep started to flee. Stephanie stretched and rubbed her eyes. Oh, how she needed rest and yearned for a peaceful sleep. She blinked a couple times and searched the room. Had Dominic left? No. He was in the corner of the room by her desk. He’d bent over to study her board, her inspiration board.

  Oh no. Her eyes widened and then closed. He’d seen the photo, that was for sure. How could anyone miss it? Even if she couldn’t sleep, she would pretend to. There was no way she could explain his face showing up in a collage of handsome hunks. Stephanie spent her downtime reading and writing stories of love and happily-ever-afters. Even if that wasn’t in the cards for her, she could live it through the pages of a novel.

  But why had she put his photo there? He scared her, repulsed her…intrigued her. At least that was what she tried to convince herself of. Sure, he was darker than night, but there was still light in him. She’d seen it when no one else cared to look, but he was still a mystery. It was her belief that deep down he was a good man with a good heart, but no one ever really knew another. Stephanie should be shaking in the chair, but for some reason, she remained calm. There were worse things and scarier people, that was for sure. Still, she needed to keep her distance. She would keep things civil and nothing more. For now, anyway.

  The floor creaked. He was coming her way. Her heart should be pounding but exhaustion had taken over. She couldn’t raise her head if she wanted to. Stephanie sighed and fell asleep.


  She woke with a start. A door slammed somewhere down the hall and then loud feet sounded on the stairs. It was a Sunday morning. Did someone have to go to work and they angrily wished to wake everyone else as well?

  Stephanie rubbed her eyes and yawned. She was on the couch. Her gaze wandered back to the chair she’d fallen asleep in. Try as she might, she had no idea how she ended up on the Davenport. The jacket fell from her shoulders and the scent of pine drifted to her nose. Dominic! She bolted straight up. Her bare toes dug into the fuzzy rug on the floor.

  The man was nowhere to be found. She took a deep breath. Sometime during the night, he must have carried her over to where she now lay. At least she didn’t have to explain his placement on her wall. The smell of freshly brewed coffee was in the air. Just the thought of it helped clear the cobwebs from her head. After a quick trip to the bathroom, she slipped on a pair of flip-flops and headed to the kitchen area.

  The timer had been set and coffee was brewing. Even though it was warm in the room, she pulled his jacket tightly around her body once again. Stephanie never used the timer on the machine so he must have done it for her before he left. She wandered to the window. His truck was parked across the street.

  Even from that distance, she could see him watching the building and its surrounding area. His face turned in her direction and she dropped the shade. The man was watching her, concerned for her. Both sent a chill down the back of her neck. Carefully, she pushed the shade back and rested her forehead on the cool glass. Her heart sank. His truck was now gone.

  She reached for her hair and twirled a strand around one finger, tying it in a knot, then two. What had she been expecting? Him asking her to Sunday brunch? No, they both liked to skirt the edge of society. But still…

  Tossing his jacket over the back of the chair, Stephanie poured a cup of coffee. It was strong, just like the man who made it. Shaking her head, she put the mug back on the counter. It was time to get out of this place before she went crazy. It was time for a run. She slipped out of her dress and into a tank top, shorts, and running shoes. Grabbing her car keys, a water bottle, and her backpack, she headed out the door.

  The place was quiet. She hesitated by the stairs, wondering if she should look out back for the motorcycle Dom mentioned, but the fact that he left made it seem like the danger was over. She skipped down the stairs and out the door. It was muggy for so early in the day. A chance
of rain was in the forecast for later.

  This was the best time of year. Everything was lush green and full of life. When she ran along the walking path that surrounded the lake, Stephanie usually took the side where Madison lived as it was more open. But today she decided to take the more wooded path by Black Point Estate. The local boat company took visitors there once a day for tours of the old historical mansion. Valentina and Ryan had gone there on their first date. Surprisingly, Stephanie had never been.

  There were several parking lots where walkers and joggers could leave their cars and she pulled into the nearest one. The sun was bright and hot, so it would be nice to run on the shady side of the lake. She slipped on her sunglasses, headphones, and stuffed her water bottle, keys, and phone into the small backpack. Looping the straps over her shoulders, she put her hair up in a ponytail, stretched, and started her run.

  The rumble of a boat motor started up and she watched as one the famous Lake Genoa wooden boats eased away from the dock and out onto the lake. The driver sported a big cigar in his mouth and there were a few fishing poles poking up in the back. He nodded in her direction and she waved back.

  After the first mile, she hit her stride. Her legs had loosened up and it felt good to be running up and down the small hills. She breathed in the fresh air of the surrounding pines. A reminder of someone she was trying to forget. Her strive for fitness wasn’t just to stay in shape, it was to survive. If someone were to chase her, they would have a hard time keeping up.

  The song she was listening to ended and she heard the snap of a branch. She lost her footing and nearly stumbled. As much as she liked the coolness and quiet of this area, it was also out of the view of homes and most of the lake. Another snap sounded. Stephanie peeked behind her and glimpsed feet. She lengthened her stride. Black Point Estate was up ahead somewhere, maybe another half mile or so. Tour guides might be there waiting on the trail for the arrival of the next tour.

  The runner closed in and she gave it all she had. She shouldn’t be paranoid, but after what Dominic said last night, she was. Her heart pounded and she breathed through her mouth. So much for going on a run in the hopes of relieving some pent-up tension. She was far from relaxed. Stephanie was in a full-blown panic and afraid to even turn around. Though for all she knew, it could just be some kid from the local track team.

  The crow’s nest at the top of the historic house came into view. It wouldn’t be long before she reached the estate, and hopefully, some of the volunteers would be outside. Someone called out but she kept going. One of her earbuds fell out and bounced against her chest. Just a few more steps and she would be safe.

  Out of nowhere, a hand reached out and grabbed her arm. Acting on instinct, she turned and did a kick toward the man’s chest. Before she knew it, her foot was in his hands and she was falling. Her butt hit the rocky ground. Hard. Stephanie flipped the hair out of her face and looked up at her attacker.

  Deep brown eyes stared back. It was Dominic, and boy did he look angry.

  Chapter Seven

  “What the hell are you doing running out here? Alone.” He still held her foot up in the air. His eyes glared into hers. Sharp rocks poked her behind. They would definitely be leaving a mark.

  “I’m getting some exercise.” She jerked her leg but he wouldn’t let go. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  “It looks like you are taking stupid chances with your life.” He leaned down.

  That great hair of his was up in the back but a few strands hung loose. She debated on whether to slap his face or caress his cheek. The intensity on his face warmed her from the inside out. Dominic wore shorts, tennis shoes, and a sleeveless tee. He was the most casual dresser of all of Roman’s crew. Dom seemed to go by his own set of rules; he was the mob’s own version of a rebel without any cause but his own. No designer suits for him. At least she’d never seen him in one.

  “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I’ve been doing it for years.”

  He rolled his eyes, tugged on her foot, and smirked.

  “Would you let go of my leg?” She pulled back but he held tight.

  “Until we know why the guys, whoever the fuck they are, are really here, you need to be careful and stay out of sight.”

  “I agree. That’s one of the reasons I am running on this side of the lake.” She motioned to the trees above. “I can’t be seen here.”

  “I found you. And what’s with the earphones? How are you supposed to hear if someone is following you?”

  He had her there and she pouted. “I know, that was stupid. It won’t happen again. I saw you leave this morning so figured it was safe.”

  “I had to get out of those damn wedding clothes and get us some breakfast. Ever hear of grocery shopping? A person would starve at your place.”

  “You looked in my fridge?” she yelled. The nerve of the guy invading her privacy. The last thing she wanted was someone poking around in her business.

  “I was hungry and thought I’d make us something to eat, like eggs or bacon, but I couldn’t even find bread to make toast.”

  Her ire softened a bit when he mentioned cooking for her. Still, it was best to stay as far away from Dominic Scarlatti as possible. For her own sake and his.

  She rubbed the back of her hand across her forehead and then rested it on the ground. The dirt was soft, cool, and pine needles stuck to her palm.

  “So, did you get anything?” Stephanie turned her face up toward his.

  “Get what?”

  “Food.” Her stomach growled.

  “When I got back, I saw your car was gone so I went looking for you. Lucky for you, I spotted your car. You know, the car with fake plates and registration that we had to fix for you?” It was true. After the accident with the motorcycle, Ryan demanded Roman get everything up to snuff so he didn’t have to fill out a report.

  “Yeah, lucky me.” Stephanie ground the heel of her loose foot into the ground and struggled to get the other one free from his grasp. “Are you ever going to let go of my foot?”

  “Make me.” His eyes narrowed.

  “Why are you doing this?” She was hungry, tired, and all the blood from her leg being in the air was starting to rush to her head.

  “You may have bad guys after you.” The grip on her ankle tightened. “Consider this a learning moment.”

  She’d teach him. Her fingers dug into the loose dirt. Steph glanced behind him and her eyes widened. “Oh no. Who’s that?”

  Dominic twisted to look but there was nothing there. When he turned back, she threw the handful of dirt in his face and scooted back. It didn’t work. He still held tight. Damn.

  A smile crossed his mouth as he wiped the dust from his face with his forearm. “Good try, but even an idiot would be expecting that.”

  “I made you look,” she sneered.

  “Are you free yet?” he teased.

  It was of no use. He was bigger than her and wasn’t letting go.

  “I give up.” She raised her hands. “Would you please let go of my foot?”

  “Nope.” He squatted in front of her. If it weren’t for the trees, he would be her shade now. His hand moved to her calf. “You have nice legs. Such soft skin.” His voice lowered and her heart pounded. “Are you really going to do nothing?” He arched an eyebrow. “What if I moved my hand to your thigh?” His hand inched higher up her leg. She froze. Was this still part of the test? She swallowed and goosebumps rose on her skin.

  “You’re breathing hard. Is it the run or me?” The man was teasing her, testing her. There was no denying that. That pine scent that she always associated with him flooded her senses.

  She couldn’t move. If someone she’d feared had a hold of her, she’d be fighting tooth and nail, but right now, she remained motionless. His gaze was intense and intoxicating.

  “Are you drawing me closer so you can attack?” he whispered near her ear.

  “Maybe,” she choked out. Who could think when he was this c
lose? When she could feel his breath on her skin.

  “You should be.” He sat back and narrowed his eyes.

  Stephanie shook her head. “What? I don’t get…” The man confused her. What was she supposed to do? He wasn’t the enemy. “I don’t want to fight you. You’re twice my size. I couldn’t win for anything.”

  “If you find yourself in a bad situation with someone bigger than you, go for the throat. Even a small woman can take down a huge man if she punches him there.” He dropped her leg and it thumped on the ground. Dom stood and held a hand out to her.

  The bastard. She ignored the outstretched hand and rose by herself. Punch someone in the throat? That’s exactly what she wanted to do right now. She was enthralled by his good looks and he was trying to give self-defense pointers. What a fool she was.

  Stephanie turned her back to him and started walking. Her thoughts were scrambled. Had it been so long since a man had given her any attention that she was practically begging for someone’s touch? Or did she just seem to crave the wrong kind of guy?

  “Hey? Where are you going?” he called out to her.

  “Away from you.” She walked faster. “Touch me again and I’ll do more than punch your throat.” The man mystified her and she needed space.

  His footsteps stirred the pebbles on the walk behind her but she didn’t stop. Finally, the stairs to Black Pointe Estate came into view. There were no guides in sight but she made the climb anyway. It was a long way up, at least a hundred steps. Stephanie could feel his presence behind her but still wouldn’t acknowledge him. At least he seemed to respect her need for space.

  She took a moment to catch her breath at the top and then wandered over to the fountain. The bubbling water calmed her nerves a bit. What if it had been someone from her past who had tackled her on the trail? Instead of standing here, she might be in the trunk of a car right now going god knew where. It was time to stay sharp, not be sharp. Whatever the reason for Dominic trying to help her, now was not the time to turn it down. If the ones who sought her showed up, she wanted to be prepared.


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