Destroying Dominic (Genoa Mafia Series Book 3)

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Destroying Dominic (Genoa Mafia Series Book 3) Page 10

by Ginger Ring

  “What’s gotten into you?” He stopped in front of her and put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Nothing.” She slid out of his reach and behind the counter.

  “Nothing?” Dominic placed his hands on the glass top.

  Steph took a deep breath and twirled a piece of her hair. Yes, something was up. “I’ve been thinking.”

  “Ha, there’s your problem right there.” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them.

  “What did you say?” Her green eyes were wide and her cheeks flushed.

  “What I meant to say was maybe if you shared some of your problems, you wouldn’t have to be worrying about them so much.” Whatever was wrong, he needed to find out what it was and soon.

  “Why do you want to help me?” Her head was tilted down but her eyes looked up.

  “Why shouldn’t I?”

  “Stop answering a question with a question.” Her tan skin reflected the light from the side window. The woman took his breath away like no other but he knew when to give in and just raise his hands in surrender. “Look, I appreciate what you’ve done for me, what you did for me, but I’m starting to feel like you’re stalking me.”

  “I’m protecting you.” Whether she wanted it or not. Did that make him a stalker? Maybe. He did order that tracker for her car.

  “I don’t need protection.”

  Roman’s words floated through his mind. “I disagree,” he said softly.

  “Do you know something that I don’t?” She fidgeted with her hair again.

  “Maybe.” If he told her that Roman only gave him days to find out about her past, she’d be gone in a flash.

  “Ugh. You’re driving me crazy.” She placed her hands on both sides of her skull.

  “Go out with me tonight,” he blurted out. What the hell? He’d spent too much time out in the heat, he was talking crazy. When was the last time he asked someone out? He hooked up with chicks when the urge hit—the Caponellis had a club back in the city for just that very reason—but while it satisfied the itch, it did nothing to quell the yearning for love and acceptance. This was insane. He was insane, but it might be the only way to make her stay and gain her trust. Become the man she wrote about in her books.

  “What?” Stephanie dropped the strand of hair from her finger.

  He leaned across the counter and spoke quietly. “Now who’s answering a question with a question?”

  She rolled her eyes, folded her arms across her chest again, and leaned on the back counter.

  “And another thing.” He made sure to stare into her eyes. Telling her that every time she put her arms under her breasts and pushed them up just made him want her more would have her fleeing to Michigan. She was stunning standing there looking fierce, feisty, and very flustered.

  She was wearing a frilly yellow tank top and slender white capris. On her feet were high-heeled sandals and there was pretty pink polish on her toenails. He’d been spending too much time with Jasper if he was starting to notice things like that.

  “Go on.” Stephanie rocked from her toes to her heels and back.

  Luckily, he was saved by the bell. Literally, the bell over the front door rang and Stephanie rushed to greet the visitor. “You have to go now,” she called over her shoulder to Dom.

  “I’ll be waiting outside.” He left without waiting for a rebuke.

  Ten minutes later, he almost missed the click of Stephanie’s sandals as she hurried to her car.

  He tossed the phone on the seat of his truck and rushed after her.

  “Hey!” His voice rang across the now empty lot but she didn’t stop. Before she could reach her car, he grabbed her by the arm. “I said stop.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Why are you following me? I appreciate all you’ve done for me and your offer to teach me self-defense but…but why are you here?” Her eyes seemed to search his. Their color was a deep bluish green.

  “Because ever since I kissed you, I can’t get you out of my mind. I want to take you out.” There, he’d said it. Bared his soul like never before and she just stood there in shock. He wasn’t like Jasper, not a Casanova. He hadn’t been on a date in years. Time stood still and yet she remained mute. Well, screw her. Roman could off her for all he cared. So what if he spent the rest of his life alone. At least he didn’t have to deal with the hurt and rejection of unanswered affection or of a loved one taken from him. Dejected, he turned and headed back to his truck.

  “Wait,” Stephanie called, and he halted. Her footsteps came closer and he felt the touch of her fingers on his arm. “Okay.”

  “Okay, what?”

  She spoke softly. “Okay, I’ll go.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Stephanie always knew the day would come when Dominic would follow up on his demands. It never dawned on her that he’d wish to take her on a date, that she’d been on his mind ever since that kiss. The kiss that had set her on fire yet frightened her to no end. It was easy to say it was just the emotion from almost being killed and being grateful to be alive, but it had been so much more.

  Was it that they were both isolated in their own nightmares and craved any kind of affection they could get? No, the man had that bad boy image that drove women crazy. She also had turned down her share of offers for dates. They weren’t guys that she knew very well but occasionally a tourist at the art center would ask her to show him around the town or a friend of the bride might want a date for the wedding. None of them caused her heart to race like Dom did.

  They’d gone to the Pier, the same place by the beach that he’d followed her to the day before. She knew nothing of this man sitting across the table from her. Did he even know himself? The last thing she needed was a lurker or to be the obsession of an unhinged beast that disposed of bodies for a living. The eccentric craftsman she could handle. The recluse with a shed full of knives, no way.

  Her father had thought Maksim was a perfect angel, but he was worse than the devil. Appearances were deceiving. She herself was using a false name. So far, Dominic had been nothing but respectful and polite. Madison and Valentina wouldn’t be trying to push them together if they thought he would be a danger to her.

  “You like it here?” They were sitting out on the beach on lounge chairs, a small table between them. The sun hadn’t set yet but the sky was already colorful and bright.

  “I like being by the water.” It relaxed her.

  “What can I get you?” A waitress arrived with a pad in hand. Her nametag said “Brittany” in gold lettering.

  Dominic turned in his chair toward Stephanie, indicating that she order first. “Uh, I guess I’ll have a glass of white wine.”

  “And for you, sir?”

  “I’ll have a glass of red. Oh, and bring us an order of artichoke dip, island shrimp, and some cheese curds.”

  “Got it.” She jotted it down on the pad with a pencil and left.

  “Wow, that’s not what I expected.” Stephanie smirked.

  “What, did you think I only drink blood and ate small children?” His eyes were intense in the dim light and he reminded her of a pirate with his long hair gently blowing in the evening breeze. The man was always hard to read but tonight it was as if a wide range of emotions were battling it out for dominance in his head.

  “Well, no, but…” They were both silent for several moments. An awkward quiet settled over the table until Brittany returned with their drinks. They both said thanks and each took a sip, Dominic downing half of his.

  “Where are you from?” Dominic placed his wine glass on the table while his fingers lingered on the stem. His hand so near hers that she could feel the electricity between them.

  Suspicion kicked in. So this was why he was being so nice and asked her out.

  “Where are you from?” Two could play at this game.

  Steph almost fell off the chair when he answered, “Italy.”

  “I remember someone mentioning that. You don’t have mu
ch of an accent though.” It just dawned on her that he had spoken to Valentina in Italian once. How could she have forgotten? That deep voice speaking a foreign language would make any woman jump into his bed.

  “I didn’t speak English until I was in my teens but from then on it was all I spoke. Sometimes when I drink too much or get worked up it comes back.” He winked and it made her knees weak. This was not the Dominic she knew but definitely one she could get used to.

  “How many languages do you speak?” She took her last sip of wine. Stephanie stared at her empty flute. How did that happen so fast?

  “A few.” He motioned for Brittany to get them another round of drinks.

  “So where are you from?” His dark eyes pulled her in as he asked again.

  What harm could there be in answering? “California.”

  “How did you end up here?” Dom placed his hand on hers.

  “You know I can’t tell you.” She slipped from his grasp.

  “You can tell me anything and I won’t tell a soul.”

  “No, I can’t.” As much as she tried to dislike the man there was something about him that drew her in. It was a game he was playing for information. She was the mouse to his cat. His confession could be fake, just like all the sweet things Maksim told her. Dominic worked for Roman, and his men had to do everything he ordered them to do.

  Brittany set their appetizers and the second round of drinks on the table.

  “I think you can tell me.” He wasn’t letting the subject drop as he reached for a curd and popped it in his mouth. “I’m willing to take the risk.” Again, the charming smile crossed his lips, encouraging her to loosen hers.

  Was he worth the risk? Dominic appeared to be a man who could survive anything, but surviving day to day had worn on her. All the years of keeping everything inside and letting nothing out was taking its toll. He’d taken care of Handlebar for her, it would be best if he knew why, but there were still a few things that could never be told.

  “Let’s just say I know some information that would put a lot of people in prison, yet if I told, it would put others at risk.” There, she’d said it. Stephanie avoided his gaze as she dipped a chip in the dip.

  “What if we could help you and any others?”

  “You can’t guarantee that.” The dip was heavenly but right now nothing sat well with her stomach.

  “We can’t guarantee anything when we have no clue what the hell is going on. Please, Stephanie, let us help you.” His voice had a tinge of an accent this time and she turned to face him. At one time, Stephanie thought she was a good judge of character, but that was a long time ago. Now, she had no clue who to trust.

  “Thanks. I’ll keep it in mind. Did you find anything out about who might be selling drugs in town?” Hopefully, her change in subject would mean there would be no more talk about her past.

  “We discussed it with the Mayhem Tribe. They haven’t violated any of our agreements. Together we had found a rogue meth lab but that was taken care of. Let us know if you hear of any more drugs floating around town. Roman doesn’t give a shit about what the rich rock stars do in their own homes around the lake but he has a no selling to kids or around schools policy in town that is not to be violated by anyone.”

  “How very noble of him.” It was an attempt to be a smartass, but to tell the truth, she agreed with it. Who cared what people did in their own homes, but kids needed to be protected. If Roman could help with that, so be it.

  “He’s very noble,” Dominic added, and Steph rolled her eyes. “He saved me.”

  “You? Why would you ever need to be rescued?”

  “He found me in a very bad place, covered in blood.” The sun had set and his face was hard to read in the dim light. “Roman brought me back from the dead.”

  “Were you in an accident?” She hesitated to ask. For him to share something of his past was too much to resist.

  “No.” He wasn’t taking the bait.

  “Then what happened? You can’t lay something out like that and then not tell the rest of the story.”

  “You just did.” Dominic picked up a piece of shrimp and held it out for her to take a bite. Now he was feeding her? The whole thing felt like a setup. She took a bite anyway.

  “That’s different. Like I said, if I tell, people could die. Innocent people.”

  “Who’s to say that won’t happen if I tell you my story?”

  It was true. She didn’t know what had happened in his life. Had he been the victim of a crime? Was he as wary of others as she was? Stephanie focused on the water again. All she’d accomplished tonight was to fall further under his spell. She needed to find the skeletons in his closet just as much as he did hers.

  “When can I have more classes?”

  “Are you still concerned about the biker?” Dominic folded his arms over his chest.

  “I don’t know, but I’m tired of running. I don’t have anywhere else to go.” He started to speak but she interrupted. “It’s been a long time since I had anyone to trust but you did save me and you never told anyone. If these people do show up someday, at least I know I can go to Roman as a last resort.”

  Dominic placed one hand on the table. “Roman isn’t going to wait around for long. He’s suspicious of those with secrets. You have to come clean soon.” It was as if he was going to say more but his eyes said it all. He couldn’t help her if she didn’t want any, and he had no power over Roman.

  “I’ll keep it in mind. So would tomorrow night around six work for you?

  He exhaled. “Yeah, meet me at the gym in town. I’ll bring Jasper. You can beat the shit out of him.”

  She laughed. “I’d like that.”

  A smile threatened his lips. “Yeah, me too. Should we go?”

  Dominic paid and they walked out the door. “You all right to drive?”

  “Of course. I only had two glasses of wine and live a mile away.” It’d been on the tip of her tongue to admit she was Russian and could hold her liquor but that would just open her up to more questions.

  “I’ll follow you home.” With a hand to her lower back, Dominic guided her toward the exit. She never figured him for a touchy-feely kind of guy but it seemed natural when he reached out to her. Often, Stephanie had heard Madison and Valentina whisper about him as having “issues” or “difficulties,” yet they often encouraged her to get together with the man. It never made sense but maybe they were just two broken pieces that might mend together.

  Stuffy air greeted them in the parking lot. The breeze from the lake was cut off by the building. Again, Dominic was the perfect gentleman and opened her car door. His attentive behavior, or maybe it was the wine, had her brain a jumbled mess. She started the engine and drove off just as his headlights turned on.

  Covering a yawn with her hand, she turned down her street. When there was no traffic it never took more than ten minutes to get most places in town. Stephanie pulled up to the curb and parked under the street light. Crossing the street, she turned at the door to wave but the guy pulled in right behind her car.

  This couldn’t happen. If Dom thought she was going to invite him in, he had another think coming. They had a complicated relationship as it was. No, make that complicated acquaintance. She marched down the sidewalk to stop him from getting out of the truck.

  Dominic’s long legs had him meeting her before she could even make it to his door.

  “Look…” she started.

  “I want to kiss you again. Just say no if you don’t want me to.” His hand framed her face and he brushed his thumb across her lips.

  What was she going to tell him? His eyes seemed to erase all cells from her brain. She had a thought somewhere about not wanting to get involved but that was MIA also. How could someone want another but also be afraid to give in for fear of losing themselves?

  As soon as his mouth touched hers, none of it mattered. Those large hands of his moved to her waist and pulled her closer. Her heart raced. Stephanie did what she’d
been dying to do for so long. She threaded her fingers through his long hair. It was soft and thick. With a sigh, he slipped his tongue in. The man tasted of red wine and garlic with the shrimp. They were now her two favorite things in the world. Dominic tasted like heaven.

  Never in a million years did she ever think she’d be standing in the middle of the street crushed to the chest of a man she knew nothing about. A man she was pretty sure she didn’t want to know everything about. When he ended the kiss, he smiled. A stunning smile, and something so rare, it took her breath away. It made him appear younger and without a care.

  Her life had been full of ups and downs, some good and some bad, but right now the highlight of it all was this moment. This moment in time that Dominic Scarlatti kissed her under a street light in the middle of the road.

  Chapter Fifteen


  It was a fucked-up day. He was driving to one of the family’s funeral homes. It had some Norwegian name like Olson, Gunderson, or Anderson, but it was owned by the Caponellis. Burying bodies in a field or at the bottom of the lake went out with landlines and VCRs. Now he usually just took them to the crematorium. There were no holes to dig and, most importantly, no DNA left behind. As long as he didn’t get stopped for any traffic violations, everything would be good.

  Today, he was driving the cleaner van, and, thankfully, that came with air conditioning. The sun beat through the windows but the body in the back hadn’t started to smell yet.

  It wasn’t a mob hit. The unfortunate stiff in the back was courtesy of the Mayhem Tribe. Roman had lent his services to Forge in exchange for the incident with Square. Apparently, the poor sap in the rear assaulted the girlfriend of one of the Tribe members. In other words, the prick deserved it. If he’d known the bastard had hurt a woman, he’d have volunteered on the spot.

  If anyone ever dared touched Stephanie, he’d peel off every piece of their skin with a jagged knife and leave his body out in the heat for the ants to eat…or something else equally agonizing.


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