Time Storm

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Time Storm Page 22

by Philip R Benge

  “One more thing Colonel, have this machine guarded by one of your best men to stop any one from inadvertently turning it off.” Colonel Bragg grimly nodded his agreement to this request, anger building up inside of him at the thought that one of the men before him was a traitor.

  “Ok, if you really think it necessary.” Bragg finally replied after getting control of his feelings.

  “You really suspect that we have a traitor amongst the people of New Eden?” President Michaels asked in astonishment.

  “Not all of the people in New Eden, only those who could operate the Time Machine for our friends up there, when they finally manage to get their hands on it. Brian, please confirm something for me, the Time Machine is not an easy instrument to operate, if I wanted to operate it, I wouldn`t have a hope would I?” Tyler asked looking across at Brian Goddard.

  “Good lord No! Only someone amongst us scientists here could safely operate it, it isn`t a toaster you know, a whole range of things have to be done before you can so much as turn on a single switch.” Brian said and around him the other scientists gasped as the enormity of what Brian Goddard was saying dawned on them.

  “My God, there could well be a traitor amongst us, for as you say Tyler, they will need a trained operative to show them how to use the machine. It may well be one of us who caused Richard and Adrian`s death.” Peter Swanscombe said. Anger making his New Zealand accent more evident than ever.

  Silence descended on the room as the scientists all looked at each other as if deciding whether this friend or that friend was capable of such deception.

  “Brian, don`t talk rot.” Parkes exclaimed. “This caveman doesn`t know what he is talking about.” He said indicating Tyler.

  “I think the man does protest too much, Gentlemen.” President Michaels six sense was going into hyper drive.

  “I always thought that there was something wrong about the way Colin Randall died.” Peter Swanscombe said eyeing Parkes with distaste. “And when we try to get an old friend to replace him he also dies. Then the Dean of Harvard College asks us to take you on, you are the son of an old friend. You have heard about the project that we are working on, and of the opening here on Orion, he tells us that you would really like to come and work with us, so we take you on like fools.”

  Fear showed in Parkes eyes as he sought to assert his innocence. “Listen to yourselves, without any evidence at all you want to hang me.” Parkes voice was a cross between a whine and an attempted sneer.

  Tyler hastily interrupted the inquisition.

  “Whether it was Josiah or someone else doesn`t matter for the moment, what does matter is that any of our future plans stay secret.” Tyler looked steadily at the group to see if his message had gone home before continuing on.

  “Right no one from this group can be allowed to leave this room or communicate in any way with anyone outside of the room, is that understood?” The scientists all agreed, very quickly, even Parkes who didn`t dare look into the eyes of anyone else in the room.

  “Maybe the man that you are leaving here to guard Brian`s device can also ensure that no one leaves the room, Colonel.” Bragg quickly agreed to this demand, looking distastefully at Parkes.

  “It would be best I think, for all our sakes Mr Burrows.”

  Tyler quickly turned the conversation around to his purposed plan of action.

  “Brian when you and I were passing the time this morning, you stated that one of the experiments that you and the rest of the guys here had worked on was a universal translating device, and you intimated that it was not only working but that you have been using it lately.” Tyler asked.

  “That is correct Tyler, why what use can you possibly put it too that could possibly help us out of our present problem?” Brian Goddard asked, and all the others including President Michaels and Colonel Bragg listened for the answer.

  “First tell me Brian, is it our alien friends outside of the town that you have been listening to, when they spoke with their HQ?” Tyler asked.

  “Correct, and with some success, we could even have a limited conversation with them, although you might have to fill in with some sign language Tyler. Their last conversation between the remaining troopers and four survivors from the slaughter up in the valley was that they were going to march on New Eden and destroy us, in fact I was just about to come and find you Colonel, to tell you of their plans.” Brian replied.

  “Well if we are to survive the next twenty four hours, we will have to offer them something a little more valuable than mere revenge for their fallen comrades, and that machine will help us to do just that.” He now outlined his plan.

  The night was an hour away and Tyler had been in contact directly with Appolon who had made good time and was now kneeling next to Masters, both men were carefully studying the valley below and awaiting instructions from Tyler.

  At this same moment, near the outskirts of New Eden, were half of the remaining marines, President Michaels, Colonel Bragg, Brian Goddard and Tyler.

  “I still think it is madness, but at the moment it seems to be our only chance of coming through this mess intact.” President Michaels stated.

  “It certainly seems strange, but on the plus side it is the pirates who have been killing the aliens, not us.” Colonel Bragg added.

  “And we don`t have to tell the aliens that it was at our begging that they did so, do we?” Tyler put in.

  “No.” Everyone said, almost together.

  “Right then Brian, we should move out while there is still enough light for the aliens to see that we are unarmed, and only have this box of tricks of yours.”

  The box of tricks of course was the translator and it was mounted on a small vehicle resembling a land rover. They got into the vehicle and slowly drove towards the trees that were about a mile away, and when they had almost reached the trees Tyler instructed Brian to switch on the device and call out their peaceful intentions to the aliens. All was quiet, the aliens making no move to show themselves until Brian and Tyler were almost amongst the trees, and then Aswan stepped forward.

  “What is it that you want earthmen; talk fast, for it might be your last chance?”

  Aswan was still very angry at losing his fleet, almost all his troops, and his equipment, and had been about to move out with his remaining troops when Tyler had arrived with Brian.

  “Thank you for talking to us. We know that even with the few men left to you, after the pirate ship above decimated your troops back there in the valley, that you pose a great risk to our town and people.” Tyler began.

  “What pirate ship, are you trying to tell me that it was not one of your cruisers that murdered my people?” Aswan replied angrily, for he believed that Tyler was trying to trick him.

  “No Commander, if we still had a space cruiser, and it had been responsible for the annihilation of your troopers, we would have had it turn its weapons on your position here wouldn`t we? No, both of our cruisers were destroyed by another ship. One that had already attacked this planet before your arrival, and it was simply waiting for another opportunity to do so again. I presume our cruisers were damaged in the engagement with your four ships?” Tyler asked the commander of the aliens.

  “Yes, in fact I thought that they had been very badly damaged in the battle.” Aswan replied.

  “Well the pirate ship took advantage of the damage to the starships and finished them off.” Tyler said

  “Even should all this be true, what is it that you offer us in exchange for your lives?” Aswan asked suspiciously.

  “Firstly, I would stress that a lot of your men would also die if you choose to attack us, rather than capturing the pirate ship for yourselves. The colonel in charge of the marines has armed all of the citizens of New Eden, and I believe that you would find it a hard nut to crack.” Tyler said embellishing the facts.

  “Capture the pirate ship? How would we do that, and if it is so easy, why don`t you capture it for yourselves.” Aswan asked suspiciously yet plainly inte

  “Because you have fifty highly trained men at your disposal, whilst we would have to split our force between attacking them and defending against you.” Tyler replied.

  Aswan moved away and talked with Trajo and Rada. “This deal the earthmen mention sounds too good to be true Aswan.” Trajo warned.

  “Yes but if we pass up on the chance of capturing the space cruiser, then we will still be here when another space cruiser from Earth shows up with sufficient troops to kill us all.” Rada reasoned.

  “Then we have no choice but to go along with the earthmen, but both of you ensure that you keep a watchful eye for any signs of treachery on their part.” Aswan said before turning back to Tyler and Brian.

  “Ok earthman; please let us know how you plan to give us the space cruiser?” Aswan attempted to sneer, but his obvious interest got in the way.

  Tyler inwardly sighed with relief, for the first dangerous point in his plan had gone by successfully, and he proceeded to impart his plan to the Heliot officers. Aswan thought furiously about all the points of Tyler`s plan, but although obviously dangerous it did sound possible, but first he had a question for the earthman.

  “Earthman, before we go ahead with your plan for capturing the space cruiser, I want you to inform me why the pirate ship is here, what is it after?”

  Tyler knew that at some time he would be asked this question, informing the alien about the Time Machine was not an option, so he had prepared a story in advance. Luckily for him Divilio had never got around to telling any of his officers about the Time Machine.

  “They came here planning to kidnap the President of Earth, who arrived here on Orion for a secret meeting with four of his ministers and the Archbishop. Unfortunately for all of us a massive space storm interrupted all of our plans and even the pirate ship was damaged, by the time they had repaired their ship a second space cruiser arrived and changed the odds. It was only when you attacked the two space cruisers that they were able to take advantage of the situation. Unfortunately for them the people they wanted to kidnap were on one of the crippled space cruisers, and as they had destroyed both of these they were left with nothing. They have sent a small cargo vessel ship to take away all of the colonies supplies, so that at least they can leave with something for all their trouble. However, the cargo vessel has developed engine trouble and they are still trying to repair it even as we speak, so you see we must get to it before it completes its repairs and moves off. It is because of the trouble with their ship that they fired upon your troops, it was to stop you arriving in New Eden and capturing their cargo vessel and its crew.”


  Captain Kruger was getting more and more impatient with the crew of his small cargo vessel, the ships engines were still not working and it would be at least another two hours before they were finally fixed.

  “In two hours it will have been dark for sixty minutes, which means that the remaining alien troopers will have probably started their attack on New Eden, Karson; they could either capture or destroy the cargo vessel and its valuable cargo.”

  “The assault vessel could approach from the other side of New Eden, away from whomever or whatever is keeping the President advised about our operations. From there they could hover over the cargo vessel and drop the androids directly onto it to secure it against any attack upon it.” Karson suggested.

  “I wish that I had your confidence in the abilities of the androids, they couldn`t even hold their own against the marines. Ok, Karson, when darkness falls over New Eden, order them down again, but order them to use infrared when they approach New Eden, no other lighting is to be used in the vicinity of the town, we cannot afford any more foul ups.”


  Brian Goddard had returned in the land transport to New Eden, this left Tyler with the fifty Heliot troopers and their officers. They had all slipped quietly along the banks of the river under cover of darkness until they were able to drop down to the river bank and onto the mud below. They now moved alongside the same river as Tyler, Appolon and Caroline had the night before, Aswan was very alert while his men were out of sight of the ground above, but he also knew that secrecy and surprise would help in winning the coming skirmish, battle would be to grand a name when so few men were concerned. The sun had set ten minutes before they had set off, and they were all in the hands of this one man, Aswan hoped he wasn`t making a mistake in trusting him, but what choice did he have, glory if they won, otherwise death, but he had defeated death before so he was not scared of what was to come.

  What he didn`t know was that in the darkness behind him, hurrying along the land that followed the river, were one hundred warriors, all eager to kill a Heliot, or die trying. The native warriors knew that their weapons were useless against the body armour of the Heliot trooper, unless you hit him in a vulnerable spot with your arrows. They had decided to aim for their eyes, if they were skilled enough to be able to accomplish such a feat, and if the arrows could shatter the small plastic visor and were not deflected away. However, not one of the warriors had refused to accompany Appolon on his perilous journey to New Eden. Appolon had felt justly proud to accompany such warriors, but put his hope in victory in being able to get close to the aliens under the cover of darkness, thereby nullifying the advantage the aliens had in body armour and weapons, and thereby allowing the warriors to simply overwhelm them.


  The lights of New Eden were all blacked out as the black stealth assault craft glided in towards New Eden, and the cargo vessel. Its engines made hardly any sound at all now it was in stealth mode, even the crew of the cargo vessel didn`t hear it glide to a stop, just feet above the top of the ship. The darkness was due to Captain Kruger who had also sent some of his own men down to Orion, the stealth assault craft had landed them first before proceeding onto the cargo vessel. The destination of the team of men that Kruger had despatched was the fusion reactor of New Eden, and there they had entered unopposed, for now all of the marines were either down by the cargo vessel or else they were moving silently along a parallel course to the Heliots. Their orders were to force the technicians to cut the power for just sixty seconds and then turn it back on again.


  Robert Lambert was returning from New Eden to ensure that his daughter Marcia was safe, as she was alone in the house which was near to the science complex, and that at a time like this when no one should be alone. As he approached the hill that stood between his farm and the complex he almost walked into the team sent down to disrupt the power supply. Luckily he was in shadows provided by the fusion reactor they didn`t immediately see him, in fact had he stopped still they might never have seen him, it was because he feared for the safety of his daughter that he turned and made to run back. It was now that they saw him, and the commander of the team fired his Phaser that hit Lambert as he was lit up momentarily by the light from one of the windows of the reactor building, Lambert moaned as the energy bolt hit him and he crashed to the ground unconscious.


  The team from the space cruiser were able to carry out their designated task unopposed, and moments after the power went out the stealth ship arrived above the cargo vessel and thirteen androids slipped down ropes to alight behind the cargo vessel, from here they ran to the entry ramp and slipped unseen into the depths of the ship. Unseen that is except for Caroline and Appolon who minutes earlier had left the other warriors, to come to fight by Tyler`s side.


  Tyler finally sighted the cargo vessel and halted the Heliot troopers fifty feet away, and concealed from view by the banks of the river.

  “We are here Commander.” He said to Aswan. “Let`s see what the situation is at the moment, Colonel Bragg should be nearby keeping an eye on things here.”

  Aswan had brought along the lightweight and super advanced Heliot universal translator, and the two were able to talk freely using it, Brian Goddard had returned to New Eden in the land rover with his more
cumbersome invention, that up until the moment that he saw the Heliot version he had been justly proud to call his own. Tyler pulled out his old style radio and soon got hold of Colonel Bragg.

  “Colonel, are you around?” He asked.

  “Yes I am here, we had a scare two minutes ago when the power went out, but it is back on now, it must have been a glitch in the circuits. I have sent one of my men back to check on it. Mind you I have taken advantage of the glitch to keep the area around the ship down to a low level of light; anyone watching from above will be positively blinded by the glow from all the extra lights that I have put on all around the rest of New Eden.” Colonel Bragg reported.

  “That was quick thinking Colonel, Tyler out.”

  Tyler was impressed by the Colonel`s addition to his fragile planning, things like that could make all the difference between success or failure, and he was also thankful that he had Brian Goddard supply one more of his short wave radios to Colonel Bragg, for the satellite phone system was obviously far from secure.

  Just as Tyler made to move forward towards the cargo vessel, two figures slipped out of the shadows and glided over to him and the Heliot troopers.

  “Tyler, you are ok?” Caroline asked anxiously.

  “Yes I am fine, but what are you two doing here?” Tyler replied just a little concerned, but even so Tyler`s face lit up when he saw his friends again. Aswan was getting impatient suspecting a trap but Tyler reassured him.

  “It is Ok Commander; these two warriors are my friends.”


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