MIXING FEELINGS – Without clarity about feelings we tend to experience and express our feelings mixed together. Mixing Feelings blocks our access to the Archetypal energy and intelligence of the pure feelings. For example, mixing anger with sadness produces the experience of depression. In Possibility Laboratories, you can learn inner navigation, and physically separate the feelings clearly one from the other. After unmixing the anger from the sadness, the depression vanishes and you feel angry about one thing and sad about either the same thing or another thing. This clarity gives you the power to create different results. Mixing sadness with fear creates the experience of isolation or desperation. Mixing anger with fear creates the experience of hysteria. Mixing joy with sadness creates the experience of sentimentality or nostalgia. Mixing joy with fear creates the experience of carelessness or excitement. And mixing joy with anger creates the experience of feeling glad when someone else feels pain, “I win, you lose,” or “Haha I got you!” “Schadenfreude.” Mixing Feelings is not bad or wrong; it just produces certain results. (Possibility Manager Marion Krause developed the Map of Mixing Feelings in 2003.) (See: Archetype, Feelings, Laboratory, Possibility Trainer, Result)
MORPHOGENETIC FIELD – Literally, Morphogenetic Field means “shape making” field. This term comes from Rupert Sheldrake and his Theory of Morphogenetic Fields that you can learn more about through Wikipedia.com on the Internet. When you declare and hold a space in the name of principles, and someone in that space enters the liquid state, the principles function as the Morphogenetic Field, molding their Box’s new shape as it resolidifies. (See: Declare, Liquid State, Principles, Space)
NAVIGATING SPACE – An infinite labyrinth of spaces ranges the full spectrum from Shadow Worlds to Bright Worlds and everything in between. Every space is connected to every other space. Every space represents a different set of possibilities. Being conscious and responsible for what space you are in is called Navigating Space. You can develop your powers of moving from space to space. While Navigating Space, you appreciate each member of your team as a crewmember of your “spaceship” – including the waitress! Crewmembers are responsible for informing the navigator the instant anything is detected on the instrument panel of their four bodies. Extraordinary human relationship and Archetypal Relationship only occur in certain spaces. And only you can Navigate the Space of your relationship into those spaces. At the Center or Heart of the Labyrinth is the one space of Archetypal Love. The Goddess remembers how to get there. (See: Discovery Speaking, Experiential Reality, Goddess, Inner Navigating, Laboratory, Painting Doorways, Possibility Trainer, Space)
NEW TERRITORY – New Territory is everything not yet encompassed by your Box. Exploring new thought-maps expands your box into New Territory. You explore New Territories by doing Edgework experiments. Possibility Management is neither theoretical nor verbal; it is experiential. So, in Possibility Management Laboratories, first you see a thought-map of a New Territory and then you actually go there. New Territory is new because things are possible in the New Territory that are not possible elsewhere. As soon as you acquire enough familiarity with a New Territory, your own learning continues by empowering others through introducing them to the same New Territory. The expanse of New Territories is endless. This means that for your Box expansion there is “no top end” (as articulated in the teaching of Lee Lozowick). Possibility Trainers who go first into New Territories take responsibility for making new thought-maps to share with their people. (See: Edgework, Expand the Box, Experiment, Laboratory, Marshmallow Zone, Thought-Map)
NONLINEAR – Nonlinearity is the quality of moving at right angles to the assumptions of the current space. Western culture teaches you to be linear. If you find a linear solution to a problem, such as the shortest distance between two points, then you conclude that you have found the best solution … and you stop thinking. With Nonlinearity you do not stop thinking. You know from experience that, just over the edge of your Box, there are unlimited numbers and forms of additional Nonlinear solutions, waiting exactly where the last one was, just before you found it. When navigating space at higher speeds, going Nonlinear necessitates that a Box have little or no mass. Trying to turn a Box that is made massive with assumptions, expectations, preferences, stories, prejudices, positions, beliefs, or opinions is like trying to turn the Titanic. This is why it can be helpful to eliminate extra mass by dropping the necessity for beliefs, by making stories optional, by minimizing your now and by minimizing your here. With little or no mass you gain the ability to turn right angles at “light speed.” (See: Edgework, Gremlin, Linear, Orthogonal, Navigating Space)
NOW – Through experimenting with these ideas you will sooner or later discover that your power is available only in the present. You cannot change something that happened even an instant ago, or which might happen an instant in the future. The only place where you have power is right Now. Creating happens Now. Distinctions are made Now. Decisions are made Now. This makes it most interesting to deal only with what is possible right Now. How big is this Now? We could define Now as one moment. How big is a moment? Moments change depending on what space you are in. As Albert Einstein described it, time is relative. “Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.” In general, we could define a moment as the length of time it takes to make a decision: one second to make the decision, and two seconds for the Box to reorder. (See: Adult, Minimize Now, Possibility Stone)
ORGANIZATION – An Organization is two or more people with a common purpose. This definition includes a relationship or a family in the category of Organizations. Every Organization has a Box and is subject to the laws of Box mechanics. The difference between the Organization Box and the individual Box is that the individual Box is the only Box that can take responsibility. Organizations can be viewed as living organisms that need food, use energy, make waste, communicate, move, evolve, expel contaminants and parasites, replicate themselves, fight or align with other Organizations, and die. Organizations become rigid if they are conceived of as being hierarchical. Organizations are more fluid if they are conceived with a more organic flow of power and authority, such as with “galaxical Organization charts.” (See: Box Mechanics, Gameworld, Purpose)
ORTHOGONAL – The term “Orthogonal” comes from mathematics and literally means “perpendicular to or at right angles to.” Possibility Management uses the word Orthogonal to mean, “at right angles to the Possibility limits of the prevailing space or gameworld.” Orthogonal is another word for nonlinear. Orthogonal actions lead to innovation and are crucial for creating possibility. (See: Nonlinear)
PAINTING DOORWAYS – When you encounter an obstacle, regardless of whether it is physical or energetic, internal or external, you encounter the obstacle as an obstacle. This is almost too obvious to speak about. But, encountering an obstacle as an obstacle plucks it naked of all of its other possibilities. Painting Doorways is the Possibility Management tool of transforming obstacles into passageways to new territories. You do this by pulling your “possibility paint brush” out of your “tool belt” and Painting a Doorway and handle on the solid wall of impossibility. Then, you turn the handle and walk through the door. Anyone in contact with you in that moment will easily slide with you into the next space, and may not even notice the change of spaces except for the new set of possibilities. (See: Declaring, Is-Glue, Navigating Space, New Territory, Possibility Trainer, Tool Belt)
PARALLEL CULTURE – A Parallel Culture is two or more people making actions in a gameworld, using thoughtware that is different from the standard human intelligence thoughtware of the dominant culture. A Parallel Culture is in the same circumstances as the dominant culture but creates different results. Cultures can be distinguished and graphed according to their level of responsibility, from irresponsible to radically responsible. Western culture is classified at the Child level of responsibility, lower than Adult responsibility,
because we are making messes and are not cleaning them up. (See: Action, Radical Responsibility)
PARENT – (See: Adult)
PERSECUTOR – The Persecutor is an Archetypal Shadow World character in a low drama who unconsciously uses the energy of anger to serve your Gremlin. The Persecutor takes the position of “I am okay, you are not okay,” and uses that as justification for trying to get rid of or exclude the other person. (See: Gremlin, Low Drama, Map of Possibility)
PHYSICAL CENTER – Your Physical Center is the center of your physical body, located halfway between your hipbones, and halfway back through your abdomen. Your Physical Center has various names in various traditions (dan-tien, hara, etc.) and is often a key consideration in martial arts training. Since Possibility Management is a form with some similarities to the martial arts, it is no surprise that the Physical Center plays a role in the studies of a Possibility Manager. (See: Being Centered, Four Bodies)
PIRATE –Rules are assumed to dictate where you can go and where you cannot go, who you can be and who you cannot be, what you must do and what you can never do. Rules of thinking, speaking, being and acting stand between you and going nonlinear. In order to go nonlinear, the dominance of rules must somehow be circumvented. There is a character for whom rules hold no concern. This character is the Pirate. The capital “P” differentiates an extraordinary, radically responsible Pirate who breaks the rules in order to give more, from an ordinary irresponsible pirate who breaks the rules in order to take more. A responsible Pirate grants themselves permission to grant themselves permission. If a Pirate appears to be following the rules, it is mere coincidence. (See: Archetype, Dangerous Question, Nonlinear, Pirate Agreement, Possibility Manager, Radical Responsibility)
PIRATE AGREEMENT – “High level fun” is when you commit to producing a result before you know how. If you start playing high level fun, you eventually realize that you cannot do it alone. However, the specific kind of help you need to produce results before you know how is help that cannot be manipulated or thwarted by anything so mundane as circumstances. Your commitment is to produce the result no matter what. To succeed, you can call on a responsible Pirate to make a Pirate Agreement with you. The agreement is to do everything possible to help produce the result. They have permission to do anything it takes to get you to succeed. It has been reported that Pirates who make Pirate Agreements can be heard to walk away singing, “Yo Ho! Yo Ho! A Pirate’s life fer me!” (See: Dangerous Questions, High Drama, Pirate)
POSITION – A Position is an arbitrary belief taken to be true and subsequently defended against all feedback to the contrary. Beliefs have no relationship to reality. The Position that your ideas are right and another person’s ideas are wrong automatically and inevitably leads to war. Positionality is characteristic of Boxes still tied to using their adolescent defensive orientation. (See: Being Nothing, Being Wrong, Belief, Box Mechanics, Defensive Context, Do-Overs, Expansive Context, Feedback)
POSSIBILITY – A measurable quality of any conversation, space, organization or gameworld. The amount of Possibility is equal to the present number of real options available to choose from. In general, 99 percent of the Possibilities that are available right now are invisible to you. This is because the Box occludes Possibilities out of its habitually defensive orientation. Possibility is a Bright Principle. Possibility is one of the most valuable things in the universe. For example, any product or service that you buy, you do not buy for the product or service itself, but rather for the Possibility that this product or service creates for you. (See: Creating Possibility, Navigating Space, Principle, Space)
POSSIBILITY LISTENING (LISTENING AS A SPACE) – Possibility Listening is one of the four kinds of listening distinguished in Possibility Management. In Possibility Listening you use your “clicker” to declare yourself as being a space into which the other person can speak. By comparison, adult responsible listening has the purpose of understanding what is being said. You must be there to understand, and you might ask questions, interrupt for clarifications and demand distinctions that can easily interrupt the flow of the speaker’s thoughts and feelings. In Possibility Listening, there is no such requirement of understanding. Instead, your attention as the listener serves as an empty workbench upon which the speaker can work things out, uninterrupted. If you do not limit yourself to trying to understand what you hear, then you can hear anything. Being the space into which the other person can say anything is an astonishingly powerful tool, and should be used like you would use any powerful tool, appropriately and as needed. (See: Being A Space, Declaring)
POSSIBILITY MANAGEMENT – Possibility Management is the open code gameworld entered by taking radical responsibility for creating the possibility of possibility. The gameworld of Possibility Management was initialized in 1974 by Clinton Callahan and has been continuously developed, documented and delivered in various training environments since then. In 1995, Western civilization broke the evolution barrier, and continues to exceed the naturally allowed speed of cultural evolution. Present organizations use last millennium’s designs, and can be hindered by not being fluid enough to function effectively in the new millennium’s conditions. Possibility Management proposes new organizational forms and new meeting technologies. In the near future, the job of Possibility Manager will appear on company “org charts” as a change agent with radical responsibility for liberating and applying a greater proportion of an organization’s human intellectual capital. If it is your calling to provide new thoughtware for leaders or managers through coaching, consulting or training, consider getting yourself certified as a Possibility Trainer. (See: Core Skills, Gameworld, Meeting Technology, Possibility, Possibility Trainer, Radical Responsibility, Thoughtware)
POSSIBILITY MANAGER – An individual trained and certified in applying the thoughtware of Possibility Management. Possibility Managers serve individuals and organizations by converting obstacles, conflicts and diversity into opportunities, solutions and results. On the Map of Possibility, a Possibility Manager is the Archetypal Bright World King or Queen character serving Bright Principles to create high drama. (See: Archetype, Map of Possibility, Possibility Management, Principles, Thoughtware)
POSSIBILITY SPEAKING (SPEAKING AS A SPACE) – If you do not know what you are supposed to say, then you can say anything. In Possibility Speaking, what speaks is the destiny Principles that you serve and the Archetypes you have stellated. When you are being the space through which your destiny Principles can do their work, the usual Box-empowered “you” is not there. If the Box is not there filling up the space with its usual concerns and opinions, then what can be spoken serves something greater than your Box. The secret to Possibility Speaking is to first make contact and commit to serving the authentic necessity of the individual or group you are speaking to. Commit before you know how, then click your “clicker” to vanish yourself into a space, and speak before you know what you are going to say. Let your commitment lead you, and keep speaking into the necessity. (See: Archetypes, Clicker, Destiny, Discovery Speaking, Responsible Principles, Space, Stellating)
POSSIBILITY STONE – An actual pebble kept on your person as a reminding factor of the unlimited Possibilities available when you shift identity into being a Possibility Manager. The Possibility Stone can be used for developing muscles of attention by repeatedly placing your attention on the Possibility Stone and then taking your attention away again. You can also use your Possibility Stone for locating “now.” When you touch your stone, “now” occurs in that moment when you experience the stone-touching sensation. (See: Attention, Now, Reminding Factor, Shift, Tool Belt)
POSSIBILITY TEAM – A new meeting technology from Possibility Management. Possibility Teams use rapid learning, Winning Happening and possibility speaking to create possibility for individuals and the organization. Possibility Teams regard mistakes as intellectual property. (See: Meeting Technology, Possibility Speaking, Rapid Learning, Winning Happ
POSSIBILITY TRAINER – Participants of a training can only go as far as the Trainer can go. This means that the Trainer needs to go first. A Possibility Trainer is an individual trained and certified to train others to apply the thoughtware of Possibility Management. There is a big difference between educators and Trainers.
• Educators provide explanations and information in classes where people learn how to do what is already known. Education provides new knowledge.
• Trainers provide possibilities in trainings where people gain abilities to innovate ways to do what is not yet known. Training provides new behavior.
• Educators put information into your Box. Trainers help you redesign your Box. Educators provide what to think about. Trainers provide what to think with.
A Possibility Trainer’s job requires an enhanced creator Archetype connected directly to the source of possibility. Through practice, a Possibility Trainer learns to take reality apart and put it back together again with a new shape, so that it provides the required new possibilities. A Possibility Trainer takes radical responsibility and navigates space to the liquid state so that individuals or organizations can learn in all four bodies, not just in the mind. What a Possibility Trainer must learn is beyond what is provided by Western culture. This is the necessity that created Callahan Academy. (See: Creator, Four Bodies, High Drama, Liquid State, Navigate Space, Possibility Manager, Practice, Radical Responsibility, Starmaker, Thoughtware)
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