Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 2

by Nikki Ash

  Edgardo clears his throat and it’s then I realize everyone is waiting for me to continue. Liam smirks, knowing damn well what he’s doing to me. He releases my hand and I shake my head slightly to get ahold of myself. “I’ll escort you to the office and we’ll go from there,” I tell the three of them, before turning on my heel and entering the mansion.

  The three gentlemen follow me with their guards trailing behind. I assume they’ll leave them at the office door, but they all walk through. They stand in the back of the room, while Liam, Nate, and Jack have a seat on the couch across from me. Edgardo stays with me the entire time as well, standing behind me. The whole thing feels way too serious… official… like we’re signing an act of congress as opposed to finding them a woman to spend the weekend with.

  Nico walks in and introduces himself. They make small talk for a few minutes, before Nico assures them I’ll make sure they’re taken care of and if they need anything to let one of us know.

  “Here are the catalogues.” I hand them each an iPad. “You fill out the questionnaire with your likes and dislikes. What you’re looking for in a lover. Once you hit submit, the women who meet your criteria will pop up. They have all signed an NDA as requested and are aware they’re going in blind and will have zero details about you. You will have the entire weekend with them, if you so choose. You may select a private room or to leave the mansion, but if you opt to leave, a guard will accompany her. There are three indoor pools and two outdoor ones on the grounds. There are three Jacuzzis, a restaurant, and a theatre room. The woman you select is familiar with the mansion and the surrounding area, so you can ask her and she’ll accompany you anywhere you wish to go.”

  The purpose of this gentleman’s club is for them to be able to feel comfortable. Many men come here several times a week, and not just for the sex, but for the companionship. Some are single, widowed, and others are in a marriage they wish they weren’t in. I’ve learned a long time ago not to judge. I don’t know their backgrounds, just like they don’t know mine.

  “We want your stay here to be perfect, so if you need anything, please ask.”

  The three men nod, but Liam is the one who speaks. “Thank you. This is our first time in the States and La Stella’s was recommended for their high-class service and discretion. I can now see why.”

  While they spend the next several minutes filling out their questionnaires, I take the time to assess them. They’re all good-looking, and I doubt they would have trouble finding someone to have sex with, so them coming here must be because of the discretion, as Liam mentioned. They aren’t able to just go out and pick up a woman at a bar and bring her back to their hotel rooms. It would be a little awkward asking her to sign an NDA before sliding into her.

  Jack is the first one to complete his questionnaire and it notifies me on my iPad who he’s selected. I let Edgardo know, and he sees him out to private room two to meet with Anastasia.

  Nate is next, and since Edgardo isn’t back yet, I offer to escort him. I show him to private room three and wait for Jessica to arrive. All private rooms have a bed, a bathroom, and a living room area complete with a television—like a small loft apartment. And inside the drawer of the dresser are various toys, depending on what they’ve requested, as well as condoms and lube. All members are required to show proof of them being clean as well as use protection, and all escorts are on birth control.

  After introducing Nate to Jessica, I head back to the office. Edgardo is back to standing behind the desk, and Liam is still perusing the catalogue.

  “Is there something in particular you’re looking for?” I ask after a few minutes of him still not selecting someone.

  He glances up and his eyes meet mine. “No matter which likes or dislikes I select, your name doesn’t come up.”

  My chest tightens. “That’s because I’m not an option.” And I’ll never be again.

  He tilts his head slightly in thought. “Are you married?”


  “In a relationship?”

  “No,” I repeat.

  “Lesbian?” he jokes.

  “No,” I say, allowing a small laugh to escape me. I might not be a lesbian, but my body probably thinks, after four years of not seeing a single dick, that I am.

  “I want you,” he says bluntly.

  “Like I said, I’m not—”

  “Just dinner,” he says, cutting me off.

  “I’m not an escort…” Anymore, I think but leave out.

  “Then I won’t pay you.”

  “I’ll have to ask Nico,” I tell him, shocked at myself for even considering this.

  “I’ll wait.” He smiles wide and a tiny dimple pops out of his left cheek.

  I shoot Nico a text and he tells me I’m more than welcome to go, but to make sure Edgardo goes as well if he takes me off the property.

  “I’ll need a few minutes to get ready,” I tell him as I put away my phone. I’m dressed in a black pencil skirt, a silky cream-colored top, and a matching black blazer.

  “You look perfect, but maybe you could change into something more… comfortable,” he suggests. “I’m planning to change as well.”

  After changing into a cute flowy maroon top, dark skinny jeans, and a pair of Christian Louboutin ankle boots, I quickly brush my teeth and then fluff my hair. I glance in the mirror, taking myself in—brown hair down in natural curls, brown eyes that look neither happy nor sad, and a tanned complexion. I put on a light coat of mascara, then head back out to the front entrance, where Edgardo texted me they’re waiting.

  “We’re leaving?” I question when I see Edgardo, Liam, and Liam’s bodyguard waiting by the door. I had assumed since his brother and cousin stayed on the property, we would be as well.

  “I mentioned dinner,” he says.

  “Yes, but you also mentioned wanting to be discreet, and we have a restaurant here.”

  “Let me handle that.”

  “Edgardo will have to accompany me,” I tell him, suddenly nervous. I haven’t been alone with a man in years.

  “I figured as much. He can ride up front with Harold.” He juts his chin out toward his guard.

  I follow Liam over to his SUV. Like a perfect gentleman, he opens the door for me and I slide in. He speaks to his guard for a moment and then joins me inside.

  The ride to wherever we’re going is quiet. The partition separating the front and back is closed, so I can’t see Edgardo, but he texted me to let me know he’s up front and if I need him to let him know. I feel better knowing he’s here with me.

  When we arrive at one of the hotels on the Strip, I notice we’re parked in the back, where the delivery trucks go. Harold opens Liam’s door and tells him all is clear. Taking my hand in his, he guides us along the back and through a door. There’s nobody in sight and I briefly wonder if he’s made sure of this. We arrive at a restaurant and a hostess greets us as if she already knew we were coming. It’s then I notice we’re the only ones here. The entire restaurant is empty. Did they shut down the place for us?

  “I paid for us to have the place to ourselves,” Liam says, as if hearing my silent thoughts. He squeezes my hand before he lets go and pulls out my chair for me.

  “Since you weren’t on the list, you didn’t sign an NDA,” Harold says. “I need you to sign one before you continue.” My gaze volleys between him and Liam, who looks embarrassed at the request. I have no intention or desire to speak about Liam or our date, so I have no problem signing on the dotted line.

  “Thank you,” Liam says, once Harold takes the papers and excuses himself. I can see him and Edgardo both standing at a safe distance. Close enough to keep an eye on us, but far enough away they can’t hear our conversation.

  “I know it all seems a little bit much, but my family is rather… influential. My dad is sick and soon I’ll have to take over the family… business.” He clears his throat. “We came here to have one last hoorah before I have to get serious. My mom would have a fit is she knew what
we were up to.” He mock shivers, and I laugh at how adorably sexy he is.

  “I’m sorry about your dad. Your secret is safe with me.” I wink and his lips curl into a grin, that sexy dimple popping out.

  The waitress comes over and Liam orders a bottle of white wine for the table. She brings it over, pops open the cork, and pours us each a glass.

  “So, where are you from?” I ask when she walks away, curious to know where his accent is from.

  He frowns but quickly schools it. “I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”

  Realizing his joke was meant to lighten the blow over the fact that he can’t tell me, I nod once and take a sip of my wine.

  “I’m sorry,” he says, reaching across the table and threading his fingers through mine. “I want to tell you, I do, but I have to protect my family.”

  “I understand,” I tell him, even though I don’t. Not really. But only because I don’t have a family. The women at the bordello are as close to family as I’ve ever had—aside from my mom—and I would do anything to protect them, but they’re still not family. “I was just curious about your sexy accent.”

  He barks out a laugh that somehow sounds both melodic and masculine. “I’m from a small country in Central Europe. How about you?”

  “I’m from here.” I shrug. “Born and raised.”

  He nods, taking a sip of his wine. “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-three. You?”

  “Thirty-one,” he admits. “I’m the older brother. Nate is my Irish twin, only ten months younger than me.” He chuckles. “We used to drive our mom insane. We were in the same year growing up.”

  “I’m pretty sure you both still drive her insane, if your trip to Las Vegas is anything to go by.”

  He laughs. “Very true, but in our defense, we’ve been here for a week and haven’t gotten into too much trouble.”

  The waitress returns, and after we both order, I ask, “How are you liking Las Vegas?”

  “It’s a lot dirtier than I imagined.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, it’s not all glamorous.”

  We spend the next however long talking and laughing and drinking and eating. The more we talk, the more I drink and the tipsier I get. I can’t remember the last time I allowed myself to let loose like this. I’m pretty sure we’ve drunk our way through multiple bottles of wine, but I’m refusing to keep track.

  When one of my favorite songs comes on, I jump to my feet and extend my hand. “Dance with me.” I blame it on the wine making me brave.

  A grin spreads across Liam’s face. “It would be my pleasure.”

  He pulls me into his arms and a chill races down my spine at his touch. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but lust? Maybe. Because as Liam and I sway to the music, and I rest my cheek against his chest, I’ve never felt like I belong anywhere more than I belong right here in his arms.

  I close my eyes and inhale his scent. It’s woodsy and masculine. I run my hands along his muscled back and know he’s the kind of man who could protect the woman he loves. My heart swells as I pretend for just this small moment in time Liam is mine and I’m his. I imagine the book my mom used to read to me as a child, and I pretend like everything I’ve been through has led me to this moment. To finding my Prince Charming.

  Liam pulls back slightly and his eyes meet mine for a brief moment before his mouth presses against my own. I’m so used to the rough way all the men I’ve been with kiss, I’m shocked at how soft his lips are. Gently, he sucks on my bottom lip, then my top. Then, his tongue swipes across the seam of my lips, requesting access. I’ve never had a man ask… They always take… and take and take and take.

  But Liam asks, and I part my lips, allowing him entry. His tongue swirls against mine, and he tastes sweet like the wine. His tongue is strong like he is, but he doesn’t push, only accepting what I give him.

  My hands ascend, wrapping around his nape, at the same time his land on my ass. I wait for him to grab it, but he doesn’t. His fingers glide up to my lower back and he tugs me closer, so our bodies are flush against each other. We’re still swaying to the music, our tongues dancing with each other as well.

  My fingers thread through his short hair and I pull him down to me, deepening the kiss. Liam groans into my mouth and then pulls away.

  “Stay with me tonight, Natalie.”

  “I’m not an escort.”

  “You already told me that,” he murmurs against my lips. “Stay with me because I only have three nights here and I want to spend them with you. Stay with me because you feel the attraction, the chemistry I feel. And even though we both know we only have this weekend, what’s happening between us is still worth exploring.”

  My heart picks up speed at his words. I’ve never willingly spent the night with a man, let alone all weekend. My thoughts go to my mom, all the weekends she spent with men in our home. The way they would drug her and then hurt her, and once she was passed out, they would come after me… into my room… under my sheets…

  “Natalie,” Liam says, cutting through the fog of my horrible flashback. “It’s okay, sweetheart.”

  I search his eyes for the darkness I would see in the men’s eyes my mom would bring around, in the eyes of Weston and many other men I was with at the club. But all I can find is warmth with a hint of lust. Can I do this? Can I go up to his room and spend the night with him? I think about what Dr. Simone and I have talked about over the years—finding a healthy relationship. People my age do this all the time. They meet and hook up, no strings attached. I’m not prostituting myself out. We’re not so drunk we can’t make decisions. We’re two consenting adults, and even though Liam isn’t my prince, maybe he can be my practice.

  “I want to,” I tell him. “I want to spend the night with you.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes.” I want this. I want him. I want to explore my feelings for a normal guy I’m attracted to.

  A soft smile tugs on the corners of his lips. “Okay, then let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter Four


  After I let Edgardo know I’m going to spend the night, and he tells me he’ll be here until Johnny, another bouncer at the bordello, arrives to take his place, Liam and I take the private elevator up to the Presidential suite. There are three at his hotel and he tells me he, Nate, and Jack all booked them, so nobody will be taking the elevator or be on the floor.

  When we step into his room, I expect him to attack me—not in a bad way but in a sexual way—but Liam doesn’t seem to do anything I expect of him. Instead, he hands me a shirt and a pair of sweats of his.

  “Do you mind if I rinse off?” I ask, trying to tamper down my nerves.

  “Make yourself at home,” he says before disappearing to change.

  Once I’ve showered—the warm water effectively soothing my nerves—and changed into his clothes, which smell like him, I head out of his massive room to find him. The suite is more like an apartment than a hotel room. It has a full kitchen, living room, and dining room—and that’s just from what I’ve seen as I walk through the place to find Liam.

  When I get to the back of the suite, I find him sitting on the balcony, with an identical bottle of wine from earlier next to him. He also has a tray of chocolate covered strawberries and a piece of cheesecake on a plate. He must’ve requested for it all to be brought up.

  “Keep it up and I’m going to think I’m in the movie Pretty Woman,” I joke, pointing to the wine and desserts. When I was little, it was my mom’s favorite movie. She would tell me that one day a man like Richard Gere would save her. I didn’t understand it at the time, but once I grew up, I did. My mom was a prostitute, and the men in her room were paying clients. And I followed in her footsteps…

  Liam doesn’t laugh. “You’re not a prostitute and I’m not paying you to be here.”

  “I was just joking,” I tell him, having a seat in the lounge chair across from him. “Besides, you were willing to pay.” I s
hrug and take a strawberry off the tray, biting into the fresh, juicy sweetness. I glance out at the twinkling lights that make up Las Vegas. From up here, it all looks so beautiful. Too bad it’s an illusion.

  “I was,” he admits. “But that’s only because it’s the only way to have fun and have discretion. Everywhere we go where we live, people know us. Anyone I’m seen with, everyone assumes is the next Mrs.—” He cuts himself off before he reveals his last name. “We thought being in the States would make it easier to have a good time, but all week we’ve had to be careful. We haven’t been able to really do anything fun because we might be seen and photographed. We just wanted one weekend to let loose, be ourselves.”

  My heart breaks for Liam, and in a weird yet completely different way, I understand him. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to completely be myself. Hell, I don’t even think I know who my real self is.

  I climb over the chair and into his lap. I straddle his thighs and place the other half of the strawberry up to his lips. He opens slightly and takes a bite. When a bit of the juice drips down the corner of his mouth, I lean in to lick it up.

  “I can’t remember the last time I got to be myself,” I tell him. His fingers grab ahold of my hips, and his eyes lock with mine. “Let’s spend the weekend being ourselves. And come Monday, we’ll go back to being who everyone else expects us to be.”

  Liam swallows thickly, his Adam’s apple sliding up and down, and nods. Then his hand wraps around the back of my neck and he tugs me to him, his mouth crashing against mine. The strawberry falls from my fingers, and my hands grip his forearms as I get lost in our kiss.

  When I feel the hardness between his thighs, I grind down on his erection. He moans against my mouth and then breaks our kiss. He trails kisses along my jaw toward my neck, and I tip my head slightly to give him better access. He places open-mouthed kisses across my heated flesh and I revel in his soft touches. I’ve never felt anything like this, and it feels good.


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