Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 7

by Nikki Ash

  Natalie shakes her head. “No, my love, it doesn’t, but that’s okay because we found your daddy.”

  I want to argue and tell her if I have it my way, she’ll become my queen, but it’s probably too soon to be making declarations like that. Right now, our attention needs to be on our daughter, but once things settle down, I have every intention of figuring out how to make Natalie my queen.

  Jasmine jumps off the couch and pulls her backpack off her shoulders. She digs through it and pulls out a book. “Look,” she says, walking over and situating herself next to me. “It’s my fairy-tale book.”

  She reads the title then opens it, reading the first page. Page after page she reads me the story about the princess who has to fight her way through the magical forest to get to her Prince Charming. When she finally gets to him, he professes his love and asks her to marry him. On the last page, they’re smiling and happy, having gotten their happily ever after.

  “I found you like she found her Prince Charming,” Jasmine says. “But you’re my daddy not Prince Charming and you’re the king.” Jesus, my daughter is so smart. She hands the book to Natalie. “Here, Mommy, you can keep it now since your book was old and broken. I don’t need it anymore. You can have mine and read it until you meet your Prince Charming.”

  Natalie smiles softly, her eyes turning glassy. “Thank you.” She pulls Jasmine into a hug and kisses her forehead.

  “Can I see my room?” Jasmine asks once they separate, shocking the hell out of both Natalie and me.

  “Umm…” I don’t quite know how to answer that, but luckily Natalie jumps in.

  “Remember Liam didn’t know about you? So he doesn’t have a room for you yet.”

  “But there are plenty of rooms to choose from,” I add. “And we can have it decorated however you want.”

  Jasmine grins. “I want a pink princess room. Does this mean I’ll go to school here?” she asks, jumping from one subject to the next so fast, I damn near get whiplash.

  “No,” Natalie tells her. “We still live in Florence, but we’re going to visit for a few weeks, so you can spend some time with your daddy before we go back and you start school.”

  Jasmine must not like that answer because her bottom lip juts out. “But I want to live here with my daddy in the castle.” Her words, like a prickly vine, wrap around my heart and squeeze, and I know in this moment, I would do anything in my power to make sure she’s always happy. I don’t know anything about parenting, but I know I don’t like to hear that sadness in her voice.

  Natalie frowns. “We live too far,” she explains. “But we can visit. How about we focus on this visit and then we can plan the next one?”

  Jasmine’s face falls, but she nods in agreement, and that vine that’s wrapped around my heart tightens, creating puncture holes in the ventricles. With every sad look she gives, it feels as though my heart is slowly bleeding out. I want to tell her she can live here as long as she wants—both she and her mom can—but I doubt Natalie will be pleased with me saying that without speaking to her first. I know she’s planning to go home after their visit is over, but if I have it my way, they won’t be going anywhere.

  “Come,” I tell them. “Let’s go pick out a room for you to sleep in and I’ll show you around.” I glance at Jasmine, hoping it will perk her up, and it does. A tiny smile spreads across her face.

  “What about your mom?” Natalie asks. Shit, caught up in telling Jasmine I’m her dad, I forgot I still need to speak with my mom.

  “Maybe it would be best if we go to our hotel to rest and pack our stuff, and after you speak to your mom, we can meet back up.”

  I hate the thought of either of them leaving, but it’s probably for the best. I’m not sure how my mom is going to react to the news, and I would rather we be alone than take the chance of Jasmine and Natalie witnessing any unkind words she may have regarding the situation.

  “Do you have a phone?” I ask, taking mine out.


  I hand her my phone. “Put your number in and once you’re ready to come back, my driver will be waiting for you.”

  She looks like she wants to argue but thankfully doesn’t.

  After speaking with Tomas, one of our security guards and drivers, explaining he is to bring them to their hotel and wait while they pack, however long that may take, and then bring them back, I go in search of my mom. I find her in the reading room, her favorite spot, reading a book and sipping her tea.

  “Mom.” She sets her book down and gives me her attention. “We need to talk.”

  “That we do,” Stephanie says, waltzing into the room like she owns it. I was hoping to speak to my mom alone, but I might as well tell them both at the same time. Two birds, one stone…

  My mom’s gaze slides over to Stephanie, and for a brief second I can see the annoyance in her features. My mom rarely lets her true feelings show. Even though she formally stepped down from her duties shortly after my father passed away, she’s still the Queen of Lexenburg and she takes her role seriously, always remaining poised and neutral.

  “As I’m sure you’ve both guessed, Jasmine is my daughter.”

  “Alleged,” Stephanie adds. “We’ll need to schedule a paternity test. For all we know that woman is lying and—”

  “That woman’s name is Natalie and she wouldn’t lie.” I might’ve only known her for a short time, but I know she wouldn’t lie. I can feel it in my gut.

  “Yes, a paternity test will be required,” Mom agrees. Then she adds, “But she’s your daughter. I could see it in her face the second I laid eyes on her. How old is she?”

  “Five,” I admit. “She just turned five in June.”

  Mom frowns. “I’m assuming you didn’t know about her…”

  “No, of course not.” Had I known, she and Natalie both would’ve been a part of my life. “I met Natalie during my trip to the States.”

  Mom’s eyes widen knowingly.

  “I left abruptly when Dad passed away. She didn’t know who I was and had no way to contact me. I went back to ask her to go with me, but she thought I left and so she left and…” I sigh. “We just missed each other and because of that, I’ve missed out on five years of my daughter’s life.”

  “This is absurd,” Stephanie cuts in. “Many children have blue eyes and dimples. What do you even know about this woman? She could be setting you up. You met her in the U.S., for God’s sake,” she spits. “She could be anyone. You can’t just trust her word.”

  “I can and I do,” I tell her in a tone leaving no room for argument.

  “A paternity test will still need to be performed,” Mom says. “She was conceived out of wedlock.”

  “I know, but I don’t need one to know she’s mine.”

  Stephanie huffs. “This is going to be a PR nightmare.”

  “My daughter is never to be referred to as a nightmare. Understood?” I give her a pointed look. “She and Natalie will both be staying here in the Garden Estate with me for the next few weeks so we can get to know each other.” I consider leaving it at that but decide to throw all my cards on the table. There’s no point in hiding my hand. “My goal is to convince them to stay… for good.”

  Mom’s brows hit her hairline and Stephanie gasps.

  “Are you implying your goal is to marry this woman?” Mom asks.

  “Yes,” I tell her honestly. “Had Dad not had his heart attack, I would’ve asked her to join me here. I know we have a lot of catching up to do, but I believe she’s the one.”

  Mom knows better than to take my words lightly. I’ve never mentioned any woman in this regard. And it’s because of Natalie. Because of what I felt when I was with her. No woman ever measured up to the way she made me feel.

  “You don’t know her!” Stephanie hisses. “She could be anyone. A con artist, out for your money. We need to have a background check done. The people are going to want—”

  “Enough,” I say, cutting her off. “I do know her, and I have eve
ry intention to get to know her further. Right now, nobody is to know anything. This is a private matter and will remain private until I say otherwise.” I’m going to have to find out how much of Natalie’s past is public knowledge, so I can bury it. I won’t allow her past to taint our present or future. I know she’s more than a woman who worked at that bordello and I won’t let anyone be blinded by that small part of her life.

  “Now, I need you to get the estate decorator out here. Jasmine will be selecting her room and it’ll need to be turned into a room fit for a princess. I’ll also need to reschedule any of my commitments for the next few weeks. Unless it’s vital, cancel or reschedule it.” Stephanie gawks at me like I’ve grown two heads. “I’m going to need you to contact the Lexenburg Gardens to schedule a private tour, as well as Saint Philipp’s church. My daughter wants to visit both, and I’ll be accompanying her.” The bridge is too public, so that’ll have to wait, but the other two I can make happen.

  “William, as your advisor…”

  “As my assistant, those are the things I need you to do.”

  With a huff, she exits the room, leaving my mom and me alone.

  “Now that she’s gone, care to tell me the entire story?” Mom says.

  I sigh, running my palms over my face. “Where to begin…”

  “How about the beginning,” Mom smarts. “That’s always a good place to start.”

  Chapter Eleven


  After telling my mom the entire truth about how I met Natalie, she was shocked to say the least. But after the shock wore off, she told me that she will support my decision and will give Natalie the benefit of the doubt. She could’ve easily fought me on this, insisted the risk of a scandal is too high, but just like she’s done my entire life, she took my side and assured me it will all work out. My mom is a romantic. She and my father met when they were in their teens and fell in love. Within weeks, they were married, and they remained in love until the day he died. She could’ve remained the acting Queen of Lexenburg, but without him by her side, she said her heart wasn’t in it. He was the other half of her. So, she formally stepped down and I became the acting king.

  I’m the first King of Lexenburg to reign without a queen by my side, and because of that, the country loves to speculate and gossip. I can’t speak to a woman without stories being circulated. Because of this, I have to be very careful until I find out what’s public knowledge regarding Natalie’s past. It’s not that I’m ashamed of her. If anything, knowing her past makes me that much prouder of her because I know where she came from and how hard she worked to make a better life for herself. But not everyone will see it like that.

  “Daddy!” Jasmine yells, running down the hallway. She’s wearing a pretty pink dress now and her hair is in pigtails. Natalie must’ve had her change at the hotel. When she gets to me, she throws herself into my arms and I lift her, my heart full. I thought it would take time for her to warm up to me. I had mentally prepared myself for her to be shy and for our time together to be awkward, but based on the way she’s hugging my neck, she’s already accepted who I am and is embracing it, and for that I am thankful.

  “Sorry,” Natalie says, catching her breath. “I told her not to run.” She mock glares at Jasmine, who remains with her arms wrapped around my neck.

  “I wanted to get to my daddy faster,” Jasmine explains. “Can we go pick my room now?”

  “We sure can,” I tell her. “And tomorrow you can help Mrs. Evelyn, the estate decorator, decorate it.” Stephanie, despite not being thrilled about all of this, scheduled for Evelyn to come out tomorrow. She also scheduled the private tours like I asked and rescheduled any meetings or events that could be rescheduled.

  I give Natalie and Jasmine a full tour of the Garden Estate, which is where our family resides. The rest of the castle is broken up into wings and towers—all named after various flowers. There is a place for everyone, but aside from the occasional event that takes place in the Rose Garden tower, neither of them will need to go anywhere else. Everything they need is here.

  After Natalie and Jasmine pick out their rooms, which are located near mine, we spend the remainder of the afternoon together. We go for a walk through my private gardens while Jasmine tells me all about her travels, her family in Florence, and how excited she is to start school. In return, I tell her about her uncle Nate, who is in Hawaii with his new wife, Annabelle, on their honeymoon, and my cousin, Jack, who lives in town and has twin daughters a year younger than Jasmine. There are many more people in our family, but I don’t want to overwhelm her.

  The entire time we hang out, Natalie and I exchange silent looks and glances. At one point, I catch her staring at me, and I smirk knowingly, making her blush. It might’ve been six years since we were together, but the attraction is still there on her part, and that’s good because it’s definitely there on mine, and I have every intention of exploring it.

  When evening rolls around, we join my mom for dinner. She spends the meal asking both Jasmine and Natalie questions, but I notice she stays clear of our past, and for that I’m grateful. At first, Natalie is nervous, guarded, answering vaguely, but once she realizes my mom is simply trying to get to know her, she opens up. By the end of dinner, both she and my daughter have won my mom over. And when Natalie takes Jasmine away to give her a bath, my mom tells me as such.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to lie with you?” Natalie asks Jasmine for the third time. She’s been bathed and is in her princess pajamas, lying in bed. She insisted I read her the fairy-tale story she gave to her mom because she doesn’t have any other books. I told her we would buy her some new ones tomorrow and that seemed to excite her.

  “I’m okay, Mommy,” Jasmine insists. “I’m not a baby.”

  Her words hit me straight in the heart. I missed her being a baby. Her first word, her first steps… I missed everything. I have so much time to make up for.

  “I know you’re not,” Natalie tells her. “But this is a strange place…”

  “No, it’s not,” Jasmine argues. “It’s Daddy’s castle and I’m the princess.”

  Natalie nods. “I know. Okay, well, if you need anything, my room is right next door.” She gives Jasmine a kiss on her forehead and then one to each of her cheeks. “I love you.”

  “Love you too,” Jasmine says through a yawn. Then to me, with sleepy eyes that are barely open, she adds, “Love you, Daddy.”

  And with those three words, I’m pretty sure my heart just imploded inside my chest. How my daughter can be told I’m her dad and, just like that, accept me so completely, is scary on so many levels. It shows you how vulnerable and innocent children are.

  “I love you too,” I tell her, meaning it with every fiber of my being. “Get some rest because tomorrow we’re going to see the gardens and church like you wanted.” Her tiny sleepy face lights up for a quick second before her blue eyes droop in exhaustion.

  After kissing her cheek and wishing her sweet dreams, Natalie and I leave her to get some sleep.

  “She’ll be out within seconds,” Natalie says, once we’re outside the door. “Today has been a big day for her.”

  We remain standing there, quietly, for a minute and then she peeks her head in. “Yep, already out,” she confirms. I look inside and sure enough, Jasmine’s eyes are closed and she’s snoring softly, cuddled up with her stuffed puppy that her uncle Gio and aunt Aria bought her when she was a baby. She told me she wants a real one just like it, but before I could offer to buy her one, Natalie cut me off, saying maybe when she’s older. I shrugged, mentally noting to contact the animal shelter.

  After closing Jasmine’s door, Natalie walks down the hall toward her room. She stops in front of her door and I scramble to think of a way to keep her with me. To keep her talking so I can spend some time with her. All afternoon it’s been about Jasmine, and I’m okay with that, but now that she’s asleep, I want some time with Natalie.

  “You never ate your cake,” I point ou

  She snorts out a laugh. “Is that the best you can do, Liam?” She raises a single brow. “If you want to spend time with me, just say so.” Fuck, I love how open and honest this woman is.

  “I want to spend time with you.” I push her against the wall until our bodies are flush against one another. “I want to spend time around you…” I run my nose along the length of her slim neck. “In you.” I kiss the sensitive spot behind her ear that I know from experience makes her squirm. “I’ve thought about what I would do to you if I ever saw you again, so many times over the years…”

  Her breath hitches. “I have too,” she whispers. “So many dreams… fantasies.”

  “And now here we are.”

  “I want you,” she murmurs. “It’s too soon.” She shakes her head. “We’ve only just reconnected but—”

  I capture her mouth with my own, cutting her words off. I don’t give a shit how soon it is. I knew she was the one for me back then and I know it now. I let her go once, accepted that she had disappeared and I couldn’t find her. I should’ve scoured the earth for her. Demanded to know where she was. But I didn’t and we lost so much time because of that. I’m not going to waste any more. She’s here, in my arms, and I’m going to make damn sure she never disappears again.

  I lift her up and her legs encircle my hips. I carry her into her room, closing the door behind us. The room is dark, only a bit of light from the grounds coming in through the slats of the blinds.

  I lay her down in the center of the bed and her face and body are lit up by the glow of the lights enough that I can make out her features, see the lust in her eyes. She’s so fucking beautiful.

  I prowl up her body, kissing every inch of exposed skin I can get my mouth on. When I get to her lips, I crush my mouth against hers, tasting her sweet scent, memorizing the way her lips feel. I roll us over so she’s on top, her bare thighs straddling my hips. When she returned, she was changed out of her jeans and shirt, instead in a pair of dress shorts that were just short enough to be sexy, but still long enough to be considered appropriate, and an off-the-shoulder top. Instead of the boots she was wearing, she was sporting heels that helped show off her tanned, toned calves.


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