Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 28

by Nikki Ash

  “Oh fuck.” She grips my cock, squeezing it tight in her fist and begins to bob up and down. “Yes, don’t stop.” My knuckles must be white, I’m gripping the chair so hard, but I can’t take my eyes off Juliet. This is the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced—ever seen. Watching her devour my cock has me ready to explode. I’m so close.

  Beep, beep, beep. My eyes shoot open at the racket of my alarm going off. I smash my hand down on the device to silence it and exhale long and slowly. I want to throw it across the room for ruining the best dream I’ve ever had.

  Damn. I rake my sweat-dampened hair back from my forehead and groan with frustration. It was only a dream. Fisting my aching cock, I close my eyes and imagine the rest of the dream.

  Juliet moves faster, bobbing up and down my length, her hand working me over too. Knuckles white, I clutch the chair arms and drop my head back. I’m so close. I’m so fucking close.

  “Give it to me,” she urges and then suctions her mouth over my cock once more. My hips raise as she takes me all the way in. My orgasm slams into me and jets from my cock, with Juliet swallowing every pulse of come down. She gives a long, final lick up my shaft and over the head before releasing me.

  Chest heaving, my eyes open and reality hits. Not even the explosive orgasm I had can take away the disappointment that I’m in my bed alone.

  Chapter Six


  “Good morning,” my mom calls out as I enter the kitchen.

  “Morning,” I mumble. Even after my shower, I’m still not fully awake.

  “Have a seat. I’ve got pancakes and bacon. They should help wake you up.”

  “Mom, you’re a lifesaver. I need to go for a run this morning and I wasn’t sure if I’d have the energy.”

  “Well, now you will.” She sets a plate of fluffy pancakes down in front of me. The edges are perfectly crisped and the puddle of melted butter in the center makes me eager to dive in.

  Pouring syrup over the stack, I ask, “Where’s Dad?”

  “He had to leave early for work.” She sets a glass of milk in front of me.

  “Thanks, Mom.” I take a sip.

  “Don’t forget, your dad and I will be gone tonight through the weekend,” she reminds me.

  “Good thing you said that because I’d forgotten. I’d probably be wondering where you guys were.” I laugh.

  She shakes her head. “This is the third time I’ve told you. Are you sure you’ll remember?”

  “Yeah. Third time’s the charm.” I smile at her.

  “Where are you going?” I ask.

  “Pennsylvania to visit Auntie Mary and Uncle Bobby.”

  “I’m not invited?” I ask, pretending I care. When in reality, I’m looking forward to having the house to myself.

  “Not this time.”

  I send her a skeptical glare. “Don’t worry, I don’t want to come. But you can’t pretend that I’m some third wheel who you guys drag around with you. I’ve stayed home every time you’ve gone away since I turned sixteen. And I’m pretty sure seventeen is the legal age to leave a kid home.”

  “Like you wanted to come.” My mom arches one eyebrow.

  “I never said I did. I was merely pointing out a fact.”

  “That we’re bad parents?” she retorts.

  “That’s impossible. I’m the perfect son,” I jest.

  “Speaking of being perfect, no parties while we’re gone,” she tells me.

  “When have I had a party when you’ve been out of town?”

  “Last year,” she reminds me.

  “Oh, yeah. How did I forget about that?”

  “Don’t do it again.”

  “Mom, no worries. I’m looking forward to peace and quiet. You and Dad make so much noise.”

  Mom snorts. “We’re hardly home as it is.”

  “You work too much,” I tell her.

  “Your father and I need to put as much money away for retirement as we can.”

  “If you work yourself to death, it won’t do you any good,” I droll.

  “Hopefully, that’s not the case.”

  Rising, I take my dishes to the sink, rinsing them before placing them in the dishwasher. “I’m gonna go digest and then take a run.”


  “It’s been nice talking with you, Mom. I’ve missed your pancakes.”

  “It has. I’ve missed your handsome face. I know your dad and I aren’t the most affectionate parents.” That’s an understatement. “But we love you and we’re proud of you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Pizza boxes in hand, I ring Juliet’s doorbell. I hear her approach and try to calm my already racing heart. Opening the door, she beams when she sees me. Talk about making me feel fantastic. It’s a powerful feeling knowing I’m the reason she’s happy right now.

  “Hey, I didn’t expect to see you,” she says.

  “Is this a bad time?” I ask.

  “No. Is that pizza for me?” She rubs her hands together.

  “That depends on whether you invite me in or not.”

  “Would you like to enter my humble abode?” She sweeps her arm out, gesturing for me to come inside.

  “Don’t mind if I do.” I haven’t been in here since she first moved in. My eyes scan everything I can as I follow Juliet. “This place looks great.”

  “Thank you.” She smiles over her shoulder at me. “Here, we can eat in the dining room, since I haven’t had a reason to use this space yet.”

  I set the two large boxes on the table while she wanders into the kitchen. I call out, “I hope you like extra cheese and pepperoni. I got one of each.”

  She ambles back in with plates, napkins, and a bottle of wine. Placing everything on the table, she removes two wine glasses from a built-in corner hutch. “I hope you like wine. My realtor gave it to me as a housewarming gift and I’ll never drink it by myself.”

  “Sure,” I answer. Wine’s not really my thing, but spending time with Juliet is something I enjoy. If she told me I had to drink the entire bottle myself or go back home, I’d drink the fuck up.

  She removes the cork like a pro and pours us each a generous portion of red wine. Handing over a glass to me, she raises hers. “To new friends getting to know each other.” Tapping my glass gently to hers, I repeat the toast before taking a sip while she watches. “Do you like how it tastes?”

  I lick my lips and savor the dry, fruity taste in my mouth. “It’s not bad.”

  “Good. Let’s sit and eat. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I smelled this.”

  “If you haven’t had Pizzeria Ramona’s, you’ve been missing out.”

  “Well, I haven’t. I’ve been cooking a lot and haven’t tried any of the local places aside from the coffee shop.” She takes a bite of an extra cheese slice and moans exaggeratedly. “Good Lord, where has this pizza been all my life?”

  “Right? I don’t know how I’ll survive four years in Ohio without being able to order this.”

  “They’ll have someplace to get good pizza,” she says with confidence. “Even bad pizza is still decent.”

  “Not this good,” I say.

  “No, probably not.”

  We continue making small talk as we devour most of the pizza. Juliet refills our glasses each time they get low and it’s not long until the bottle is empty.

  “Well, that went quick.” She giggles.

  “After the first glass, it tasted much better.” I wink.

  “How did you manage to come over tonight? Don’t your parents care that you're spending time with the new mystery woman?”

  “My parents are out of town through the weekend. I’ve got four more days of peace and solitude.”

  “Nice. You can keep me company then.” She lays her palm on my forearm, and my skin tingles as my nerve endings jump to life.

  “I can spend as much or as little time with you as you’d like.”

  “Are you sure you want to do that?”

  “Why would
n’t I?”

  “We might give in to our urges and kiss.”

  I rake my teeth over my bottom lip and nod. “It’s possible.”

  “What if we come to some kind of agreement?” she asks.

  “Such as?” She’s piqued my curiosity.

  “We’d have to decide the details. But you’re leaving for school soon and you don’t need romantic baggage back here.”

  “You’re not baggage,” I correct.

  “You know what I mean. You should start college free of any romantic entanglements. And as much as I enjoy your company and find you extremely attractive, I’m not in a position to be romantically tied to you.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I miss sex, badly. My husband was the only man I’ve been with.”

  “You haven’t had sex in how long?” I ask.

  “Over two years.”

  “That’s a long time.”

  “It is. Which is why I was wondering if you’d like to have sex with me?”


  “Hell yeah. Right now?” Rising, I press on the table. “It’s time for dessert.”

  She laughs. “Not on the table, silly. I want the comfort of a bed beneath me.”

  “A bed works fine too,” I agree.

  “Okay, we need to work out the rest of our agreement.”

  “Do we need to sign a contract? Am I going to need a safe word, Mrs. Thatcher?” I jest.

  She peers at me from under her thick lashes. “Maybe.”

  A groan expels from my lips. I’m already hard as stone.

  “There’s two possible ways this can go,” she says. “We can do this tonight and satisfy our mutual curiosity. Or, we can take advantage of your parents being away and for the next four nights, you can spend the time with me.”

  “And we screw our brains out,” I add.

  “Exactly. What’ll it be? One night or more?”

  Chapter Seven


  Lips joined, we slam into the wall outside her bedroom. When she asked me what it was going to be, I almost laughed. What kind of question is that? One night with her or four to fuck my fill of her is a no brainer.

  Caging her in, my hands cup her tits, squeezing their fullness. Oh, Jesus. She’s not wearing a bra. I brush my thumbs over her taut nipples, and she whimpers into my mouth.

  Gripping the hem of her shirt, I peel the material over her sleek stomach, continuing upward and revealing her breasts. Parting our mouths, I draw her shirt over her head so I can watch my hands cup her naked tits for the first time. Her hard nipples tease my palms as I knead the round flesh. My large hands appear dark against the pale, blemish-free skin.

  Leaning forward, I close my lips around one rosy peak, sucking and teasing the flesh with my tongue. Her fingers sink into my hair, urging me to continue. I glide over to pay attention to her other nipple.

  “Yes, Emmett,” she sighs my name with pleasure. Sliding my hands down, I cup her ass and pick her up. She wraps her legs around me, heels digging into my ass, as she grinds into my cock. Carrying her, I get us to her bed as quickly as possible and topple us both down onto the mattress. Not wasting any time, I remove her shorts and panties, pausing to look her over. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “You’re not touching me,” she reminds me, and I chuckle. “Sorry, ma’am. I got distracted.”

  Her fingers tug at my shirt, and I rip it over my head. Then her hands move down to hook inside the waistband of my shorts and boxers. Licking her lips, she drags them over my hips, and I smile. “I knew you wanted to get me out of my clothes since we met,” I tease.

  “Hell yeah. That’s not all I want.”

  “Oh yeah? What else do you desire?”

  Using her body weight, she flips me to my back, taking me by surprise. Straddling my thighs, she peers down at me, sandy hair cascading between us. “I’d rather show you.” She grips my cock in her fist, and I clench my teeth. I’ve wanted her touch for what feels like forever—I’ve even dreamt about it. But nothing prepared me for the exquisite feeling when she guided me to her entrance and slowly slid down my length. I almost pulled a “Jim” from the movie American Pie.

  I clutch her hips, guiding her movements as she rocks on me. Oh, Christ. While I have had sex, I’ve never had my cock ridden before. Watching her tits bounce and her pussy swallowing my cock is the hottest thing ever. I tenaciously hang on to the last thread of my resolve. This has to be as phenomenal for her as it is for me. I’ve never felt anything comparable to the ecstasy of being wrapped in her hot, wet channel.

  I may have barely had a taste of what’s to come for the next four days, but I already know it’ll be damn near impossible to end the physical aspect of our relationship. But I’ll think about it when it happens. Between now and then there’s a lot of fucking to be done.

  Sliding one of my hands from her hip, I lick my thumb and press it to her clit. Finding it swollen and needy for my touch, I rub circles on the bundle of nerves. Juliet moans her approval as she continues riding my cock, her hips rippling like waves on the sea.

  “I’m close,” she whispers, and I move my thumb faster. Her head drops back and her mouth parts as she unravels. Legs trembling and body shivering, I watch her orgasm travel through her with a series of tremors. When her pussy clenches my cock with every pulse of her release, my own orgasm can’t be held back any longer. Exploding inside her with a hoarse shout, my orgasm feels like it’s never going to stop. When it finally does, I close my eyes and go limp, stretched out on the bed.

  “Are you alive?” Juliet asks, walking her fingers up my stomach to my chest.

  “Not sure. Think I may have died and gone to Heaven.”

  She laughs. “As amazing as that was, it’s only the beginning of what we’re going to do.”

  “I look forward to finding out what surprises you have in store for me. All I ask is that you feed me periodically so I can keep my strength up.”

  It’s funny how four days during the school year can seem endless and yet, my time with Juliet was over in the blink of an eye.

  “I wish we had another day and night,” I tell her.

  “I know. Me too. But the extra time would only make it harder for us. We need to think of this like ripping off a bandage and do it in one strong yank.”

  “Okay.” I lean forward and press my lips to hers for a final kiss. I keep it brief and as chaste as possible, even though it’s a struggle to do so. Cupping her cheek in my palm, I stare at her striking features, memorizing them. “I’m glad you chose to buy this house, Juliet. You’ve made my summer way more interesting than it was shaping up to be.” I know I’m not leaving for school yet, but I’m not going to spend much time with her before I do. Not if I can help it, anyway. Especially now that I know what I’ll be missing out on. I’d only be torturing myself.

  “Thank you for being my second-first lover.” She smiles. “I wouldn't have wanted it to be anyone else. Everything was perfect.”

  “It was,” I agree. “I’ll see you around, Mrs. Thatcher.” I wink.

  “See you around.”

  “Call when you get there so we don’t worry,” my mom calls out as I back out of our driveway.

  “I will. Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad.”

  My mom blows me a kiss and my dad yells, “Safe travels, son.”

  I drive off with a final wave and glance at Juliet’s house as I pass by. She’s not home. She hasn’t been for three weeks.

  “You haven’t seen her at all?” Liz asks. She’s along to keep me company for the almost twelve-hour drive that’ll take us to Ohio State University. She’ll fly home in two days and start school at a university in Maine.

  “Nope. We haven’t spoken since we said goodbye on our final morning together. She’s been out of town.” I only know this because one of the neighbors told my mom. I guess they’re finally warming up to her if she shared her plans with them.

  “I’m sorry. That sucks,” Liz offers, trying to conso
le me.

  “It is what it is, right? I think we handled it the best way possible. We didn’t drag it out and get all emotional.”

  “How are you feeling about everything? Answer honestly. Don’t sugar coat things for me.”

  I shrug. “Juliet is amazing. If I was four years older and had graduated from college, it would be a different scenario.”

  “Are you in love with her?” Liz questions.

  “We never shared our feelings.”

  “I asked if you’re in love with her, but I already know the answer.”

  My grip tightens on the steering wheel. “Fuck. Yeah, I am.”

  Part II

  Chapter Eight


  Four years later

  “Oh, honey, it’s so wonderful to have you back home.” My mother pats my cheek.

  “Don’t get too used to seeing me. It’s not like I’m living at home again. Just because I’m back in Boston doesn’t mean I have an excess amount of time on my hands.”

  “I never said you did. Don’t get touchy. As your mother, I have a right to be excited to have my only child back in the same state. You barely came home during college.”

  I didn’t want to be reminded of Juliet.

  “That’s how college is, Mom. It’s a lot of work, but it’s also the last hurrah before adulting really starts. I packed as much fun into those years as I could.” I grin.

  I did whatever I had to in order to get over Juliet.

  “Do you ever hear from Juliet, that nice neighbor we used to have?”

  Is she a freaking mind reader or what?

  “No, why would I?”

  “I don’t know. You guys seemed to be friends.”

  “Mom, I don’t really think helping someone with yard work or unclogging a pool hose classifies someone as a friend.”


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