Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 67

by Nikki Ash

  He holds out his hand to my mom. “Judy, it was nice meeting you, but I think I should be going.” He holds his palm up to Leighton. “Give me five, little man.”

  Leighton jumps up to slap his hand, and Travis smiles big as he looks at his son. When his eyes meet mine though, that smile is gone.

  “Walk me out?” he asks.

  I turn on my heel and lead the way, needing the fresh air to calm the waterfall of emotions rushing through me. I make sure we’re clearly away from my front door before I turn to face him.

  He wastes no time. “Please tell me what I think happened didn’t.”

  “Let me explain.” I place my hand on his chest, and he tosses it away.

  “Were you married the night we met?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t mean for that to happen,” I plead.

  He steps back. “No. No. I remember checking multiple times for a ring because I was shocked you weren’t married. You weren’t wearing one.”

  I drop my head to my chest. “It’s because I threw it at him when I left that night.”

  He narrows his eyes at me. “That’s why you were so upset? Because you’d had a fight with your husband?”

  “Yes, but you have to understand, he was a horrible man, and our marriage was not okay. I didn’t see just how unhappy I was until I met you. You showed me that night what it meant to feel normal again.”

  “Yeah, normal for one night. God!” He throws his hands up in the air and starts to pace. “That’s why you bailed. Because you had to get back home to your husband! How could I have been so stupid?”

  I grab his arm. “Don’t say that. You said you thought I was the one that night. I felt the same way. I’d never felt that way with him.”

  He shakes his head. “Really? Is that why you stayed with him? Is that why you never once came back to find me until you found out you were pregnant?” He leans away from me, and I can see the wheels turning in his head. “Wait. How do you even know Leighton’s mine? Why would you not think he was your husband’s?”

  I take a deep breath. “I told you, he was a horrible man, who was lying to me. He treated me terribly and was a workaholic. The fight we had that night was over his dinner not being perfectly hot when he walked in the door two hours late. That’s when I threw the ring at him and walked out, heading to that bar. Then, when he found out I was pregnant, seven weeks after we were together, he informed me he’d had a vasectomy a year earlier and never told me.” I drop my head in shame of the memory of standing on the street that day.

  “So, he knew you’d cheated on him …”

  I glance up, my eyes filling with tears, and nod.

  He takes a deep inhale, crossing his arms and staring at me. When he reaches for his keys in his pocket, my heart sinks.

  “Look, I meant what I said. I will be in Leighton’s life. But this … this I need to work my way through. Knowing that you made me the other man doesn’t sit well with me. I believe in the sanctity of marriage. Learning you threw that away one night with someone else …”

  He stops, and my shoulders sag.

  He steps past me and heads toward his car, leaving me helpless.

  I reach for him. “Please, don’t leave like this.”

  “Just”—he holds up his hands, making sure I don’t touch him—“give me some time. I need to process all of this. I want to see Leighton though. I’d like for him to know I’m his father sooner than later. I’ve already missed so much.” He glares at me, making me feel even guiltier about the situation. “I’ll call you later.”

  Tears fall down my face as I watch him get in his car without looking back at me.

  Leaving him years ago was easy, but watching him drive away now is the most painful thing I’ve ever felt.

  Chapter Eleven

  When Travis texted me later in the day, my mood lifted. When I saw it was just about Leighton, that moment of excitement flew away just as quickly as it had come. I tried to text about us, but he shut that down real quick. As I read his words, saying it would take time, I couldn’t help but feel the pang in my chest.

  He’s taking us to dinner tonight. I’m hoping he’s not going to bust out and tell Leighton he’s his father, but since we left on such bad terms, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did.

  We decided to meet at the pizza place, so we’d be on neutral ground. I can’t help but think if this morning had ended differently, then we would have driven together. It’s something I’ve been obsessing about all day, and now that it’s time to leave, my fears are getting the best of me.

  On our way there, I look in the rearview mirror at Leighton. “So, baby, you remember Dr. Rivers, right?”

  “Yeah, Mommy. Why?”

  “He’s going to join us for dinner tonight. Is that okay with you?”

  “Will he play games with me?”

  I laugh. “Not sure. You can ask him though.”

  “Okay. I hope he does.”

  Me too, baby. Me too.

  We pull up to the restaurant and see he’s already inside, seated at a booth in the window.

  Leighton unhooks his own straps on the car seat and hops out of the car before I can get to his side. I follow behind him as he runs to the front, swinging the glass door open. I hold it, so it doesn’t fall on his small frame.

  When my eyes meet with Travis, a mixture of excitement, fear, and nervousness courses through me, but I tamp it down and head toward him with a smile on my face.

  “Hey, little man. High five,” Travis says, holding up his hand to Leighton.

  Leighton slaps it and then starts in on his question. “Will you play games with me?”

  Travis chuckles as he stands up, holding his arm out to Leighton. “Only if you’ll play the basketball one.”

  “Of course, duh,” Leighton says, grabbing his hand and leading him to the playroom.

  Travis turns to me as Leighton yanks him away. “I already ordered pizza, and the cups there are for you guys.”

  “Okay, thank you.” I smile and wave.

  He looks at Leighton and then back to me. “No, thank you.”

  I sit back and watch through the windows that line the playroom as Leighton and Travis play so many rounds of the game that I’m sure Travis has spent over twenty dollars by now.

  Seeing them together makes my eyes tear up. Pretty soon, I’ll be the crazy woman, bawling while sitting alone. I wondered if Leighton would ever have a father figure in his life. Never in a million years did I think I’d find his father.

  Our pizza arrives, and I wipe my eyes for the tenth time before standing to get Travis’s attention. He brings Leighton back to the table after they headed to the restroom first to wash their hands.

  Leighton dives into the cheese pizza Travis bought just for him. His eyes are definitely bigger than his stomach, and though he’s excited, I know he’ll only finish two slices, maybe three max.

  “Cheers,” Travis says, holding up his slice to Leighton.

  They bump their food together before each taking a bite.

  “Mom, you should have seen Dr. Rivers. He was making so many shots!”

  Travis laughs as he wipes his mouth with a napkin. “You can call me Travis, buddy. Or …” His eyes meet mine, and my expression must match the emotions that just raced through me. Please don’t just blurt it out loud like this.

  Thankfully, Travis takes a bite and doesn’t finish that sentence.

  “Dr. Rivers, hello,” a woman says as she walks by our table with her daughter. She takes one look at Leighton, and a grin spreads across her face. “I had no idea you had a son of your own! I’m surprised I’ve never seen pictures at your office. Man, he is your twin for sure!”

  Travis covers his mouth with his napkin as he finishes his bite. He raises his eyebrows to me, and I close my eyes as I take a deep breath.

  “Megan, this is Leighton and his mother, Michelle,” he says, dodging the ball for sure.

  “It’s so nice to meet you. We sure do love Dr. Rivers here. M
y poor baby hasn’t had the best of luck health-wise, and he’s been a dream to work with.”

  I smile sweetly. “I’m glad to hear he’s helped you so much.”

  “Well, I’ll let you guys get back to your dinner. It’s nice to meet you, Michelle.”

  “Nice to meet you too.” I wave as I prepare my next bite.

  “It’s pretty cool that you and I look so much alike,” Travis says to Leighton, making my heart pound harder.

  Leighton nods nonchalantly, paying more attention to his food than the words being said.

  “I think that means we’re supposed to be friends. Are you okay with that?” Travis asks.

  Leighton nods his tiny head. “Will you take me to play real basketball?”

  I laugh, realizing how easy life is to a five-year-old. He doesn’t fully understand the situation. He doesn’t understand what having his father in his life will be like.

  I sit back and let out a breath that feels like a huge weight being lifted. Yes, we haven’t told him yet, but if it’s as simple as playing basketball, maybe I’m thinking too much into this.

  “Have you never played for real?” Travis asks.

  Leighton glares over at me. “She only lets me play here.”

  I laugh out loud and hold up my hands. “Hey, don’t look at me like that. The hoops at the park are really tall, and there are always people playing. I don’t want you to get trampled.”

  “You know, your mom has a good point.” Travis points his pizza at me. “It’s a good thing I have a basketball hoop at my house.”

  “You do?” Leighton bounces in his seat.

  “Do you want to come over tomorrow to play?” Travis asks.

  “Can we, Mom? Can we? Can we? Please?” He holds his hands under his chin, sticking out his bottom lip.

  Travis chokes on his food as he laughs. “Yeah, Mom. Please?” He mimics Leighton’s pose.

  I shake my head, smiling at the two twins staring back at me with the same expression. “Yeah, we can do that.”

  “Yes!” They high-five over the table before diving back into the food.

  After dinner, Travis walks us to my car. I buckle Leighton in and step back for Travis to say good-bye.

  “You and me tomorrow, okay?” Travis asks and then leans in. “I guess we’ll invite your mom, too, but I bet she plays like a girl.”

  “Hey, I heard that,” I shout over his shoulder.

  “Nah, my mom’s probably pretty good. She can throw a baseball at least,” Leighton replies.

  “Aw, thanks, kiddo,” I say with a grin.

  “See you tomorrow.” Travis stands and shuts the door. We walk to the trunk of the car and stop. “So, you play catch with him?”

  “Of course I do. The boy loves every ball he can find.”

  Travis leans against the car, crossing his arms. “You’ve done a good job with him.”

  I shrug, nerves taking over. “He’s my son. I’d do anything for him.”

  Travis nods. “And it shows.”

  I take the plunge. “So, listen, I’m sorry you had to find out the way you did about Daniel.”

  He holds up his hand to stop me. “Daniel?” He lets out a breath. “I take it, he’s the husband.” Travis’s entire demeanor changes, and he stands straighter.

  “Ex-husband,” I point out.

  “Yeah, because I—”

  “Stop right there.” I repeat his same gesture. “You need to understand, we were already having problems. I was there that night, contemplating leaving him.”

  Travis steps closer to me. “Then, why didn’t you? Why did you leave my bed and go back to him, never even giving me a chance?”

  I drop my head down. “For the same reasons you said earlier. I believed in my vows. I was a married woman, and I needed to make our marriage work.” I place my palm on his chest. “I promise you though, at that point in our marriage, he was not the same man I’d married. We had grown apart, and I wasn’t happy. Leaving you was the hardest thing I’d ever done. I was so confused. Being with you felt right, but that didn’t make sense to me because I was married. I can tell you this though … that one night with you was better than my entire marriage. And I’m not just talking about the sex. It was just spending time with you. I didn’t realize how much I’d settled for what I’d thought I wanted. For who I’d thought he was.”

  Travis places his hand over mine that’s still on his chest and removes it. My eyes meet his, and he nods.

  “Okay. I hear you. I still …” He takes a deep breath. “This is all just a lot to take in at one time. Let me get to know Leighton, and then we can focus on if there will be an us to go along with that.”

  I blink away the tears that sting my eyes. “Okay.” I step toward my side of the car.

  He rushes to open the door for me and holds on to it, standing firmly with the door in between us, which I take as a solid sign that he meant what he said.

  “Thank you for meeting me tonight,” he says.

  “Thank you for dinner.”

  “Come over around ten tomorrow? We’ll play, and then I’ll grill us some cheeseburgers.”

  I smile and nod. “Okay, we’ll be there.”

  “I’ll text you the address. Night.”

  I wave. “Night.”

  I get in the car and want to bang my head on the steering wheel, but I am reminded very quickly that Leighton is still sitting behind me.

  “You guys took forever!” he whines.

  “Sorry, baby. We’re heading home right now.”

  Lord knows, I need to put him to bed and pour myself a glass of wine!

  Chapter Twelve

  The next day, we arrive at Travis’s place, which is the cutest home ever. I can only imagine he makes good money, being a doctor, but his modest two-bedroom bungalow with a small porch doesn’t scream money. It screams home.

  A long driveway on the side leads back to a detached garage, and I see a basketball hoop set up on the side.

  We walk up the steps to his porch and ring the doorbell.

  When Travis opens the door, he has a dish towel flung over his shoulder. “Hey, glad you guys found it okay. Come on in.”

  Leighton runs in without a care in the world, but I stop and take my time. When I entered his apartment all those years ago, I didn’t look around to get a glimpse of who he was. Now, I want to see if I can understand him more by being in his personal surroundings.

  His living room is not full bachelor pad but not full designer either. His black leather couches and sleek coffee table are counteracted with a homemade quilt flung across the back of the chair.

  “Can I go out back to play?” Leighton asks, standing at the back door.

  Travis slings the towel off his shoulder, placing it on the counter. “Sure! Here, let me get the basketball for you.” Travis opens the door, and the two head outside.

  I lean against the frame, crossing my arms, as I watch them take a few shots. Leighton can barely get the ball high enough to reach the basket, so Travis holds him up, allowing him to make the shot.

  “Yay!” Leighton says, holding his arms up in celebration and bouncing around once Travis puts him on the ground.

  “Nice shot, buddy!” I cheer from my spot on the deck.

  Travis turns my way, and the grin that’s covering his face is amazing. I know my dad looks at him like a grandpa, but seeing someone look at him like a father puts the biggest smile on my face. Travis should be proud of the little boy he created. Leighton has been such a special addition to my life, and I have Travis to thank.

  They play for an hour more while I swing in the hammock he has set up on his back deck.

  I so could get used to this …

  I’m drifting away when I hear them laughing and walking toward me. When they notice my eyes are shut, I hear Travis whisper, “Shh. I think your mom fell asleep.”

  “Should we tickle her?” Leighton asks.

  “Well, duh,” Travis responds. “On three. One. Two. Three.”
br />   They both charge me, and I let them, loving this moment and never wanting it to end. We are all giggles as I pick Leighton up and hug him tightly. To my surprise, Travis wraps his arms around both of us.

  It feels good.

  It feels right.

  I turn to Travis. “We should tell him.”

  Travis shoots up. “Seriously?” He doesn’t hide his surprise one bit.

  I smile and nod, taking Leighton and sitting him up straight so we’re all swinging together.

  “So, Leighton, how would you feel if you got to see Travis more often?”

  “And play more basketball?” Leighton’s face lights up.

  Travis and I laugh.

  “Yes, and we can play more basketball, whenever you want,” Travis says.

  “Yes!” Leighton celebrates.

  I glance to Travis and grin, feeling so happy to be able to tell Leighton who Travis really is. “So, you like Travis?”

  Leighton nods. “Of course I do. Did you see him pick me up for a basket?”

  Travis holds out his hand to high-five Leighton.

  “How would you feel if he were your daddy?”

  Leighton’s eyes narrow slightly as he takes in what I just said. He holds his hand to his chest. “But I don’t have a daddy,” he says shyly.

  Hearing him say that breaks my heart, but it heals when Travis grips my hand.

  “You do now, son,” Travis says, his voice cracking. “Can I be your daddy?”

  Leighton jumps off my lap and crawls up onto Travis’s. “Seriously?” he says, his voice laced with that of Christmas-morning excitement.

  “Seriously,” I say as tears fill my eyes.

  “Would you be okay with that?” Travis asks.

  “Yes!” He wraps his arms around Travis’s neck. When he pulls away, he turns back to me. “Does this mean we get to move here? Shouldn’t I live with you and my daddy?”

  My chest tightens at his question. “Well, sweetie—”

  Travis grips my hand again. “I can imagine we can make that happen very soon.”

  The tears I was holding back start to fall instantly.


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