Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 81

by Nikki Ash

  “I made eggs and bacon for breakfast. Hope that’s okay.”

  “It’s great.” I give him a hesitant smile and his eyes narrow a bit. “What?”

  He touches his thumb and forefinger to my chin. “Don’t get shy on me. Not after everything we shared last night.”

  “I’m sorry.” I feel my cheeks heat. “This is…just weird for me. Relationships are…not something I’m good at or have much experience with.”

  I look away from him because it feels almost shameful to admit that I prefer my own company over others, but it’s true. I’ve never met someone worth giving up my time for. But Travis…it seems he’s worth giving up all my previous notions.

  Travis shrugs like it’s no big deal. “I don’t either. We’ll learn together.” Then like some English gentleman out of a Jane Austen novel he grabs my hand and places a tender kiss on my knuckles. “There’s no way to know how things will go or turn out. You just have to trust the process.”

  “Trust the process?” I try not to smile.

  He grins. “Trust me.” He rubs the back of his head. “More like we have to trust each other.”

  I give a small nod because he has a good point. I could hurt him as easily as he could me.

  “What happened to my pen?” I ask belatedly, spooning some scrambled eggs onto my plate.

  “Oh, you remember that now, huh?” He laughs a little. “You’ll get that back when you’ve earned it.”

  “Earned it? It’s my pen,” I scoff, both of us sitting down at the table. Dahlia flails her hands, an excited giggle bubbling out of her.

  “Yeah.” He cocks his head. “You have to earn it back.”

  “When?” I ask incredulously. This man has to be kidding me. He stole my pen.

  He gives me a smug smile. “I don’t know yet. But I will.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  “You’re smiling and it’s freaking me out.”

  I arch a brow at Jessie. “Do I never smile?”

  She waves a hand at my face, her own pulled into an expression like she’s tasted something sour. “Not like this. Like…ooey and gooey.” Her pinched lips fall into a frown. “Oh my God you’re in love.”

  “Love? I don’t think so.”

  But as soon as she says it something in my chest tells me she’s right. I’ve never felt like this before. Light and almost giddy. I find myself thinking about Alba more than almost anything and wondering how I can spend even more time with her. It’s been a week since I showed up at her townhome and we had sex. In these seven days it’s happened five more times and I’m not complaining.

  Jessie snorts, rolling her eyes at me as she cleans her station. “You’re fucking whipped.”

  I roll my tongue around my mouth. Normally the sound of the word whipped would grate on me and send me running, but for some reason I don’t mind it this time. If bearing that label means I get to feel this happen then I’ll wear it as a badge of honor.

  “Are you finished for the day?”

  She adjusts her hair and picks up the water bottle from the table beside her. “Yeah, I’ll head out in a few.” She rubs her lips together, a thoughtful look on her face. “You know, it’s dumb, but at one point I thought maybe you’d open your eyes and see me and we’d end up together.”

  I rear back in surprise. “Us?” I don’t mean for my tone to sound offended, but no doubt it does. I’ve never pictured Jessie as anything other than an employee and a pain in my ass. She’s great at her job with a work ethic even I envy. It’s why I trusted my shop in her hands.

  She gives a self-deprecating laugh. “You and me, what a joke right?”

  “That’s not what I meant, Jess. I just…” I shake my head. I’m not good with words. “I guess I never thought about it.”

  “Like I said. It was dumb. But…” She toys with her bottom lip between her teeth like she’s not sure she wants to say what comes next. “Just make sure she treats you right. You deserve that.”

  My brows furrow surprised by the genuineness in what she says. My eyes drift across the street to Between the Lines. “Don’t worry about that.”

  She gives a forced smile, heading to the back. It’s only a few minutes later when I hear the back door close with her exit.

  It isn’t long until my next client comes in and I’m more than glad to allow myself to get lost in my art. I have one more appointment after that and then I close up shop early.

  Standing out back, I find myself pulling the cigarette pack from my pocket. I’ve been going longer between needing them, but right now I’m desperate. Maybe it’s the conversation with Jessie or maybe it’s the realization that Alba means even more to me than I originally thought. Whatever it is, I find myself sucking down another right after the first. Chain smoking has never been my thing, but right now I need the nicotine more than I need just about anything.

  Toeing the cigarette out, I grab my shit and head over to Between the Lines.

  Alba immediately swivels around in the stool behind the front desk, beaming as soon as she notices me.

  Her smile falls a tiny bit when she sees my stormy expression.


  I don’t give her a chance to finish saying my name. I grab her face in my hands, pulling her up to meet me in a kiss that’s not exactly gentle. I’m wild, mad, desperate to brand her.

  Mine. She’s mine. My mind chants over and over. Claim her. She’s yours.

  Her body is stiff with surprise at first but relaxes in my hold. Then she’s kissing me back just as desperately.

  “Please tell me you’re done for today.”

  “Yes,” she pants.

  “Thank fuck.”

  I pick her up and her legs automatically wind around my waist. As much as I’d like to fuck her right here and right now I don’t want everyone on the walking mall to get a show, so I carry her back to the office.

  Placing her down on the desk I strip us bare faster than should be humanly possible. Ripping the condom open I stroke my fingers over her pussy and nearly shutter with relief that she’s ready for me. I’m not sure I have it in me to wait.

  “Hurry up,” she pleads and must be having similar thoughts as I roll the condom on. “Travis, plea—” The word ends with a moan as I enter her in one hard thrust.

  Her nails rake against my back, grappling to hold on as I pound into her relentlessly. It’s like something has been unleashed inside me and I can’t stop. I have to fuck her as hard as I can. Make sure she knows she’s mine. I can’t let her ever forget me. Forget us and the magic between we create.

  She leans back on the desk, arms above her head and her black hair fans out around her. Her breasts are full, even bigger since the baby, and I lean down taking one pert nipple in my mouth. I swirl my tongue around the sensitive bud and then give the other the same treatment.

  Straightening, I grab her hips, my fingers digging in hard enough to bruise. “Please tell me you’re close,” I beg, rubbing her clit with my thumb. “I’m gonna come, baby, and I want you to come too.”

  “Almost.” Sweat beads on her forehead. “Don’t stop. Whatever you do don’t stop.”

  I grit my teeth, my head falling back as I pound into her. Her pussy clamps even tighter around my cock and I growl as my release sends a shiver down my spine. Mewling sounds pass through her lips. I bend over her, stealing a kiss because I want to swallow those sounds.


  I lay over her, both of us struggling to get enough oxygen. Gently her fingers comb through my hair in a soothing gesture.

  It takes me a moment, but I rest my hands on the table by either side of her head and peer down into her brown eyes. They’re glazed with lust, but blink back at me with understanding.

  Not a word passes through our lips but both of us understand.

  There’s no going back.

  We’re done for.


  Finally, I pull out of her body and dispose of the condom. We both go about
redressing and she goes to use the bathroom.

  When she exits, she finds me leaning against the wall twirling her pen through my fingers.

  She eyes the pen, her lips pinched but she doesn’t comment on it this time. I think I’ve fucked all the words out of her for once.

  Tucking the pen back in my pocket, I step away from the wall. “I was thinking…I know you’re closed and all, but there’s some ink I want, and I have a feeling you’re the girl to do it.”

  She arches a brow. “That so? What makes you think I’m up for the job?”

  “Oh, I know you’re perfect for this.”

  “Hmm,” she hums. “Can you afford it?”

  I know she doesn’t mean it in a monetary way. “I hope so.”

  “Then right this way.” She sweeps her hand toward the front and I follow, taking the chair she indicates. “Where do you want it?”

  Hooking my thumbs in the back of my shirt I yank it off and drop it to the floor.

  “Right here.” I place my hand over the left center part of my chest, over my heart, where I’ve been leaving a blank spot. In my mind I knew whatever I put here had to be close to my heart, both literally and figuratively.

  She eyes the spot and nods. “And what exactly do you want?”

  “A dahlia.” Her eyes widen and I’d swear even begin to fill with tears. “And right beside it a pair of lips. Bright red.”

  Her tongue slides out at those words, rubbing right over where there’s the barest hint of red stain from the lipstick I kissed away.

  “Are you sure?” She’s staring at me in awe. Both of us are covered in ink, and despite my sometimes less than stellar choices—like the anchor on my ankle—we both know putting something permanently on your body is a big deal, especially when it’s a very obvious declaration like this is.

  “Never been surer.”

  She still looks hesitant but goes about getting everything ready. “What color for the dahlia?” She’s bent over, and when she looks over her shoulder at me her hair falls forward and for a moment I’m breathless.

  How is it possible that this beautiful ethereal creature likes me?

  “Purple,” I answer. “Like this.” I quickly bring up an image on my phone, showing her the exact shade.

  She nods and mutters to herself as she finishes gathering everything she needs.

  While her tattoos are mostly black and red ink, I’ve gone for a more hodge podge—or I guess you could call it eclectic—look for mine, with all different colors depending on what I wanted for the design.

  Once she starts, I can’t help but watch her in awe. I’ve never seen Alba in action. She’s focused, I don’t think anything could distract her right now and as much as I want to try I won’t, and there’s a spark in her eyes I’ve never seen before, one that tells me she’s in the zone.

  I don’t pay attention to the time that goes by, too engrossed in studying her nuances, but suddenly she’s standing up and telling me to go take a look in the mirror.

  My body groans with stiffness from sitting for so long, but it’s worth it when I see the finished product. The dahlia looks almost 3D and the layers of colored ink seem to make it glow. The red lips beside it are a perfect match for Alba’s.

  “What do you think?” she asks shyly when I turn around.

  I cross the space between us until we’re toe to toe. My worn boots against her black Converse. “It’s perfect.”

  “Really?” She sounds surprised, which is insane because her art is beautiful.

  “I wouldn’t lie to you, Alba.”

  “You wouldn’t?” She arches a brow in challenge.

  “Babe, I’m many things but a liar isn’t one of them.” I let her cover the tattoo and help her clean up before we go. Taking her hand, I kiss her knuckles. “Let’s go get our girl.”

  She smiles, her eyes crinkling at the corners.


  I want this. Her. Dahlia. A family—my family.

  Chapter Fourteen


  It’s quite strange how quickly you can get used to a new normal.

  I’m not at all surprised when I head downstairs and find Travis in the kitchen making pancakes, singing to Dahlia who swings back and forth in the new baby swing he bought for her because he thought she’d love it. He was right too. She’s obsessed. She grabs at her sock covered feet, cooing like she’s trying to sing along with him.

  The man can’t sing, but I give him an A for effort.

  “Do you need any help?”

  “No, I’m almost done. Just sit down.”

  “You know,” I draw out the words, “this would be ten times hotter if you were wearing an apron.”

  He scoffs like the idea is offensive, but then purses his lips in thought. “Next time.”

  I cackle, amused by the soft side of him I never appreciated before. It’s like I decided to hate him from the get-go, when really he’s…well, he’s kind of my perfect match.

  He slides a plate with pancakes in front of me, already buttered and drenched in syrup. Just the way I like them.

  “So,” I hedge, wiggling in the chair, “I’ve been thinking about something.”

  “And what’s that?” he asks around a mouthful.

  “Well, it’s just…you’ve been staying here exclusively the last month.”

  He arches a brow. “You telling me to leave?”

  “No, no.” I shake my head rapidly despite the humor in his tone. I rub my lips together, nervous because Travis and I have yet to put a label on what we are. All I know is things have moved quickly since he returned to town, but sometimes you can’t put a timeline on these sorts of things. “I was thinking that maybe if you want…you could…move in?”

  His eyes widen and he’s speechless. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Travis at a loss for words.

  “You want me to move in? Permanently?” He blinks, blinks again, like he’s trying to make sure he’s not dreaming

  “I mean, only if you want to. That might be something you don’t want,” I ramble, realizing I’m basically repeating myself. “But you spend so much time here anyway, you’re taking over my dresser drawers, not to mention the sink, and—”

  One second he’s across from me and the next he has my face cradled in hands, his lips silencing mine. “Shut up already and let me answer.” I stare, waiting for him to finish. “Yes.” He sits back down and goes back to eating his stupid pancakes like we didn’t just agree to something monumental.

  A sigh rattles my chest. “Travis?”


  “What are we?”

  “Well, you’re a female and I’m a male, we’re both homo sapiens—”

  “That’s not what I meant, and you know it. You living here is a big deal but we’ve never discussed us.”

  “I didn’t know we needed to.” He shrugs. “You’re my girl and that’s that.”

  He says it so simply. So easily. Like it’s no big deal at all.

  “Ugh!” I groan, throwing my hands in the air. “I love you!” I blurt out, my cheeks heating at my sudden outburst. “What do I mean to you?”

  His lips part, syrup drying in the corner of his mouth. Then a huge smile takes over his whole face, eyes crinkling at the corners. “I thought you’d never admit it.”

  “Admit what?” I ask stupidly even though I know exactly what he’s going to say.

  “That you love me.” He gets up and holds out his hand for me. Hesitantly I slide my hand into his open palm and let him pull me up. “For the record, I love you too. I don’t know when it happened. It’s like it was slowly and then all at one. Like an avalanche gathering speed,” he rambles. “One second it was innocent flirting and fuckery.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you like stealing my shit, I get it.”

  “Shush.” He presses a finger to my mouth. “Let me finish.”

  I mime zipping my lips and throwing away the key.

  “The next I don’t know how exactly it happened, but for one night you w
ere mine, and we created the most beautiful perfect little girl together. You know that saying everything happens for a reason? That’s us Alba. Everything happened for a reason to lead us together, to each other, to this moment, to her.” We both turn to look at Dahlia, drool dripping down her chin as she giggles at the jungle animals hanging above the swing. “So yeah, crazy girl, I love you too.”

  He kisses me again, the kind of kiss you feel all the way down to your toes. The kind of kiss that has fireworks going off in the background. The kind of kiss that is a beginning to the greatest adventure of your life.

  Things happen in life that we don’t understand, but Travis is right, everything does happen for a reason. Life, death, even accidents that turn out to be the best thing that ever happened.

  Pulling back slightly he places a small kiss on the end of my nose. He slides his hand into his pocket, pulling out my pen he stole from my shop only a couple of months ago.

  “Say it again,” he pleads.


  “You know what.”

  “I love you.”

  He grins and holds out my pen. “I told you I’d know the moment you earned it.”

  I take my pen back from him and toss it behind me before I wrap my arms around his shoulders, lost in his kiss once more.

  It was never about a prank, or stolen coffees, and swiped pens.

  It was about two people who fell in love slowly, accidentally, but perfectly.

  Meant to Be by Jenika Snow

  Chapter One


  “I feel like I overdid it with the booze,” I said as I looked at the bottles lined up on the counter. I glanced over at Jameson, watching as he reached up and opened the door to the cabinet to grab us a couple shot glasses.

  He stared at me for a second over his shoulders, then glanced at the bottles and shrugged. “We’re in for one hell of a night though, right?” He gave me a wink and I laughed softly, but had to look away quickly because the sight of his big, muscular body stretched out like that was doing all kinds of very inappropriate things to me.


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