Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 100

by Nikki Ash

  “You have always been wanted.”

  “Not by Pops.”

  “It’s complicated.” I don’t want to defend the man when I’m still so fucking angry, but I don’t want Eli to have the same bitterness toward him that I do. “He loves you but he lost his way when Mom died. It wasn’t your fault and he knows that.”

  “Maybe. It doesn’t matter.” He stabs a finger into the papers. “Are you going to give this to him?”

  “He wasn’t at work today. I think he’s already gone.”

  “Then go to him. You have to try. He’s a good person. Lane should get to stay with him.”

  I toss it around in my head. He’s right. I don’t know if it will matter, but it definitely won’t hurt.

  “Fine. I’ll make some calls.” I unlock my phone and pull up the browser.

  “I need to get home. Text me and let me know how it goes.”

  “Thanks, Eli. I love you.”

  He rolls his eyes at me, but he smiles. It’s the same thing as an I love you too in teenager speak. Then he leaves and I make plans.

  “Doc! Wait!” I call over the bustling crowd in front of the courthouse. I’ve never seen him in a suit, and it’s probably a good thing because I would demand it from him every day. Fuck gray sweatpants, doc in a gray three-piece suit with a royal blue tie is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  He freezes in place and slowly turns. I catch up to him, out of breath and my heart racing. The only flight I could catch left me with no time to change or pack. I had to jump in my car and speed to the airport. There was a four-hour layover in Charlotte, North Carolina, which makes no sense at all, but it was the only flight with an open seat.

  “What are you doing here?” His eyes shift nervously, obviously hoping Maisy’s parents don’t see us together.

  “I have something that might help your case.” I hand him the folder, feeling proud of my brother.

  Lance pulls the papers out and flips through them, his brows knit together and his eyes move back and forth quickly across the words.

  “Eli?” he asks.


  “He did this for me?”

  “For Lane. He told me Lane deserves a dad like you.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I’m touched.” He holds the documents to his chest.

  “Do you think it could help?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to give it to my attorney. I’m meeting with him in…” he looks at his watch, “…four minutes.”

  “Go.” I motion toward the entrance of the courthouse.

  He turns, but then faces me again. “What about you?”

  “I have to get back to the airport and see when I can get a return flight.”

  “This was really amazing of you.” His hand brushes mine. My heart skips a beat at the brief contact. I’ve been craving his touch for so long, it wasn’t enough, but I know it’s all I’m going to get.

  “No problem. Good luck in there.” I tip my chin up.

  He purses his lips together, appearing to be thinking about something. Then says, “Lane is in my suite with Liz at the Four Seasons. You should go there and wait for me. I’ll text her and tell her you’re coming.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to fuck anything up for you.”

  “I’m either going to walk out of here knowing I have to turn my daughter over to two people who don’t love her, or I’ll walk out knowing she’s mine forever. Either way, I need you there.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you soon. Good luck, doc. Go get your girl.”

  He nods and disappears into the crowd and I hop into a cab. My stomach is twisted and I do something I haven’t done in a long time. I close my eyes and beg for God’s help. If there is any mercy left in the world, He will see to the little princess staying with her daddy.

  Chapter Eleven


  I ride the elevator up to my suite. It’s been a long and exhausting day. I don’t know how to feel. I’m in a state of shock, I guess. I’m emotionally drained and could easily go right to sleep.

  I won’t, though. I have one last night in New York with my girl, and I plan to show her the sights. Not to mention Bo is waiting for me too. I hope he’ll want to join us.

  Inside, I find Lane tucked into Bo’s side on the couch. There’s a basketball game on the TV and he’s softly explaining the game to her.

  They’re adorable.

  Both of them.

  “Hey,” I say, and slump onto the couch next to them.

  “Hey? That’s what you’re going with? You better have a whole lot more to say because we’re dying here.”

  I scoop Lane into my arms and hold her tight. Tears I didn’t know I’d been fighting off spill down my cheeks and my breath catches. Before I realize it, I’m choking on a sob.

  “Doc?” he asks, scooting closer and wrapping an arm around me. I sag into him. “You’ve got to tell me what’s going on. You’re freaking me out.”

  “She’s mine,” I cry out. “I won.”

  “Jesus Christ. You scared the shit out of me.” He rests his head on top of mine. “I love you both so much.”

  “We love you too,” I say through my tears.

  I know he’s dying to ask questions, but he knows what I need right now, and it’s not to talk. I need a minute to catch my breath. To absorb everything that happened in the courthouse. Nothing about it was easy, but it was all worth it because Lane won’t be going anywhere. Bo holds me through long minutes of pent-up stress, frustration, and anxiety. He doesn’t push or ask questions. He gives me his quiet strength, and it means everything to me.

  After I collect myself, I say, “The judge basically threw the case out. She said there is no reason why I shouldn’t have sole custody since I’m the biological father and I only didn’t know about her birth because Maisy kept it from me.”


  “She also disregarded their claim that I was living with a violent man. Mostly because of Eli and Sheriff Bell’s statements. I don’t even know how to thank them, and you, for bringing them.”

  “Eli’s head is going to grow even bigger when he hears that.” His chest rumbles with laughter, deep and comforting.

  “He deserves it. That was brave and thoughtful.”

  “Yeah, he gets it from me.”

  I slap his hard chest. “The Smiths requested it be temporary custody and that we revisit it in six months. I was ready to agree, because at least I would have six months to prove I’m a good father. But the judge declined. She said they should be working with me, and not against me, if they wanted to see their granddaughter.”

  “Smart judge.”

  “I didn’t think they would, but after I left the courtroom, they caught up to me. We went and had coffee.”

  “You did what?” he gasps.

  “I know. I wanted to tell them to fuck off and that they’d never see Lane again. But they’re her grandparents. They’re all Lane has left of her mother, and I couldn’t take that away from her.” I think back to the conversation we had at the diner. “They told me they were sad about losing their own daughter and it was terrifying to think about losing Lane too. Especially since I don’t live in New York.”

  “They know Maine isn’t that far away, right?”

  “I told them they’re free to visit and I can try and get time off to visit the city more often. I think we all left feeling like we were getting what we wanted.”

  “Sounds like the best-case scenario for everyone.”

  “It really was.”

  “What does this mean for us?” he asks in a nervous tone. I sit up so he can see me fully.

  “I want us to be together. To be a family. I’m sorry I walked away instead of fighting for us. I let the doubts in and I was scared.”

  “Doc, you don’t ever have to apologize for putting the princess first. I’m a grown ass man and can take care of myself. But she needs someone on her side and I’d be disappointed in you if you chose any differentl
y.” His eyes sharpen and his words are clear and meaningful.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too. And there’s nothing more I want, than to be part of your family.”

  “Fucking hell.” My eyes water again, and Bo’s there to brush the tears from my cheeks. “I’m not a crier.”

  “Even if you were, it’d be all right. You must be exhausted. Why don’t I start you a bath in that big ass tub and order us some food?” His plump lips fall onto mine in a kiss.

  “I thought we could go out. Show Lane the lights from Times Square.”

  He looks down at the snoozing baby. “You think she cares about blinking lights?”

  “I guess not.”

  “I think we need a quiet night. Just the three of us.” He raises to his full height. “I’ll start that bath. You go lay Lane down.”

  “You’re the best. You know that, right?”

  “Yeah, I do.” His chest puffs.

  He disappears into the bathroom and I rock my daughter, having a hard time putting her down into the portable crib I’m so glad I get the chance to use. I sniff her head, getting a boost of serotonin. Months ago, I never would’ve guessed this would be my life. At best, I thought maybe I’d have a date or two. Dip my toes in the water of sexuality.

  I skipped right over testing the water and jumped in head first, and with a baby in tow.

  And I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

  I kiss her chubby cheek and set her down. I grab the baby monitor and follow the scent of French lavender to the bathroom. Bo’s down to his scrub pants and is running his hands through the water as it fills, to mix the bath oil.

  I remove my clothes, tossing them into a heap in the corner. I hope I don’t have a reason to put it on for a long time to come. Bo’s eyes catch on me and his lips part. I pad over to him, unable to help my growing erection. I haven’t so much as masturbated since we parted ways, and seeing his sexy torso is doing things to me.

  “What’s up, doc?” he asks in a low and throaty tone.

  “Will you get in with me?”

  “I can do that.” He pulls on the string to release his pants and they fall to the ground. I hook my thumbs in his boxer briefs and drag them down, sinking to my knees as I go. “Doc. It’s been a stressful day. I want to take care of you.”

  “Please let me do this. I’ve missed your dick so much. It’s all I could think of when I was alone in bed at night.” I wrap my hand around his girth, loving the way it twitches at my touch.

  “I’m a man. I’ll never turn away your warm mouth on my cock.” He reaches over and shuts off the faucet. “Bath time will have to wait.”

  I wrap my lips around his tip and suck, stroking him long and languidly. I don’t rush through the blow job I give him, teasing every ounce of pleasure I can get from him. He grunts and groans through it all, until he’s spurting down my throat. I’m much better at swallowing now. Practice makes perfect.

  When I’m done, I step into the tub, leaving room behind me. Bo climbs in, settling me between his legs. The hot water seeps into my stressed-out muscles and he uses the lavender scented oil to massage my shoulders. My mind tranquil and my body relaxed.

  “Lean back,” he says, and I do, resting my head on his chest and closing my eyes. I feel a hand cup me from under the water. He rolls my balls around in his palm, occasionally pressing a teasing finger against my hole.

  “That feels so good,” I murmur.

  “It’s about to feel even better.” He strokes me from under the water. His hands are soft, but his grip is firm. “That’s it. You’re getting hard for me.”

  I bite down on my tongue, not wanting to wake the baby. His other hand rubs up and down my chest, flicking over the flat disks of my nipples. Whoever said nipple play was only for women has no clue it can be just as good for a man.

  “Let’s move this to the shower,” he whispers gruffly, and releases me so he can step out of the tub. He flips on the steam shower and I amble after him, dripping puddles of water along the way.

  He guides me to the bench and motions for me to sit, which I do while admiring his naked form. I don’t know how I repressed my desire for men my whole life, because seeing his chiseled abs and semi-hard cock is the biggest turn on of my life. I’m an idiot for thinking I could be asexual.

  I am, in no way, indifferent to the male form.

  He kneels before me and swallows my dick whole. The way his throat constricts around me has me hissing and my hips bucking. He rubs the muscles of my thighs, as his mouth works me over.

  Every sense is on overload. The calming lavender scent, the sucking and slurping sounds he’s making, seeing him peer up at me through his light brown eyes, feeling his warm mouth around me, and tasting his cum on my tongue from earlier. It’s too much. Within minutes an orgasm hits me, sending my semen shooting down his throat.

  “I need to fuck you now. Turn around and kneel on the bench.” He leaves me for a minute. I look over my shoulder to see when he returns, he has a small bottle of lube.

  “Where did that come from?” I ask.

  “I stopped at the gift shop earlier. I wanted to be ready for our celebratory fuck.”

  “How did you know it would be good news?”

  He wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my neck. “Because you’re the kindest, most honest, caring man I’ve ever met, and I knew the judge would see that.”


  His lips find mine, and we kiss. I’ll never tire of the way his larger lips envelope mine. His tongue laps at mine, sending shivers down my spine. He moves down my neck and then down even further. He spreads my cheeks and tongues my hole. My eyes roll back in my head as he barely breaches the ring of muscle.

  “Spread wide for me.” He smacks my outer thigh.

  I part my knees and listen as he pops the cap of the lube. Then his dick is between my ass cheeks, begging for entry. I relax my muscles, as he slowly invades my hole. He fills me so completely, in every way. I rest my forehead against the tile and surrender myself to the way he stimulates from deep inside. I came not ten minutes ago, but he’s milking my prostate and I know I’m going to come again.

  “This ass is mine forever, you know that, right?” he grunts.

  “Yes,” I hiss.

  “I’m going to fill you up. You want that?”

  “Do it. Please.”

  “Touch yourself for me. Show me how hard you can get,” he whispers in a seductive voice.

  I stroke myself while he pounds into me, driving into my prostate. We come together in a series of gasps and groans. He pulls me up and tenderly washes me. It’s a good thing because I’m completely boneless.

  “I’m going to marry you,” he announces while drying me off.

  “I’m sorry, what?” I choke on my own saliva.

  “You said we were a family. Did you mean it?”

  “Yes. Every word.”

  “Then I’m going to marry you. Make it legal and shit.” He wraps his own towel around his waist. “And I want to adopt Lane.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, babe. I do.” He chuckles.

  “Then we’re yours.”

  Boaz Dixon is a sneaky one. He snuck into my life, into my heart, and now into my future. I wonder what else he’s going to surprise me with.

  “And I think we need at least two more kids.”

  There it is. Always shock and awe with this guy. Big moments and calm in-betweens.

  Finally, I’m where I’m supposed to be.

  *Want to read more about the men of Brigs Ferry Bay? Read Sheriff’s Secret, by K Webster and Kian’s Focus, by Misty Walker.*

  Miss B by K Webster

  A Taboo Treat & Brigs Ferry Bay Crossover

  Chapter One


  You embarrassed me.

  Daddy’s words keep replaying in my head over and over again.

  Anything that impacts his public image is embarrassing. In this case, it was a failed
date with one of his politician buddies. The guy was a sleazeball and I couldn’t get away from him fast enough. When he got handsy, I smacked him. The jerk tattled on me to my father.

  And now I’m trying desperately to dry my tears before my after-school appointment shows up. Of all the people to see me cry, it can’t be him.

  Zane Mullins.

  School’s bad boy who spends more time in the principal’s office than anyone else who attends Brown High.

  Zane sniffs out weakness and preys on it. I’ve seen him zero in on it time and time again with different teachers. With me, he knows his shameless flirting gets under my skin, so he turns on his charm during our forced Monday meetings.

  It wouldn’t be so annoying except he’s incredibly good-looking. His muscular frame towers over mine and his deep voice never ceases to vibrate me to my core. He flusters me and I think he knows it.

  That’s another reason why these dates don’t work that Daddy keeps setting me up on. I’m harboring a shameful crush on a student at the school I work at. It doesn’t matter that he’s eighteen and very much a man in all the ways it counts.

  He’s. My. Student.

  It’s my job to guide him and counsel him in regard to his grades, his behavior, and his future. Our school’s principal, Adam Renner, tasked me with making sure he gets on the right track. If I let my guard down for a second, Zane will pounce. I’m afraid if he pounces, I might like it.

  Now that would embarrass Daddy.

  I can only imagine what a scandal that would be. It gives me hives just thinking about having my name splashed all over the news and social media, everyone seeing me as some sexual predator or something.

  It’s times like these, I miss my twin brother, Keith. He’s not dead or anything, but because he doesn’t conform to Daddy’s strict rules, he’s pretty much been excommunicated from the family. When we all moved out of Brigs Ferry Bay to this town so Daddy could grow his law firm, Keith stayed back with Grandma. I speak to him on his birthday and on Christmas, but mostly we catch up via texts. I don’t dare go visit him in case Daddy finds out, and Keith certainly doesn’t come out this way. If I had my other half here, I could loosen up a bit, not always worrying about the rug being pulled out from under my feet.


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