Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Knocked Up: A Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 103

by Nikki Ash

  I’m just filling a couple of teacups with the hot water when Kerry emerges from her room and walks into the kitchen. Stopping to let the teabags steep, I turn to look at her. Long blond hair is wet and combed through. Her face is free of makeup and slightly red around her eyes, which makes me think she cried some more in the shower. Contacts have been replaced by her nerdy black-rimmed librarian glasses that I secretly love when she wears. She’s no longer in her glossy office clothes. No, she’s fucking perfect in black yoga pants and an oversized hoodie that says, “Lost my Focus at Blur.”

  “You’re almost too big for my kitchen,” she mutters, shamelessly roaming her gaze up my front.

  “Guess you’ll need to move somewhere bigger so I’ll fit.”

  She rolls her eyes but smiles as she grabs the milk from the refrigerator. After we fix up our tea, I follow her over to the sofa in the living room. She sits down on one end and doesn’t balk when I plop down beside her.

  “You’re full of surprises, Mr. Mullins.” She eyes me over her teacup, the steam fogging up her glasses. “You’re chivalrous and make tea. Who knew?”

  “It’s Zane when we’re alone, Kerry. I know what you taste like, remember?”

  Color floods her cheeks and she breaks my stare to set her teacup down on the end table. I lean over and do the same. Then, I hug her to me. I’m thankful when she doesn’t resist, instead settling against my side and clinging to my shirt.

  “I still hate that you wouldn’t call the police,” I mutter, frustration evident in my gritty words.

  A sigh pushes past her lips. “It’s complicated. He works with my father.”

  “It doesn’t give him a free pass. You lied to the doctor to protect that sonofabitch. I seriously doubt your father would be so approving of him now.”

  “Why would he drug me anyway?” Her voice is hoarse. “I don’t understand.”

  “I don’t understand either.” I kiss the top of her head as I stroke my fingers through her damp hair. “You need to tell your dad, though, you’re done with being set up.”

  She tenses. “That’ll go over well.”

  “Who the hell cares? He’s not exactly trying to hook you up with choice men here. That man was a predator and had the circumstances been different, he could have had you in his bed as we speak doing fuck knows what to you.”

  Her entire body trembles at my words. “I’ll…I’ll tell him what happened.”

  “Good girl.”

  “Thank you, Zane. And I’m sorry.”


  “For misjudging you. You didn’t deserve that.”

  “I didn’t exactly make it easy for you,” I say with a chuckle. “All these months I’ve just been trying to get you to confess your attraction to me. I’ll admit my methods have been obnoxious.”

  She turns her head to peer up at me. “You drove me crazy.”

  “And now?”

  “Still doing it.”

  “But…” I grin at her.

  “But it worked. I’m attracted to you.”

  “That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”

  Her bottom lip gets tugged between her teeth as she frowns. “This…friendship…it’s unethical and goes against my employment contract. And though I won’t go to jail, I could certainly get fired.”

  “By Renner?” I snort. “He’d have to take his dick out of Elma long enough to grab a pink slip.”


  I tickle her to remove the scowl from her face, which has the cutest giggle erupting from her. This goes on until I have her pinned beneath me on the couch, both of our chests heaving as we grin at each other.

  My smile fades as I study her up close. Cute freckles I never noticed before are scattered over her cheeks and nose. Leaning forward, I kiss her lips. Just a peck. But then her fingers slide into my hair, pulling me closer. A small moan escapes her. I use the opportunity to kiss her deeply, noting how she tastes like mint from her toothpaste and a little like tea. We kiss until we’re both panting and aching for more.

  “I should go,” I murmur, unable to keep my eyes off her swollen, pink lips. “If I stay, there’s no telling what’ll happen.”

  “Please stay.” Her eyes water, vulnerability glimmering in them. “I’m…after tonight…”

  “You don’t want to be alone? He scared you?”

  She nods, shame coating her flesh in crimson. “You think I’m weak?”

  “No, beautiful, I think you’re perfect. I’m the weak one. How the hell will I ever tell you no about anything? You hold power over me, woman.”

  “I don’t want to be alone and I like spending time with you.” She scratches her nails through my scalp. “Maybe you could stay over.”

  My dick throbs painfully as I consider her words. “You were drugged and went to the ER, Kerry. The last thing you need is getting fucked raw.”

  She laughs and smacks me on my shoulder. “No one said anything about sex.”

  “Nah, it’s just a given. It’ll happen and you’ll love every second of it.”

  “But not tonight?”

  “Tonight I’m just going to hold you.”


  “I can only promise to behave one day at a time,” I tease and pull away from her. “Since you threw up your dinner and mine was interrupted, I’m going to make soup and grilled cheese. That okay with you?”

  She grabs my hand. “Don’t spoil me. I might get used to it.”

  “That’s the plan, beautiful.”

  “This show is so lame,” I say, shaking my head. “Who actually agrees to marry someone they don’t know?”

  “It’s called reality TV,” she sasses back. “Be quiet.”

  “How about you watch the show and I’ll find other ways to entertain myself?”

  She ignores me, so I let my hands roam over her stomach, teasing a sliver of flesh above her waistline of her pants. A laugh escapes her as I bury my head under her hoodie. I inhale her sweet, fruity scent as I trail kisses up her bare stomach to her tits I often fantasize about. She’s not wearing a bra underneath, which pleases me endlessly. While grabbing her right tit, I seek out the nipple of her left with my mouth. She groans, arching up as though she aches for more.

  “Pay attention to your show,” I tease and then bite her nipple.

  “I can’t,” she breathes. “Oh, God, that feels good.”

  I suck on her nipple hard enough she cries out. Then I lick away the pain until she’s squirming with need.

  “I want you,” she murmurs. “Please, Zane.”

  “As much as I want to give you what you want, beautiful, I don’t think it’s a good idea to fuck after the night you had.” I bite her tit again. “But if you want me to get you off, that can be arranged.”

  “Y-Yes. I want that.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  I kiss my way down her stomach until I reach her belly button. My tongue fucks the shallow hole while I work her yoga pants and panties down her thighs. I sit up on my knees, yanking them the rest of the way off.

  “Take off that hoodie,” I command. “I want to see your tits when I worship your pussy.”

  She whimpers at my words and then peels it off her body. Kerry Bowden is a fucking vision in all her naked glory. I cannot wait until I can bury my dick deep inside her, claiming her forever. And it’ll be forever. You don’t have such intense feelings for someone like I have for her and it just be a random hookup. No, this is deeper than anything I’ve ever known.

  “I want to see you too.” Her tits jiggle when she sucks in a sharp breath. “It’s only fair.”

  Chuckling, I rip off my T-shirt and toss it away. Her hungry stare devours the ink on my chest and my newly defined muscles thanks to Coach Long killing my ass after school several days a week.

  “Pants too,” she sasses.

  “If the pants come off, I’m going to fuck you.”

  Her blue eyes flash with heat. “So?”

  “We talked about this. Ain’t

  “Leave your boxers on then,” she rushes out. “I just want to see you.”

  I undo the button on my jeans and shove them down my thighs. Once they’re gone, I grip her knees, crudely spreading her apart for me.

  “Time for a lesson in pleasure, Miss B.”

  Chapter Five


  This is so wrong.

  So. Wrong.

  Yet my body is quaking with need as Zane—my student!—places open-mouthed kisses all over my inner thighs, making me yearn for more. His muscular shoulders bunch and tighten with each movement. Everything about him is just so damn perfect.

  He saved me.

  I know it’s bad that I was talking to him in the first place because of my position at the school, but had I not had that lifeline to him, I have no doubt I would’ve ended up in Sean’s bed. It’s repulsive and sickening that he’d go through the lengths of drugging me to get me into his bed. Is that all I’m seen as? A means to get to my father? And in this case, what was his play? To hurt Daddy or to get in good with him, knowing I’d never divulge to my father if I ended up sleeping with Sean?

  My mind is reeling from earlier when I’m suddenly jerked to the here and now. I latch onto Zane’s stare as he flattens his tongue against my pussy, licking along the seam, his green eyes flashing with wickedness. When the tip of his tongue reaches my clit, he teases it, barely brushing his tongue over it. I whimper, my breasts jiggling as I squirm beneath his ministrations.

  “There’s my girl. I want you out of your head and watching what I’m doing to you. You’re getting your pretty pussy licked by me. And you can’t deny your attraction to me anymore because I know it tastes like honey. So thick and sweet for me.” His thumbs pull apart my opening, gaining him access inside. I gasp as his tongue slides into my body briefly before he pulls it back out. “Your lust for me is leaking out, Kerry. I’m going to clean it all out with my tongue. And when you feel better, I’m going to fuck this pretty hole until it’s sore.”

  His words are a hot button inside me. I writhe with need, wanting him to touch me everywhere all at once. He latches his mouth on my pussy once more, sucking and licking and biting until black spots form in my vision. I crave for him to fuck me like he promises because I need more. So much more from him. I settle for rubbing at my nipples, aching for more touch.

  “Good girl,” he croons. “Twist those pink nipples until it hurts a little.”

  I’m so lost for this man.

  Barely a man, but he is still a man.

  There’s nothing boyish about the seductive way he licks away my arousal and orders me to touch my body. I obey his command, pinching and tugging on my sensitive nipples. He smiles against my pussy, pleased, and then sets forth licking me right into an explosive orgasm. My entire body jolts as though lightning has struck me, a low, guttural moan escaping me. I’m too uptight for casual sex, so my encounters have been few and far between. The last good orgasm I had was when I’d had too much wine and got a little crazy with my vibrator.

  Still, my toes didn’t curl.

  My voice didn’t go raw from the moans.

  And I didn’t feel so utterly consumed.

  He crawls up my body, leaving wet kisses along the way until his mouth meets mine. The taste of myself should be a turnoff, but it’s not. I greedily devour him with a hungry kiss as he settles his cock against the part of me that still throbs. A thin layer of material separates us from what I really want.


  All of him.

  Every long, thick inch of this virile young man.

  He finally pulls away, rolling onto his back, his eyes still locked on me. I’m instantly cold and I hate it. I want his heated touch. I need more.


  “I can’t,” he rumbles. “You’re too fucking tempting and my self-control is hanging on by a thread.”

  I sit up and boldly straddle his hips. “We don’t have to have sex, but you need to get off too.” Seating myself over his dick, I shudder at how I can feel every vein and groove.

  “You’re a bad influence on me.” His green eyes flash with a mixture of pleasure and devious intent. “I’m supposed to be the bad one.” His large hands grip my hips and he squeezes.

  I rest my palms on his solid chest and begin moving my hips, grinding along his thickness. His eyes flutter closed and his full lips part. I’ve never seen anyone so gorgeous in all my life. As his breathing intensifies, I go faster and faster.

  “I’m going to come in my boxers,” he croaks out. “Pull me out, baby.”

  I lift up, just enough to free his big dick from his underwear, before continuing my efforts of rubbing against him. It’s bliss now that we’re skin on skin. My pussy easily glides along his cock, bringing us both immense pleasure. I get lost in the sensation, quickly finding my way to another earth-shattering orgasm. As I moan, his fingers bite roughly into my hips and a grunt escapes him. His cum spurts out, landing on his lower stomach in thick, plentiful ropes. Lost in the moment, I run my fingers through it, smearing it along his cock and giving us more lubricant to work with. He hisses as I slide my throbbing pussy along his dick that still twitches as cum continues to leak out.

  “Holy fuck,” he mutters. “You’re going to kill me.”

  I laugh because his expression is so serious. He smirks and then grabs my hips, drawing me off his dick onto the spent cum sitting on his stomach.

  “Now you have to sit in the mess you made.” His green eyes dance with humor.

  “Not exactly a punishment,” I tease, grinning at him.

  He grabs a fistful of my hair, drawing me to his mouth where he ravishes me. One of his hands grabs my ass almost painfully as he thrusts his tongue into my mouth. We kiss hard and fervently until he’s hard again, the tip of his dick poking at my asshole.

  “Kerry,” he bites out. “We’re not fucking.”

  I know he’s trying to be a gentleman because of what happened tonight with Sean. I’m desperate to have Zane, though. After denying myself for so long, it feels right and as though I deserve to have a sliver of happiness.

  Can I find it with Zane Mullins?

  “Okay,” I grumble. “You win.”

  “I’ll wreck your pretty pussy soon enough. Don’t worry, Miss B.”

  I wake as the sun rises, my bedroom slowly brightening with the start of the day. Zane sleeps beside me on his stomach, his dark hair in disarray, with his pink lips barely parted. I’m amazed that this man would want me. Not that I have low self-esteem or anything, but he just seems so young and gorgeous and perfect. Like any beautiful girl would be lucky to have him, but he somehow got his sights set on me. I’m selfish because I want to keep him. I want this forbidden romance we’ve stumbled upon.

  My job is at stake.

  My reputation could be ruined.

  My own father might disown me.

  But none of it seems important with him in my bed.

  I’m still naked and he’s wearing his boxers. Maybe today he’ll realize I’m fine and we can have sex. I ache to finish what we started last night. Zane has this intensity about him that calls to me. His good looks and charm are alluring, sure, but it’s more than that. It’s him. Something about the way he wants me and seems to care for me has me drawn to him in a way I can’t come back from. I’ve never liked any guy as much as I do Zane.

  It’s a terrifying thought.

  He’s young and I’m his guidance counselor.

  So much could go wrong. I read about such stories on the news and they always end badly. Most often, the woman is fired for being with her student, assuming he’s old enough like Zane is, and escapes any jail time, but the articles posted are always shaming and embarrassing. If it gets out that I’m carrying on a romantic relationship with a student at Brown High, my career is over. Daddy’s career could even take a hit from it.

  It’s so selfish because I still want him.

  Yesterday and last night, we crossed the line and
now that we’ve done it, I can’t go back to the way things were. We’ve been intimate and now share secrets.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  I jolt upright in bed, my heart hammering in my chest. Zane’s green eyes are wild and open now.

  “Who is it?” he demands, his voice deep and gravelly with sleep.

  “I, uh, don’t know. Stay here.”

  I hurry out of bed and yank my silky robe off the back of the door. Quickly, I pull it on and tighten the ropes. The banging continues. I peek out the peephole and my stomach flops.

  “Daddy?” I say through the door. “What are you doing here so early?”

  “I came to check on you. I got a text this morning from Sean. He was worried about you.”

  I cringe but begin to unlock the door. I’m praying like hell Zane stays in the bedroom. As soon as I get the door open, Daddy runs his stare over me, assessing my appearance.

  “You look terrible, sweetheart.”

  I clench my teeth, forcing a closed-lip smile as I gesture for him to come inside. “Thanks, Daddy.”

  He chuckles. “I wasn’t being cruel. Do you think you’ve caught the flu?”

  “No,” I clip out.

  His humor fades and he narrows his eyes at me. “What’s going on with you?”

  “Nothing. I’m fine.”

  “Everything go okay with Sean?”

  I want to scream at him that Sean is a monster. But, right now, I just want him out of my house. If I get into a yelling match with Daddy, Zane might come out and I really don’t need Daddy finding out about Zane this way.

  “We’re not compatible,” I state in an icy tone.


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