In this sense the French anarchist Paul Robin neo-Malthusianism is defined as:
means of combating poverty by limiting births until the right conditions exist to ensure future workers' children a good education, a good social organization and a good birth .
The Tragic Week
Tragic Week
In 1909 there were two events that heated tempers for a new general strike in Barcelona. On the one hand, the closure of a textile factory, with 800 layoffs. Across the industry there was a general wage cuts. The workers, including those beyond the textile industry began to raise a general strike. Almost simultaneously, on the other hand, in Morocco had taken place the greatest military disaster since the War of Cuba. In the so-called Barranco del Lobo (near Melilla) Rif tribal groups defeated the Spanish troops, causing more than 1,000 deaths. The government responded by mobilizing the reserve. Reservists, most workers do not want to risk their lives to protect the interests of the Spanish capitalists (Moroccan insurrection was blocking the routes of mines and delaying business - to highlight investment Marqués de Comillas). The anti-war rallies spread across the country. In full feedback of conflicts, in Barcelona there was a popular clamor for the strike.
On the afternoon of Sunday, July 18 when the shipment came Hunters Battalion Reus, integrated into the Mixed Brigade of Catalonia, the tension exploded.
The strike began in Barcelona on July 26. It quickly turned into a general uprising. Anselmo Lorenzo wrote in a letter: " A social revolution has broken out in Barcelona and for the people has been initiated Nobody directs Neither liberals nor, neither Republicans nor socialists, anarchists and Catalan nationalists.. . " Police stations were attacked, the rail lines leading to Barcelona were cut, and barricades were erected throughout the city. Eighty churches and monasteries were destroyed by members of the Radical Republican Party and 78 people died in the riots (although it is believed that there were many more). After the revolt, about 1,700 people were charged with various offenses. Most were released, but about 450 were sentenced to various terms. Twelve were sentenced to life imprisonment and another 5, executed. Among those executed was Francisco Ferrer, who was not even in Barcelona during the uprising.
After tragic week, the government cracked down on dissent. Trade unions were banned, newspapers closed and libertarian schools were closed. Catalonia was placed under martial law until November. But rather than surrender, the Spanish working class began to become aware of their strength, which helped the final adoption of syndicalism as a revolutionary strategy.
Of syndicalism to anarcho-syndicalism, 1910-1923
The creation of the CNT
National Confederation of Labour
In Amsterdam takes place in 1907 International Anarchist Congress , where top international experts of anarchism of the time involved. The conference will strengthened the idea of the involvement of anarchists in unions. Along with the increasingly clear influence of the revolutionary syndicalist French CGT increasingly unions and "workers' societies of resistance" began to coalesce in a process that lasted several years. Juan Gómez Casas describes the evolution of the union organization before the creation of the CNT:
After a period of dispersion, the Federation of the Spanish Region disappeared, to be replaced by the Anarchist Organization of the Spanish Region ... This organization then changed, in 1890, the Pact of Union and Solidarity, which was itself dissolved in 1896 due to the repressive legislation against anarchism separating into multiple cores and societies of autonomous workers ... The remains of the FRE were led to the Solidaridad Obrera in 1907, the forerunner of the CNT.
Juan Gómez Casas
The momentum was achieving revolutionary syndicalism in Spain, was arrested by the repression that followed the Tragic Week of 1909. But the seed had been planted and there was a general consensus among anarchists that a new labor national organization was needed to strengthen the labor movement. Furthermore, the labor movement itself was creating unions throughout Spain and saw the need for coordination, organization also ("nation" understood as a physical territory, not as an ethno-cultural entity. Nationwide scales would local, regional, national). This organization would be the National Confederation of Labour (CNT), which was founded in October 1910 during a congress of Solidaridad Obrera in which unions in other parts of Spain were accepted. During this congress, a resolution declaring that the purpose of the CNT would " hasten the economic emancipation of the working class through the revolutionary expropriation of the bourgeoisie ... "
The CNT started small, with a representation of around 30,000 members (the UGT had about 46,000 members), Structured through unions and other regional and sectoral confederations. The Confederation was divided into smaller regional offices, which in turn were divided into unions (mainly active in Barcelona and the Catalan industrial cities, Valencia, Zaragoza and Gijón). The initiatives came from the trade unions and the national committee, avoiding bureaucracy. Decisions of national committees had not necessarily be met, provided that each union had autonomy to do what they saw fit. The CNT was in these very different socialist unions subject to the political aspects of the Socialist Party.
In 1911 at its first congress (the Congress of 1910 was of foundation ) a general strike of 18 to 21 September prompting the union was banned until 1914 due to the numerous riots throughout Spain, having to intervene on with the army. At the same conference the union officially received its name. Between the two conferences (the foundation and the First Congress) CNT was known variously as CGT (General Confederation of Labour) and CNT (National Confederation of Labour). His would be the first secretary general José Catalan Negre. The CNT return to activity during the months after the Great War. In 1915, a membership of around 15,000 people are estimated after reconstitution in the summer.
In the field of "propaganda by the deed", in November 12, 1912, the theyng anarchist Manuel Pardiñas assassinates Prime Minister Jose Canalejas. Canalejas had outlawed the CNT by the general strike of 1911, besides suspending the libertarian press. The rationale would be that the attack " was a firm Canalejas strut for the King, a support for the throne, and to suppress it, it would take a blow to the monarchy . " Pardiñas committed suicide after being arrested. The attack produces an intense debate within the anarchist movement since Canalejas had been a liberal president, and Ferrer after defender Processes Montjuic. It had happened in power of Antonio Maura after his political downfall caused by how he had managed the Tragic Week and the war in Morocco.After the death of Canalejas will return to power will continue with Antonio Maura's repressive policy towards anarchism. In April 1913, José Sancho Alegre would prejudice - again fruitlessly - against King Alfonso XIII.
The anarchist opposition to World War
When World War II broke out, the CNT is legally dissolved. However, workers' societies of Barcelona who maintain their tradition, published in May 1914, a manifesto against militarism . In the anarchist press the betrayal of internationalism made by European socialists complaint. Facing the war meant that the solution is not " signed by winners and losers hegemony ', but the rebirth of the International " possessed of rational optimism, employees who keep the tradition of the International Workers Association, with its Historical and intangible program are presented as the saviors of human society "(A. Lawrence).
In April 1915, a place in Ferrol International Peace Congress attended by delegates from across Spain and several countries (France, England, Portugal, Brazil ...). During the war they will coordinate with the socialist unions were also opposed to it. Since its reconstruction will flag the CNT militarism and anti-unionism War before that drove itself. This process will reach 1917. Very few Spanish anarchists take sides with one side or another, but still there were some exceptions as Eleuterio Quintanilla or Ricardo Mella, who preferred the Allied victory to the Germans, they saw as dangerous militaristic.
The revolutionary general strike of 1917
General strike in Spain 1917
It was a general str
ike due to the poor economic situation in Spain, which erupted in August 1917. It was organized by an alliance of socialists, republicans and anarchists, particularly strong in Barcelona. The spread of the strike call included some ambiguity, because if at first there was talk of a 'revolutionary' strike in subsequent communications insisted its "peaceful" character. Especially since the UGT is consciously trying to avoid partial, sectoral and local strikes. The arrests of the signatories of the manifesto, the closure of the House of the People (place of meetings of the socialist) government and various maneuvers made that there was a lack of coordination of efforts. The CNT proposed a radical program of nationalization of key sectors of economic production and to combat the effects of the crisis protectionism, and demanded the dissolution of the army and Civil Guard.
Despite the ill-posed of the call to start the strike were achieved paralyze activities in almost all major industrial areas (Vizcaya and Barcelona, including some minors as Yecla and Villena), urban (Madrid, Valencia, Zaragoza, La Coruña ) and mining (Rio Tinto, Jaén, León and Asturias), but only for a few days, at most one week. In small towns and rural areas had hardly caused a ripple. Rail, a key sector, were not altered for long.
The strike was suppressed by the government and left 70 people dead. Despite the violence unleashed by the government, the demands of the strikers were moderate, typical of a political strike of the time. However were anarchists who capitalize on this discontent in the country (mainly due to the ambiguous attitude of the Socialists, on the one hand spoke of revolution and the other evaded combat). Also capitalize the win, in October of that year, the Russian Revolution.
The CNT after the First World War, 1917-1923
The Spanish economy suffered a lot due to the crisis at the end of World War II. There were numerous plant closures that did dramatically increase unemployment and wages fell. During the war, however, employers in Barcelona had made huge profits as they had done business with both warring parties. These benefits never reached the workers who continued to live in miserable conditions. Different groups of entrepreneurs began using gangster tactics to eliminate the competition. Hired gunmen and thugs who were dedicated to eliminate competitors and scare.
Capitalizing social unrest on the one hand, the prestige gained after the 1917 strike by another, and hope that supposed Russian Revolution, a Catalan regional CNT congress convenes. It would be the first Congress of the Regional Confederation of Catalonia , held in the district of Sants (Barcelona) between 28 June and 1 July 1918. Growth will be spectacular. In October 1918, the Confederacy had about 81,000 members (67,000 of them in the province of Barcelona), and about 114,000 in November. With the Catalan Congress prentendía:
sit on immediate pragmatic criteria obtained by the workers purposes and new organizational concepts of superior efficacy. Began to reassert tactical direct action by all affiliates and defended the need for unionization of women and to create in mixed unions together, where that had proper representation and led genuine interest, could defend directly emancipation. On the other hand, it should be avoided at all events, as was the exploitation of minors. Neither work overtime would allow unemployed while in industry or trade. In addition, the trades that had gotten eight hours would help her achieve those not engrossed in them. They should then go to the implementation of the single salary, as the circumstances so require.
History of the CNT
But most important of all was the creation of the only unions (industrial unions or bouquet). These unique unions grouped all workers in the same sector of production in the same union. They have replaced the old trade union (or company office), which lose some of their autonomy and henceforth would become a section of industrial unions. The modus operandi of the only unions of the CNT was a tremendously dynamic organization. A workers' strike could result in a bouquet of sympathy strikes by workers in a general strike of an entire city. Thus, general strikes were not "called", but simply "happened" organically. In late 1918 Catalonia was the only organized area. But in early 1919 were organizing regional federations Center , Andalusia, Valencia and Asturias.
The Second Congress of CNT was held on December 10, 1919 at the Comedy Theatre in Madrid. In this conference were represented more than 700,000 workers and 55,000 others would join later could not send representatives. They generalize the Season Unions and the line adopted at Sants (this is the origin of anarcho-syndicalism) to be ratified. Right now Barcelona was under the "lockout" (called lock-out ). On December 1, 1919, employers had declared a lock-out against 150,000 workers. This action was intended to defeat the new unionism. But in reality this action caused the acceleration of the crisis government Joaquín Sánchez de Toca Calvo had to resign for these social tensions. That same day 10, the employer, the Chartists and other reactionary sectors constituted in Barcelona Free Trade Unions. In the lock-out of Barcelona was required the workers delivering the cards of the CNT if they wanted to continue working. Finally, the lock-out was lifted by the government of the Count of Salvatierra at the request of the employer on January 26, 1920, without any worker hand over his passport.
Until 1920 the CNT did not consider the growing strength of the gunmen free union. Concerns were different. After Strike The Canadian (early 1919) in which the 8-hour day was won, the union wanted more. The whole amounted anarchist radicalism and many militants had talked about going to revolution. The CNT, in the first months of 1920 have reached more than one million members and their structures were strengthened. Also grew considerably during the time the UGT, which went from 160,000 members in 1919 to 240,000 in 1921.
But while many capitalists began a private war against unions. Besides lockouts (the lockout ), abounded "blacklists" of workers by not hiring problem, and hired gunmen to kill union leaders. In early 1920 began the callpistolerism Barcelona, which would result in about 400 CNT killed and some 70 members of the Free Trade Union and law enforcement response dead anarchist. At present, the government also passed the "Law of Flight" by the police could legally murder their prisoners claiming that they had tried to escape. Among the 400 dead in Barcelona this year, there were several deaths from this circumstance. But the anarchist groups that were related within the CNT reacted. Formed "Task" and returned blow for blow open union. For several years in Barcelona shootings became very frequent. This spiral of violence even led to the assassination of Prime Minister Eduardo Dato, for signing the Act leaks. But anarchists generally suffered severe blows, like the death of Salvador Segui, the Layret Francesc (attorney anarchists) or attempted murder of Angel tab.
The CNT and the Third International
But not everyone in CNT were anarchists. The prevailing sentiment was leaning in that direction, for example, all members of the "National Committee" were declared anarchists, but by no means was a unanimous feeling. In CNT had also Marxists, Republicans and of course many people without filing any ideological movement. During the Congress the Comedy Theatre, the CNT decided to send its accession to the Third International had been founded in that year (1919) in Moscow. To confirm their membership decided to send a delegation to Russia. As all the world labor movement, the CNT then sympathized with the Russian Revolution.
The first CNT delegate was sent to Moscow Angel tab.
Tab took active part in the Second Congress of the Third International, held in the summer of 1920. He took part in debates and committees and signed documents and manifestos. Then unionists and syndicalists representatives from various countries, including the Alfred Rosmer French, German and Italian Augustin Souchy Armando Borghi, who were in contact with Tab were also in Moscow, helping, in fact, to find the right position . Similarly, it was helpful Victor Serge, Belgian-French anarchist, adhered to communism. Tab, like most libertarians, sympathized with the Russian revolution as a matter of principle. Now, he alarmed the hegemony of the Communist Party, which made sense the one-party dictatorship over the proletariat.
Tab returned from Russia via Italy, where he was surprised (September 1920) th
e occupation of the factories by the workers. He was arrested by the Italian authorities, spending several months in prison in Milan, which prevented him from contact with the CNT to give account of their actions and experiences.
The CNT and the Third International. Joaquin Maurin
By not returning Tab to report their impressions of Russia, a new branch is formed. It will be composed of Andres Nin, Jesús Ibáñez, Hilario Arlandis and Joaquin Maurin. Arlandis proposed to invite the Federation of Anarchist Groups (not yet exist the Iberian Anarchist Federation) to appoint someone to be the fifth member of the delegation. The proposition was accepted, and these anarchist groups designated Gaston Leval. This only Leval delegation was not a Communist sympathizer. In those months the pro-Bolshevik within CNT had gained control of some important committees. The CNT was at war with the employers and the anarchists were not concerned sectors of international relations, which remained in the hands of pro-Bolshevik sector. When he returned in 1922 and submitted report on Russia, the CNT decided to withdraw from the Third International and adhere to the International Working Men's Association to be founded in Berlin in December 1922. Almost all the pro-Bolshevik end forming industry Catalanobalear Federation and later the Communist Workers and Peasants Bloc, being formally expelled CNT congress in 1931.
The general strike in Barcelona The Canadian, 1919
Strike The Canadian
The Anarchism Page 5