The Anarchism

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The Anarchism Page 11

by Anna Georgieva

  One of the movement strengths of anarchism (in various forms) are publications, magazines and lately the anarchist book fairs . This is done to show fairs and disseminate publications and anarchist ideas openly, out of typical circuits that are currently moving. There fairs in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia (he is the oldest fair), Bilbao, Salamanca, Sevilla, Zaragoza and Vitoria. Also almost all groups performed cultural events to spread libertarian ideas.

  In addition to this multitude of groups and projects that claim to anarchism, several federal umbrella organizations that are defined as libertarian in the Spanish State. They have some presence other organizations like the IAF and FIJL, the Federation of libertarian students in the student world, the Anarchist Black Cross dedicated to the struggle against prisons. Recently they have begun to take for different parts of the state coordination processes territorial levels lower fruit of which have emerged libertarian coordinators as Euskal Herrietako Libertarioak (EHKL) Nafar Libertarioak (Navarra), the anarchist Coordinadora de Mallorca , the anarchist Coordinator Southeast (Murcia), the Coordinator of the northwest anarchist or Libertarian Assembly of Vallès Oriental .

  Other anarchist movements

  Other movement insurrectionalism addition to name and movement anarchist syndicalism:

  The anticivilization anarchism (or primitivist) from the radical environmentalism that rejects the foundation of modern civilization and highlight the key role of science and technology in social control. When Spanish state was reached by the year 2000-2001, with the introduction of the texts of John Zerzan and other American anthropologists.

  The anarcho-veganism , animal liberation or anarchism, which would focus criticism of the domination of animals and the environment by humans. Although not all people seeking animal liberation are anarchists, yes there are anarchists who support animal liberation. Numerous sabotage carried out against fur companies, farms and animal testing laboratories, although as has just been said, it is difficult to award the contract to any particular individual.

  Anarchism has had a clear influence on the movement for the defense of the territory and the struggles against the macro-industrial and infrastructure projects such as the Train | High Speed, High voltage lines, transgenic, logging, etc..

  The nihilistic anarchism . In Greece, after the riots of December 2008, they appeared new groups of anarchists who claimed nihilists. In this environment were departing components Conspiracy of Cells of Fire , several of whose members also claim as anarcho-nihilist or nihilistic. In the Spanish state there are also supporters of this movement. Not looking to build a libertarian society, but prioritize the destruction of this society.

  The postanarchism is a heterogeneous multiplicity of radical political theories articulated, as appropriate, with the thought of poststructuralism, Stirnerite individualism, nihilism, anarchism epistemological and psychic insurrecionalism, always with the intention of overcoming modern notions anarchism and retaining, however, the anti-authoritarian character, the simultaneous rejection of capitalism and how / characteristic state socialist anarchism.

  Anarcho-independence, which is the national question from a libertarian perspective. Ie seeking independence from certain territories (in the Spanish state, for example, Catalan or Basque Country Countries) but formed as state entities. Ie, by the confederation of free communes or municipalities. There is a collective Negres Tempestes, which deals with this subject in Catalonia. Also in the Basque Country, much of the movement libertarian self supporting independence for the territory.

  The Neorruralism. Throughout the Spanish state squatted several tens of villages, or housing cooperatives provided leading practices in assemblies and in some cases claimed as anarchists. Not all seek to have an impact on its surroundings, but some like Lacabe in Navarra, yes. The movement back to the field is not very massive in the Spanish state, though the crisis likely to increase. In 1990 they came to form their own federation, that did not work.

  There is also an anarcho-feminist movement, which has had several variations throughout history. They focus on creating groups of anarchist women, whereas women expressed more freely among women in mixed groups.

  The Queer movement, which is discrimination against heterosexuals toward homosexuals. They demand active bisexuality.

  The libertarian pedagogy, is still present in the intentions of the various anarchist groups. There are several trends. One is radically against schooling (Pedro García Olivo), others for free schools, for example, thePaideia School in Mérida (Extremadura). There are several projects free schools statewide, more anarchists than others (who do not see this explicit necessary) some openly.

  However, these movements, or rather sub-movements, they are not exclusive of the other types of anarchism. A person can be insurrectionary anarcho-feminist, anti-civilization and queer or another person may be syndicalist, anarcho-independence and vegan. They have failed to take root in the Spanish sub-state other anarchist movements elsewhere in the world have some influence, such as the libertarian municipalism or Platformism (or anarchism especifista ). There are also some branches of other movements of thought which claim anarchism but have nothing to do with the traditional anarchist movement (however new they may seem some streams listed above, are actually a continuation of that was in the nineteenth century ) is the Anarcho-capitalism (movement liberalism) or national-anarchism (which would be a stream of fascism).

  There is a theoretical effort is the inclusive democracy Takis Fotopoulos developed by.In Spain, a study group has their ideas. In other areas of anarchism include Miquel Amorós or collective Etcetera , from a perspective close to council communism. Among the self could highlight to Santiago López Petit. The Surrealist Group of Madrid , would stand at the study and dissemination of surrealism, and from a more philosophical approach would Agustín García Calvo nihilistic or educational nihilism Pedro García Olivo, Christian anarchism even have representatives in Spain as Carlos Diaz or Hellenic Sana.

  Influences on other movements

  Increasing influence of some key ideas of anarchism in several cultural movements such as the Free Software also denoted (whose spirit is essentially collaborative and libertarian), the Free Culture and the fight against patents and management agencies copyright, the free music (no copyright). Other movements are adopting as their own forms of assembly, which makes movements like the aforementioned recent anti-globalization or have adopted the asamblearism 15M, horizontality in decision-making, rotation of duties and coordination meetings as own . Furthermore, the idea of self-management today enjoys a large circulation. Communist independence groups and the state usually speak Spanish leading "self-management" practices, asking nothing in the state. In the Basque Country has just emerged called Auzolan movement claiming a return to traditional values present in the Basque countryside, which in some cases coincided with anarchism.


  Anarchism is often associated with violence. Since its detractors accused of being directly responsible, or instigator of the mob violence of the masses, as well as incurring frequently presented as a single senseless violence.This image is due to the time when some anarchists were involved in using the propaganda of the deed during the last decades of the nineteenth century. They were also accused of violence during strikes, which produced numerous deaths, or be the cause of the Tragic Week. There was even a scientist, Lombroso saying that anarchists had a special skull that was prone to crime.

  Little is said, however, that among anarchists violence is not a basic principle, but an answer, a tactic, a way of doing. Perhaps political nihilism or nineteenth century nationalism yes it was, but all these streams responded to specific facts. In Spain was violently crushed the revolution in 1874 cantonal guns producing hundreds dead. France had crushed the Paris Commune in 1871, resulting in 30,000 deaths (over 20,000 of them shot in one week), in Russia the state of servitude to which was referred the peasantry led to the desperate response and its suppression was equally ruthless . No wonder that
under these conditions the emergence of groups of people who decide to take revenge on their exploiters and oppressors. They were not isolated acts, were episodes of class struggle. And the war between the classes going in both directions.

  Another point to consider is that of the infiltrators, mounts and false accusations. In 1882 a ghostly secret society called the Black Hand who advocated violence against the landlords and the Civil Guard is uncovered. They were supposed behind several murders, but later it was learned that he had been an invention of the Civil Guard to hunt anarchists. But both accused of violent anarchists there were some who decided to claim it firmly as The Disinherited, Andalusian group that advocated the use of violence. In 1892 when Paulino Pallas tries to kill Martinez Campos, does avenge the execution of 5 farmers Jerez after a strike. Conversely when the bomb explodes after the passage of the Corpus Christi procession, killing 12 people directly accuses the anarchists, produced 500 arrests and executions 5. What is not said is that the attack itself has several weaknesses. An anarchist would not throw a bomb at the tail of the procession, but against the head where were all the authorities. But for decades have been attributed to anarchism all kinds of violence with which he had nothing to do, such as pumps Juan Rull.

  Another example is the burning of churches during the Tragic Week of 1909. The main defendants were anarchists. But little is said of the Republicans. Some of them, like the theyth of the Radical Republicans Lerroux, are self-termed "barbarians theyng." The social situation in Barcelona was so complicated that could happen at any time what happened in 1909. A single spark could blow the city. And this is what happened. The popular classes (ie not anarchists and anarchists) were given to burn churches. But the more conscious anarchist militants were not concerned with the churches trying to secure the barricades to keep out the army. Similar to the burning of churches in 1936 situation.

  The myth of anarchist violence is widespread. Anarchists call it self defense . It is something like what did the Black Panthers in the United States or Spain episode that became known as gangsterism . In these cases, a class conflict in which both sides have guns is given. For anarchism violence is a matter of tactics. Nevertheless there are many anarchists who totally repudiate violence and are pacifists. But in times of social upheaval as strong in 1919 and 1920 or 1934 or 1936, could have little room pacifism in Spanish society. In a seemingly innocuous year as from 1931 to 1932 ( from April to April , M. Rodriguez. op. cit.), died of police violence 166 people. Strikes in Spain often involved heavy fighting against stones bulletproof. Thus, in the 1902 strike about 100 people died in the Tragic Week 80 others (although it is said that there were several hundreds) in the 1917 strike killed 70 ... and so in every major labor dispute. Meanwhile casualties among the security forces could be counted on the fingers of one hand.

  Little wonder that in 1920 (when they start to fall militant workers) they form groups of armed action, which was an embryo of a proletarian army. The revolution was in sight. She had lived in Russia, Germany, Hungary ...was not surprising that the labor movement would also like for the Spain. When the Bolsheviks seized power in Petrograd in October 1917, have a proletarian army of some 30,000 members organized in the Red Guard (and in Russia 200,000). In Germany there were in March 1920 a Red Ruhr Army with 50,000 members. In Italy organized Arditi del Popolo to fight the fascists and get to have 20,000 members in 1921. In Asturias in 1934 there were 30,000 workers involved in one way or another in the Revolution of 1934. Even in Chicago, in the 1880s, there were large armed workers militias, even militaristic parades organized. They were totally different times. For example, on May 1, 1936 marched in Madrid socialist and communist theyth fully military mode, their uniforms, their leaders, their songs, etc..

  Today this same stereotype applies "Anarchism is violence" demonstrations. For some politicians, police and the press, "anarchist" means "vandal who caused disturbances" in the demonstrations. Violence in this case either comes out of nowhere. Many manifestations are not even start, given the police attacks they receive. In other cases, half of the event it is attacked by law enforcement. As a result there is a way to organize demonstrations or black bloc called Black Bloc. The black blocks are that all protesters are dressed in black police work preventing identification and isolation of the group responds. Thus even the protesters can make offensive tactical strikes. Of course, this form of action that provokes an immediate rejection from the media that creates this imaginary of "anarchism is violence" among the public.

  Culture and Counterculture


  1 Background

  2 Anarchism in literature

  2.1 Literature on anarchism

  2.2 Literature related and influential

  3 Anarchism in theater

  4 Anarchism in the arts

  5 Anarchism in film

  6 Freedom of knowledge

  7 Anarchism in music

  8 anarchist Philately

  9 References

  10 Related readings


  Since ancient times there have been people who have embodied by Letter views today describe as anarchistic, have themselves partly inspired many of the pioneers of anarchism and its successors, others have been linked to modern anarchism after the emergence of this. Among the anarchistic writings and writers prior to the emergence of the libertarian movement are the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu in ancient China. The writings of the Gnostic Christian Carpocrates (written in the early days of the Christian era) also fall into this line, also the book The voluntary servitude of Étienne de La Boétie wrote in the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance in France. Part of the utopian socialists some influential works for later libertarian thought occur eg The phalanstery of Charles Fourier.

  From agricultural and radicalized liberal positions literary production directly influenced the birth of the anarchist movement, here's literary works such as Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, Thomas Paine's works are located, from the Romantic poetry of William Blake Lord Byron and was influential in British libertarian circles where it was so important to the influence of the literature of William Godwin who later would be recognized by the anarchist Peter Kropotkin as his predecessor. Note the strong influence of the American transcendentalists litertura which Henry D. Thoreau, author of Walden and Civil Disobedience , is fully considered an anarchist.

  Vivancos also painters like Courbet and raided include Pissarro painting libertarians aesthetic concepts.

  Among other cultural anarchists is to highlight the spread of Esperanto as an international language and the different contributions to the libertarian pedagogy, the most significant event has been the Modern School of Francisco Ferrer.

  Anarchism in literature

  Literature has played a major role in the dissemination of views, analysis and libertarian proposals, even before the rise of anarchism as philosophy and doctrine and defined as a social movement.

  Literature on anarchism

  Now after the formation of the anarchist movement spreading through the lyrics or the promotion of reading including the not strictly artistic anarchist literature has been valuable. The number of anarchist periodicals published in the course of history is important.

  Writers and philosophers of the nineteenth and twentieth century have also dedicated their pages to anarchism, such as Albert Camus, who wrote the novel The Plague and play Siege , apart from his philosophical works and collaborations in newspapers. Other writers who have not spoken although anarchism in his works, whether they have been part of the movement such as the beatnik poet Allen Ginsberg. Apart from the above, known anarchist writers of Russian descent were Leo Tolstoy, author of classics of world literature, like War and Peace and Anna Karenina , the Irish anarchist Oscar Wilde, French Octave Mirbeau, Franz Kafka and Czech some affinity with Fyodor DostoyevskySoren Kierkegaard (without filing anarchist who declared his enmity to the Church, the State and the superficial life) and unambiguously Jules Verne and Aldous

  In the field of poetry stands Voltairine of Cleyre, although they could also be considered to Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron, William Blake, Allen Ginsberg and León Felipe, whose poetry has a high affinity with anarchism. In journalism and testing can include Rafael Barret, author of an extensive and varied work, Manuel González Prada, Rodolfo González Pacheco, Ricardo Mella, Fernando Tarrida Marble and Reclus.El American anarchist geographer Elisha Benjamin Tucker was the first to introduce the work of Friedrich Nietzsche to his country.

  Affine and influential literature

  George Orwell described the Barcelona of the Spanish Revolution in his book Homage to Catalonia where persecution and repression that were the subject also has POUM militants, allies and comrades in arms of the anarchists. The works of Friedrich Nietzsche have taken place also in the contributions to anarchism. The genre of dystopias has been well received within the anarchist thought such as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (who self-proclaimed anarchist) or Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, 1984 Orwell among others, that explains the link between cyberpunk ( a contemporary dystopian genre) and anarchism.

  For some decades concerning the intellectual anarchist literature were linked to Paul Goodman American counterculture, and Ivan Illich, radical unschooling pedagogue promoter. In more recent times has been the reviewed literature, one of the references that has come closest to anarchism, are usually linked to the critics of modernity or postmodernity analysts and analysts of the new forms of social and economic liberation. In this heterogeneous group found the trials and Antonio Negri, Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Manuel Castells, Alvin Toffler, of a variety of authors. We also include several books of Noam Chomsky as a writing concerning anarchism in recent decades.


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