The Anarchism

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The Anarchism Page 27

by Anna Georgieva

  Claims were also among the mentally ill in the style of Germany (SPK, Socialist Patients Collective ) by the movement psychiatrized fighting . They were also the early years of environmentalism in Spain and conscientious objection to military, although anarchism hardly influenced at this early stage. The feminist movement was also largely influenced by anarchism, although there is enough anarchofeminist groups.

  The counterculture is gradually approaching anarchism in the 70s, by the appearance of magazines like Ajoblanco, Star magazine or El Viejo Topo, and the movement underground (eg Nazario Comics cartoonist), the true hippie movement, and Newborn gay movement sector. In 1978 the first radio station Radio Free regarded as Spain, in Granollers in 1977, will create Radio Maduixa and give rise to a movement that still exists. The followOna Lliure in Barcelona and others statewide.In another vein, they will constitute in Madrid and Barcelona Shows two separate unions, which would subsequently adhering to CNT. In Madrid, the union participates and promotes, among others, Fernando Fernan Gomez. In Barcelona, the "libertarian nonsense" the embryo will develop union, will take the initiative to convene the International Libertarian Conference, Summer 1977. In the 70 spread throughout Spain communes, in imitation of which were being created in other countries. They would both in cities and in villages.

  In those early months of 1977 the FAI was rebuilt, but nothing founded suffered a police raid that led to prison about 70 people statewide on charges that he was a terrorist efforts to undertake. The FAI would be refounded later and participate especially in the inner life of the CNT union. The anarchist groups of the time were devoted mainly to open libertarians Ateneos only in Barcelona and surroundings were twenty. Operated in parallel with the neighborhood associations, which began to be politicized to the left parties. They were a social alternative in neighborhoods and were critical of AA.VV. In some neighborhoods were popular cultural associations, but usually that movement it was extended by the left towards integration into the system by the Civic Centres, managed by the municipalities in which there was no public participation.

  Alongside the union continues to grow, bringing together 25,000 people in the bullring in San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid, which was the first mass bathing, the March 29, 1977. The rally Valencia, the same year, was another mass rally. The same situation was repeated in other parts of the state. But it was the rally Montjuic act which brought more people, counting to about 300,000 attendees. The Libertarian International Conference, held in Park Guell Barcelona attracted 600,000 people during a week in July 1977 (both figures according to the organizers). The CNT at the time (full September 1977) came to have some 130,000 members (although other figures were also given as 250,000), The third or fourth union center of the country. Only in Barcelona there were over 40,000 people enrolled in late 1977. It is the height of the anarchist revival of Transition. This would turn all alarms among his enemies.

  From here the acts of mass, and the intervention of the CNT in labor disputes, such as gas stations strike in the province of Barcelona, Construction strike in Asturias and Madrid, etc. occur. But the major central trade unions and leftist parties were signing the Moncloa Pacts with the right post-Franco, which involved a halt to the popular movement in full bloom then. It was during a demonstration against the pact in Barcelona, attended by some 10,000 people, called by CNT and anarchist groups, when an incident occurs mark the time. This is the case called Scala. A group of protesters at the end of the demonstration launch several Molotov cocktails at an elite club of Barcelona called Scala. At that time there were 4 workers inside. The workers were asphyxiated (2 of them were also members of CNT). From these deaths unleashes a strong media, judiciary, police and political campaign of repression and discrediting terrorist CNT accusing and imprisoning its most prominent activists (particularly those who might have handled the matter in a better way). In the union's accusations between sectors and numerous casualties affiliate occur due to this incident. Only when enough years passed they knew that the launch of the cocktails was actually proposed by a police infiltrator (Joaquín Gambín) which sought to criminalize precisely and weaken the CNT for not accepting the Moncloa Pacts.

  But for months the situation of CNT unions had begun to deteriorate. A series of internal fighting between trends for control of the union that had rarefied atmosphere were given. A sector of the exile (Orthodox syndicalists and the Libertarian Front ), many other sectors (self, whole anarchist counterculture, marxists, etc..) which made life difficult for the union were added. Case management Scala eventually blow up the organization, which was losing a lot of people over the months. A joined this domestic situation during those years the emergence of heroin, rising unemployment, repression, the action of the extreme right and especially the so-called "disenchantment" (disillusionment with politics that sank the Spanish membership figures all parties and unions in general). This discouragement produced by all of the above causes, not only dragged the CNT unions but all that had generated anarchism then: communes, literary, social groups, magazines, newspapers, etc..

  Also in those years union elections were held. It was a system of worker participation in companies that had their origin in the Franco Vertical Union. Anarchist CNT decided to boycott sectors, while others defended presented. Were reached even present in some independent candidates.

  The V Congress , held in Madrid from 8 to 16 December 1979, was the culmination of this break. First, and strong membership loss was demonstrated, as there were about 29,000 contributors. The conference discussions escalated, manipulations were reported and left him in the industry. These can then meet in a congress in Valencia and form the CNT Congress of Valencia or Renewed CNT , which eventually would lead to the CGT. Those who followed the Congress formed the CNT-AIT , AIT acronym emphasizing the fact that the split had also been expelled from the IWA.

  The 80

  The 1980s kicked off with anarchism offside in the new democratic Spain. CNT which was reconstituted after Franco had emerged two separate organizations: one was the CNT-AIT, did not participate in union elections and committees, and other CNT-renewed, which it did. Both had only a few thousand or tens of thousands of members. In 1983 there was the CNT-AIT in a second cleavage. According to the CNT-AIT, this split was generated by negotiations between its secretary general, José Bondía, vice president of government and Alfonso Guerra, who insisted that the CNT should participate in union elections.The new division began an attempt to approach the CNT renewed, and this little merger came the call Unified CNT . As both confederations claimed to be the legitimate heirs of the pre-Franco CNT, the fact that there were two unions he stands CNT , starting a dispute over the ownership of the acronym, even legal. In 1989 the CNT-U was forced to change its name to CGT, CGT, due to a court ruling that gave reason to the CNT-AIT. Subsequently the CGT suffered a split that led to the union Solidaridad Obrera, which many have described as a compromise between between CNT and CGT.

  Meanwhile anarchism had been reduced to small groups of militants managed Ateneos Libertarians and especially the counterculture (some artists Movida considered anarchists, but the more genuinely libertarian countercultural movement would be the punk). The radios in the 80 experienced a marked growth. From Catalonia quickly extended to the Basque Country, Valencia and Madrid. This occurred in two waves, the first 79 to 83 and the second from 87 to 91. In 1983, took place in Villaverde (Madrid) State Assembly radios, which defined what was a free radio in the context of the Spanish state.

  Another group of anarchists formed the FIGA (Iberian Anarchist Federation groups), who gave expropriations, which led to be placed outside the law. At the time there were some social robbers , ie common robbers who had some kind of social awareness (considering some anarchists). At some point in the early 80s came to be about 100 anarchist prisoners in Spanish jails.

  Speaking of anarchism is necessary to appoint other anti-authoritarian movements. For example, the Basque autonomous movement. In the Basque Country, 80 still survived in
the remains of a potent local assembly movement that had the typical features of the so-called workers' autonomy, as happened in Italy in the 70s. That assembly movement probably came to the fore with the facts of Vitoria in 1976, but already existed for years in many strikes. Without wanting to say they were anarchists, it was an assembly movement to lie for example in Catalonia and Valencia ended up orbiting CNT in Asturias and Madrid did to CCOO and PCE and the Basque Country was to the nationalist movement.

  However, there were some groups that did not follow this path: first the Askatasuna anarchist group , which was formed in the 70s and that drove the CNT in Euskadi until they were expelled from the organization.Proposed anarchist not treated as Piotr Kropotkin's ideas, but the style of the autonomous workers' councils. Second were the Anti-capitalist Autonomous Commands that were several completely independent of ETA armed groups (as well as any other organization, whether anarchist or nationalist). Third, they could put a nascent counterculture, which had its heyday in the late 80s and early 90s. It was a theyth movement aesthetic tastes and punks (called Rock Radical Vasco), very active in the squats of gaztetxes, building radios and generalization of fanzines and distrubuidoras of "anti-business" stuff (magazines and punk music).

  As shown in the Basque case, occurs in 80 kind of generation gap in anarchism among those who came from the labor movement and who, from the counterculture, believe that the labor movement had already experienced its glory days and had little or nothing to offer in a new context. This rejection came from theyth anarchist ideas arrival in the mid-1980s, in the conflict between the CNT and CGT unions. As this form of politicization opted counterculture theyth (mostly punk music). And in this new environment the new anarchist militants were converging with the various social movements in each city such as anti-militarism (or groups such as the Campi MOC), anti-fascism and the emerging squatter gets Social Centres.

  Among the most prominent social struggles in that decade (in which they participated anarchists) is that of Puerto Real shipyard in 1987 whose strike protagónicamente participated the union of the CNT, which once had about 200 members in the shipyard. Recall that in these times the anarchists are minority in society, and the extent of its ability participated in numerous student strikes, mining, shipbuilding, metal, etc.. that took place in the late 80s. Another case was the strike of the port of Barcelona in 1986.

  The 90s

  With the spread of Social Centres squatted in the mid-90s, and thereafter, an anarchist generation never happened by libertarians unions by limiting its scope to other social struggles (environmentalism, militarism, squatting, fighting was forged prisons, anti-fascism, feminism, etc..). In many cases called themselves "autonomous" wanting to differentiate themselves anarchists who were too dogmatic or jealous of a glorious past that looked out of his time. However, it was libertarian collectives since predominated in all practice self-management, asamblearism, rotating positions, anti-authoritarianism, etc.. which are the key ideas of anarchism.

  An example of this movement was Autonomous Struggle , which was an anti-capitalist groups coordinora Madrid. It lived anarchist and communist groups, and often both trends in one group. The ideology was quite diffuse, but clearly anti-capitalist, and his movement is primarily centered around squats and fighting against fascist groups. From the age of 90 in Madrid, remembered for squats as The Guindalera or CSO Minuesa their evictions rioted.

  In Barcelona, well squatting, there was some interest in the cooperative was creating several cooperatives in recent years by the influence of Project A , German (a series of cooperatives).In early 90's there was an emergence of anarchist idea. As space we should highlight the Libertarian Ateneo of Poble Sec and Grace among others ateneos also Lokal in the Raval was a very busy place for anarchists. These spaces made of branches of social movements, such as anti-military, or that was generated with the Zapatista uprising in 1994, or the nascent anti-globalization movement. They made generational bridge between the more traditional anarchism and the coming of the countercultural movements, and squatting. In 1993 we should highlight a Libertarian International Conference that lasted more than a week. Attracted thousands of people (an average of 500 daily) making it clear that anarchism was not dead.

  The "squatter phenomenon" that swept mediadiados 90, was a school of militancy for many theyng people, like the Athenians had been in the past. However, there was another anarchist politicized generation that straddles the CNT and squats. It was the generation of the Libertarian Theyth 90. In the context of the time, newcomers to anarchism in those years collided with bureaucratic deficiencies in the understanding anarchism from CNT.In addition they were coming to Spain the insurrectionary ideas Alfredo M. Bonanno and other Italian theorists of modern anarchism. How to manage events caused some discomfort among Anarchists on one side and the CNT and the FAI on the other. This ended the upset brewing in break time. Around 2000 militants FIJL was almost all out of the CNT and were moving towards a determined insurrectionalism, who along with other activists who no longer belonged to FIJL and acted independently a insurrectional activism small attacks and sabotage occurred . However, the consequent repression endured, and lost strength in the mid-2000s.

  In the 90s, with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the crisis of the left, and the emergence of the Zapatistas in Chiapas anarchism and social movements influenced by him received a new impetus. The example of a guerrilla did not want to take power politicized and helped many people go creating a movement that would later be called anti-globalization movement.


  Today the largest union claimed that the anarchist-syndicalist CGT is. It has approximately 60,000 members and a certain presence in sectors (transport, communications, banking, public administration, education, cleaning, etc..) And large companies (RENFE, AENA, SEAT, Nissan, Mail, Cacaolat, TMB Barcelona, etc.. ). By province highlights its membership in Catalonia, Valencia, Andalusia and Madrid. The origin of the separation between the two unions came because the CGT part (a sector initiative that drove since 1978)Like many other unions, in union elections and committees, it receives state subsidies and has released union. By contrast, the CNT has never chosen this path union action, preferring his performance by union locals.

  The CNT-AIT (hereinafter CNT) is still active today, however, its influence is small in the employment picture. Considers that participate in committees, relying on state subsidies and have released union is contrary to the principles syndicalists, and it constitutes an economic dependence on institutions, which would negate the principle of self-management. This does not prevent they from having an increasing activity, as evidenced by the recent strikes that has promoted: services Tomares waste collection, cleaning of the UPO of Seville, the general strike in Lebrija, in clearing Metro Madrid, in the Brisamar gas station or public schools in the Community of Madrid, plus strikes in AUSSA and Mercadona supermarkets. The CNT is conducting a take-off in recent years, now has more than 120 union branches across the country. Although his influence really shows in their manifestations, such as the General Strike of 29S, or the 29M, or 22M student strikes of 2012, with blocks that are several thousand people statewide . Another strength occurs during major demonstrations on 1 May that are held every year.

  In the workplace, there are also unions and appointed (CNT and CGT), the Confederation Solidaridad Obrera came out of the Madrid CGT in 1989, the CNT called Joaquín Costa (a division of CNT in Catalonia), SAS (asambleario Union of Health; limited to health care, in Madrid), CATA (Aragon), CAT (Valencia), SAC (Andalusia) or ASSI (Zaragoza). There are also libertarian people working from other unions like the SAT in Andalusia, Catalonia or the IAC. The labor movement is under reorganization in the Spanish state and probably in the years to see movements of convergence between some of these organizations.

  Related to this issue, is the interest in cooperatives , having been created in recent years several models of cooperative libertarian. One of them would go in line with the usual production cooperatives (l
egal). Many projects are being created as bars, bookstores, advisories, etc.. that somehow are linked to the libertarian movement and social movements. Examples would be those of Cooperatiu Sants and Gràcia Cooperatiu in Barcelona, and the Federation of Self-Managed Projects in Madrid. Years serving the ICEA group dedicated to studying economics from a libertarian perspective. Even seek recovery firms in difficulty for their workers. In another aspect of the movement cooperative, would be the cooperatives integral in the process of creation. They are integral as they wish to ensure the basic needs of a person (housing, health, education, food, clothing, work, etc..) in same economic organization. They use what is known as social currency.

  As to the other organizations, in 2007, came the call Iberian Federation of Anarchists Anarchists (FIXED), with the idea of spreading libertarian ideas among theyth. Unlike already named insurrecionalista FIJL , closer collaboration with the CNT and a public and visible action arises. Initially adopted different abbreviations. This is because although it is recognized as a continuation of the historical FIJL, previous FIJL was not formally dissolved, and therefore could not use the same acronym. This situation was clarified in 2012, with the publication of a statement of FIJL insurrectionalist in stating that dissolved and the new Theyth could take that name if they so wished, which in fact did. Publishes an informative FIJL called The Bellows , although each group publishes other newsletters and magazines.


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