The Anarchism
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In the late nineteenth century in the UK individualist anarchists such as Auberon Herbert, Wordsworth Donisthorpe, Joseph Hiam Levy, Greevz Joseph Fisher, John Badcock, Jr., Albert Tarn, and Henry Seymour werewho were ideologically close to the positions of American individualists gathered around the newspaper Liberty , Benjamin Tucker. In the mid 1880s, Seymour published a newspaper called The Anarchist .subsequently also taking interest in free love, with their participation in the daily The Adult: A Journal for the Advancement of Freedom in Sexual Relationships . The Serpent , issued from London ... the most selfish prominent publication in the English language, was published from 1898 to 1900 with the subtitle 'A Journal of Philosophy and Sociology egoistic'.
Also this individualistic movement perteneción philosopher, art critic and writer Herbert Read wrote about Godwin and Stirner, was the author of works such as Fuck culture , The Paradox of Anarchism , "Philosophy of Anarchism" , Anarchy & Order; Poetry & Anarchism and My Anarchism . In the 20th century individualist anarchist Henry Meulen known for his work on free banking.
Individualist anarchism in Latin America
The anarchist historian Angel Cappelletti reports that in Argentina "Among workers arrived from Europe in the first two decades of the century, there were several oddly individualistic Stirnerite influenced by the philosophy of Nietzsche, who saw syndicalism as a potential enemy of anarchist ideology. They constituted affinity groups ... in 1912 came as Max Nettlau at number twenty. appeared in 1911, in Columbus, the newspaper The Unique , which defined itself as 'Publishing individualistic.' "
Biofilo Panclasta, was a writer, political activist and Colombian individualist anarchist. In 1904 starts using the pseudonym that would be recognized: Biofilo , lover of life, and Panclasta enemy of all.He was in over fifty countries and stoking anarchist ideas and participating in labor union demonstrations. Biofilo was seen as a very individualistic hand the idea of the superman Nietzsche and Max Stirner was follower.
Maria Lacerda de Moura was a teacher, journalist and Brazilian individualist anarchist and anarchist-feminist activist. In his ideas on education was influenced by Francisco Ferrer. Also was a reporter for the Brazilian anarchist press and even wrote to the Spanish individualist anarchist magazine Al Margen . His writings were also broadcast in Argentina and Uruguay.In 1923 he launched the newspaper Renascença , which was connected with the anarchists freethought movements of the time. His thinking was influenced by Han Ryner and Emile Armand.
Piotr Kropotkin specifically criticized the individualistic view of Benjamin Tucker, and declared that his ideas "flowing into the liberal individualism of the classical economists." He warns that vision Tucker where "both the citizen and the group have the right to any violence, including the death penalty. Violence is also justified for the implementation of the mandate of keeping an agreement. Tucker thus follows Spencer and as, the path opens ... to reconstitute under the title of 'defense' all the functions of the state. "
Kropotkin also considered the hypothesis individualistic society as false, based on the Rousseauian model of man without social ties. Also criticized the Nietzschean individualism considering a stupid form of selfishness which lowered the quality of the individual and not reaching their supposed goals of developing a complete individuality, equaling the bourgeois individualism individuality to Kropotkin could only develop into communism.
Before leaving anarchism, libertarian socialist Murray Bookchin criticized individualist anarchism for his opposition to democracy and to defend their "individualistic lifestyle" disregarding the class struggle. Bookchin criticized individualist sostuviesen only one idea of "negative liberty" rejecting a "positive freedom".The anarchist Albert Meltzer argued that individualism differed radically from revolutionary anarchism, and that "sometimes considered too lightly that 'after all, is a form of anarchism'." He argued that acceptance did Benjamin Tucker of private police forces (including those who broke strikes in defense of "freedom of employers") is in contradiction with the anarchist definition of "no government." He argues that "only they can take for free what is anarchism, communist and that has no economic need for contarrestarlo repression."
According to Gareth Griffith, George Bernard Shaw initially had some flirtations with individualist anarchism before concluding that it was "the negation of socialism, and is in fact almost asocialista led to the logical conclusion that a sane man would dare to arrive. " Shaw's argument was that even if wealth was initially distributed equally, the evolution of the laissez-faire advocated by Tucker result in an uneven distribution because it would allow private appropriation and accumulation.
American individualism has also been criticized by Errico Malatesta, for his idea of harmony by natural law , defining it as a "providential" and "optimistic fatalism." As argued, just remove the government would not reach because if not also eliminated the existing contradictions and antagonisms which it originated, the State would be played again. Malatesta was also critical to individualist anarchism antiorganizacionista communist ideology and illegality, like Rudolf Rocker, and Christiaan Cornelissen, who considered detrimental to the development of the anarchist-syndicalist movement
There are also reviews between anarcoindividualists movements. American mutual Joe Peacott been criticized for trying to hegemony anarcocapitalistas the label "individualist anarchism" and make it appear that all individualist anarchists are pro-capitalist. Peacott said that "some individualists, past and present, agree with anarchist communists say capitalism is based on economic coercion and not voluntary contract.'s Rent and interest are the backbone of capitalism modern, and are protected and maintained by the state. Without these two unjust institutions, capitalism could not exist. "
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The term covers many movement individualism, doctrines and attitudes whose common factor is the priority of the individual over any external determinant. It originated in the post-revolutionary France, indicating the dissolution of social bonds; continued in German Romanticism, focusing on the uniqueness and original individual; England was contrasted with collectivism, referring to the initiative and self-reliance and associating liberalism in the economic and political spheres.
Individualist anarchism or anarchist-individualism refers to a group of ideologies that tend to manifest more as philosophical and literary movements and social movements. In addition to the exaltation of the individual search experience and other principles have in common: the elevation of the individual over any kind of construction or social and external reality: morality, ideology, customs, religion, metaphysics, ideas or the will of others;rejection and reservations about the idea of revolution, preferring gradual development of society to achieve anarchy; the view that relationships with other people or groups should be freely contracted, interest in itself and can be as transitory and without compromises as desired.
The selfishness of the German thinker Max Stirner (1806-1856) argues that individuals should do what they want, ignoring God, State or some moral rule. For Stirner, natural rights are fallacies, rejected all social institutions and metaphysical notions, and held that society does not really exist, only "individuals and their reality," referring to the property by force to the moral law. He advocated self-assertion and foresaw "associations of egoists" interacting with each other through mutual respect, and maintained that there are no rational grounds for anyone to recognize any authority above his own reason, or no goal before their own happiness. Stirner's thought is often regarded as the origin of individualist anarchism, although the radicalism of its postulates left little room for the development of constructive proposals.
Among the major European individualist anarchists are the Albert French Freedom, Anselme Bellegarrigue (author of Manifeste de l'Anarchie , 1850), Emile Armand and Han Ryner, Russian Lev Chernyi, Italian Renzo Novatore and Scottish / German John Henry Mackay.
The American individualist anarchism of the nineteenth century strongly emphasized the principle
of non-aggression and individual sovereignty.
Some American individualists, as Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), not only rejected the state but all organized association of any kind, invoking the complete individual self-sufficiency.
Although Thoreau was ignored in his time, his treatise civil disobedience ( Civil Disobedience ) strongly influenced political figures of the twentieth century, as Mahatma Gandhi. Josiah Warren (1798-1874) had an impact on his "theory of labor value" by advocating a system of 'fair trade', in which the exchange of goods between 'producers' individual or associated, were given based on the "working time" devoted to its development;understood the work proceeds without the lender's interest-as-exploitation. Lysander Spooner (1808-1887) stood in the tradition of "natural law", denouncing the contractual theory of the state and damage state monopolies over land and money made to the country.
Benjamin Tucker (1854-1939) developed the individualist anarchism in a series of articles collected in Instead of a Book (1893). Its basic principle was that each individual should enjoy maximum liberty compatible with a like liberty for others, particularly involving unlimited rights to acquire and dispose of property on the market. As Warren, Tucker considered his ideas as socialists, but was committed to the idea of a free market, which had not been possible for the distortion produced by the monopolies, of which highly blamed the government. In the American tradition, there is an assertion of the value of private property; Tucker and other "anarchists Bostonians' Warren and influenced by the theory of labor value, considered that the land is justifiable when the owner is using it.
As Spooner, Tucker attacked monopolies created by the state, especially over land and money, not state, each person would exercise their right to protect their own freedom, using the services of a private association of protection if necessary.
Mutualism arises with the ideas of French Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865), who envisioned a society where each person might possess the means of production, individually or collectively, the exchange of goods and products would occur through a ethical way of negotiation or bargaining, in which each party would seek only one equivalent of what they would offer. It has been referred to by some authors as an intermediate point between individualist and communist anarchism versions.
For Proudhon, who knew Marx and Bakunin, the thesis of capitalism guarantees freedom abolishing equality, while Communist antithesis suffers the opposite contradiction by applying the Hegelian dialectic in his bookSystem of Economical Contradictions or Philosophy of Poverty (1847) noted that only the synthesis of mutuality can resolve these contradictions, causing the rupture of Marx with Proudhon, expressed in its criticalPoverty of Philosophy (1847).
Proudhon said that property is theft , defined as "property" misuse or abuse of objects in the sense of exploitation, while he understood the "possession" as the legitimate use of an object. Proudhon opposed both capitalist ownership as a collective, as always "abused" and "stealing" of individuals.Its principle is that every person should have the means of production (tools, land, etc.). either individually or collectively, but should be paid for their work, removed the profit and income, which ensures a high degree of equality . This theory of labor value, which he shared with the individualistic postulates that when the work or products are exchanged or sold, must be received no goods or services incorporating "the amount of work required to produce an article of the same and equal utility".
A mutual company would be an economy of free trade between producers, in which production would be carried out by farmers and self-employed artisans, small cooperatives, small businesses, large companies controlled by workers and consumer cooperatives,because otherwise, "relations between subordinates and superiors would be established, what is followed by two ... castes of masters and wage-workers, which is repugnant to a free and democratic society " .All producers would get the full product of their labor and therefore would trade work for work, no place to have margins or capital gains, rents, interest or gains from capital. All associations between individuals would be voluntary and free character.
Proudhon also had ideas about the education of the proletariat, and launched a project for a bank in the village,that would make loans to producers at a minimal interest, covering only the costs of administration. Despite the flaws experiments practices Proudhon, his French disciples had an influential role in the early years of the First International, before the mutual thesis were displaced by the collectivism of Bakunin.
Communist Anarchism
Collectivism became a mainstream anarchist movement under the influence of Russian revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin aristocrat, a disciple of Proudhon, who left the care farmers and artisans, with a view to a future in which organized labor had expropriated capital, and each group of workers administer their own means of production. Collectivism proposed collective ownership of land, raw materials and tools, and the appropriation of the full product of labor workers, less the cost. The distribution of gains would be made by collective decision, but it was assumed that the remuneration would be proportional to the work performed.
Collectivists opposed communism of Marx and his followers, understanding that could only be imposed by an authoritarian state, a conception that was challenged by the next generation of anarchists, especially Malatesta, Reclus and Kropotkin.Collectivism would soon be replaced by the Communist anarchism (also known as anarchist-communism or libertarian communism ) when own followers Bakunin in the First International criticasen the labor theory of value and the maintenance of pay wage type. "To each according to his needs"; libertarian communism defended the work product of all belongs to everyone, and everyone has the right to freely hand.The anarchist not completely ruled collectivism, however, considering an intermediate evolutionary stage towards communism;historian and ideologue Daniel Guerin notes in his Anarchism that this idea was eventually to be put into practice during the collectivization in Spain between 1936 and 1939.
Communist anarchism promotes voluntary association stateless, egalitarian class differences through community ownership or socialization of the means of production, services and consumer goods. The anarchist emphasizes the collective experience as a distinct and important in the pursuit of individual freedom. Some of the most famous anarchist theorists were Piotr Kropotkin, Luigi Fabbri, Errico Malatesta, Sébastien Faure, Volin and Carlo Cafiero.
Based on the thought of Proudhon and Bakunin, Prince Piotr Kropotkin was one of the most important theorists of anarchist communism. Inspired by evolutionary social theories, instead of glorifying the competition, like most social Darwinists, Kropotkin understood that cooperation is the key to evolutionary success, and that human beings were the most successful species for their ability to cooperate effectively and in this way, Kropotkin believed that the last stage of evolution in human societies was a social life where competition does not exist and people cooperate on equal terms, free and naturally.In his book Words of a Rebel (1885), called for the abolition of private property through the "expropriation of the total social wealth" by the people themselves.In The Conquest of Bread (1888), argued that the break with the private property would lead to anarchy; "Anarchy leads to communism, communism and anarchy, and one and one are nothing but the predominant trend in societies modern, the pursuit of equality. "Kropotkin argued that there is no valid way and there is little scope to measure the value of the economic contribution of a person, because "every discovery, each advance, each increase in the wealth of mankind, has its origin at the junction of manual and intellectual past and present work. So what right someone appropriates the lower plot of this immense whole and say, This is mine alone and not all ';? also called for the economy to coordinate through a horizontal network of voluntary associations, in which the goods would be distributed according to the needs of the individual, rather than depending on the job. Individuals and communities dispondrían use and control any of the resources they needed, "leaving everyone
the freedom to consume as they wish in their own homes."
As explained Sébastien Faure in his Anarchist Encyclopedia (1934), Communism tends to replace the system of capitalist exploitation by a form of egalitarian and fraternal society, based on the abolition of private ownership of the means of production, money and wage labor, and the pooling of all means of production and all products. Each individual and group would be free to contribute to the production and meet their needs based on their own choices; systems of production and distribution would be managed by unions and associations, as well as cooperatives and consumer associations. Faure distinguished two types of communism: the authoritarian, which requires the maintenance of the state and the institutions involved, and libertarian communism, involving his disappearance.
The point of anarchist view of human nature is opposed to selfishness of Stirner and individualists, and assumes that people would work without material incentives and that in the absence of private property, the crime problem would diminish to the point that it could be addressed informally, without recourse to a legislative instrument. This theory has been understood by many as a form of utopianism, although anarchist argues that no human society could have survived unless people are cooperative and unselfish to a substantial degree. However, not all anarchist have a community philosophy, some forms of communist anarchism have strong influences on the ethics of selfish individualism. Emma Goldman anarchist combined philosophies of Max Stirner and Kropotkin.