More recently, the Canadian writer and anarchist theoretical Susan Brown said that as opposed to any relationship of power political philosophy, anarchism is inherently feminist . From a position close to anarchist-capitalism, Wendy McElroy has defined a position described as ifeminism or individualist feminism, claiming that a pro-capitalist anti-statism implies equal rights and empowerment for women.
1 Theory and History
2 Review
3 Related readings
4 Bibliography
4.1 References
Theory and History
The contemporary insurrectionary anarchism is heir to the Italian and French antiorganizacionism illegality of the early twentieth century.The concept of propaganda by deed and confrontation are the usual practices of "insurrectionist anarchism" in asserting that act violently against systems of domination can influence others to decide to act against what the press and, if given the Accordingly, the effect may even result in a general insurrection. Such a chain reaction of disobedience and rebellion would not need political entities or projects that organize to confront their enemies, who identifies as more violent than them.
This trend emerged in Italy theoretically of the 1980s, inspired by subversive experience of the past decade (1970s) in a climate of political turmoil dense lived. Its main figure is Alfredo M. Bonanno. Some of his supporters see a precedent to his ideas in the violence of some anarchists of the early twentieth century, through the propaganda of the deed or individual expropriation.
This trend has some individualistic influences, but can also be considered as part of the post-left anarchism. Conceive individual relationships based on affinity groups, not to sacrifice individual autonomy autodefiniéndose as "a collective movement of individual fulfillment." Other authors are Wolfi Landstreicher insurrectionalists Constantine Cavalleri, Gustavo Rodríguez Killing King Abacus and. The recent insurrectionalist individualism has been influenced by the postmodern critique of modernity; in turn, makes a critique of permanent organizations classical anarchism and syndicalism
Insurrectionalism has been developed mainly in Italy, Spain, Greece and the United States, and has gained some notoriety for some violent direct actions in Europe and America, and disruptive participation in the anti-globalization movement.
Insurrectionalism arose precisely to question the stagnation of the classical anarchist organizations in the mid-1980s and early 1990s, so they appealed to the organizational informality to overcome, this informality is emphasized so often can be considered exaggerated for other anarchist organizations who also question the "cult of secrecy" of certain insurrectionary groups who are branded as extremists or lacking in projection.
Related readings
The insurrectionalism or insurrectionary anarchism is an anarchist revolutionary strategy that dates back to the early ideas of revolutionary change of Bakunin and Kropotkin, and propaganda in that Enrico Malatesta tried to implement early S. XX, and heiress of the Italian and French antiorganizacionism illegality as well as insurrectionary U.S. as the Italian Luigi Galleani. The main theorist of contemporary insurrectionalism is Italian Alfredo M. Bonanno, author of several writings where he outlined the main arguments of this movement. Other sources include magazines insurrectionists' Killing King Abacus "and" Willfull Disobedience " published between 1996 and 2005, the movement editor published under the pseudonym Landstreicher Wolfi.
Present some individualistic influences post-left anarchism and the postmodern critique of modernity. Waterfront selfish individualism and standing in the classical anarchism and syndicalism organizations conceive insurrectionalists individual relationships based on "affinity groups" that is organized informally through discussion and thinking through problems and actions to be taken together.According to the strategy insurrectionist anarchists acting based on affinity groups or other small informal organizations, prepare actions that can induce spontaneous uprisings in various sectors of society. While localized insurgencies grow and be scattered, be combined into a total revolution to overthrow the state and capital, making possible the creation of a free society.
Anarchism and posanarquism posizquierda
Related readings: postanarchism and postleft Anarchy .
Since the 1980s there has been a series of approximations to anarchist philosophy by postmodernist and poststructuralist thinkers, who are known as postanarchism or poststructuralist anarchism. From the analysis of the nature of the power of authors such as Michel Foucault and Jean-François Lyotard, attempts to describe a kind of political "more local and diffuse the political scale that is designed to garantistas discourses" were performed. While the centers of power and oppression are decentralized, so must be the resistance, producing a micropolitics of diffusion and multiplicity , focused on multiple struggles beyond past levels of the state and the economy to go into other areas such as psychological , sexual, ethical, religious, etc..
One of its main developers is Saul Newman, and has been associated with thinkers such as Todd May, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. It covers a range of ideas including autonomism, situationism, postcolonialism, the Zapatistas and postleft anarchy.The term 'postanarchism "was coined by anarchist philosopher Hakim Bey postleft in his essay Post-Anarchism Anarchy (1987). Bey argued that anarchism had become insular and sectarian, confusing the various anarchist movements with the actual experience of living anarchy. For his part, Bob Black proposed or individualist or collectivist "Anarchism type 3 ', and in his essay Anarchism and other impediments to anarchy , after a review by anarchist-leftism called to contemporary proponents of anarchy as "anarchy postleft» . Other contemporary radical theorists such as Fredy Perlman not only refuse to be labeled but distance themselves from the classical anarchist tradition. Also noteworthy American activist and publisher network CrimethInc, and to a lesser extent the experiences created around the black column of Valparaiso, Chile, closer to Autonomism group.
The postleft anarchy promotes a critique of anarchism's relationship to traditional leftism. Some posizquierdistas attempt to escape the confines of ideology in general. The postleft anarchism stands out for its focus on social upheaval and a rejection of the leftist social organization.
May also be considered recent intellectual efforts of various features such as detailed proposal for implementation of anarchism known as Parecon developed by American Michael Albert in examining how they could run the economy and politics according to libertarian principles. A similar effort is the theory of inclusive democracy Takis Fotopoulos developed by.In Spain, it is noteworthy to Miquel Amorós, from a near situationism perspective, and from a more philosophical approach nihilistic Agustín García Calvo, in works like Against Time and Against Reality or Christian anarchism Carlos Diaz.
1 Principles
1.1 The principle of non-aggression
1.1.1 Free Enterprise from the State
1.2 Private property
1.2.1 Ownership of oneself and original appropriation
1.2.2 Common Property
1.2.3 Environment
1.2.4 Weapons
1.3 Law and order
2 Varieties of anarchist-capitalism
3 History and Origins
3.1 Classical Liberalism
3.2 anarchist-individualism nineteenth century American
3.3 Austrian School
4 Movement Referrals
4.1 In English
4.2 In Spanish
4.3 In other languages
5 Historical examples
5.1 The Celtic Ireland
5.2 The medieval Iceland
5.3 Early Pennsylvania
5.4 The American Old West
5.5 Internet
6 Reviews
6.1 From minarchism
6.2 From classical anarchism
6.3 Stability of legal institutions
7 Literatur
7.1 Nonfiction
7.2 Fiction
8 Symbols
9 References
10 Bibliography
10.1 That recognizes his anarchist character
10.1.1 As a form of individualist anarchism
10.1.2 As a type of anarchism in general
10.2 That rejects his anarchist character
The principle of non-aggression
The term anarchist-capitalism was coined in the mid-1950s by the economist and political philosopher Murray Rothbard. Other terms used for this philosophy are:
anti-state capitalism
anti-state market
capitalist anarchism
market anarchism
libertarian anarchism
free market anarchism
individualist anarchism
private law society
anarchy of private property
Pure capitalism
radical capitalism
anarchism right
stateless capitalism
stateless society
stateless liberalism
libertarianism anarchist
I define anarchist society as one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression against the person or property of any person.Anarchists oppose the State, as it has its very being in such aggression, namely, the expropriation of private property through taxation, the coercive exclusion of other providers of defense service from its territory, and all other depredations and coercions that are based on these two foci of invasion of individual rights. -Murray Rothbard in Society and State
Anarchist-capitalism, as defined by Rothbard and others relies heavily on the "non-aggression principle":
The basic axiom of libertarian political theory postulates that each man owns himself, possess absolute sovereignty over their own bodies. In effect, this means that no one can just invade or attack another person's body. It follows then that each person justly owns any resources previously unowned, of which this is appropriate or that "mix with their work." From these twin axioms - Property on itself and the original appropriation - the justification for the entire system of property titles in a free market society is built. This system establishes the right of every person to his own person, the right to donate to inherit (and consequently the right to inherit) and the right of contractual exchange of property titles
Murray Newton Rothbard, dean of the Austrian school of economics and founder of anarchist-capitalism, "Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution," Cato Journal 2, No. 1 (Spring 1982): p. 55-99.
Rothbard, one of the leading theoreticians of anarchist-capitalism in the twentieth century, defends the thesis of "self-ownership" by logical deletion of only two alternatives: a group of people to be mistress of another group of people, or that no person is absolute master of himself. Both alternatives fail to produce a universal ethic (which applies equally to all human beings), that is, a just law of nature, able to govern all regardless of place and time. The only valid alternative then, according to Rothbard, is the principle of self-ownership, which he is both axiomatic and universal.
In general, one can say that the axiom of non-aggression is a prohibition against the initiation of violence, or threat of use of violence against persons (ie, direct violence, assault, murder) or property legitimately learned from these (ie, theft, fraud, tax).At the initiation of violence usually refers to him as aggression or coercion. The difference between anarchist-libertarians and other liberals is basically due to the degree of commitment to this axiom.Minarchists liberal or classical liberals, for example, retain the state (with its inherent aggression) in a limited way and with minimal areas of action, whose duties consist only in the work of national defense, internal security and law and order and justice . In contrast, anarchist-capitalists reject even these levels of state intervention in social institutions and define the state as a coercive monopoly law and the legitimate use of violence, which is the only entity in society that obtains its revenue through legal assault, an entity whose existence violates the central axiom of anarchist-capitalism.
Some anarchist-capitalists like Rothbard accept the axiom of non-aggression by an intrinsic moral or natural justice. It is in terms of the axiom of non-aggression that Rothbard defined anarchism as a system "that provides no legal sanction for such aggression» and «what anarchism proposes then it is the abolition of the state, ie, the abolition of the institution regularized aggressive coercion " .In an interview with New BannerRothbard argues that "Capitalism is the fullest expression of anarchism, and anarchism the fullest expression of capitalism. Are not only compatible, but they can not have one without the other. True anarchism will be capitalism, true capitalism will be anarchism. " Alternatively, other as Friedman use a consequentialist perspective, instead of claiming that aggression is inherently immoral, they argue that a law against aggression can only arise from a contract between mutually interested parties, who agree thus refrain initiating violence together.
Free enterprise against the State
For the capitalist anarchism nonaggression axiom finds application in free enterprise and its negation in the state. They maintain that the statist power is a source of corruption, privilege and aggression, and its axis monopoly on security and defense, and they do not form a distinct category of goods and services to others and, therefore and Like these, can be produced more efficiently by private companies.
The capitalist anarchism holding companies as the result of individual contracts and therefore a legitimate and efficient way to organize people with the freedom to choose a competitor or to enter the competition as a universal way to preserve and promote quality services. Anarchist-capitalists displayed free enterprise as the basis of a free society. Define the free market capitalism as "peaceful voluntary exchange" in contrast to state capitalism which says it is "violent expropriation.""Capitalism", in the sense that anarchist-capitalists use this term, is an interpretation neolockeana or anarcolockeana of the property, not to be confused with state monopoly capitalism, oligarchic mercantilism (cartelized economies), Buddy capitalism or mixed economies contemporary, in which, according to anarchist-capitalists, incentives and disincentives natural market are distorted by state intervention.
Therefore reject the State based on the assumption that states are aggressive entities which steal property (through taxation and expropriation), initiate the use of force, monopolies are compulsive use of defense forces or repression, use their coercive power to benefit businesses and individuals at the expense of others, create monopolies and restrict trade. The libertarian anarchist capitalism arises propose himself as an individualist ideology and a market economy contrary to what they call the "actually existing capitalism", "authoritarian capitalism" or state capitalism.
It is theorized that without state intervention large corporations would be reduced or at least would suplantables at any time due to competition. That is, if there is a leader for a particular good or service is supposed to be be because consumers have so decided or because the supplier is under private ownership control of resources and ever because this situation is reached through coercion, and either by law or by threats or physical violence impositions.
Private property
Self-ownership and original appropriation
The anarcocapitalism usually uses the following terms.
Anarchism philosophy that opposes all forms start coercion (includes opposition to the State)
Contract: an obligating voluntary agreement between people
Coercion: physical force or threat of physical force against persons or property
Capitalism: economic system in which the means of production are privately owned, and where investments, production, distribution, revenue and prices are set by the operation of the free market instead of government
Free market: a market in which all decisions regarding transfer of money, goods (including capital goods) and se
rvices are voluntary
Fraud: inducing someone to share something of value by dishonest means
State: an organization and work rate through aggressive, systematic and institutionalized coercion
Voluntary: any action not influenced by coercion or fraud by any human institution
ANCAP: contraction of 'anarchist-capitalist', from which the hypothetical anarchist-capitalist society is derived nouns like 'ancapia'
Anarchist-capitalists define ownership of oneself as the right of every person to own her own body while using the principle of original appropriation state that everyone is rightful owner of all those previously unowned resources, on which they have made some form of work. In the words of Hans-Hermann Hoppe:
Each person is the rightful owner of his own physical body as well as of all natural resources and places to occupy and put in use by their body, with the sole condition that one is more occupied or used the same places the same previously goods. This ownership of "originally appropriated" by a person places and assets involves the right to use and transform these places and goods in whatever form this may think fit, provided only that as a result do not change the physical integrity of places and goods originally appropriate for another. In particular, once a well has been appropriated for the first time, to use Locke's phrase "good mixing with one's work" ownership of such places or property can only be acquired through a voluntary transfer -contractual, property title from a previous to a future owner
Hans-Hermann Hoppe, an Austrian economist and anarchist-capitalist philosopher, Rothbardian Ethics, 2002.
This is the root of property rights in anarchist-capitalism. Anarchist-capitalists defend the right of each person to the fruits of their work regardless of need or that of others. After being created by the work, the property can only legitimately change hands when voluntarily exchanged (other property previously produced by labor) or when it is given away or donated. Forced transfers, for which a party uses or threatens to use some form of violence, are considered illegitimate.
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