Murder in Cuba

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Murder in Cuba Page 12

by Dianne Harman


  At 10:00 the next morning Kelly went down to breakfast, intent on eating everything she could that was Cuban. It was a strange breakfast, but she knew it was one of her last in Cuba, and certainly the only one where she would be able to sample whatever she wanted. They were leaving on the first plane out the following day, so they could spend the day exploring Havana.

  Albondigas meatballs, Spanish sausages, mango juice, several different kinds of breads and cookies, Spanish bacon, garbanzo beans, and chicken with rice. She took a little of everything that interested her. Kelly had just sat down when she felt a tap on her shoulder. “Good morning,” Carola said. “I was going to suggest going down to the beach for a little while and then taking a siesta, but looking at that plate, I'm not sure you're going to be able to move after you eat all that’s on it.”

  “I know. I think my eyes were bigger than my stomach which is one reason why I try to avoid buffets. I always take a little of this and a little of that, and I can never eat all of it, but since this is our last day here, I'd love to join you on the beach. Have you eaten yet?”

  “Yes, I ate with Mike and Jack. They were both excited to get back on the water. Poor Mike. He paid all that money to come down here and then barely got to fish. I hope he does well today.”

  “So do I,” Kelly said. “He loves to fish, but he's not what he calls 'pole obsessed' like Philip. You know I've never met Philip’s wife, but I feel sorry for her. Cancer, an infant, and now her husband will be going to a Cuban prison for a long, long time. What a thing for that poor child. I hope Philip’s parents do a better job with their grandson than they did with him. Anyway, why don't I meet you in the lobby at 10:30, and we can spend some time on the beach? If the humidity gets to me, I can always go back to the room.”

  “See you then,” Carola said, blowing kisses to the hotel employees as she left the room.

  Three hours later, Kelly turned to Carola and said, “I feel like I'm a wet piece of putty. I'm heading back to the room. Let’s meet for a drink in the bar at 7:00.”

  “Sounds great. I think I'll go back to the room and take a little siesta. See you at 7:00.”


  Kelly fell asleep with Cayo lying next to her on the bed. When she woke up she thought, I'm not so sure that was a good idea, and I'm not so sure the hotel would be very happy about guests bringing stray cats into their rooms, but what the heck. If it hadn't been for Cayo, I'm not sure Jack would be alive.

  She got out of bed and took a shower, knowing that the first thing Mike was going to want to do when he returned from fishing was wash off the salt spray from the boat trip and also rinse his clothing out in the shower. Jack had been very emphatic that if you've been out fishing in a boat all day the first thing you do when you get back to your room is get in the shower with your clothes on, and when they’re completely wet, throw them in the sink and wash the salt spray off of your body. After your shower, hang the wet clothes out on the balcony, so they’ll be dry, salt free, and ready to wear the next day. Kelly finished up in the bathroom, knowing Mike would command it when he got back.

  A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. “Who is it?” Kelly asked.

  “It’s me, Mike. Open up. This may be the most exciting day of my life.”

  “Okay, I'll bite,” she said as she opened the door. “You went fishing. I can only assume you got a fish, maybe a couple.”

  He picked her up and swung her around. “No, I not only got a fish. I got three fish. Kelly, you are now looking at an official member of the exclusive Grand Slam Club. Look, here's the certificate. Guido gave it to me himself as a thank you for everything I’ve done. This may be the most thrilling thing that's ever happened to me.”

  “Careful, Sheriff. Thought you already said that on the day we were married.”

  “Okay, you got me. Let's just say it's on par with that day. They photographed me, and my picture is going to be on the wall at the Bartolo clubhouse. I mean, people from all over the world will know that Mike Reynolds is now a member of the Grand Slam Club. I can't believe it.”

  “What about Jack?” Kelly asked.

  “He got five bonefish and three tarpon.”

  “Well, that seems pretty impressive to me.”

  “Normally, it would be very impressive, but here's the thing. I only got three fish, but they were the ones that count, the tarpon, the permit, and the bonefish. Actually, Jack is thrilled for me.”

  "Really? I’d think he'd be a little jealous.”

  “Not at all. Look at it this way. I'm a paying customer. He takes me on his first trip to Cuba, and his client qualifies to become a member of the prestigious Grand Slam Club. That constitutes some pretty big bragging rights, not only for me, but for Jack as well.”

  “Yeah, I see what you mean. Go take a shower and try to come down from the planet you're on. We're meeting them in the bar at 7:00. You’ve got an hour.”

  “Kelly, I don't think you're giving me the respect I'm due for having accomplished this remarkable feat,” Mike said with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Sheriff, think it's one of those ‘had to be there things,’ and I wasn't there, although I am sorry I wasn't. I'm sure it was really exciting.”

  “Beyond,” he said, as he walked into the bathroom.


  Promptly at 7:00 they walked into the open-air bar and saw Jack waving to them. In front of him was a bottle of champagne with four glass flutes. “Kelly, Mike, we're celebrating. It doesn't get much better than this, a murder solved and my client getting a grand slam on my first guiding trip in Cuba. Who knew when we left the United States that all this would take place. Not me!”

  “Jack, I'm going to speak for both of us,” Kelly said. “Yes, there was a murder and that always saddens me, but we're all safe, Mike is now a member of the Grand Slam Club, and we had the best lobster of our lives on the beach at Playa Sirena. I will never forget that, and I rather doubt anyone else will either. You did a good job, Mr. Fly Fishing Guide.”

  “Thanks, but believe me, I had no idea all this would take place when I called to see if you'd be interested in coming to Cuba with me.”

  “My friend, I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Thanks for the invite. Tomorrow we fly to Havana and the next day to Mexico City and then home. Problem is, I think I need a vacation from this vacation,” Mike said laughing as each of them held up their glass of champagne and toasted Mike and the trip.


  The next morning while they were packing, Kelly said, “I think Cayo knows we're leaving, and he's sad. I wish I could take him with us.”

  “No, Kelly, the answer is a resounding NO. Two dogs are enough, plus Cayo has a major job here at the resort keeping the mice at bay. Think what might happen to this resort if he wasn't around to do it. It's kind of like some higher being decided to lend him to us for a little while, and he certainly did what was needed at a crucial time. And believe me, sweetheart, I, for one, am very grateful.”

  “Mike, I rather doubt Jack would be alive if it wasn't for Cayo. I know the van will be here in a little while, but I'm going down to the buffet and prepare a plate of food for my feline friend Cayo that includes everything a cat would like. See you in the lobby in a half hour.”

  Kelly walked into the lobby area with a very satisfied Cayo walking next to her. “Looks like the van’s here, and I see Carola and Jack coming,” she said to Mike. She stooped down and petted Cayo. “Bye little guy. Thanks for everything.” She stood up and looked down at him, sure that the reflection shining in his eyes was simply a reflection of the unshed tears she had in her eyes.

  “Vaya con Dios, little friend,” She followed Mike, Jack, and Carola into the van as the staff smiled and waved their goodbyes.


  There's a surprise following the recipes.



  4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
/>   ½ tsp. salt

  ½ tsp. freshly ground black pepper

  ½ tsp. paprika

  3 tbsp. vegetable oil

  1 green bell pepper, chopped

  ¾ cup chopped onion

  1 ½ tsps. minced garlic

  1 cup long-grain white rice

  1 (14.5 oz.) can chicken broth

  ½ cup white wine

  1/8 tsp. saffron

  1 (14.5 oz.) can stewed tomatoes

  1 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley


  Cut chicken breasts into 1 inch pieces and sprinkle with ¼ tsp. each of salt, pepper, and paprika. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add chicken, turning, and cooking until golden. Remove chicken and set aside.

  Add green pepper, onions, and garlic to skillet. Cook for 5 minutes. Add rice and cook until rice is opaque, 1 – 2 minutes. Stir in chicken broth, wine, saffron, tomatoes, remaining salt, pepper, and paprika. Bring to a boil. Cover and lower temperature to simmer. Cook for 20 minutes.

  Return chicken to pan until reheated. Stir in parsley. Serve and enjoy!



  2 ¾ cups water

  1 ½ cups short grained rice

  1 (1/4 inch x 3 inch) strip lime peel

  1 cinnamon stick

  2 tbsp. anise seed, crushed

  1 (12 oz.) can evaporated milk

  1 (14 oz.) can condensed milk

  1 tbsp. vanilla extract

  1/3 tsp. salt

  ¾ cup raisins, optional


  Combine 2 ¼ cups of water, rice, and lime peel in a saucepan. Bring to boil over medium-high heat, then reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes until rice is tender. While the rice is cooking, combine ½ cup water, cinnamon stick, and anise in another saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring mixture to a low boil for 3 minutes, then remove saucepan from heat.

  When rice is finished cooking, reduce heat to low, remove the lime peel with a slotted spoon, and gradually add evaporated milk and condensed milk into the rice. Add the cinnamon and anise flavored water, vanilla, salt, and raisins, if desired. Continue to stir until the mixture thickens, about 7 – 10 minutes. If the pudding is too watery after 10 minutes, turn up heat to medium-low and stir continuously until it reaches desired consistency. Remove from heat and pour into individual dishes. Refrigerate until fully chilled and ready to serve. Enjoy!


  Meatball Ingredients:

  2 eggs

  1 cup cracker crumbs (I use packaged)

  ¼ cup milk

  1 ½ lbs. ground beef

  1 tsp. dry yellow mustard

  2 tsp. cumin

  ½ tsp. pepper

  1 small onion, chopped

  ½ green onion, finely chopped

  1 tbsp. olive oil

  Flour for coating meatballs

  Sauce Ingredients:

  2 tbsp. olive oil

  1 medium onion, chopped

  1 green pepper, chopped

  4 garlic cloves, mashed

  1/3 cup ketchup

  1 tbsp. white vinegar

  1 tbsp. brown sugar

  1 tsp. salt

  1 (15 oz.) can tomato sauce


  In a large bowl, combine eggs, cracker crumbs, and milk. Blend in the ground beef and remaining ingredients. (I use my hands to mix it.) Form into balls about 2 inches in diameter. Lightly roll meatballs in flour. Heat olive oil over medium-high heat and add meatballs to oil. Cook 3 – 5 minutes turning so all sides are browned. When fully cooked remove from oil and drain on a paper towel lined cookie sheet.

  To make sauce, sauté onion and green pepper in olive oil until translucent. Add mashed garlic during the last minute or two of frying. Remove garlic. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour sauce into a large sauce pan, add the meatballs, and bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer on low for about 30 minutes. To serve, remove meatballs to a serving platter, topped with desired amount of sauce. Enjoy!


  Cake Ingredients:

  1 cup sugar, divided

  5 large eggs, separated and at room temperature

  1/3 cup milk

  ½ teaspoon vanilla extract

  1 cup flour, sifted

  1 ½ tsp. baking powder

  ½ tsp. cream of tartar


  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter a 9 x 13 inch pan. In a large mixing bowl beat ¾ cup sugar and 5 egg yolks for approximately 5 minutes or until the yolks are pale yellow. Gently stir in the milk, vanilla extract, flour, and baking powder.

  In another bowl, beat the 5 egg whites until soft peaks form, adding the cream of tartar after 20 seconds. Gradually add the remaining ¼ cup sugar and continue beating until the whites are glossy and firm. Gently fold the egg white mixture into the egg yolk mixture. Pour the batter into a baking dish and bake 40 – 50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove from oven and let cake cool completely on a metal rack. While the cake is cooling, prepare the syrup.

  Syrup Ingredients:

  1 (12 oz.) can evaporated milk

  1 cup sweetened condensed milk

  1 cup whipping cream

  1 tsp. vanilla extract

  1 tbsp. dark Cuban rum


  In a large bowl combine the ingredients until well blended.

  When the cake has cooled, pierce it about every ½ inch, taking care not to tear the cake. Keep the cake in the baking dish and place it on a rimmed baking sheet to catch the syrup when it overflows. Slowly pour the syrup over the top of the cake, spooning the overflow back on top until all the syrup is absorbed.

  Topping Ingredients:

  1 cup whipping cream

  2 tbsp. granulated sugar

  ½ tsp. vanilla extract


  In a small mixing bowl, beat the cream, sugar, and vanilla until stiff peaks form. Gently spread over the top of the cake after the syrup has soaked in. Enjoy!



  1 ½ cups dried black beans

  ¼ cup olive oil

  2 ½ cups diced onions

  2 ½ cups green pepper, seeded and diced

  4 cloves garlic, crushed and chopped

  3 tsp. ground cumin

  1 tsp. oregano

  1 bay leaf

  3 tbsp. white vinegar

  2 tbsp. tomato paste

  2 tsp. salt

  ½ tsp. freshly ground pepper

  4 ½ cups chicken stock

  3 cups long grain white rice

  2 tbsp. chopped parsley or cilantro for garnish


  Cover the dry beans with 4 cups of water in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand covered for one hour.

  Drain and rinse the beans. Add enough water to cover them and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and cook until tender, about 45 – 60 minutes. Drain.

  Rinse the rice with cold water until the water runs clear. Use a large covered stockpot and sauté the onion and green pepper in the olive oil until tender. Add garlic and sauté 1 – 2 minutes. Add tomato paste, black beans, oregano, cumin, bay leaf, and vinegar. Cook for about five minutes, stirring gently. Add the chicken stock and rice. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover and cook for about 20 – 30 minutes until rice is fully cooked.

  Adjust seasonings by adding salt and pepper to taste. Remove bay leaf and serve. Enjoy!


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  Here's an incredible book that turned my life upside down, literally. I wish I'd read it 40 years back. It would have saved me a lot of heartache and made life so much easier. I'
ve never come across something this good in recent times, and boy do I read a lot. The author ( has been endorsed by Brian Tracy and T Harv Eker.

  The Best Book on Money and Success That'll Take You to the Top


  CHAPTER 1 - A New Beginning

  CHAPTER 2 - What Do You Want?

  CHAPTER 3 - Plugging Massive Energy Leaks

  CHAPTER 4 - Empty Yourself First

  CHAPTER 5 - Resistance Explained

  CHAPTER 6 - Sin, a Wretched Invention

  CHAPTER 7 - Nothing can kill

  CHAPTER 8 - The Turnaround

  CHAPTER 9 - Actionless Action - Act Without Acting

  CHAPTER 10 - Mother's Special Recipe for Success (Reader's Favorite)

  CHAPTER 11 - The Power behind a Choice or Decision

  CHAPTER 12 - Why do some people never get what they want?

  CHAPTER 13 - Be Very Selfish & Don't Forget the F Word

  CHAPTER 14 - Reverse Engineering your Deepest Fear

  CHAPTER 15 - Living in the Now & The Secret of a Billion Bits

  CHAPTER 16 - The Essence


  A New Beginning

  It was the first week of March and Spring was just around the corner, eager to burst forth and bless everyone with life and warmth once more. A beaming sun and blue skies dotted with white fluffy clouds greeted all those who had assembled. Smiles abounded, and even those who were grouchy couldn't help flashing their pearly or not so pearly whites.

  The organization catered to those who needed someone "to listen" to them in their moment of crises, and in the long run steer them away, tactfully, from committing suicide. It had been in existence f or decades, tucked away in a quaint house in a leafy neighborhood in the suburbs. What these callers didn't realize was that loneliness was killing them, slowly and softly.

  Those who called the helpline came from all walks of life and over the decades the clientele included shop owners, taxi-drivers, cashiers, celebrities, office clerks, fast food workers, engineers, nurses, waiters, waitresses, CEO's, customer service reps, truckers, actors, actresses, loaders, baggage handlers, authors, directors, producers, janitors, warehouse workers, journalists, secretaries, bookkeepers, teachers, maids, pilots, maintenance people, lawyers, hoteliers, government officials, pimps, hookers, bankers, ex-convicts etc.


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