Nimrod Squad

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Nimrod Squad Page 17

by Bard Constantine

  Imagine a dystopian future where glittering cities exist alongside unchecked wilderness, where one can stumble from a cyberpunk setting into a post-apocalyptic one. Imagine the strange and wondrous sites and residents of such a place.

  If you can imagine that, you just might be in Havenworld.

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  Soldier. Mercenary. Vigilante. Hero.

  All Jett Thorne wanted to do was survive the end of the world. Placed in hibernation for over three centuries, he awakens to a country he no longer knows in Neo York, a city that thrives on corruption and violence. A chance encounter with a dying vigilante gives him the drive to do something about the depravity around him. Adopting the mantle of Vigil, he will wage a one-man war on the criminals who prey on the citizens of Neo York.

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  "Special Agent Hessler, delivering my final mission report."

  The massive screen at HSSC headquarters winked on, displaying Director Lynch's face. "I've received all the details of your mission, Agent Hessler. You employed unconventional, some might say questionable tactics. But in the end, the mission was a success. Los Nuevos was saved, Jude Maximillian survived and is in our debt. That's all that matters."

  "Thank you, sir."

  "Did you ever find out what Kilgore was after?"

  "No, sir. Sergeant Chen performed a search of some kind using Maximillian's network, but she covered her tracks too well. Whatever Kilgore had her recover died when he murdered her."

  "A pity. We'll keep trying to track Kilgore. See what kind of game he's playing." Lynch's metallic eyes whirred. "I'm surprised you authorized the release of Maxine Winters. Especially since you tried and failed to capture her over the last two years. Did her scars give you pause, Hessler? Did you look on the wreck that she is and feel pity for her?"

  "Not at all, sir. When you look at which HSSC agents she's killed, they were all AWOL or renegade. In a way, she did cleanup work for us. In view of her work in Los Nuevos, I felt it worthwhile to grant her a reprieve. She might be a useful freelance operative in the future."

  "Interesting. In spite of the fact that active operatives are still on her hit list, including me?"

  "We both know you'll never let her get close to you, sir. Blackjack is off the reservation, so he's no concern of ours. If she ever manages to take out Kilgore that would be a blessing for everyone. And I thought the other Agents she's targeted are already dead."

  "Not quite, Hessler. Franklin Newman is absolutely dead. But the reports about Natalie Whitman's death has been greatly exaggerated. She recently reported in from her assignment in New Haven. I'm calling you in for the mission breakdown. I think you'll be very interested in what she has to say. Especially since you'll be taking command over our operation in New Haven."

  New Haven.

  Hessler felt his pulse quicken. The mother lode of missions, assigned to the very best of Agents. The assignment was one of the most dangerous on the dossiers but was considered the golden ticket to advancing to the highest ranks. "What will be my assignment, sir?"

  "You will be responsible for reactivating Agent Mike Trudo."

  Hessler frowned in confusion. "Agent Trudo? Isn't he dead as well?"

  "Not at all. He's been deep undercover all this time. Perhaps too deep, which is why you're going there. Your assignment is to remind him of his original mission and aid him in its completion by any and all means necessary. With Kilgore unleashed and waging his own personal war, we have to close the loop on as many pertinent missions as possible."

  "How do I find Agent Trudo, sir?"

  Lynch did something Hessler had never seen in all of his years as an operative for the HSSC. He grinned, white teeth flashing from the shadows of his face. It was a bizarre sight, nearly terrifying as it altered Lynch's face into something twisted and malevolent.

  "You'll find him easily enough. He goes by the decidedly unsubtle moniker of Mick Trubble. He's a Troubleshooter."

  Agent Hessler's mission will continue in The Troubleshooter: Fears in the Rain (Dec. 2019)

  About the author

  Bard Constantine is a self-described neo-pulp author. In his own words:

  "My stories aren't life-changing. They're not what critics would call fine literature. My stories are throwbacks to the paperbacks you'd stuff in your back pocket and read on the bus, at the park, or in math class instead of doing your algebra. I write adventure stories. Genre-blended, action-oriented pulp fiction with a kick. If that's what you're looking for, then I'm your guy."

  Keep up with all of Bard's latest releases by following him on Amazon: simply go to his author page and click FOLLOW under his picture.

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