Purgatory: Heaven Sent Extended Remix: Book Two

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Purgatory: Heaven Sent Extended Remix: Book Two Page 4

by Jet Mykles

  Reese stared at those hooded sable eyes, took in the way the half-light made interesting, gray-green shadows on that sharply defined face, and tried really hard to think. His heart was racing and his skin was all tingly. Luc didn’t hate him? Luc was apologizing? Luc thought that he had been wrong, not Reese?

  “I…” He what? He was flabbergasted. Never had he thought to get an apology from Luc. He’d always know he was in the wrong that day.

  Luc stared at him and seemed equally thrown. “Yeah.”

  “Well, I… Thank you?”

  “You’re welcome?” This over a dark chuckle.

  “I… don’t know what else to say.”

  “Me neither.” Luc grinned and held up his drink. “Salud.”

  Reese forced a matching grin and raised his own to clink with Luc’s. “Up yours.”

  They both laughed at the very old joke then finished their drinks in awkward silence.

  Then Reese couldn’t take it. His brain didn’t work and he simply couldn’t be in Luc’s presence anymore. “Well.” He stood, picking up his phone to check the time. “I need to check on Dave.” He laughed feebly. “It’s my job to make sure he doesn’t overdo it tonight.”

  Luc pinned him with a look that Reese couldn’t begin to interpret. “Yeah.”

  He nodded. “Yeah.”

  “See you tomorrow.”

  “Yep.” With surprising difficulty, he stepped away, turning his body so his treacherous eyes could no longer fixate on what was still their favorite sight. “See you.”

  The first step was the hardest, but it got easier as he kept his back to Luc. There was enough alcohol in his system that he could delude himself and let the realization of what just happened pass him by.


  Luc sat at the bar, shredding a cocktail napkin, a nervous activity that he’d seen others do and wasn’t helping him in the slightest. The bartender hovered in case he wanted another drink, but he didn’t raise his head. He did everything humanly possible to not think. Not yet.

  It couldn’t last. His bubble of obscurity broke when someone sat on Reese’s barstool. He didn’t need to see the cigarette pack, sunglasses and phone set down on the bar to know that it was Brent.


  Luc shook his head. “No fucking way.”

  “Afraid so.”

  “No fucking way.”

  Long fingers tapped the plain black phone case idly. “Can you just decide that you’re not gay? Is that even possible?”

  Luc raised a glare to his oldest friend in the world. “No. You can’t.”

  Brent nodded. “Yeah, you can’t. Not in a healthy way, anyway. But, shit—” dark eyes, so like his, watched something behind Luc’s back, “—he seemed convinced. And a teacher? Man, I did not see that one coming.”

  Neither had he. Not in a million years. In a way, I’ve got you to thank for that. It tore at his heart. Luc lowered his head to stare at his fingers. Fingers that had wanted so badly to shake some sense into Reese, right before hauling him in for a soul-crushing kiss. “He still here?”

  “Mmm. Gathering up the groom.”

  “Shit.” Luc raised one hand to rake it through his hair, leaving it there to tug so he could feel the sting. “Shit!”

  They stayed like this for what felt like a few hours, which was really only ten or fifteen minutes. This was not what was supposed to happen. They were going to come back home, see some people, it’d be fun. He was going to see Reese and Reese would still fucking be Reese! Beautiful, quirky, sweet Reese who’d once thought he’d made the sun rise and set. He would have been blind not to see the devotion, and if he hadn’t seen, Reegan had sure let him know how much her brother adored him. Reese was three years younger than him and back then three years between guys made Reese more of a kid. How that made sense when he’d dated Reegan, Reese’s twin sister, he didn’t know and hadn’t given a thought back then. Reese had just always seemed younger. So he’d known of it, but he hadn’t realized until that night that it was something sexual. He hadn’t been ready to see heat in those amazing blue eyes and he’d been thrown way the hell off when his body had responded. He’d seen Reese’s want and it had been all he could do to stay still when Reese crawled over him. He’d told himself that it was just a reflection of the sister who’d just broken up with him because they looked so very much alike. His arms, his hands, his legs, his everything had wanted to wrap around that slim body but astonishment had kept him still. Then the kiss. That achingly soft, achingly sweet kiss that still haunted him. Not like his sister, not like any of the many girls Luc had kissed, not like anything he’d yet experienced. His past self had exploded. Back then, there was no way that Lucas Sloane was gay. Fuck no, fuck that. Hence his reaction, his denial and his abandonment. His actions, which looked like they broke a gorgeously unique person. A person he’d come back to try and get to know again, now that he’d discovered a few things about himself.

  Looked like he might be too late.

  “They’re gone,” Brent told him quietly. He turned around to face the bar and a few minutes later a whiskey on the rocks appeared in front of Luc.

  He templed his fingers atop the old-fashioned glass, but didn’t lift it. “What do you think?”

  Brent took a breath. “I’m not sure what to think.”

  “Give it a shot.”

  “I think no matter what he says, he’s still into you.”

  That made Luc look up, stupid hope blossoming in his chest.

  Brent was watching him, one brow arched. “There’s no way he could hide the way he’s attracted to you. Though he did try.”

  Luc frowned.

  “I think…” Brent screwed his lips to the side in a moment’s thought. “I think he’s gay, still wants you, but doesn’t want to want you.”

  “That sounds familiar.” He raised the glass to his lips.

  “Does. Doesn’t it.”

  The shot rang true. Brent had lived through Luc’s denial for years. Hell, they’d both gone through the same denial. Before the inevitable crashed over them and they both had to realize: both of them were at the very least bisexual, but leaning more toward gay. Even though he’d enjoyed a lot of women, once he started experimenting with the male body, he’d figured out a lot about himself, not the least of which that he liked cock. Brent had come to the same quiet realization. Johnnie had loved it, even if he hadn’t been amongst those either Luc or Brent experimented with.

  He drank too fast and the whiskey blasted his head. Eyes closed, he lowered the glass and sat up. “What do I do?”

  “You’re asking me?”

  A rarity, since he rarely asked anyone’s advice. But this guy was one of the few whose opinion mattered to him and whose counsel he might take once and awhile. So he nodded.

  Brent considered it. “See what happens tomorrow. And, hey, you’ll get to meet the girlfriend.”

  Luc glared.

  Brent smiled, tipping his head in a mini-shrug. “It’s a start.”

  Chapter Three

  Reese nearly stabbed his lip with his fork when Piper nudged his arm. Grimly dismayed, he watched the chunk of chicken that had been headed for his mouth drop into a puddle of sauce on his plate. “Watch it.”

  He frowned at her but she didn’t even acknowledge what had happened, just kept tugging on the sleeve of his tuxedo shirt, gesturing across the room. “They’re done eating now. Introduce me.”

  He sighed, glancing the direction she was not-at-all-subtly indicating. He didn’t need to look, though. She was talking about Luc, Brent, and Johnnie’s husband Tyler, all of whom sat at a table near one of the open balcony doors. A few waiters were clearing plates from their table and refilling wine glasses. Johnnie and Darien’s chairs were empty but no doubt they’d soon return. The table had been the second center of attention since the reception began, nearly upstaging the bride and groom. Thankfully, Reegan didn’t seem to mind, too caught up in cuddling and laughing with Dave to notice. Their moth
er had grumbled once, Reegan had told her to relax, that it was fine, and that was that. At least, aloud.

  Whatever. Reese stabbed the chicken again and got it to his mouth this time. “Later.”


  He chewed. “I’m eating now. Later.”

  She scowled at him, sitting back in her chair. Although he’d been in the wedding party, Reegan had not arranged things so that he had to sit at a head table with them. Reegan and Dave sat at their own table on a dais at one end of the room and Reese sat at a table with his parents, a few other family members and his girlfriend. His girlfriend who could not be more pissed at him. She crossed her arms over small breasts covered with the shimmery blue of her dress. A lock of carefully coiffed blonde hair fell down the side of her face when she cocked her head. “Why won’t you introduce me? They’re your friends, aren’t they?”

  He tried to concentrate on eating. “Piper, please. Thanks to ceremony and everything else, this is the first chance I’ve gotten to eat all day.”

  “You could have eaten breakfast.”

  “Actually, with all that went on this morning at Mom’s house this morning, I couldn’t. I’m starving.”

  Her nostrils flared and she huffed. Because she was seated sideways at the table, he could see her crossed legs, the top leg bouncing as a sure sign of agitation. She wasn’t usually high maintenance. Until today, she’d understood that Reegan and his mother had roped him into all sorts of responsibilities before the ceremony and during. She had seemed perfectly happy to meet him at the reception and, while he’d been busy, she’d hung out with a few girlfriends and their dates. But since she’d discovered that Heaven Sent was not only at the wedding but that Reese knew them, she’d ramped up the diva. Didn’t matter when he tried to explain that he hadn’t seen them in years and that Reegan had only told him about their presence the previous day, she was in a snit and demanded that he make introductions.

  He weighed whether it was worth it to fight about this, knowing she’d hold a grudge. She may not be high maintenance, but if there was something she wanted, she’d tear apart anything she could to get it. It didn’t happen often but it was terrible when it did. He sighed, took one last bite of whatever kind of chicken he had before him, and stood. “Fine.” He put his white — no, Reegan and Mom insisted it was ivory — jacket back on, snatched up his champagne flute in one hand and Piper’s arm in the other, and pulled her from her seat.

  He couldn’t say why he was in such a bad mood. The wedding had been beautiful and had gone on without a hitch. Reegan was gorgeous, Dave was besotted and everything heralded a wonderful life together. He was surrounded by family and friends and, now that the ceremony was over, there were only a few official duties. Now was the time he was supposed to enjoy himself. But instead of doing that, he could not wait for this wedding to be over. Piper in a mood just made it worse.

  He glanced over to the head table where Reegan and Dave were seated. They were feeding each other, oblivious to their hundred plus guests, giggling like the lovesick loons that they were. Could he ever be that way with Piper? Probably not. He wasn't aware that he ever looked at Piper like that and he was sure he'd never seen such devotion aimed his way. But that wasn’t fair. Piper had a completely different personality than either Reegan or Dave. She could be a lot of fun and very affectionate, but she was so very self-efficient that it was sometimes standoffish. He’d known from the start. He hadn’t initiated their relationship, but she’d coaxed him around. Whenever he complained that they didn’t seem to be as close as other couples — carefully he’d suggested this, twice — she explained that they were different than other couples and they were fine as they were. Since he had no other alternatives and he wasn’t exactly unhappy, he went along with it. Reegan hated their relationship — not Piper, she’d always clarify, just Reese with her — and continually tried to get him to break up with her. He resisted, although at times like this he wondered why. Sighing, he sipped his champagne as he and Piper threaded through the crowd.

  Luc glanced up and saw them coming, then kept his gaze on their approach. Reese very nearly stumbled. God, he was stunning! His navy suit had to have been tailored to fit his long, lean form. The jacket was draped over his chair, revealing a pale blue shirt that shimmered of silk and perfectly draped his broad shoulders. His auburn curls were pulled back in an attempt to tame them, but Mother Nature simply would have her way, and she had worked a dozen tendrils free to wave gloriously about his ears and neck. He sat back in his seat beside Brent and swirled his wineglass. Brent’s gray jacket was also draped on his chair. The sunglasses hid his eyes but he was clearly in a discussion with Tyler, who looked out of the open French doors behind them as they spoke.

  Luc’s gaze raked briefly over Piper as Reese brought her around the table, his hand at the small of her back to get her there first. But Luc chose to concentrate on him. “Hey, Reese. Where you been?”

  Reese ducked his head, astounded by the flush of warmth that suffused his chest at the sound of that voice. A grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Ah, Reegan’s been running me ragged.”

  “I’ll bet. Your mom, too, by the looks of it.” Luc smiled in sympathy as he put down his glass.

  “Oh yeah.”

  “She looks great, by the way.”

  “Thanks. This is her day almost as much as it is Reegan’s.”

  “Yep. That’s how it goes.”

  Luc glanced at Piper, who was practically vibrating at Reese’s side, clutching her little purse in two hands. Reese glanced too and almost groaned. Could she be a tad bit more simpering? Okay, yes, Luc was stunningly beautiful, but she was almost drooling, for God’s sakes. “Luc, this is my girlfriend, Piper. Piper… well, you know.”

  Luc smiled and extended his hand.

  Reese would have gone on to introduce Brent, who’d noticed them, but Piper was clearly more interested in Luc. She had the audacity to giggle as she took his hand into both of hers, holding on like a fisherman to a rod. The beads in that purse had to be digging into Luc’s hand. “Oh, Luc.” Where did that breathy tone come from? “I’m such a big fan.”

  Reese finished off his champagne to hide a scowl. She was not either! She barely knew their music, had only heard it because Reese still occasionally played it.

  Brent’s lips twitched. Beside him, Tyler silently watched, big blue eyes patiently curious.

  “I had no idea you were a friend of Reese’s.” Piper slapped Reese’s arm, and it was a damn good thing his glass was now empty or he’d have spilled it. “He doesn’t tell me anything.”

  “He doesn’t?” Luc grinned at Reese as he managed to slip his hand free of Piper’s grip. “That’s funny. I remember not being able to shut him up.”

  Reese grimaced at Luc. “Ha. Ha.” He put his empty glass down on the table and eyed the nearly full glass of wine in front of Luc. Wasn’t his fault that Luc’s mere presence used to turn him into a babbling fool.

  “Well, he must have changed since then.” Piper pouted.

  Oh, she had no idea! Literally. Subtly, he stepped back so that Piper couldn’t see his face, met Luc’s eyes, and shook his head slightly. She knew next to nothing about that time in his past and he’d rather keep it that way.

  Luc’s smile didn’t even waver. He acknowledged Reese’s gesture with a slight nod of his own. “He must have.” The devil’s eyes focused on her. “Piper, was it?”

  “Yes. Piper Laurenston.” She stepped closer so that her knees nearly touched Luc’s. “I’m an executive assistant at a law firm.”

  Reese snorted, but kept his tongue. Funny, he thought she was a receptionist for a local lawyer.

  “Really? That’s great.” Luc was being so nice. But then, he had tons of practice with simpering fans. “How did you meet Reese?”

  Reese tuned out, distracted by a passing waitress with a tray of full champagne flutes. While she paused to ogle the rockstars, he grabbed one. There was quite a bit of casual traffic around this
particular table and not a few sly pictures being taken with ever-present phones. Thankfully, the wedding guests were being relatively respectful and not crowding the famous people.

  A long arm landed hard around his shoulders and this time Reese’s drink did spill on his hand and shirt cuff.

  He sputtered, just managing not to dump any more, then glared at the offender who’d managed to sneak up on him. “Johnnie, damn it.”

  The tall lead singer and partial namesake of Heaven Sent laughed. “Reese! You made that suit look good.” Johnnie was dressed in outrageous elegance, of course, in an emerald-green suit with a sleek gold shirt. His acres of hair were tamed into a single queue that fell down his back, banded every few inches by green velvet. He kissed Reese’s cheek and even though Reese’s adoration had always been for Luc, Reese’s heart did flutter a bit.

  “Gee, thanks.” Reese looked to Tyler, who only seemed amused at his husband’s antics. Tyler was less extravagantly dressed but no less stunning in a simple cream suit with a navy shirt that brought out the blue of his eyes. Reese had met the man the previous night at the bachelor party, before Luc’s shocking apology and had liked him instantly. “Tyler, couldn’t you teach this asshole some manners?”

  Tyler snorted, sitting back in his chair. “Are you nuts? I haven’t managed to teach him anything.”

  Johnnie left Reese’s side to ease behind Tyler's chair. He leaned down, sliding his cheek briefly over the Tyler’s golden curls. “Mmm, yes. But I’ve taught you a lot, haven’t I?”

  Tyler sat forward and glared over his shoulder. “Down, boy.”

  Johnnie chuckled, green eyes twinkling. “Only for now.”

  An elbow gouged Reese’s side. He cursed and looked down at Piper. She made big eyes at him, he made big eyes at her, she glanced at the table, then he sighed. “Hey, Johnnie. Tyler. Brent. This is my girlfriend, Piper.” Oh, he was going to catch it later for his disinterested tone if she remembered. But at the moment, he couldn’t care less. If she wasn’t with him, he might have sat down for a chat. Little food and a lot of champagne had mellowed his reaction to Luc enough that he could maintain a conversation. If others were around. Maybe.


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