The BEARy Possessive Grizzly (Bear Clan, 5)

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The BEARy Possessive Grizzly (Bear Clan, 5) Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  And then he reached out and cupped the sides of my face, pulled me in close, and kissed me. God, it was absolute perfection, and there was no way I was ever leaving his side.

  Chapter Eight


  Shit, this was actually happening, and at warp speed. She wasn’t going to stop this, hungry for me the same way I was for her.

  And I’d give her everything she needed, everything she wanted.

  I knew I wouldn’t be able to control my bear. He wanted out.

  “Mena, baby, my bear wants to be with you, sample you.” Those words were nothing but this distorted growl that left my lips, my bear right there at the surface, the threat of shifting very real. I had my hands on her cheeks, holding her face, wanting to devour her.

  My nails were turning into claws, my body getting bigger with an impending shift.

  “I know this is fast, but fuck, Mena, I can’t control myself. I need you like I need to breathe.” I moved a step closer and growled low, opening my mouth slightly so she could see my canines. “Do you know what it means when I say you’re mine?”

  She nodded slowly, licked her lips, and I saw her pupils dilate. She said she knew, but I doubted she comprehended the extent of how far I’d go to make her mine… to keep her as mine.

  “I’d kill anyone who hurt you, betrayed you, hell, even fucking looked at you the wrong way.” She gasped slightly and I wanted to take that air into my lungs, live off of it.

  I was so fucking feral right now that I was being an obscene bastard as I reached out and took her hand in mine. I stared into her eyes as I led it down so it rested right over my denim-clad dick. My erection was a force to be reckoned with right now, hard and thick, demanding to be free.

  “But you want that, don’t you? You want me to be so fucking obsessive I’d kill someone if they tried to take you from me.”

  She didn’t answer right away, but she didn’t need to say the words. I could smell that affirmation as clear as day.

  “Ask me what I want.”

  She sucked in a breath. “What do you want?” It was nothing but a whisper.

  “I want you naked on my bed, spread for me, your pussy dripping wet for my cock.” I leaned in close and pressed my lips against hers, not stopping myself, not giving a fuck how fast this might seem.

  It felt right.

  I felt my erection jerk behind my jeans.

  “I—I’ve never done this. I’ve never done anything like this,” she murmured quietly, and I wanted to swallow the confession whole, take it into my body and keep it forever.

  I pushed back and stood before reaching out and helping her do the same. I pulled her forward, wrapped my arms around her, and she rested her head on my chest as if it was natural. And it was. It felt so fucking good and perfect.

  There was no way I wanted to pull away, but I needed to touch her, to kiss her. I leaned in to look in her eyes. “I’ve claimed you, Mena. Do you know what that means to a male like me, to shifters like us?”

  She stared at me with wide eyes.

  “It means you’re mine,” I said low, not trying to be demanding, but also showing her, telling her there was no way I’d walk away. “I’ll kill any man who thinks they can take you from me. I’ll break bones, rip limbs apart… snuff out a life as easily as if it were a flame on a candle.” I made this low, deep growling noise, and I felt a shiver course through her body.

  “That’s… intense,” she almost moaned, and I closed my eyes at how exquisite it felt to hear that sound.

  “It means I won’t let you go, Mena. And I know you want me, want this.” I didn’t phrase it like a question. I inhaled. “In fact, your pussy is wet for me, soaked and ready for my cock.”

  She gasped.

  I felt my animal push and pull for supremacy. My bear came forward, my body growing, my muscles getting larger, no doubt my eyes blacker, my canines becoming longer.

  “You see what you do to me?” I leaned in another inch, ran the tip of my tongue up her throat, and I knew she closed her eyes because she liked how it felt. The scruff along my cheek moved over her smooth flesh, and the noise she made had the sweetness of her arousal blooming in the air for me.

  Not thinking, just needing to feel her, I closed the distance that separated us and kissed her, hard and with as much passion as I felt for her. My grunt of pleasure had her opening her mouth wider for me, and I groaned.

  “I need you, Mena. I fucking need you like my animal needs out to extinguish its energy,” I murmured against her mouth, grabbed her hair, and tilted her head back. And then I felt her reach down, moving her little palm along the front of my jeans. I nearly snapped right then and there and let my animal out.

  When she reached the hard, thick length straining against the denim, an involuntary moan left me. She whimpered in response. I gripped her shoulders and pulled her closer, impossibly so.

  She curled her hand around the iron-hard ridge that was secured behind my fly, and a shudder went through my body.

  Fuck, I’d never felt anything so good.

  “I want you so damn badly, Mena.” My hips jerked forward in her grip. I slid one of my hands off her shoulder and made a slow trek down her side to rest it right on top of her thigh. The heat from her touch went straight through my jeans.

  I couldn’t stop, couldn’t control myself anymore.

  In the next instant, I had her standing, gripped her thighs, and lifted her easily off the ground. She wrapped her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck, and kissed me like she’d never been kissed before in her life.

  And she hadn’t.

  We were each other’s first… everything.

  I knew that, and I knew she was inherently aware of that as well.

  And then I moved back, my mouth still on hers, my hands cupping her ass. I turned and sat down, bringing her right down with me so she now straddled my waist, our kiss never breaking. Both of my hands were now gripping her hips, and I pressed her down on me at the same time I lifted up and ground my erection against the softness between her thighs.

  “Cason, God.” She closed her eyes as she ground her pussy on my shaft.

  “I want so much more of you, Mena.” I started kissing her neck, and she tilted her head to the side, giving me what I wanted. “I want you to let me claim you. I need you to tell me you’re mine.” I licked a path over the shell of her ear, and she moaned for me, a little gasoline on the fire of our passion. “Like that, don’t you, baby?” I ran my tongue over the spot again, and she shivered. “I want inside you so badly.” I couldn’t help but be vulgar, couldn’t stop myself from saying those filthy words.

  A gasp left her at my blunt statement. And then she ground herself on me. I needed nothing between us… needed my cock inside her. My brain was fuzzy, my animal clouding my human side. I ran my palms over her ass and cupped the mounds, giving them a squeeze.

  I roared slowly, low, and moved so she was now on her back, lying down. And when I tore her clothes from her body, her legs spread as she let out a gasp of aroused surprise, and my much bigger body lay between them. She stared at me with wide eyes, but I smelled her desire.

  The hardness of my muscles felt incredible against her softness. I was just a man who wanted his female, a bear who wanted his mate. I trailed my lips along the side of her jaw and down to the erogenous spot right below her ear.

  “You feel so good beneath me.”

  “You feel so good on top of me.”

  I panted. “I can’t stop, can’t even control myself around you anymore.”

  “Don’t stop, Cason.”

  I felt how wet she was for me, so ready to take me into her body. Our hips started moving as if they had a mind of their own, rubbing and thrusting against each other, making me hotter with need.

  “I can feel your heat. God, it’s driving me insane with lust, driving my fucking bear to the edge.” My voice was nothing but a distorted growl.

  I speared one of my hands into her hair while the othe
r made slow work of moving down her body. When I started moving lower, her body shook with her need.

  “Mena. Baby girl. You’re shaking, little bear.”

  “I need you, Cason.”

  And she’d have every part of me.

  My cock could’ve ripped through my jeans for how badly I wanted her. I moved my callused fingers against her inner thigh. She started moving her hips, as if trying to get closer.

  “I’ll take care of you, Mena. I’ll make you feel so fucking good.”

  I slipped my hand between her legs and spread my fingers through her slick heat. “You have no idea how much I want to be inside you, to feel your body gripping me, bringing me closer to the ecstasy I know I can only have with you. Tell me where you want my fingers,” I murmured against her lips, my fingers on her pussy, but I need to hear her say the filthy words. I was tormenting both of us with this prolonged pleasure.

  She stared at me with wide, almost scared eyes. “I want you to touch my…” She was silent for a second. “I want you to touch my pussy, Cason. I want your fingers deep inside of me.”

  My whole body shook at those words, at knowing it took great courage for her to say that to me. “God, Mena. You have no idea how turned on I am right now, how you saying that makes me about to fucking come.”

  She gasped when I ran my tongue along the shell of her ear. When my hand molded between her thighs fully, she arched her back and cried out.

  “Fuck. You’re so hot and wet.” I licked her ear, moved the muscle along the inside of the shell, and a shiver worked through her. “You’re so ready for me, aren’t you, Mena? Your pretty pussy is soaking wet, primed for my big cock.”

  Her answer was a moan.

  My fingers were calloused from working manual labor, and I slid those roughened fingers along her swollen lower lips, teasing her. A fresh gush of moisture left her, and I bit my lip and tried not to get off right then and there. I needed her bared for me in every possible way.

  Placing her hands on my chest, she gave a gentle push, and I reluctantly moved back. She controlled things, even if I wanted to tear the material off her body and have every single inch of her.

  Only a second passed between us, and then she was gripping the hem of her shirt and lifting it above her head. Fuck. This was really happening. I was finally going to claim my mate. And then she was completely naked for me and I looked my fill, taking in her curves and creamy skin. The way her nipples were pink and hard made my mouth water.

  I wanted more.

  I knew right now I probably looked fierce. I felt that way.

  “Now you,” she whispered, and I growled, my animal right there as I started undressing.

  I was so fucking hard. The only way I’d ever even been able to get hard to jerk off before was when I thought about my mate, tried to picture her, imagined being with her in all the ways that mattered.

  And the more she stared at me, the way her gaze moved across my tattoos, the way I knew that turned her on, had me getting stiffer.

  My body flexed as I moved closer. I reached for her, bringing her body flush with mine and kissing her senseless. Our combined breathing was fast and labored, and I knew I couldn’t wait any longer. I gripped her waist and pulled her up so she was straddling my hips now. I knew she could feel the definite outline of my erection pressed incessantly against her, as if it wanted to be let free.

  “I’m going to take you on my bed, surrounded by my scent.”

  “Take me there, Cason. I need you.”

  I ran my tongue along every square inch of her exposed flesh I could reach. Goose bumps formed on her body, and she gripped onto my shoulders, pulling me closer.

  I shifted on my feet, taking a step away so I could move my body lower, sliding a trail of wet kisses along her flesh until I knew my hot breath teased the skin right above her pussy. She stared at me as if riveted to the sight of what I did. I heard her hold her breath as I opened my mouth and moved my tongue closer to the part I knew ached for me. There she lay, completely naked, her legs spread, entirely submitting to me and my bear.

  I loved this female from the moment I saw her, and I knew that love would only grow with each passing second.

  “Fuck,” I said on a moan right before I covered her pussy with my mouth. Over and over, I dragged my tongue along her cleft, moving to her clit and circling the engorged bundle of nerves before sliding it down to press against the opening of her body.

  She closed her eyes and arched her neck, baring her throat for me as if almost on instinct.

  “You taste so fucking good.” I couldn’t stop myself from grunting out those words against her soaked flesh.

  I flattened my tongue and ran it up and down her slit right before suctioning onto her clit and sucking hard. I scented her orgasm approaching, the smell like right before it was about to rain.




  A powerful orgasm was building inside her. I smelled it. Felt it. I brought her to the precipice and then slowed before it claimed her, wanting to prolong this even though I desperately wanted to feel her go over the edge because of me.

  “God. Cason,” she moaned. “Please… don’t stop.”

  “Never.” When my mouth latched onto her clit again, I started a sensuous rhythmic suctioning.

  The fact that she thrashed her head back and forth told me I hit the sweet spot. And when I teased her pussy hole, slowly slipping my tongue inside, that’s when she surrendered to me.

  I was relentless as I dragged out her pleasure. When the sensations became too much, she tried to push me away, I groaned in disappointment but gave her what she wanted. I’d never push her, never rush her. She controlled me, not the other way around.

  In one fluid motion, I stood and kicked off my pants, fully got undressed, because I needed to be with her right here and now.

  I stood there, Mena staring at me totally naked, taking in every part of me, and I grew proud and aroused at the scent of her quickening, thickening desire. And when I reached down and grabbed the long, thick jut of my cock in my palm, stroking the fucker and being obscene, I roared internally as her eyes widened and her mouth parted even more.

  “Know what I want?”

  She lifted her gaze from my dick and stared into my eyes, shaking her head even though I knew she was fully aware of what I desired.

  “I want inside of you, Mena. I want to stretch you, claim that virgin cherry, know it’ll only ever be mine.” I took a step closer to her. “I want to stretch you out, make your pussy form to my shaft only.” I was breathing so hard and fast that my chest was rising frantically. “All I can think about is devouring you.”

  I moved toward her, knowing in this instance I looked very much the animal I housed inside me. My tendons and muscles flexed and bunched as I moved with lethal precision toward my female. And then I didn’t stop myself from slipping my hands over her legs, splaying her inner thighs open for me, and I took in how gorgeous her pussy was.

  “God, Mena,” I breathed and felt my bear start to take control. I knew my pupils were dilated with lust. “Do you know how much I want you?” I didn’t wait for her to respond as I took hold of my thick and long shaft once more, stroking it a few times, because I couldn’t stop myself, working myself up even more. She was panting as I brought the crown to the entrance of her body. “Watch, baby.”

  The air sawed in and out of her as she watched what I was doing.

  “I want you so fucking badly I can’t see straight, can’t even think.” I felt primal in this moment. “This is it. You’re fucking mine.”

  Chapter Nine


  The wet, hot flesh of Mena’s pussy sucked at the head of my cock. I gritted my teeth as I fed her more of my dick. She felt so fucking good that I knew I wouldn’t last.

  “My first,” I gritted out. I wasn’t ashamed to admit I was a virgin, because I’d waited my entire life for her, for this moment.

  Her eyes widened

  “That’s right, little bear,” I confirmed and pushed more of my cock into her. “You’re my first. You’re my last.” I was breathing hard, trying to suck air into my lungs. “There will never be anyone else for me. Never.”

  When I looked at her, an expression of uninhibited desire was reflected back at me even through her discomfort. It was like learning I was a virgin too took most of the pain of her own virginity away. My mate, my female.

  She stared at me with glossy, aroused-looking eyes, her hair tousled, and her mouth this lush, strawberry color.

  I snapped my jaw closed after the bear in me roared out in triumph. I was finally having her. I’d finally give her my mark, one where everyone would know she was mine.

  “That’s it, baby. Take all of me.” Breathing out the words, I continued to shove my shaft into her until I felt my balls brushing against the curve of her ass, sucking in a breath through my teeth at another squeeze of her inner muscles on my cock. I gripped her waist tighter, digging my claws into her supple, soft flesh. “You’re so hot and tight.” I could smell her sweet arousal and hear the little sounds of need she made. “I’m going to take care of you forever, baby girl. I’m going to make you feel so fucking good.”

  “Yes,” she groaned.

  Bracing my knees apart caused her thighs to widen far. I pulled out slowly, feeling every ripple of her body contracting around me, and staring down at the tip of my dick lodged at her entry.

  The restraint it was taking me to go slowly, to give her time to adjust to my penetration, was enough to make me go fucking mad. I was already partially shifted, trying to stay calm, stay human.


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