by Kate Rolin
Cyrus’s heart nearly tore in two.
He wouldn’t even mention what it would do to him if they married and something happened to her first. As much as it would hurt her now, Olivia would find someone younger to marry and be better off in the long run.
If she wouldn’t listen to him, he’d just have to make her hate him. “You don’t, you are merely lonely without Karl and see the advantage of having a duke for a husband.”
Olivia’s hands clenched by her sides. If she’d been standing closer, he knew she’d have slapped him. “How dare you! You…you should know I would never say that lightly, nor would I be so concerned about status and money! I could care less about becoming a duchess!”
Cyrus paused and then pulled out what looked to be a letter from his frock coat and handed it out to her, not daring to step any closer. “I received this early this morning from Elizabeth. They will be returning to London in a week’s time. You and Josef are welcome to stay here until then, of course. However, I have been notified there are things requiring my attention with the tenants at the Alston estate. I leave tomorrow and will not return for some time.”
“Cyrus…don’t do this.”
“Lady von Klor, I apologize for my improper actions toward you and any feelings they may have implied, though I cannot force you to accept it.”
“I do not. You cannot possibly mean it, not after… Look me in the eye, Cyrus, and tell me you don’t love me.”
Cyrus turned and bore his dark eyes into hers, there was no warmth there. “I don’t, and I never will.”
He strode past her then and left her standing alone in his study. A sob broke from her lips just as he reached the door and he had to force his legs to keep on walking.
Cyrus felt as if he was going to be sick.
Much as Olivia still felt attempting to eat this breakfast now.
She’d seen no more of Cyrus since yesterday, even though he was not to leave until today. Apparently, though, he’d spoken with Josef and explained to him that he’d be gone because he was needed at his family estate and said his goodbye. Josef had been sad, but took his simple explanation at face value. Olivia did not want to do anything to alert her son that things were not right between her and Cyrus—just as she’d told him yesterday, Josef adored him.
“Mutter, what time is Lord Stratton coming to meet me? Do you think he will like me?”
Oh no, Olivia had forgotten all about her planned meeting with Derrick. She barely managed to refrain from groaning out loud. “I believe he said after luncheon. And yes, Josef, I’m sure he will like you. How could he not?” Even Cyrus, with his apparent cold heart, liked her son. She smiled for Josef even though it was the last thing she felt like doing.
After breakfast, Olivia accompanied Josef to the small walled garden behind the house. Though cold, no snow had fallen yet this year, so as long as one was bundled it was tolerable. Besides, she needed to get outside and walk to distract her mind. Josef played, chasing a stray cat he had named Mr. Grayson who had recently taken up residence there.
The walk was followed by Olivia reading to Josef in the library, then naps for them both before luncheon. She especially needed rest from all of the emotional turmoil within her.
At one o’clock, Derrick promptly arrived and was shown into the library. Josef, clearly excited, was reminded “not to run” and to “be on your best behavior.”
Olivia followed him to greet Derrick, feeling anything but cheerful. If only Charles hadn’t left her to greet him alone, but he had immediately taken his leave after informing her of her guest’s arrival stating he was needed elsewhere. Probably something to do with helping His Grace ready to leave. Taking a deep breath, she put on a brave face and a smile and walked into the room.
Derrick turned and set down a book he’d been examining on one of the side tables. That charming smile returned at the sight of Olivia. To anyone else, he would have looked handsome in his well-fitting tan coat and breeches and blue waistcoat. His bronzed skin and blonde hair were complemented by the colors well. But she noticed none of this.
Derrick could sense something was wrong with Olivia by her eyes. Did she know or hear something about him? He hoped not, or else everything might be ruined. He needed her trust—and affection—if this was going to work.
He hoped a dazzling smile would put her at ease and decided he’d better show interest in the boy he saw with her, assuming it was Josef. He squatted down to Josef’s level and extended a hand. “I am Lord Derrick Stratton, but you may call me Derrick. You must be Josef.”
“Ja! Pleased to meet you, Der-rick!” Josef’s little head of dusty brown hair bobbed up and down.
“Likewise. I understand we are to get to know one another. You enjoy learning do you?”
“Oh, ja! Everything—history, geography, everything except music that is. Mutter likes it though. Reading is my favorite!”
“Ah, very good. I’m glad to hear you enjoy reading, although I don’t understand why you dislike music.”
“Mutter would play the pianoforte all day if she could. And my Vater, that’s what he taught was music lessons. I guess I got tired of it is all.” Josef shrugged, very much like a little boy.
Derrick chuckled and ruffled Josef’s hair. “Well, I must say, I appreciate your honesty.”
Olivia stepped forward, extending her hand. “If there’s one thing about Josef, he’s brutally honest.”
Derrick stood to bow over it. “Olivia. Well, now, there are worse things where little boys are concerned. But perhaps we shall have a lesson or two on knowing when it may be best to be very honest and when it may be better to…stay quiet.” He winked at Josef. “Now, let’s discuss some subjects so I can get a grasp on how advanced you are in your studies.”
They all sat down and as the discussion progressed, Olivia began to relax some. Josef and Derrick seemed to be getting along splendidly. The way Derrick drew her into their conversation was enough to distract Olivia from thoughts of Cyrus, at least momentarily.
As their visit concluded, it was determined Derrick would begin giving lessons immediately, Monday through Friday. He saw no need to wait until they were resettled with Elizabeth. He was happy to come here every day in the meantime. A sum was agreed upon and arrangements made to begin the following afternoon at one o’clock.
Derrick bid a goodbye to Josef and Olivia saw him out. Taking his coat from a footman (Charles was still nowhere to be seen), he turned to her before departing. “I detect something amiss in those pretty blue eyes of yours. I hope whoever is the cause of it pays dearly, for I’d hate to never see that light again I saw in them the other evening.”
The concern Olivia saw in his green eyes appeared genuine and she had to blink rapidly to stop the tears that threatened. He did not seem to be prying, just merely concerned. She swallowed and smiled, “Thank you. I’m afraid I’ve simply been part of a misunderstanding is all. It will work itself out in time.” She hoped.
“Well, if I may ever be of help, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
“Thank you. I’m sure I will be fine. I shall see you tomorrow at one.”
“I look forward to it, with pleasure.” Derrick brought her hand to his lips softly and departed.
Cyrus, who had managed to avoid Olivia since yesterday by staying locked away in his study, was descending the stairs just then, having packed and readied to leave London. From a distance, he saw the exchange between Olivia and Derrick and felt sick all over again.
But, he reminded himself, it was his own doing and it was for the best. Olivia would find one more suitable to marry than himself. Perhaps even this Derrick fellow. Whatever reservations Cyrus held against him likely only stemmed from jealousy.
Yes, he would be a much more suitable man for Olivia. The sooner Cyrus stepped out of Olivia’s life, the better—for her sake.
Cyrus quietly crept back upstairs and descended by way of the “secret” passageway. There was no need for another goodbye.
; ~
Derrick arrived the following afternoon at one o’clock as promised. Lessons commenced in the library. At his request, Olivia joined them for tea when it was brought in. He later requested her company again when he and Josef stepped out in the garden. Derrick believed physical exercise was just as important as book learning, so it was to be a regular part of Josef’s studies.
Olivia found that Derrick’s presence and easy conversation put her at ease and helped to take her mind off of Cyrus. She assumed he’d kept his word and left London yesterday at some point, seeing as how she had not seen him again.
Last night, she cried until into the early morning hours. It was getting to be more difficult to keep on a brave face for Josef, especially when they ate together. Cyrus’s empty chair seemed to scream his absence and Josef kept asking questions about why he left, when he was coming back, and what he was doing. Olivia knew she wasn’t fit company for a little boy at the moment.
As Derrick began to leave that afternoon, Olivia panicked at the thought of enduring another lonely evening meal. “Won’t you stay for supper?” She blurted out the words.
“No, I couldn’t impose.”
“It wouldn’t be an imposition. Please?”
Derrick saw the pleading in her eyes and smiled, hoping to reassure her. “Very well, if Josef agrees to it.”
“Oh ja, please! Mutter has not been much fun at all. The Duke left and she hasn’t felt well since.”
“It’s just a headache Josef. And you know His Grace couldn’t help it, he was needed elsewhere.”
Ah, things were starting to make more sense to Derrick. Anyone with half a brain could have seen the way Alston and Olivia had looked at each other at the ball. Derrick had not thought much of the Duke’s absence until now. He’d mostly been relieved he didn’t have to grovel in his presence simply because he was a duke.
Now it was becoming clear to him, they must have had a lovers’ spat and the Duke in his pride left her all alone—needing comfort from anyone. He smiled, this would be easier than he’d thought. “Very well, then. Over supper I’ll tell you one of my adventures in Africa.”
“Did you see lions?” Josef’s eyes were large.
“I won’t spoil the story. That will have to wait for supper.” He winked. Turning to Olivia, he offered her his arm, “Shall we?”
Supper concluded, they retired to the drawing room. Derrick employed Josef in a game and Olivia attempted to read, but couldn’t concentrate.
“Josef, what do you and your mother usually do in the evenings?” Derrick rolled the dice they were using.
“Well, when His Grace was here, he’d usually ask Mutter to play the pianoforte. Sometimes we’d sing along or read or play games.” Josef shrugged, studying the board, for it was his turn now.
“I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of hearing your mother play.” Derrick looked up, mostly speaking to Olivia.
“I’m afraid I don’t quite feel up to it.” Olivia had been trying to avoid even looking at the thing that had been a gift from Cyrus. She most definitely did not feel like playing it.
“I’d wager you play beautifully.”
“The best! And I don't even like music!” Josef sat up from lying on the floor on his stomach. “Mutter, why don’t you feel like playing anymore?”
“Why, I…” Olivia couldn’t very well explain it to Josef, much less in front of their guest. She sighed. “Very well, one song.”
Derrick and Josef grinned at each other as Olivia set her book down and made her way over to the bench. She hesitated and looked up, throat tight with emotion. Meeting Derrick’s green eyes, she saw understanding there and he nodded his reassurance.
Olivia smiled weakly and began to play. Somehow, she’d forgotten just how healing music was to her soul. She continued playing for two more songs, she was so lost in the music.
She couldn’t help but feel a gratefulness to Derrick. He was proving to be a great comfort and distraction to her, almost reminding her of how comfortable she felt with Karl at first.
She knew she’d never get over Cyrus, but she decided she needed Derrick around as much as possible to help keep her mind elsewhere, at least until Elizabeth returned and she had her for company.
Olivia ended up inviting Derrick to supper every single evening that followed.
Chapter Eleven
Elizabeth looked over to see her new husband absent-mindedly checking his gold pocket watch for the third time since his coach had picked them up in Dover to return home. She smiled, her dimples showing. Oh, how she loved this man. He sat next to her now, a man of average height, well-built, with gray hair that was tied back and still showed signs of the light brown it once was. His facial features appeared sharp, but he was the kindest man Elizabeth knew. Across from them, her maid Martha sat, sleeping soundly already.
Elizabeth, feeling the exhaustion of a honeymoon and all their traveling beginning to catch up with her, rested her head on Lord Brighton’s shoulder as he reached over to pat her hand.
They’d met mere months ago, introduced by mutual acquaintances at an opera. She knew instantly she would marry him and whatever Elizabeth set her mind to do, that she would accomplish. Particularly when it came to matchmaking. She had a gift and had been the cause of several happy unions, though she was subtle enough not to be considered a nuisance.
She smiled to herself again, her eyes now closed. If she’d played her cards right, there would be a new love blooming between a certain niece and stubborn duke when she returned.
Thinking of Olivia, she sat up looking at her husband. “Rand, I don’t believe I can wait a minute longer than necessary to see Olivia. It’s been twelve long years. Would it be too much for you to drop me off at Alston’s townhouse when we reach London? You could go on ahead to see to our household preparations.”
Lord Brighton pulled her near him, a teasing gleam in his eye. “My dear, I regret to spend even a second without you, but I shall make the sacrifice for you, my love.” A side-glance to make sure Martha was sleeping, he then drew her closer and gave her a thorough kiss, causing a soft blush to appear.
Even at Elizabeth’s age and experience, she couldn’t help it. Olivia took after her in this regard. In fact, Elizabeth looked like an older version of Olivia in many ways. Both petite with soft, womanly curves, creamy skin, and the same deep blue eyes. Elizabeth’s curls, though, were blonde, more like her late brother’s, with gray now swirled in. And where Olivia was kind, but more reserved, Elizabeth brought excitement with her wherever she went, her cheeks dimpling whenever she smiled—which was often—and her merry laughter filling whatever space she occupied.
Still swooning from the kiss, Elizabeth thought she couldn’t wait to see the result of her handiwork between Olivia and Cyrus.
Her husband having departed for her—their—townhome, Elizabeth entered Cyrus’s home and was shown into the drawing room where, as Charles had informed her, Olivia would join her shortly. He was so reserved in his manner, more than usual, she figured he must still be miffed at her from her last visit. Hmph! He should be grateful to her for the happiness his employer had found.
Elizabeth looked about her as she made her way into the room. Not much had changed since she’d last been in this part of the house. It had been a few years ago. Actually, she’d come the day after Lydia died to see Cyrus and after that he’d closed himself off to society. Other than the occasional required appearance or letter he wrote to her, she had rarely seen or spoken with him since, her visit weeks ago notwithstanding.
She sat on the sofa, smoothing her brown traveling skirts, noting the pianoforte to her left was something she did not recognize from before. She knew full well Olivia had always loved the instrument and smiled. Her plan must be working splendidly.
“Aunt Elizabeth! I can’t believe it is really you!” Olivia cried as she rushed in and embraced her before Elizabeth realized what was happening. “Charles told me you were he
re, but I wasn’t expecting you until later this evening. Where’s Lord Brighton?”
“Gone to see to the house and take Martha home. Poor girl, she’s exhausted. Now, let me have a look at you!” She held Olivia back and beamed. “Goodness gracious, you have grown into quite the beauty, though I always knew you would.” Dimples showing, her eyes filled with tears. “I still can’t believe it has been so many years, it seems like only yesterday that you and your parents left…” She broke off. She still missed her brother terribly.
Olivia hugged her again, wanting to convince herself that her aunt was really here. “I’ve missed you terribly! You don’t know how many times I longed for your womanly advice. Mother was not the easiest to discuss such, um, improper things with.” She smiled.
“No, your mother was kind and gracious, but to step even a hair outside of propriety, she would not. Though your father loved her fiercely.”
“He did. And now they are both gone...but at least together again.” Olivia sat, now quiet, as sadness came over her.
Elizabeth sat too, covering Olivia’s hand with one of her own. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am about Karl, Olivia. When you wrote to me, I just couldn’t believe it. So much heartache for one so young to endure. I only wish you had come to London and to me sooner.”
“I know, but I needed time for myself and Josef and to see to things in Austria. But I’m here now. I can’t tell you how much your letters meant to me.”
“Yes, you’ve come at last, and I am determined to see to it that everything you wrote to me that you desired is fulfilled.”
“Actually, I’ve already employed a tutor for Josef—Lord Derrick Stratton. They get along splendidly. Josef is actually with him now in the library finishing up his lessons.”
At the mention of this, Elizabeth felt an uneasiness come over her, but she couldn’t put her finger on why. Then she remembered Stratton was the surname of…“Is he any relation to Clara?”
“Yes! He is her younger son, the Marquess’s brother. He’s been away for nine years on the African continent and just returned.”