The Biker's Plaything (Straight to Hell MC Book 1)

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The Biker's Plaything (Straight to Hell MC Book 1) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  She didn’t think it could be possible for her to feel any kind of arousal, but as his fingers worked their magic, he proved to her she really didn’t know what she was doing as another wave of arousal flooded her.

  “That’s it, baby. Fuck, it feels good on my cock. That’s how I want you, wet and willing. I want you to forget about the pain. It’s never going to hurt again. You might be a little sore, but nothing bad, I promise.”

  To answer, she moaned his name as he moved within her at the same time as he worked her clit.

  “I want you to take over. Touch yourself,” he said. He took her hand and licked her fingers, getting them nice and slick before he placed them between her thighs. She gasped and he grinned. “I’m going to make you feel so good.”

  She didn’t think it was possible to feel any better, but as she began to stroke her swollen clit, he once again proved that he knew what he was doing. His hands went to her hips, and he began to rock inside her, going deeper as she worked her clit.

  The pain was completely gone as he started to fuck her harder. She wanted to come again. Sinking her teeth into her lip, she arched up, taking his cock.

  She wished she could feel him skin to skin, his big, hard muscles pressed to her naked body. But this was about lust, taking her fast and hard. Getting her virginity out of the way.

  “That’s it, baby. I want you to come for me. Let me have it.”

  She cried out his name as her second orgasm took her completely by surprise. Lord held her down as he began to fuck her. The pleasure continued as Lord made her his.

  When he came, she felt every pulse of his cock as it filled her pussy, flooding her with his cum.

  Lord collapsed over her and it was so natural to her to stroke his head as he rested against her. Whether it was just sex or not, there was something bonding about it. At least she could feel a new connection.

  The only sounds in the room were of their labored breathing. She closed her eyes.

  She was no longer a virgin.

  Lord had taken care of that.

  She’d always imagined her first time being with someone she loved, maybe even on her wedding night. So stupid of her to think such sweet things when her life had been anything but.

  “I left the shower running,” she said.

  “I just fucked you and all you can think about is the shower?” Lord asked, laughing. “Where the fuck have you been all my life?”

  Her heart jumped at his words. Did he want to know her? Like really know her?

  Lord lifted up and looked down at her. “Are you okay?”

  She had so many questions and was so confused. There was no place for her to start, so she smiled at him. “I’m fine.” She hated lying, but in this situation, she didn’t feel she could offer any other kind of answer. What was there to say? Her feelings for him were confusing her. He’d taken her virginity and she’d wanted him to have it.

  He cupped her cheek, and the action was so tender, she found herself holding her breath, waiting.

  Lord was not a gentle man.

  He was all darkness. He’d warned her of this many times.

  Looking at him now, she had to wonder if she had made a deal with the devil. If she really had, there was no way she was getting out of this alive. He was going to own every part of her—mind, body, and soul.

  Chapter Eight

  Lord shook out his hand after punching the bastard in the face again. Reaper caught the man’s body when it fell back, pushing him toward Lord for more punishment.

  “Every name,” said Lord. “Not one. Not two. All of them.”

  “I told you what I know.” The Skull Nation prick could barely see out of one eye, blood dripping from his swollen nose. And he was lying.

  Lord punched him again. This time, a gold tooth went flying across the room.

  The Skull Nation had attempted to drive them out of their northern tourist towns. They were highly profitable and Lord had let it go on long enough. He had no plans on handing over the hard-earned territory to their rivals. The Skull Nation boys had killed a few of their whores and a couple of brothers. They’d taken over one of the brothels and were attempting to control the drug trade in and out of the small towns.

  Tonight, Lord rode into town with Tarmac, Brick, Reaper, Stump, and a few other brothers. Ally had been behind him, her hands under his shirt as she held on tight.

  His first stop was a hotel where he set up Ally in one of the best rooms. He needed to know she was safe while he handled business. Lord ordered two brothers to guard the place. He wasn’t taking any chances when it came to her.

  Brick had tried to convince him to leave Ally back home at the compound, but he wasn’t comfortable leaving that many miles between them. Especially when this was going to take more than a couple of days to clean up.

  “Reaper, this motherfucker is testing my patience,” said Lord.

  “I can get him to talk, boss. Just say the word.”

  Lord paced in the abandoned warehouse, back and forth, his hands clasped behind his back. They’d already assembled all the Straight to Hell members in the area and had begun to take back the towns, one Skull Nation asshole at a time.

  But this went deeper. He needed the names of the men in charge of this infiltration. He had a couple, but not close to all. Lord wanted every man responsible for stepping on his territory to pay the ultimate price.

  “Handle this,” said Lord. “I’ll head over to the whorehouse with Brick.”

  They made a lot of money off women. All were in the brothels by choice. They enjoyed working their way up the ranks in the club, but they were supposed to be protected. They were already losing longtime customers with all the killing and upheaval. It was time to set things straight.

  Lord and his VP rode out to the brothel. Several Straight to Hell brothers from town were waiting for them.

  “How did this get so out of control?” Lord asked Stitch. He was one of the brothers living close to town.

  “They must have been planning this a long time.”

  “No, it should have been dealt with the second you found out about it. One bullet could have stopped this before it turned into this clusterfuck. I’m starting to wonder where your loyalties lie.”

  “Lord, I’ll do better. I swear.”

  “And you.” He diverted his attention to Gabriel, one of the first members to alert Lord to the takeover. “Why the fuck haven’t you gotten a handle on this yet?”

  “We’re outnumbered. We were waiting for backup, but I guess you were busy with your new girl,” said Gabriel.

  Lord grabbed him around the neck, squeezing enough that the asshole knew he wasn’t playing. “Don’t talk about my woman. And don’t assume anything. Your job is to protect our investments in this piece-of-shit town. If you can’t handle it, you don’t deserve to wear this cut. Understand?” He pushed Gabriel back.

  “I’ll clean this town up. The Skull Nation will regret showing their faces here.”

  “We have local cops on our payroll. Guard this fucking brothel like your life depends on it. It does. If anyone from the Skull Nation sets foot in this town, don’t play games. Put them under the ground.”

  Stitch nodded. As did Gabriel and Whisky.

  Lord tapped Brick and they entered the brothel. The whores looked shocked to see him enter the grand foyer. He never handled the day-to-day operations of their businesses and rarely paid a visit. He ran a hand through his hair, the leather of his jacket creaking. “Are there any Skull Nation boys in here?”

  Two younger whores, barely dressed, pointed up the stairs. They looked terrified of him.

  Brick grabbed one of the girls by the arm, making her yelp. “Next time one of them tries to come in here, you call us. If I find out you’re fucking our enemies, you’ll be out on the streets. Or worse.”

  They made their way up the winding staircase. Lord had his handgun at the ready.

  One of the regular whores came down the hall. He put a finger to his lips. />
  She knew right away what he wanted and pointed to the second door on the left. Lord smiled, knowing he was so close, and motioned her to get away.

  They flanked the door. When Lord nodded, Brick kicked in the door. Two women were on the bed, a Skull Nation prick between them.

  “Get the fuck out!” he yelled at the sluts. They’d be dealt with later.

  Brick stood at the opposite side of the bed as the Skull Nation guy covered his cock with the blankets. He put up an arm in surrender.

  Brick laughed. “You think our prez does mercy? You have some huge fucking balls coming to our whorehouse in our town.”

  “Did you think I’d let this continue forever?” asked Lord. He checked the chamber of his gun.

  “You smoke me, there’ll be war.”

  “You supposed to be important?” asked Brick. “You look like any other dead man.”

  “I’m the Skull Nation Road Captain.”

  “Will you look at that. Royalty right in my own fucking house,” said Lord. Then he reached over and dragged him violently out of the bed by the hair, the blanket falling away. “If you think your status is supposed to impress me, you’re a stupid fucking boy. This is my town. I’m prez of the Straight to Hell MC.”

  “And he doesn’t do mercy,” said Brick.

  The guy tried to fight him, but Lord was built like a brick shithouse. Hours in the gym every day and a life built in the MC made him a brutal motherfucker. He punched him in the face, knocking him back. Over and over, they sparred, the guy’s face bleeding and swollen. Brick stood on the sidelines, not saying a word.

  “We know about Ally,” he said as he tried to get back up to his feet.

  Lord yanked him up. “What did you just say?”

  He laughed, his teeth red with blood. “How did you think we were able to take over this town? You’re too busy chasing pussy to realize how weak you’ve become. You’re a has-been.”

  Lord beat the shit out of him, not holding back. “How do you know her name?” he shouted. “Tell me now or I’ll put a bullet in your head.”

  “You shouldn’t trust everyone in your house.” He laughed again.

  This time, he pulled his gun from the back of his waistband and put the barrel to the fucker’s temple. “See you in hell.” Then he pulled the trigger.

  This was usual MC business. Protecting territory was a full-time job, always had been, always would be. Lord wasn’t shaken by the Skull Nation making a play because he’d deal with it as he always did.

  What he wasn’t expecting was to hear Ally’s name on his enemy’s lips. She wasn’t supposed to be involved at all. The worlds were colliding and it didn’t sit well with him.

  He didn’t realize how long he stood there next to the body, his mind lost in thought.

  “Boss, he’s just screwing with you.”

  Lord shook his head. “He knew her fucking name.”

  “She’s safe.”

  “He said there’s a traitor in the club. Any ideas?”

  “Someone selling inside information? I’ll have to dig deeper.”

  He took a deep breath to calm himself. All he wanted to do was get back to Ally and see with his own eyes that she was safe and unharmed.

  “I want this piece of shit thrown out on the main roadway. He’ll send a message as we finish cleaning up this town.”

  They left the room. Lord was more shaken up than he realized. He couldn’t focus.

  “Lord, how serious are you about this girl? You know more than anyone that having a loved one is a huge target. Our enemies prey on your weaknesses, and they’ll use her against you. It’s already starting.”

  “You think I’d put her over the good of the club?”

  Brick shrugged. “You’ve known her less than a month. I’m just saying to make sure she’s worth it.”


  Ally looked out the window again. It was getting late.

  She was lonely and worried about Lord. At least he’d brought her along. It would have been worse being alone at the club where everyone hated her. She didn’t feel safe without Lord around.

  It had been nearly a week since he’d taken her virginity. At least he hadn’t dumped her. She’d been worried that was all he wanted from their arrangement.

  He’d been in meetings all week with his club. She could feel the tension. This rival club was infiltrating their turf, and now Lord was going to deal with it. Yes, she worried about him. What if he never came back to her?

  From what she’d seen so far, people either hated him or feared him. He had a rough personality. And probably deserved what he got out of people. With her, he behaved differently. She saw the good in him, and he probably needed that.

  He said he wanted to keep her rather than fulfilling their original terms. Lord wanted her for more than a plaything now, but for how long? Was she a new pet or was the MC prez capable of real love?

  When she heard the familiar sound of bike engines purring, the sound carried all the way down to her pussy. It reminded her of Lord. She couldn’t see any bikes from the window, so she hoped it was him finally returning to her.

  Minutes later, there was a scuffle in the hallway. The walls seemed to shudder as bodies were rammed against them. She didn’t dare open the door, even though her nerves and curiosity were driving her crazy.

  The sound of more bikes stole her attention. She rushed back over to the window. This time, she was certain it was Lord approaching the hotel with a few other bikes alongside him. Her heart beat frantically in her chest. Who was in the hallway?

  Maybe it was just some drunk.

  Silence finally returned to her room … followed by a knock at her door. There was no way it was Lord already. He was still on the road outside.

  “Open the door, Ally.”

  She bit her lip. He knew her name, but she didn’t recognize the voice at all. Ally paced back and forth, finally deciding to ignore the constant knocking.

  When he began pounding on it, the frame buckling, panic set in. He was trying to break in, which had to mean he was one of Lord’s enemies. She looked side to side, unable to catch her breath. In a last-ditch effort, she locked herself inside the bathroom, keeping as quiet as possible.

  The door burst open, slapping against the wall behind it. “Ally?”

  She hated hearing him say her name. The same fear she’d felt when that cop kidnapped her and locked her in his trunk came back with a vengeance. This would probably end up much worse. The Skull Nation would want to make an example of her, to rub her violent death in Lord’s face.

  Please hurry up and get upstairs.

  The knob of the bathroom door rattled. She didn’t move a muscle. Within seconds, he’d picked the basic lock and opened the door, flicking on the light. Ally sat there on the closed toilet with no way to defend herself, completely cornered.

  “Oh, thank God.” He exhaled and rested a hand against the wall. “You’re okay.”

  She relaxed somewhat.

  “My name’s Whisky. I work for Lord.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Three guys were trying to break in your room. If I hadn’t stopped them, Lord would have had my head.”

  “Where are they now?”

  “Still in the hallway.”

  She hadn’t heard any gunshots, but she didn’t dare ask for details. They were likely dead, but she didn’t need to know.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “I’m just glad you’re okay. You are okay, eh?”

  Ally nodded, the relief making her limbs feel heavy. Her pulse lowered, her breathing returning to normal.

  “Where the fuck is she?” the voice bellowed in her hotel room.

  Whisky rushed away from her. “In the bathroom,” he said.

  Lord’s heavy footfalls came closer. He looked like the devil himself, immediately lifting her up to her feet. “What happened? Are you hurt?”

  “Whisky saved me. Strangers were trying to break in my room.”

nbsp; “Not strangers. Skull Nation. Brick was right, it’s too dangerous keeping a woman,” he said. “They’ll never stop using you against me.”

  She narrowed her eyes, not liking where this was going. The thought of losing Lord was just too much.

  “Whisky, how’d they get up here? Why weren’t they stopped before coming in the building?”

  “There were three of them. They knew exactly where they were going and took the stairs. I got one in the lobby, and was right behind the other two,” said Whisky. “No way was I letting them in this room.”

  “Good work. You can head out now that I’m here. Just deal with those bodies.” Lord set his handgun on the nightside table, then shrugged off his leather jacket. Whisky and Lord’s other men filed out of the room, pulling the broken door closed behind them.

  He sat on the edge of the bed once they were alone and scrubbed his hands over his face, leaning over his knees.

  “Lord, they never got to me. Everything’s fine.”

  He ignored her, shaking his head as he stood up, walking back and forth in front of her. “When a prez or high rank has an old lady, it’s a weakness for the entire club. I never thought about the consequences of keeping you. I’m supposed to put the good of the club before everything else.”

  “So, you’re not allowed to be happy? You can never have a family?”

  He stopped pacing and cupped her face. “When it was my own club that hurt you, I dealt with it. It was in my control. This shit is different. The Skull Nation knows who you are. I don’t know how yet, but they do. This isn’t just about the safety of the club, it’s about protecting you.”

  A new desperation crept up on her. She couldn’t lose Lord, not when her heart already beat his name. They’d just started their unorthodox love story.

  “So, what are you saying, Lord? You’re done with me? You took my virginity and played with my heart, and now I’m too dangerous to keep?” She pulled away and turned her back to him. No way would she beg him, not after everything she’d endured.

  “Ally, you know it’s not like that,” he said. “You want to live your life looking over your shoulder? I can’t be with you every second of every day.”


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