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God Page 1

by Manjunath R




  [email protected]

  Copyright © 2015 by Manjunath.R

  All rights reserved solely by the author. The author guarantees all contents are original and do not infringe upon the legal rights of any other person or work. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.


  "Through his perceptions, Universe shapes itself. Through his thoughts, the Universe is delivering its glories. He is the medium through which the Universe becomes conscious of its existence. We call Him GOD. And His Work THE BOOK OF GENESIS."



  A Human shaped super intellectual mathematician accidentally created the universe according to some deliberate design. And later he realized that the whole of his creation was running according to the will of Satan and Satan could spell the apex of his creation to the brink of destruction. And he could save the humanity if destroys the Satan. And if he destroys the Satan, he himself will be destroyed, and then there can be no meaning of existence. So he decides to wind up the clockwork, even before Satan could spell the end of humanity. But at the same time God thought he would be utterly maniac if he destroys the humanity instead of saving it by some means. Meanwhile an accident smashes the earth like a hammer smashing a window. And intelligent predator who began as a mineral and then emerged into plant life and into the animal state and then to being human dooms to extinction.

  Chapter 1

  The Evidence for Belief

  If the universe were merely the by-product of an accident, then the universe could have been a conglomeration of objects each going its own way.

  But everything we see in the universe follows laws, without exception.

  Hence why should the universe obey laws if there is no law-giver?

  The universe obeys laws because it exists in a plan which is governed by a set of equations that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance.

  Chapter 2

  GOD HYPOTHESIS: How God Created the Universe?

  "The magic is only in what the bible says, how he stitched the patches of the mystery together into one garment for us."


  In the beginning God took the time and he multiplied it by the factor called the speed of light to generate an empty space. And the space had no form. It was covered with darkness and bounded by laws which it had no choice but to obey. And the spirit of God was moving over the darkness. Then, keeping the speed of light constant God moved the time forward. And a remarkable consequence of this was that space started expanding at a rate that was proportional to its volume. And in order to slow down the expansion, God made the matter to be created out of E=MC2 (E stood for energy, M for mass and C for the speed of light). And the Lord God said: "Let there be a continuous exchange of a massless graviton between one matter and the other." And God saw that the exchange was good enough to produce a force called gravity. And the dragging pull of gravity caused the expansion rate of the universe to slow down. And the mind of god was a symphony of vibrating strings. So God divided the matter into vibrating strings of energy hν (h stood for Planck’s constant and ν for frequency − the number of vibrations per second). And God said, "Let the string be free to vibrate at different frequency and different vibrational frequencies of the string represent the different masses, and let the different masses be seen as different particles (One mode of vibration made the string to appear as an electron, another as a quark or a gluon)." And the concept of charge and spin had a central and fundamental position in the mind of God. So, quantities such as charge and spin were correlated with mass. And God said, let there be a number of different varieties of quarks: there be six flavors (up, down, strange, charmed, bottom, and top), each flavor come in three colors - red, green, and blue. And God treated these flavors with gluons. And as a result, protons, neutrons and other particles began to form. A proton contained two up quarks and one down quark; a neutron contained two down and one up. And other particles contained other quarks (strange, charmed, bottom, and top), but these all had a much greater mass and decayed very rapidly into protons and neutrons. And God gave different properties to the different particles in the universe.


  Mass: 1.672 × 10 - 27 kg

  Electric charge: +1e

  Spin: ½


  Mass: 9.109 × 10 - 31 kg

  Electric charge: –1e

  Spin: ½


  Mass: 1.674 × 10 - 27 kg

  Electric charge: 0

  Spin: ½


  And God made a particle with mass (m) to accelerate (a) when a net force (F = ma) was applied to it. And He added the positive energy due to matter to the negative energy due to gravity; the sum was close to zero. "I refute it thus," said God, clambering down from the rock on which he had been sitting. And He shouted till his lungs rasped. And there was no answer from anyone. And there was no one to hear him or speak to him. He lapsed into a frantic kind of silence. And then he questioned to himself well that can't be right because positive and negative charges don't cancel out, therefore, how the universe can be the ultimate free lunch. Well, he calculated the total amount of positive charge and the total amount of negative charge in the universe and summed it up. And God saw that the universe had a zero net charge. And his brain somersaulted. He went mad for a while. And he just took his mind off the hook for a bit. He added up all the spins of the particles. And God saw all that the universe had a zero spin, zero charge and zero matter energy content. And the universe was the ultimate free lunch. And God angrily stubbed his toe on a large stone and said, let this be a plausible explanation for the origin of the atheism. And atheism fails to account for the logical, orderly state of the universe. And God just twisted time and space the right way, and he created an entirely new universe. And He blessed the empty space and said, "Be fruitful and produce vacuum fluctuations." And the vacuum fluctuations became virtual particle − antiparticle pairs of energy E = ħ/2t (ħ stood for reduced Planck’s constant). And then all of a sudden God peered through the gates of Feynman Lectures. And He was shocked by quantum theory: virtual particles that erupt from the vacuum fluctuations; they exist on borrowed energy, consistent with the uncertainty principle, and disappear directly after t seconds, thereby repaying the energy loan. So God commanded the particles to move more and more randomly and at greater and greater speeds and collide with the virtual particle − antiparticle pairs before the completion of t seconds. And God saw that the collision was strong enough to tear apart the pair, producing enough energy to make the virtual particle - antiparticle materialize in real space. And a consequence of this was that there were more particles than antiparticles in the universe. And God then said, "Let there be light, and matter and antimatter annihilate each other to produce photons, and there was light." And God called the photons "bosons"; and the gathering together of the matter particles He called "fermions": and God said, "Let the electrons and protons be prevented from decaying into lighter particles – such as photons and less massive neutrinos (with very little mass, no electric charge, and no radius — and, adding insult to injury, no strong force acted on it)." And there were no electrically charged particles lighter than an electron and a proton. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, "Let the mass of the electron be less than the neutron-proton mass difference, and let neutron be heavier than the proton, but not so much
heavier that neutrons cannot be decayed into a proton (plus a positron and a neutrino), and it was so." And God was pleased with what he saw. And God blessed the free neutrons, saying, "Be fruitful, and combine with protons to form nuclei of radius R = R0 A 1/3 (R0 stood for constant and A for the mass number)." And then God said, "Let there be a continuous exchange of virtual photons between the nuclei and the electrons." And God saw that the exchange was good enough to produce — what else? — A force (proportional to a quantity called their charge and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them). And that force pulled the electrons towards the nuclei to form neutral atoms. And then God said, "Let the atoms reflect, absorb, and scatter photons." And there was cosmic microwave background radiation. And God watched the majesty of creation for a moment or two. And suddenly his computer beeped. And there were uncombined protons and electrons. And God said, "Let the ratio FE/FG be 1039 (FE stood for electrostatic force of attraction between the electron and proton and FG for the gravitational force of attraction between electron and proton). And a consequence of this was that hydrogen atoms appeared and combined to form giant molecular clouds." And God was pleased with what he saw. And then he commanded, "Let the nuclear reaction, initiate to transform hydrogen to helium to carbon with the release of an enormous amount of energy in the form of radiation. And a consequence of this was that the stars were born to shine for a lifetime of MC2/L (M stood for mass, L for luminosity and C for the speed of light)."And God saw that the stars were good. And then God said, "Let the process continue converting the carbon to oxygen to silicon to iron." And the nuclear reaction ceased at iron. And the massive iron core succumbed to gravity and it collapsed to form a neutron star. And God was pleased with the neutron stars of radius 2GM/C2 (G stood for constant, M for mass and C for the speed of light) and said, "Be worthful and produce dark stars that would hold a strong gravitational field that it would prevent even light from escaping out of its influence." And God called the dark stars "Black Holes". And God said, "Let the Hawking radiation initiate and let black holes shine losing a small amount of their mass and therefore their energy at a rate that is proportional to the square of their temperature." And in the meantime, God sat on the moving comet and he began writing an epic historical fiction novel with Gore Vidal. And God said, "Let the unification of the two be the duality of one." And the emitted radiation of mass m had a wavelength of h /mC (h stood for Planck’s constant and C for the speed of light). And God was pleased with what he saw. And the Lord God commended the matter to carry a wavelength of h /mv (m stood for m0/ [1 – v2/C2] 1/2 and v for the velocity). And because "m = m0/ [1 – v2/C2]1/2" the energy which a matter had due to its motion added to its rest mass "m0" and as a matter approached the speed of light, its mass raised ever more quickly, it acquired infinite mass and since an infinite mass cannot be accelerated any faster by any force, the issue of infinite mass remained an intractable problem. For this reason God confined all the matter that he had created to move at speeds slower than the speed of light: Only radiation, or other matter waves that have no intrinsic mass, can move at the speed of light. And carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, and the other atoms of the Modern periodic table assembled the heavier elements to form rocky masses. And the rocky masses started to move randomly in all directions. And in order to keep them at one place, God postulated a law of universal gravitation according to which each body in the universe was attracted toward every other body with a force that was stronger the more massive the bodies and the closer they were to each other. And a consequence of this was that rocky masses were pulled towards the giant star having a mass of 2 × 10 30 kg. And God named the giant star "sun" and the rocky masses ''planets''. And in order to prevent them from colliding, God commanded the planets to move in an elliptical orbit around the sun and the elliptical motion of planets generated an outward force mv2/R which could balance the inward pull GMm/R2 making the planets to move with velocity < √2GM/R (G stood for gravitational constant, v for velocity of the planet, and R for the distance between the centers of the masses M and m of the bodies which form the gravitation). And God called the massive stars of mass 1.44 times solar masses and said, "Let you explode as supernovae approaching the luminosity of a whole galaxy, spraying the manufactured elements into space." And once in space, these elements cooled and gravity formed them into asteroids and comets. And then the Lord God said, "Let the asteroids and comets move randomly and collide with the planets". And God saw as a result of the collision the fragments were formed out of planets and these fragments started revolving around the mother planets just as the planets orbiting the sun. He named the fragments "moons". And God commanded the sun to rule by day and the moon to rule by night. And God saw that it was good. And for mystical reasons, that the planet "Earth" was pleasant to the sight. And God made the planet earth to produce volcanoes and the volcanoes to emit water vapor, carbon dioxide and other gases. And there was an atmosphere. And God saw that the atmosphere was good. And then God said, "Let the sunlight dissociate water vapor at a rate that is proportional to its intensity." And there was oxygen. And Carbon dioxide in excess heated the earth and balance was needed. So God made carbon dioxide to dissolve to form carbonic acid and carbonic acid on rocks to produce limestone and subducted limestone fed volcanoes that released more carbon dioxide. And then God said, "Let there be high temperature and high temperature meant more evaporation and dissolved more carbon dioxide." And as the carbon dioxide turned into limestone, the temperature began to fall. And a consequence of this was that most of the water vapor condensed and formed the oceans. And God said, "Let the oceans under the heaven come together in one place, and let the dry land be seen: and it was so." And God saw that the low temperature meant less evaporation and carbon dioxide began to build up in the atmosphere. And the cycle went on for billions of years. And after the few billion years, volcanoes ceased to exist. And God said, "Let the molten earth cool, forming a hardened, outer crust." And it was so. And God saw that the earth's atmosphere consisted of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, plus other miscellaneous gases (hydrogen sulfide, methane, water vapor, and ammonia). And then God ran a continuous electric current through the atmosphere, to simulate lightning storms. And some of the gases came to be arranged in the form of more complex organic molecules such as simple amino acids (when, when linked together, formed proteins) and carbohydrates (which were very simple sugars). And the water vapor in the atmosphere probably caused millions of seconds of torrential rains, during which the organic molecules reached the earth. And it took two and a half billion years for an ooze of organic molecules to react and built earliest cells and then advance to a wide variety of one - celled organisms, and another billion years to evolve through a highly sophisticated form of life to primitive mammals. But then evolution seemed to have speeded up. It only took about a hundred million years to develop from the early mammals to Homosapiens. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. And then the Lord God breathed into their nostrils the marvelous thing called 'Life' of which He alone was the Author and Sustainer and He blessed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, saying, "Let you be endowed with two elements: a set of instructions that tell you how to sustain and multiply yourself, and a mechanism to carry out the instructions." He named these two parts 'genes' and 'metabolism.' And God was enthralled by the books of Jules Verne and he devoured science fiction classics like Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea and Uranium Wars. And God saw that the energy of the photon was equally shared between electric and magnetic field. And God said, "Let the ratio of the magnitude of the electric field E and that of the magnetic field B be equivalent to the speed of light." And a consequence of this was that E and B were two different forms of the same thing. And God an all-wise, purposeful, and indeed caring, personal mighty Creator of all things reduced the nature of the entire universe to one simple grand physical principle - half an inch long master equation. And that equation was E= MC2. An
d He set in motion the laws in an astounding harmony to an accurate timetable. And God said "Let the cell of every living thing bear a fixed number of chromosomes and they form a combination lock which locks up the species and compels them to obey the command of mine." And it was so.


  Whistling in the dark, God moved dice in mysterious ways sometimes. He lighted the blue touch paper. And He chose everything to evolve in a very regular way, according to a set of laws. He made the protons and neutrons to be composed of more elemental flavors, which cannot be regarded as made up of something else. And God named those elemental flavors "quarks." And God commanded electrons and neutrinos not to bear any quarks and regard themselves a truly fundamental particle. And God made all living things in the known universe to reproduce the genetic information, code in their sequences of nucleic acids and pass it on to their offspring. And the distance light travelled in a year He named light-year. And God moved his lips."Higgs," he whispered. And the Higgs boson field was created to reach into every corner of the universe and interact with all particles. And as a result of this interaction, particles gained mass. And then all of a sudden the lord God shouted, "Oh wait… what’s this?" I have found something interesting: If the two particles would have occupied precisely the same point with the same properties, they would not have stayed in the same position for long. And quarks would have not formed separate, well-defined protons and neutrons. And nor would these, together with electrons have formed separate, well-defined atoms. And the world would have collapsed before it ever reached its present size. And a light bulb flashed through his mind. And the Lord God tried to pull a quark out of a proton. The harder and harder he pulled on the quark the bubble of gluons got bigger and bigger – rather like the force in a spring as it was stretched causing the quark to snap back immediately to its original position. And the idea that quarks can never be isolated He termed the confinement. And God being omnipotent creator and preserver of life and humanity, He fixed the gravitational constant to be equal to its value and saw with stronger gravity, some low-mass stars emitted most of their energy in visible radiation that could even push away an asteroid with a force = h C/λ2 (h stood for Planck’s constant, λ for the wavelength of the radiation and C for the speed of light). And God looked at everything he had made, and he was very pleased wondering whether he had any choice in the creation of the world. And this was a fundamental question. And compared to this question, all other questions seemed trivial. Yes, He would have had many choices if He had wanted to set the value of the speed of light much smaller than its actual value and the values of electron mass, proton mass, and constants determining the magnitudes of electromagnetic interaction, strong interaction, and weak interaction much larger than their actual values. However, in order to have sun-like stars in the universe which can sustain life, it seemed that He had only limited choices. And the atmosphere was without form and mode, and the breath of God was wavering over the face of the atmosphere. And God divided the atmosphere into five layers: the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere, and the exosphere. And God saw that the lack of a protective ozone layer resulted in high exposure to UV light and radiation. So God made some oxygen molecules to absorb energy from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays and split to form single oxygen atoms, and the single oxygen atoms (O) He combined with the O2 molecules to form ozone (O3). And the Lord God saw that the ozone was literally good enough to sop up ultraviolet radiation forming a thin shield high up in the sky. And early life on the earth had to eat. And glucose was a favorite treat. And fermentation reduced the glucose and produced ethanol, CO2, and some heat. And the level of glucose started to cease with time. And God said, "Let the photosynthesis occur." And with CO2 and light mix, cyanobacteria, and eventually higher plants (including flowering angiosperms, orchids, conifers and other cone bearing gymnosperms, ferns, club mosses, hornworts, mosses and the multicellular eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae) produced glucose and supplied the rest of O2 to the atmosphere. And God saw that the individual cells needed energy for survival too. And the biological oxidation of organic molecules resulted in the formation of utilizable energy molecules (adenosine tri-phosphate) in all living cells. And He named the process respiration. And evening passed and morning came. And God divided the cellular respiration into two types, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic: took place in the presence of oxygen in most of the higher plants and animals. Anaerobic: took place in the absence of oxygen and was observed in microbes. And God was fascinated by the vastness of space and the immensity of time. And meanwhile He structured the atom as consisting of misty electron cloud waves endlessly circling the tiny dot nucleus. And in his picture, only orbits with circumferences corresponding to a whole number of electron wavelengths could survive without destructive interference. And He took three numbers, or coordinates, to specify a point. And He meant that space had three dimensions. And He added time to his description, and then space became space-time, with four dimensions. And the Lord God thought neither of these extremes would have allowed for the existence of stars and life: A slightly stronger weak force, all the neutrons in the early universe would have decayed, leaving about 100 percent hydrogen, with no deuterium for later use in the synthesizing elements in stars. A slightly weaker weak force, few neutrons would have decayed, leaving about 100 percent helium, with no hydrogen to fuel the fusion processes in stars. And Morning passed and evening came. An omniscient God made all stars in the heavens to move away from each other. Over time, like raisins in expanding dough, stars that were further apart increased their separation more than nearer stars. And the more distant a star was, the faster it appeared to be moving. And this He termed the Hubble's law. And then God listened to black holes form with gravity waves, which carried vast amounts of energy at the speed of light. And He introduced the famous units of mass, length and time, constructed solely out of the three fundamental constants, ħ = h /2π, G and C.

  Planck mass = (ħ C/G) 1/2 = 2.2 × 10 −5 gm.

  Planck length = (ħ G/C3) 1/2 = 1.6 × 10 −33 cm.

  Planck time = (ħ G/C5) 1/2 = 5 × 10 −44 sec.

  And with these units, as with so many other things, the presentation appeared perfect. And God then looked round the earth and said, "Let the earth spin and carry with it a magnetic field", and it was so. And God saw that the magnetic field acted as a shield that deflected the solar wind like water around the bow of a ship. Then omnibenevolent God looked around him. Everything around him, he thought, was nothing but the invisible, mysterious energy that made up two third of all energy in the universe and God tried to hold it in his hand. In fact, it went right through his fingers, went right through the rock underneath his feet and went all the way to the majestic swirl of the heavenly stars. It reversed direction and came back from the stately waltz of orbiting binary stars through the intergalactic night all the way to the edge of his feet and went back and forth. And God gave it a nickname "the dark energy" and God saw that’s what blowing the stars farther and farther apart, serving to accelerate the universe's expansion. And the Lord God began to look at the spectra of stars, He found something most peculiar: stars moving away from each other had their spectra shifted toward the red end of the spectrum in proportion to the distance between them. And as a result, yellow star appeared slightly reddish. And God termed the distance between successive peaks or troughs of a wave "wavelength." And He used black holes to travel throughout the galaxy as in Star Trek and other science-fiction movies. And God made heavy elements to be loosely bound and some of them to decay naturally accompanied by emission of highly penetrating radiations. And God named these elements "radioactive" and this process "radioactivity." And God blessed the remaining time in the universe and said, let the every new variation be imperfect and perpetual struggle be the rule. And all the organic beings raised and developed through the process of natural selection of small, inherited variations that increased the individual's ability to compete, survive and multiply. And t
his He termed the "Darwinism." And God blessed the Darwin's evolution theory to be the foundation of modern evolutionary studies shocking religious Victorian society by suggesting that animals and humans share a common ancestry. And God made all things to move around in space, and, unless disturbed, move forward indefinitely, which He termed the law of inertia. And the Lord God of supernaturalism commanded, "Let the mass tell space-time how to curve, and let curved space-time tell light how to bend."And a consequence of this was that the path of light rays emitted from the star was bent giving the impression that a force was acting on them. And God tilted the planet earth and made seasons to appear. And the Lord God saw that things got more disordered and chaotic with time. And His observation was elevated to the status of a law, the so called Second law of thermodynamics. And God made two black holes to collide and merge, and the area of the final black hole was greater than the sum of the areas of the original holes. And God saw that area was like the entropy of a black hole. He summed up in his simple formula: where S was the entropy and A was the area of the horizon. And his expression contained the three fundamental constants of nature: C, the speed of light; G, Newton’s constant of gravitation; and ħ, reduced Planck’s constant.

  S = (C3k/4ħG) A

  And God had gotten quite good with his computer, and he flashed up a new screen. And the information swallowed by a black hole was forever hidden from the outside universe, and was never revealed even as the black hole evaporated and completely disappeared. And no matter what He threw into a black hole, He lost all its information. And at the dead-end of the universe, God placed a door labeled — "... in an infinite universe, anything that could be imagined might exist somewhere." And God then ensued something called curiosity which triggered the breath of perception. And our caveman ancestors became conscious of their existence. And they learned to talk and they learned to listen. And speech allowed the communication of ideas, enabling them to work together to build the giant telescopes to scan the vast heavens for residue sparks and ashes of a cataclysmic explosion which they called the 'Big Bang'. And God constructed every planet, every galaxy, and every star dominating the night sky using Newton’s laws of motion. And He saw his handiwork even in the abstract rules of quantum physics. And God said, "Let the laws of nature in an accelerating frame be equivalent to the laws in a gravitational field." And this He termed the "equivalence principle." And God traveled much faster than light. He stepped into one mouth of the wormhole and stepped out of the other in a different place and at a different time. He departed one day, in a relative way, and arrived on the previous night. And God created the smallest living things and he cursed it, saying let it cannot reproduce itself unaided and therefore let it be lifeless in the true sense. But when placed in the plasma of a living cell and, in forty eight minutes it can reproduce itself four hundred times. And this He called the 'virus'. And God made the time travel feasible and He took the present expansion of space and moved it backwards in time, it seemed that nothing would survive from being cooked in the fiery heat of the hot fireball called singularity (a nasty infinity where the laws of physics break down). "I rebut it thus!" He cried. And the Lord shouted and lifted his voice up in the air and said, "Let it remain a sci-fi fantasy in movies and fiction, inspiring everything from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol to H.G. Wells' The Time Machine." And God said, "Let global seismic activity give rise to a so called swarm of earthquakes and let photons do have momentum, related to their energy, even though they have no mass and cannot change their speed." And the Lord reinforced the anthropic principle. And He placed the moon at the correct distance to control the tides. And the human was built to move with the aid of his legs only, whereas the chimps and stray dogs were built to move on all fours. And the Lord God of creation made the different wavelengths of light what the human eye saw as different colors, with the longest wavelengths appearing at the red end of the spectrum and the shortest wavelengths at the blue end. The surface speed was exquisitely fine-tuned 1070 miles an hour. And a consequence of this was that the day was 24 hours. And God changed one type of energy into another and he moved energy from one place to another, but the total quantity of energy in the universe was constant. In music all whole tones were multiples of eleven. He moved light upward into the earth's gravitational field, and so its frequency (number of waves of light per second) went down. And the light became less energetic, following the diagonal line, and it took 8 minutes to get from the earth to the sun. And God moved his hand toward the Master Design of the universe and said: "Let most forms of life, chimps and dogs and crocodiles and bats and cockroaches and humans and worms and dandelions included, carry the amazing complexity of the information within each cell of their body, that a live reading of that code at a rate of one letter per second would take thirty-one years, even if reading continued day and night. And God made human brain to evolve to the point where humans were capable of rebelling against their own selfish genes. And God then made a bold but brilliant move. He made the most successful groups of animals to appear, evolve into many diverse sizes and shapes, with many equally diverse modes of living. And He termed these long necked, long tailed inhumane monstrous beasts "Dinosaurs" (meaning terrible lizards). And God changed his mind and caused a 10 mile comet to smash into the earth and said let there be no more Dino births. And fearfully great creeping reptiles became the glowing stars of fossil history. And God then picked up the chalk and began spinning it rapidly through his fingers in a manner of a professional gambler playing with a poker chip, began writing mathematical equations on the blackboard. A well known angel (some say it was 'Gabriel') few minutes after at the back of the room got up and said: "What you have told us is right. The space is 3 dimensional supported on the back of a giant tortoise." The God gave a superior smile before replying, "Why is the space 3 dimensional." "You’re very clever, my Lord, very clever," said the Holy angel. The orbits of planets, like the earth, around the sun would be stable. Life would not either freeze or be burned up. And God said, "Let the sun be 1,300,000 times larger than earth, and let earth make each year a journey of almost 600 million miles around the Sun." And it was so. And God made almost unbelievably minute form of life which, after being cut into six separate parts, was able to produce six complete bodies to carry on as though nothing had happened. He called that one - celled animal 'Amoeba'. And God said, "Let there be billions of bacteria, whose numbers double every forty years, and let them be found everywhere scattered upon the face of the whole earth. And some coat animal skin and some live in human intestines, and heterotrophic beings can't even digest their food without the bacteria that are in their gut." And God further developed his creation: He took a rotating neutron star and resembled it to a rotating lighthouse beacon, giving it the appearance of a blinking star. The blinking star appeared to pulsate and hence He called it a pulsar. And God loved hearing the diversity of life stories from whales, arks, lofty mountains, shimmering crystals, and pillars of salt, ribs, and apples. And He emphasized his Hand upon all His creation and He made the spiders to eject and spin a thread of several hundred strands through which the big flies passed and the little ones got caught. And God looked up in awe at the night sky and sought logical models for the patterns of stars, the motions of planets, the rising and setting of the sun. Over time, He turned his eyes earthward: And He made seed of many plants to be provided with an array of tiny hooks which catch on to passing animals and were thus conveyed to distant places. And peering at his creation through a telescope, he was amazed at the wonders of his handiwork. And He commanded, "Let there be eels and rays which can generate a powerful electrical charge and the fish that spits to kill appear on streams." And God made a photon to collide with an atom. And it moved an electron from an orbit nearer the nucleus to one farther away. And the Lord God made the squares of the periods of the planets (the times for them to complete one orbit) to be proportional to the cubes of their average distance from the Sun. And a consequence of this was that the inner planets moved
rapidly in their orbits. Venus, Earth and Mars moved progressively less rapidly about the Sun. And the outer planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, moved stately and slow. And God shinned a light on a metal surface which in turn resulted in the ejection of electrons. And He established a relation between the energy of light and its wavelength (that is, E = h C/λ). And God then invited his mind to write a computer program made up of ones and zeros. And He related the number of faces, F, the number of edges, E, and the number of corners or vertices V of a regular solid:

  V – E + F = 2

  And a sudden change in a nucleotide he termed the mutation. And He stored all the information that makes up any living being on a long molecule. And God said: "Let the grass cells bear tiny molecular factories, called chloroplasts, which be in charge of a dye sensitized photochemical redox process - the conversion of sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen. And the eukaryotic cells in a drop of blood contain a different sort of molecular factory, the mitochondrion, which combines respiratory substrates with oxygen to extract useful energy in the form of ATP molecules." And God created everything for his glory. Through him all things were made and nothing was created except through him.


  Sitting on the shoulders of giants, secretly He took his head into a dark burrow. And the Lord looked at the snake, but the snake just stared back at him. And God wondered what it was thinking about? He then realized what it was thinking about was is He lunch. And God moved its brain forward and blessed the snake to be a part of the Adam and Eve fairy tale. And God planted his evidence of himself throughout his creation and He named the Sun – Local Star,

  Mercury – Iron Planet,

  Venus – Hell Planet,

  Earth – Goldilocks Planet,

  Mars – Red Planet,

  Asteroids – Vermin of the Skies,

  Jupiter – Giant among Giants,

  Saturn – Lord of the Rings,

  Uranus – World on its Side,

  Neptune – Last Giant Outpost,

  Pluto and Charon – Binary Planet, and

  Comets – Dirty Snowballs. Motion and Gravity made his clock tick slowly. And God commanded, "Let a galaxy be composed of gas and dust and stars. And every star is a sun to someone. And within a galaxy, let there be galactic giants and planets and a proliferation of intelligent beings and space faring civilizations." And He allowed the speed of light to act as a gate, a value or a barrier between innumerable galaxies. And God passed light from the star through a triangular-shaped piece of glass called a prism. And a consequence of this was that light broke up into its component colors (its spectrum) as in a rainbow. And God saw everything that He had made, and it was beautiful in its elegant. And God powered a starship with a black hole and moved up and down the field pointlessly in the air. And a wave source moved toward him. And God said, "Let the waves it emits be squeezed like an accordion. And if the wave source move away from him, its waves be stretched, giving it a longer wavelength." And this He termed the 'Doppler effect'. And God threw a tachyon into the air. Normally, gravity was strong enough to reverse the direction of the tachyon, which then tumbled back to him. And God cursed tachyon to behave in just the opposite way from matter and exist in a different dimension of time-space. And it was so. And God the designer and creator of the universe and of life made everything to serve and obey his will. He loaded the flowers with nectar to attract the insects and He chose the Earth's orbit nearly circular and slightly elliptical as life to enjoy a quite narrow range of temperatures. And God placed the invisible dark matter (which can be considered to have energy, too, because mass M = E / C2) in a huge halo around galaxies and he commanded it not to interact with light but to bend starlight due to its gravity, somewhat similar to the way glass bends light. And God saw that it was good. And He made the abundance of water in a liquid state. And He introduced surface tension. And a consequence of this was that water moved upward, against gravity, to bring liquid nutrients to the tops of the tallest plants. And God commanded, "Let Evaporation take the ocean waters, leaving the salt, and form clouds which are easily moved by the wind to disperse water over the land." And it was so. And He took an object that is hollow (a black body), heated it up, waited for it to reach thermal equilibrium, and drilled a small hole in it, the radiation emitted through the hole He coined the black body radiation. And God saw all that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And He commanded, "Let the Sun, a hot poker, and molten magma all emit approximately a black body radiation filling up the universe giving a concrete evidence for the Stefan - Boltzmann law. And God made dark plants - perhaps lichens - that could bred and survive the much more severe Martian environment. He glimpsed an image of huge galactic engines generating unbelievable amounts of power near the edge of the visible universe, which he named 'quasars'. And God said, "Let there exist a shelf full of Nobel Prizes waiting for the enterprising individuals who can unravel the mystery of being." And He placed two infinitely long parallel uncharged plates close to each other. Virtual particles outside the plates exerted more pressure than the virtual particles inside the plates, and hence the plates were attracted to each other, which he called 'Casimir effect'. And God of the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Quran — made variants of a particular chemical element having the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. He named them 'Isotopes'. Floating like a mote of dust in the morning sky God saw everything that he had made from muon (a subatomic particle identical to the electron but with a much larger) to exotic matter (a new form of matter with negative energy), and it was of great mathematical beauty. And God said, "Let the combinations of 26 letters make up every word in the English language." And God began to look about and

  From liquid Hydrogen to Helium gas Then Lithium, Beryllium Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen all through the air

  He organized all the elements into horizontal rows and vertical columns.

  And Fluorine, Neon, Sodium salt, Magnesium, Aluminum foil,

  Elements with similar chemical properties He made appear at regular intervals periodically in vertical groups.

  Silicon sand Phosphorus teeth, then Sulfur, Chlorine and Argon lamp Potassium, and Calcium bones Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium and Chromium and Manganese ware

  Noble gas, Metalloid, Halogen and aggressive Alkali

  Each period he added new outer shells while he added electrons moving to the right

  Iron blood, Cobalt, Nickel coins

  Copper wire, Zinc and Gallium Germanium and Arsenic film

  All the jumbles and recipes and hotchpotch of the inorganic chemistry He made fell into line and order

  Selenium and Bromine Krypton bulb and Rubidium and Strontium then Yttrium, Zirconium

  Niobium, Molybdenum, Technetium Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium Silver plate then Cadmium batteries and Indium Tin-cans, Antimony then Tellurium and Iodine and Xenon and then photosensitive Cesium and…

  Barium, Lanthanum, Cerium and Praseodymium

  All the elements seemed to fit themselves into the scheme before his eyes

  Neodymium, Promethium, then Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium and Terbium Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium Ytterbium, Lutetium

  Hafnium, Tantalum, Tungsten fiber then Rhenium, Osmium and Iridium Platinum rod,

  Natural Gold, Bronze sculpture, Brass, toxic Mercury, Thallium and poisonous Lead then Bismuth Polonium, Astatin Radon, Francium, Radium then

  Actinium, Thorium, Protactinium Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium Americium, Curium, Berkelium Californium, Einsteinium, Fermium Mendelevium, Nobelium, radioactive Lawrencium Rutherfordium, Dubnium, Seaborgium Bohrium, Hassium then Meitnerium Darmstadtium, Roentgenium, Copernicium

  Ununtrium, Flerovium Ununpentium, Livermorium Ununseptium, Ununoctium

  And all the elements He arranged in the order of their atomic numbers. And this He named the periodic table (which formed the basis of modern chemistry and in fact taught in every high school science c
lass). And Judeo- Christian-Islamic God of scripture said, "Let each of the cellular machineries contain about a thousand times as much precisely-coded digital information much like a miniature computer and each require a continuous supply of junk food, water, and molecular oxygen, all of which be distributed through tortuous vessels and poured into every bag of bones by the heart, whose arteries own elastic walls which convert the millions of pulsation into a steady continuous stream, and from there let a giant swarm of arteries and veins carries the blood to every part of the mortal physique and, collects chemically processed grits from the intestinal glands and distributes each vital nutrient correctly and, in addition, let waste carbon dioxide be pushed out and diatomic oxygen be drawn in through the lungs and be distributed just where it is needed." And God made everything else in the world freeze from the bottom up, but water freeze from the top down. And a consequence of this was that in winter, ponds and rivers and lakes froze on the surface, but allowed fish and other marine creatures to live down below. And God grouped the species into genera, genera into orders, and orders into classes. And He introduced the science of naming, describing and classifying organisms in an ordered system ... For a single genus, a single name. And this He named the 'taxonomy'. And God made oscillating electric and magnetic fields to turn into each other, creating a wave, and that wave he called light. And God blessed the nuclear force to unlock the secret of the sun. And God said: Let a mutation make an organism work better and a small beneficial mutation in a nucleotide make evolution goes. And calculus was a very interesting thing. And He divided it into two classes -- Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus. And God took the equation Ek = 1/2 mv2 (Ek stood for kinetic energy, m for mass and v for velocity) and rearranged to m = 2Ek / v2. He introduced the condition v = 0, Ek = 0 and He got m = 0. And God whimpered m cannot be zero — there can be no bigger limitation than this. And God made the tangential point between zero and infinity. And He imagined himself sitting in a theatre, munching on popcorn and immersed in his creation movie. Suddenly his curious mind got a stimulus and he saw little particles, hitherto invisible, dancing in front of him in a beam of light. And this He called the Tyndall effect. And God said, "Everything that is born should die even oceans themselves will boil and all intelligent life dies out, Earth will ultimately die in a fire when the Sun becomes a red giant, about billions of years from now." And God came with a number and he fixed it for 6.022 × 10 23, representing the number of atoms, molecules, or ions in one mole of a substance.  And God said, "Let the entire electromagnetic spectrum — from radio waves to gamma rays, most of the light in the universe — resemble nothing but transverse waves, which in turn be vibrating Maxwell force fields." And to understand the big picture of where everything fits in, He said let there be 4 fundamental forces which rule the universe: gravity, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force. And God pointed out that the telltale light emitted by atoms be governed by the masses of their constituent particles, notably their electrons. The way these absorb and emit light would shift towards the longest wavelengths appearing at the red end of the spectrum and the shortest wavelengths at the blue end. And the LORD the King of creation created a force field that pushed the electrons in a wire, causing them to move in an electrical current. And God limited his thinking to extraterrestrials. So he inserted a mathematical factor to account for all of the conditions required to enable such civilizations to evolve. And the result was the following formula:

  N = R* fp ne fl fi fc L

  N = the number of civilizations in the galaxy.

  R* = the rate at which stars are born in the galaxy.

  fp = the fraction of these stars that have planets.

  ne = the number of planets for each star that have the conditions for life.

  fl = the fraction of planets that actually develop life.

  fi = the fraction that develop intelligent life.

  fc = the fraction that are willing and able to communicate.

  L = the expected lifetime of a civilization.

  And this He named the Drake equation. At the same time God made the brain to keep track of the ongoing functions of body like emotions, hunger, breathing pattern, eyelid movement, thoughts and mental capabilities. And God said, "Let solar sail boosted innocuous starships take infinite energy to leave the earth and go to the distant star to find a planet that may have life and may have intelligence laboring for aeons in the cosmic ocean. And yet human brain only consumes about 15-30 watts of power and yet it processes more than a 1.5 million messages a second -- simultaneously much like any large supercomputer." And His deep interest in astronomy brought out the term "magnitude," which was used for the brightness of a star. And the God of the Christian Bible placed two bar magnets next to each other with north poles opposite each other; the two magnets repelled each other. And He took his depictions of force fields and rewrote them in the precise language of differential equations, producing one of the most important series of equations in modern science that every physicist in the world has to scratch his head over night and find internet sources to be confusing to say the least when mastering electromagnetism in graduate school. And God made Earth to act as a giant particle accelerator, creating the dangerous Van Allen radiation belts. And He commanded, "Let gravity pulls everything in, but a mysterious force called dark energy tries to push it all back together again. And the ultimate fate of the universe relies on which force will win the desire to succeed." And God being an inveterate gambler - He threw the dice on every possible occasion. And God made the One year = 3 x 107 seconds, so the Earth’s orbital speed was 10 9 km /3 x 10 7 Sec = 30 km /Sec. And He made the Sun and the Moon; stars always rise in the east and set in the west. And God made a spinning black hole to collapse into a spinning ring. And God said, "Anyone cursed enough to hit the ring would cease; but someone falling into the ring would not be killed, but would actually wind up on the other side of the ring, he or she would pass through the Einstein-Rosen Bridge and wind up in a completely different universe." And God blessed the speed of light to be limiting velocity in the universe, unaffected by the movement of its source and independent of all observers. And God said, "Let the human brain be wired up with a theory of consciousness and this lead Newton to come up with the theory of gravitation and Einstein to come up with relativity and Hawking to create a model of his position in space with relationship to other organisms and finally in relationship to time." And God divided the velocity of a red shifted galaxy by its distance. And He got Hubble’s constant which measured the rate of expansion of the universe, and its inverse correlated roughly to the age of the universe. And God blessed the black hole to be characterized by only three externally observable classical parameters: mass, electric charge, and angular momentum. And God hitching a ride on a uniformly accelerating Chinese Long March rocket − He went through space - time around the black hole. He then felt himself to be in a thermal bath at temperature T = hα /2πCk (h stood for Planck's constant, α for the acceleration, C for speed of light and k for the Boltzmann constant). And this He named the Fulling - Davies-Unruh effect. And God said: let the accelerating massive bodies give off gravitational waves just as bound electrons in an atom emit electromagnetic radiation. And it was so. And God who is unlimited by time and space made the earth to block the light of the sun and He made the lunar eclipse to appear. And He took two pillars of modern science — general relativity and quantum mechanics and He reconciled them and He came up with the George's secret key to the Universe of the title "The Theory of Everything." And God said, let solids, liquids, and gases make up the three familiar states of matter, but plasma (a gas of ionized atoms) forms the "fourth state of matter." And God divided all the cells in a contiguous living system such as an amphibian or insect into the soma (the cells that ultimately die) and the germ cells (the cells that are perpetuated by reproduction). And the Lord God of Creation said, "Let all cell division in multicellular organisms (including vertebrates, reptiles
, Craniates or suckling pigs) occur by mitosis except for the special division called meiosis that generates the gametes for reproduction." And pleasure of God was in his creation. And God was pulled into the sands of Mars by reading Edgar Rice Burroughs's John Carter of Mars novels. And God said, "Let protons each carries one unit of positive charge and each electron carries one unit of negative charge, and let there be same number of electrons as protons, so the atom as a whole stay electrically neutral." And God saw his own reflection in the water; he slipped over and fell into the water. And the volume of water displaced was equal to the volume of the part of his body he had submerged. As a result God started floating on the water. And God said, let the magnitude of the buoyant force on an object be equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. And this he termed the "Archimedes principle." And God been lounging on his sofa, roaming the world and watching the sights via the Internet on his computer, he pushed a button and slowed one image. And God saw the actual structure of a small fragment of DNA. Noticing the sequence was made up of four basic compounds - adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine he saw much of the DNA had an error. So God cutted the DNA using what was called the restriction enzymes and commanded the computer program to select a variety of enzymes to perform the rest of the task. And the Lord God said: Let the humans alter their genes through genetic modification to keep ahead of advances in cyber technology and stop intelligent machines from taking over the world. And the Lord God commanded galaxy to act like the lens of a telescope. Any light from a distant object would converge as it passes around the galaxy; form a characteristic ring pattern when the light finally reaches the Earth. And God the creator and the free establisher of the laws of motion named this gravitational lens effect "Einstein rings." And the God of all creation said, "Let new materials assembled from carbon atoms exhibit remarkable, unexpected properties, from superconductivity to ferromagnetism." And it was so. And God introduced 4 NUMBERS to describe the characteristics of electrons and their orbitals.

  Principal quantum number: a number that describes the average distance of the orbital from the nucleus and the energy of the electron in an atom.

  Angular momentum quantum number: a number that describes the shape of the orbital.

  Magnetic quantum number: a number that describes how the various orbitals are oriented in space.

  Spin quantum number: a number that describes the direction the electron is spinning in a magnetic field — either clockwise or counterclockwise. And God said, let Virus use RNA as its genetic material and with the exception of the RNA viruses, all organisms store their permanent information in DNA, using RNA only as a temporary messenger for information. And it was so. And God made planets to move in ellipses (not perfect circles) with the sun at one focus. And this He named the Keplerian law. And God said, let there can be no temperature colder than –273°C. And at temperatures above three billion K, let protons and neutrons move too fast to do anything except brush past or bounce off each other. And God made surface gravity to be the same at all points on the event horizon of a black hole, just as the temperature is the same everywhere in a body at thermal equilibrium. And God the Lord of all Creation and Natural Law said, let electrons bound to an atom escape, even if they lack the requisite energy, through a phenomenon known as quantum tunneling. And God created everything by number, weight and measure. And God took the longest side of the right angled triangle and equated it to the square root of the sum of the squares of the other two sides. And this He named the "Pythagorean Theorem."And God said, let the region of star formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud tell the fabulous story of how humanity unraveled the science of the universe. And God realized that the universe is expanding in a runaway mode, accelerating without any limits, getting colder and colder with time. If this continues, there will be no one to glorify Einstein or Newton — the whole temple of man’s achievement upon the shoulders of Galileo and Copernicus will inevitably be buried beneath the debris of a big freeze in ruins and time itself comes to a halt. So God said, "Before the universe is destined to end, let an advanced civilization escape via a 'wormhole' into a parallel universe." And God saw the growth of all organisms depended on the availability of mineral nutrients, and none were more important than nitrogen, which was required in large amounts as an essential component of proteins, nucleic acids and other cellular constituents. So God commanded some bacteria to convert N2 into ammonia by the process termed nitrogen fixation. And God the Ruler of the Universe introduced the science of distribution of a number of identical elementary particles, atoms, ions, or molecules among possible quantum states. And this He named "statistical mechanics." And God further developed his science: He divided statistical mechanics into Bose-Einstein statistics (statistical law obeyed by a system of particles whose wave function is not changed when two particles are interchanged) and Fermi-Dirac statistics (statistical law obeyed by a system of particles whose wave function changes when two particles are interchanged). And the Lord God of all creation and author of metaphysical naturalism unified the fundamental forces by postulating a symmetry relating the known fermions to hypothetical bosons and the known bosons to hypothetical fermions. And hence force and matter formed just two facets of the same thing. And God said, let Einstein’s quest to unite the four fundamental forces of nature into a single grand unified theory of everything appear bold in a myriad of science programming for television including Discovery, Science Channel, BBC, Fox, CNN, ABC, Disney and History Channel, numerous bestselling books, top popular science publications such as Nature, Science, Discover, Popular Mechanics, COSMOS, AAS, WIRED, New Scientist, Newsweek, and many others. And God got stuck in an orbit at the photon sphere — the radiation of all the photons captured in this region cooked him like an oven. And his legs suddenly slipped and he fell deep inside the horizon before he was torn apart. And the gravity at his feet was stronger than the gravity at his head. He felt this difference as a tidal force, which pulled him apart vertically. And at the same time he was crushed in the horizontal direction, like a rubber band being pulled. And breaking the equation RS =2GM/C^2 God somehow rushed out of the black void in space and he impacted craters on the moon. And God changed the Newtonian laws by introducing a correction factor to the mass. And this He termed the relativity. And the Lord God said, Let many of the giants of physics like Kaku, Hawking, Sagan, Einstein build technology that allows them to explore and inhabit the most remote regions of the Earth, permitting them to leave their home planet, to venture into space, to explore other worlds and unlock tremendous universal marvels such as gravity, relativity— even the nature of life itself. And staring into immense heavens above, God calculated the star's temperature from the spectrum of its light. And God introduced a parameter in his equations that gave space-time an inherent tendency to expand. And this He interpreted as a special form of Dark Energy termed the "Cosmological constant." And God defined the angle P subtended at the star by the mean distance D of the earth's orbit round the sun "parallax." And God made a relatively flat sheet of dust and gas to surround a newborn star, a black hole, or any massive object growing in size by attracting material. And this He called the accretion disk. And the God of pantheistic Judaism said, "Let the laws of the four forces, and the parameters such as mass and charge that characterize everything in the universe apparently the elementary particles — in contrast to the more fundamental laws of M-theory allow different universes with different set of rules." And God named the chaotic movement of the colloidal particles in the sol "Brownian movement." And God saw that the stars were made up of more than one kind of gas particle. So He changed the ideal gas equation PV = NkT to PV = MkT/μmH (where μ denoted mean molecular weight of the matter inside the star, M the mass of the star and mH the mass of hydrogen nucleus) so that it hold good for the matter in the star. And God made all moving objects on Earth to experience a force called friction, to slow down and eventually stop. And God said, let the low lying clouds and heavy gases like carbon dioxide in the atmos
phere trap some of the sun's energy making the earth's atmosphere richer in infrared radiation and help to keep the earth's surface warm at night. And this phenomenon He termed the Green house effect. And God made penicillin out of moldy bread and He took the equations of motion (v2 = u2 + 2as, v = u + at and s = ut + 1/2 at2) and He introduced the condition u = 0, v = s / t. And then He got 3 different results (a = s/2t2, a = s/t and a =2s/t2). And God said, let science, whatever its limitations at least shrink the physics of the big bang into an equation as small as E=MC2. And God divided thousands of varieties of flowers into their respective genus and He named the reaction induced by high energy photons "photodisintegration." And God the Lord and the only Savior of the world made a beam of intense, monoenergetic light nuclear particles to bombard upon a target material. And the resulting interaction He termed the nuclear reaction. And God said, let things in the physical world change, seasons change, people adapt to that drastic changes and time be an intrinsic feature of the mundane world. And God saw that all the creation was an expression of His will and His power. And the shortest (or longest) path between two points He called by a specific term Geodesic. And God observed a change in the direction of light propagation when light incident on certain substances. And this He termed the scattering of light. And the Lord God said: "Let at some point trillions upon trillions of years from now, the stars cease to shine, and their nuclear fires extinguish as they exhaust their fuels, forever darkening the immense heaven. And the accelerated expansion leaves only a cold, dead universe of black dwarfs, neutron spheres, and dark stars." And God called Mathematics "the language of creation." And He formulated the theory of Quantum chromodynamics that described the interactions between quarks and gluons which made up hadrons such as the proton, neutron and pion. And the God of Monotheism said: "Let the willfully blind greatest thinkers of modern history fail to recognize that the whole universe is the Work of a Supreme Master Mind." And God created the laws of chemistry in just the right way so that life would be sustainable. And the Lord God of the Hebrew Bible, blessed the remaining time in the universe, and made it holy, because during it He entered into the midst of a bush which was burning and He abstained from all his work which He created and made. And God said: let the Planck’s constant be incredibly small (6 × 10 –34 — a decimal point followed by 33 zeros and a 6 — of a joule-second) and let it turn out to be one of the most fundamental numbers in physics, ranking alongside the speed of light C.


  It was a dark and stormy night. And God came out of the midst of a bush and started writing the mathematical laws and principles, including the rules of addition, the transitive property, the commutative properties of addition and multiplication, the binomial theorem, and many others. And He grappled with the equations that govern the subatomic particles out of which the universe was created. And God blessed the outermost electrons to determine the physical characteristics of the atom. And God said, let the statement "Humanoid Machines May Outsmart Man" appear in the headline of The Times of London and cook up the world’s top leaders in artificial intelligence (AI) to gather at the Asilomar conference in California to solemnly discuss what happens when futuristic robots from space use humans as pawns and the earth as a battleground for their interstellar wars. And God made the planets to speed up as they get closer to the sun within their orbit. And He found the exact mathematical relationship between a planet’s distance from the sun (a) and its orbital period (p) and expressed as p2=a3. And God termed the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to that in the given medium "index of refraction." And He made life to spontaneously form from nonliving chemicals. And this termed the abiogenesis. And God blessed the water to bear some interesting properties, such as the ability to hold an unusually large amount of heat energy. And God allowed a monochromatic light to fall normally on the thin film of air between a lens and a flat sheet of glass. And the pattern of light interference produced by the contact of the convex surface of a lens with a plane glass plate He termed the "Newton Rings." And the Lord God made the hydrogen fuel cells to serve the world’s global energy needs and propel society to power every electronic device in their room, every technological breakthrough, escape the heat death of the universe, explore the multiverse in which the dominant forces are the great gods like Anu, Ea, and Shamash and unlock the secrets of the Einstein’s unfinished Symphony. And the Lord God said: Let Newton's mathematics be good enough for humans to fly rockets into space and steer probes around planets – but at very high speeds, or in very strong gravity, his theories fail. And God made the nucleotide building blocks to come in only four different kinds, whose names he shortened to A, T, C, and G. And He made science to be an unending quest: as its frontiers advance, new mysteries come into focus, and new ideas upset existing theories to capture material from a comet find lysine, an amino acid, in the sample, suggesting that the evolution of life on Earth had only begun after a jump-start from space. And the God of metaphysical theism said: "Let the mechanics of the Principia be an exact quantitative description of the motions of visible bodies and let it rest on Newton’s three laws of motion: (1) that a body remains in its state of rest unless it is compelled to change that state by a force impressed on it; (2) that the change of motion (the change of velocity times the mass of the body) is proportional to the force impressed; (3) that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." And God placed his refracting telescope on a stand while his hands shaking, he noted the Copernican principle holding the Earth a planet orbiting the Sun. And the Lord God said: let hawking be attached to his wheelchair and operating by tiny movements of two of the fingers of one hand, transform his view of the universe into a landmark volume in science writing - reviewing the great theories from Newton to Einstein, from the big bang to black holes, via spiral galaxies and the vastness of space and time. And the size and shape of a black hole depended only on its mass and the speed at which it rotated; the horizon, all that he saw from the outside Universe, carried no identifying features that can tell him what the hole was made of. And God termed this lack of identifying features the "No Hair Theorem." And God stripped electrons from atoms by subjecting them to a process of ionization. And He kick-started the fission process and said: "Let the future scientists be successful in building fission reactors on the work of Curie and Einstein, producing electricity for towns and cities. However, let the same concepts would also be used by a group of scientists, including Enrico Fermi, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Luis Alvarez, and many others, to develop nuclear weapons." And God made atoms of different elements to vary in size and mass, and indeed this He claimed the cardinal feature of the Dalton atomic theory. And God termed the lowest possible temperature "absolute zero." And He entered the public imagination with the Paul's Blue Letter Bible. And God made the spinning magnetic field to push electrons inside the coil, creating a net current of electricity to light up the fastest-growing sectors of the energy market. And God had a cold and a drop of his nasal mucus fell onto a culture plate of bacteria. Realizing that his mucus might have an effect on bacterial growth, he mixed the mucus into the culture and a few weeks later saw signs of the bacteria having been dissolved. And the Lord God said: Let this accidental discovery change the course of medicine. And God was thrown into flashes of exhilaration, laughter, joy and exultation by reading the G. C. Williams’s great book 'Adaptation and Natural Selection.' And God blessed the natural selection to be a choice of stable forms and a rejection of unstable ones. And He manipulated robots and avatars by his thinking. And He termed the ratio between the magnetic moment and the angular momentum of a particle 'Gyromagnetic ratio.' And God opened up one of the most bizarre and tantalizing chapters in modern physics. And He said: Astronauts when they go to orbit around the earth, they actually come back slightly younger than a twin that they would have on the planet Earth who was stationary. And this He termed the twin paradox. And God brought the Renaissance period to light. And one of history’s greatest intellectual sculptors Leonard
o da Vinci was born with his drawings of presciently detailed flying machines to precede the advent of human flight by more than 300 years. And God passed an electric current through a solution called an electrolyte. And He came up with the Faraday’s laws of Electrolysis: (1) The amount of a substance deposited on each electrode of an electrolytic solution is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity passed through the solution. (2) The quantities of different elements deposited by a given amount of electricity are in the ratio of their chemical equivalent weights. And God splitted the atom and began to understand the secrets that light up the heavens. And the Lord God said: let the universe be populated by stable things and stable things hold a collection of atoms that is permanent enough or common enough to deserve a nickname. And God entered the H. G. Wells’s classic War of the Worlds, and blessed the aliens to devastate entire cities on earth by shooting beams of heat energy from Ray guns mounted on their tripods. And God made nuclear technology to overlap with nuclear weapons and blessed the American scientific community to grapple with fusion in the fierce race with Russia to produce the H-bomb to melt the earth. And expanding on his previous work that electricity running through a wire could deflect a magnetic compass needle, God introduced a new scientific field called electromagnetism and blessed the English physicist Michael Faraday to pick up the work from there to invent and build the first electric motor. And God blessed the substances such as iron and nickel to be extremely susceptible to electromagnetic forces. And He generated electric polarity in dielectric crystals and subjected to mechanical stress. And this He termed the piezoelectricity. And every time His nose was glued to the TV screen. And He was magically transported to a mysterious world of pirates, gravitational monsters, ray gun battles, underwater dinosaurs, and Sci-fi fantasies. And He placed electrodes around his head. And by analyzing the electrical impulses picked up by these electrodes, He recorded the brain waves. And this He termed the Electroencephalogram. And the Lord God said, let the Polish-born French chemist Marie Curie discover a radioactive element (named radium) shortly before Einstein announces his special theory of relativity and let her discovery would eventually result in her becoming the first woman to ever be awarded a Nobel Prize. And God unified so called weak nuclear forces with the Maxwell equations in what was known as the Electro weak theory. And the electro weak theory and QCD together constituted the so called Standard Model of particle physics, which He aimed to describe everything except gravity. And God made the Internet to appear everywhere — in wall screens, furniture, on billboards, and even in his glasses and contact lenses. And when he Blunk, he went online. And God knocked at the door of the technology. And He termed the tunneling a reason for particles penetrating barriers that are forbidden by Newtonian mechanics. And He manipulated a handheld device that controls the computer via a wireless connection so he could simply move his fingers in the air to exploit the latest advances in technology to make things happen on its own. And the Lord God said: Let the Selfish Gene boost Richard Dawkins to fame and describe with great skill a new face of the theory of evolution. And God multiplied the radius of the black hole by the ratio of the Planck mass divided by twice the Planck length and He got the mass of the black hole. And Yahweh the Lord God of Judaism said: let the mechanism of evolution be the greatest discovery associated with the names of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. And He held that variation within a species occurs randomly, and that the survival or extinction of each organism depends upon its ability to adapt to the environment. And this He termed the Natural selection. And God by placing a sensitive thermometer in what to his eyes was the dark beyond the red. And the temperature rose. And there was light falling on the thermometer even though it was invisible to his eyes. Rattlesnakes and doped semiconductors detected infrared radiation perfectly well. And God placed the dust, stars, planets, whole galaxies, even light at the heart of the giant black hole. And He pushed his Brain Project to write down a probability equation relating the entropy S of an ideal gas to the quantity W, which was the number of microstates corresponding to a given microstate.

  S = k lnW

  And the Lord God placed a cancer cell in hot water and boiled it to death. And He termed the magnetic fields of planets and moons "Magnetosphere." And God provided mutations the raw material for evolution. And He made three radioactive chemical elements to steadily decay and transform into different, stable elements: uranium to slowly become lead, potassium to slowly become argon, and the more exotic strontium to become the rare element called rubidium. And by measuring the amounts of these pairs of elements, he estimated the age of various rocks on Earth. And the Lord God of creation said: Let Collins-led team finds the gene that causes neurofibromatosis and Frank Drake himself, engage with amateur and professional physicists, astronomers, and others in an organized effort to create an Internet or a planetary telecommunications system to focus his search for launching of COROT and Kepler satellites specifically designed to find small, rocky extra solar planets. And God placed most of the asteroids between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. And He termed the property of waves that can oscillate with more than one orientation "Polarization." And God related pi to the properties of circles and spheres. And He blessed the ants to be the most complicated social predators on earth next to humans. And soon he was being pulled towards the Earth with a certain force, which he experienced as gravity. And holding his feet firmly upon the earth, He termed the disc-shaped region of icy objects beyond the orbit of Neptune "Kuiper Belt." And God made an angle inscribed in a semicircle to be a right angle and he blessed the Higgs boson in a BIG particle Punisher to bear a potential to end the universe one day. And God said: let the Earth itself be a very rich mixture of atoms, mostly silicon, oxygen, aluminum, magnesium and iron. And Fire be not made of chemical elements at all. And God pushed the matter into the orbit of an accretion disk. And as the matter in that disk moved closer and closer to the black hole, the matter heated up and began to emit X-rays. And God passed these energetic rays through graphite rods and a new beam emerged at an angle theta. And God termed this "Compton effect." And God walking through the Alice’s Looking Glass, he was transported instantly into Wonderland - a world where cats, mice, trilobites and crustaceans talked and understood English. And God placed hundreds of amino acids in meteoroids, in the gas between the stars, and in between the galaxies, and in certain hair care products. And He termed the upward force felt by objects immersed in a fluid "buoyancy." And God named an atom of deuterium 'deuteron.' And God made a monkey a machine to preserve genes up trees, a fish a machine to preserve genes in the water and a small worm to preserve genes in German beer mats. And a property of the strong force that causes it to become weaker at short distances He termed the asymptotic freedom. And God saw the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels. And this He termed the Global warming. Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good. And God thought that it's still up to him to wind up the clockwork and hit the reset button and restart all things according to a set of laws.


  God saw a scorpion dying, being underwater too long and unable to breathe. And He immediately reached out to the drowning scorpion, which, as soon as he touched it, stung him. The God drew back his hand but, having regained his balance, once again tried to rescue the creature. Every time he tried, however, the scorpion's tail stung him so badly that his hands became red and his face crooked with pain. An angel who saw the God scrambling with the scorpion shouted, "What's wrong with you, MY LORD! Do you want to hurt yourself to save that ugly thing?" Looking into the angle's eyes, he answered, "Because it is the nature of the scorpion to sting, why should I forgo my own nature to save it?" And God fell through a rabbit hole and he entered Wonderland, a strange place where Cheshire cats disappeared, magic mushrooms turned him into a giant. And God migrated following the Cosmic Whimper, and so was carried to the
moon. And on the moon God made the feather and lead weight to hit the ground at the same time. And God entered the H. G. Wells's The Time Machine, and hurled into the distant future with the simple twist of a dial. And God said: Let all organisms require energy which they derive from the chemical compounds or radiant energy like light. And ships that wandered into the Bermuda Triangle mysteriously vanish into a hole in space. And God made radioactive iodine to kill tumors of the thyroid gland and fight certain forms of cancer. And He abhorred a naked singularity. And the singularities produced by gravitational collapse occurred only in places, like black holes, where they were decently hidden from outside view by an event horizon. And God made the sum of the squares of three adjacent sides of a cube to be equal to the square of the diagonal. And God said: Let the electromagnetic force light up the cities of New York, fill the air with music from radios and stereos, entertain all the people in the world with television, reduce housework with electrical appliances, heat their food with microwaves, track their planes and space probes with radar, and electrify their power plants. And God made hundreds of subatomic particles to stream from his accelerator, with strange names like sleptons, neutralinos, winos, zinos, charginos, tetraquarks, W-bosons, and so forth. And God chopped up light into tiny pieces called quanta. And He wrapped a Black Hole Mystery in a Firewall Paradox. And God made a human inside some kind of monkey suit. And He blessed the general relativity to go through a logical progression, from a physical principle to a quantum theory. And God determined the mass from knowledge of the energy (by dividing the latter twice by the speed of light). And since C2 was a big number, a little mass went an extremely long way in producing large energy. And God further developed his radiation science: He divided the nuclear radiation into alpha, beta and gamma particles. And God made the electrons and neutrinos to interact by exchanging a quantum of the weak force, called the weak boson. And he calculated the complete interaction of electrons and neutrinos, he added up an infinite series of graphs, called Feynman diagrams, where the quanta were exchanged in increasingly complicated geometric patterns. And this process of adding up an infinite series of Feynman graphs he called perturbation theory. And He introduced No-boundary condition (the requirement that the histories of the universe are closed surfaces without a boundary). And the Lord God said: Let the quantum fluctuations lead to the creation of tiny bubbles out of nothing and few of these reach a critical size and then expand in an inflationary manner via its own antigravity force and form the world of geometry and space-time. And God felt as if he had been wandering with Alice in Wonderland. And He made quantum mechanics to be the most philosophical of all sciences. And He gave the conjecture about Doomsday, the ultimate fate of the universe — whether it will perish in a big freeze, fry in a big crunch, or oscillate forever. The answer depended upon the crucial parameter: the density of the universe. And with magnets, he unleashed a new kind of force, the force of electromagnetism. And God said: let the laws of physics be unchanged under the combination of operations known as C, P, and T (C meant changing particles for antiparticles. P meant taking the mirror image so left and right was swapped for each other. And T meant reversing the direction of motion of all particles — in effect, running the motion backward). And He introduced the four forces of nature together with their associated force particles.

  Strong Force

  Force particle: Gluon


  Force particle: Photon

  Weak Force

  Force particle: Weak gauge boson


  Force particle: Graviton

  And God named the organisms that derive energy from the chemical compounds "Chemotrophs." And God placed humans and chimpanzees in the same genus 'Homo.' And the God of Abraham said: Let everything in the universe be explained on the basis of equations and physical principles. And each structure be of use to each kind of animal in its own way, by enabling it to compete, to hunt for its own prey, and to escape serving as prey to other animals. And He made the molecular assembler to take immortal coils, break them up at the atomic level and join the joints in different ways to create new survival machines. And God made the universe to be organized in a logical, orderly fashion and to obey uniform laws because the universe was created by the power of him.


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