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God Page 4

by Manjunath R


  Entering the DOOMSDAY

  And God was shocked at what he was hearing. And suddenly He peered into the darkness below. And He saw that the human aggression, which had a survival advantage in caveman days, to get more food, territory or partner with whom to reproduce, now has pulled out its sword and got into traditional fighter position to fight pointless battles with no end in sight. And the whole Earth was plunged in darkness. Aggression combined with Selfishness and aim for global supremacy between the nations led to much unnecessary and futile warfare. And the world was filled with espionage, proxy wars and nuclear deadlocks. Each nation was tempted to engage in the development and manufacture of weapons of mass destruction, but in so striking a way as seriously to alarm the other. And Boffins earned huge salaries, perquisites of power and, where possible, public honors at the highest levels for their rare skill for the development of living organisms to disable or destroy people or their domestic animals, to damage their crops, and/or to deteriorate their supplies. And nuclear weapons became almost a home handicraft industry. And every thinking person feared the use of highly toxic gases, poisons, defoliants, and every technological state planned for it. Almost half the scientists and high technologists on Earth were employed full- or part-time on armed matters. And anthrax spores were weaponized for maximum death and destruction. And the entire planet was gripped with fear that one day a terrorist group may pay to gain access to weaponized H1N1 flu and other viruses. And many of the Russian and American émigré scientists who developed the chemical weapons were profoundly distressed about the demon they had let loose on the world. They pleaded for the global abolition of chemical weapons. But their pleas went unheeded; the prospect of a national strategic advantage galvanized both the bigger nations, and the chemical arms race began. And smaller nations collected radiological weapons and were directed far more toward the use of nonliving toxic products produced by living organisms. Hypnotized by mutual rivalry the nations also prepared for the use of animals as delivery systems for explosives. Everyone knew it was madness, and every nation had an excuse for the use of terminator robots. No place on the planet was safe. And every television documentary on British television was delighted with floggings and rapes and public humiliations. And the full impact of a fossil fuel economy led to the global warming. And Greenland’s ice shelves shrank permanently, disrupting the world’s weather by altering the flow of ocean and air currents around the planet. And violent swing in the climate appeared in the form of floods, droughts, snow storms and hurricanes. And tropical diseases gradually migrated northward. And the inexorable spread of the pandemic and epidemic diseases linked to infectious pathogens reliably recorded the death rate of some hundred thousand people. And the death toll surpassed 5000 people a day. And from pigs to monkeys, Ebola went airborne and then jumped to humans. And robotics was a rapidly growing field. And the enormous automation, capacity of robots and their ability to interact like humans caused humans to be replaced by humanoid robots. And as a result, man power industries grinded to a halt, millions lost their jobs, and shrank into poverty. Food was the necessary thing, together with the effort expended in gathering food, since this in itself priced them something. And instead of hearing the voices of hungry mouths, bigger nations were busy in tapping their thoughts into colossal thermonuclear fusion plants buried deep inside their countries that converted their every desire into hydrogen bombs. And as a result, two-thirds of the children and one-third of the adult masses died due to hunger and malnutrition. And through the darkness like the bottom of hell, there were the voices of the other masses who survived the hunger disaster busily hunting the Capitalists for their wealth. And the world was thoroughly wedded to fossil fuels in the form of oil, natural gas, and coal. And as a result, fossil fuels became increasingly rare and were slowly doomed to extinction. And without fossil fuels, the world economy came to a grinding halt. World Health Organization and other international partner organizations were closed due to lack of funding. And massive solar super storm narrowly blasted the Earth back into the Dark Ages. And radar transmissions scanned the skies in constant fear of a massive launch of missiles with nuclear warheads. And mankind was frustrated with real challenges, including climate change, pollution, loss of bio-diversity and wide variety of diseases such as cholera, the 'black plague' and AIDS. Particle beam weapons, lasers, neutron bombs and cruise missiles threaten every citizen, not just of a nation, but of the Cosmos. And death rained from the Gunpowder Plots, Israeli Palestinian wars and Serb Croat Muslim massacres surpassed more than five million. And artificial intelligence took off on its own, and re-designed itself at an ever increasing rate. And this turned out to be the biggest existential threat to human survival. Nuclear waste was banking up at every single nuclear site. And as a result, every nation was suffering from a massive case of nuclear constipation. And sulfate aerosols emitted from volcanic eruptions and industrial centers burned the nitrogen in the upper air and converted it to oxides of nitrogen. And these oxides in turn destroyed a significant amount of the ozone in the high atmosphere admitting an intense dose of harmful ultraviolet radiation. And the increased ultraviolet flux produced a permanent change in the nucleotide sequence and led to changes in the molecules the cell produced, which modified the way the cell behaved, and ultimately affected photosynthesis and destroyed green plants. And the massive extinction of green plants led to the shortage of food and immense death of all living species including man. And religion which was once introduced to provide a hope, a future, and a goal for people to better themselves- now framed the most potent source of human conflict. And the Inquisition brought the torture and murder of millions more. And religion had poisoned everything. And on the other hand, atheist regimes committed crimes and massacres, at least as bad if not worse, confirming the truth of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's dictum: "If God is not, everything is permitted." And the H5N1 bird flu virus mutated, gaining the ability to pass from person to person and, in a worst case scenario, unleashed a deadly human pandemic. And ocean acidification, a product of fossil fuel burning, was dissolving calcifying plankton at the base of the food chain. And planet’s natural resources were insufficient to accommodate population growth. And potentially catastrophic ordinary infectious diseases such as avian-flu strains wiped out hundreds of millions of people. And the antibiotic crisis was bigger than AIDS. And drug resistant super bugs turned routline infections into life and death struggles. And factories were the main sources of sulfur dioxide emission and automobiles for nitrogen oxides. And the oxides of nitrogen and sulfur combined with moisture to form acid rain. And acid rain reacted with minerals in the soil and released deadly toxins. And the collateral damage from chemotherapy was widespread. And the side effects—including nausea, loss of hair, loss of strength, etc. — was so severe that some patients rather died of disease than subjecting themselves to this torture. The situation for HIV was much worse. And devising a vaccine for HIV was like trying to hit a moving target. And the conflict, portrayed by both the Israelis and the Palestinians as a holy war, was more an exploitation of religious fanaticism by those hungry for land and power. Plagues of insects and consequent further agricultural disorders were a likely consequence of war. And the strategic missile and bomber forces of the bigger nations were aiming warheads at over 15,000 designated targets. And doomsday was near and the earth was less safe for humans. And human extinction was making progress. And a ruinous civil war almost teared the Nations apart. And rabies-influenza posed as much of a threat to the world as war. And the firestorm, the gamma rays and the neutrons flatten heavily reinforced buildings; many kilometers away and effectively fried the insides of passersby. And people who survived the radiation attack developed thyroid abnormalities, growth retardation or malignant tumors. And the periodic floods or other disasters repeatedly took the human race right back to the beginning of civilization. And God realized that the whole world was running according to the will of Satan and Satan could spell the humanity to the brink of de
struction. And he could save the humanity if destroys the Satan. And if he destroys the Satan, he himself will be destroyed, and then there can be no meaning of existence. God cried that he created the universe with restricted laws, but he himself is restricted by some law. And He sat back and kick started the blind forces. And God decided to wind up the clockwork, even before Satan could spell the end of humanity. He made the Higgs boson to cause space - time to collapse. But at the same time God thought he would be utterly maniac if he destroys the humanity instead of saving it by some means. God pulled back the Higgs, an augury fifteen minutes early of the collapse of space-time. Meanwhile a comet smashed the earth with a velocity of about 50,000 miles per hour, releasing an amount of energy equivalent to 1000 million megatons of TNT, which was 1000 times more powerful than all the currently existing nuclear weapons combined. And intelligent predator who began as a mineral and then emerged into plant life and into the animal state and then to being human doomed to extinction.


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