Enemy Myself

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Enemy Myself Page 2

by Daniel OConnell

  Caleb eyes go wide, realizing the answer he states aloud, “You’re talking about Bach.”

  Paladin replies, “Yes Cale and I have been reviewing the possible effects of us meeting him within this new time line and I believe that we may be destined to meet with Bach.”

  Caleb suddenly recalls the battle at X’enablanca, stating, “Pal your talking about how I recalled the battle at X’enablanca as if I had lived it before and your focus is at the point when we almost died.”

  Paladin responds, “Cale, X’ena telepathy is one of intense and deep incursion into each other’s minds. Each individual share’s all that they know with each other and this ability is how the X’ena have been able to advance so far. However, when we first met with Bach he purposely shielded most of his thoughts from us. I assumed at the time he was doing this to prevent your frail human mind from being overwhelmed. Now that we have reached this moment in our lives it seems that moment of déjà vu we both shared during the battle of X’enablanca was perhaps something more. I had originally thought at first that this is some form of psychic foreshadowing that humans possess when confronting their own demise but after being with you for all these centuries I now know that is not to be the case. This now leaves the only possible solution to our moment of déjà vu and that solution is we are destined to meet with Bach in this new time line.”

  Caleb looks over towards the navigation holoscreen, saying, “This will add over a year to our journey Pal and we will not reach our target before they arrive. This would allow them the time to rebuild or possibly attack Carla from afar. The Meli’s psychic power would easily be able to reach Carla.”

  Paladin responds, “I’m sorry Cale but the Flower Stones vision did not give us enough time to consider all our options until now. Cale my calculations clearly show that should we attempt to go directly to intercept the Meli and the Skull superstation we will not have enough power to mount an effective offensive should your original plan fail. This includes the power of the Phace’mal volunteers in our cargo bay who have agreed to aid us. Without the X’ena energy coursing through your system this ship will die.”

  Caleb sighs heavily as he states, “Then our path is set, lets hope that we can get there before they can rebuild or mount an attack against Carla otherwise the sins of my past may yet come to life, destroying all that I have put into place to prevent it.”

  Paladin also reports, “Cale the people of Avalon have equal access to the psionic super bombs and should be able to activate them should the Meli attempt to attack Carla before we arrive. These redesigned super bombs will leave a psychic disruption field that will linger for almost a year, thus preventing any psionic manipulation what so ever throughout all our colonies.”

  Caleb exhales slowly, rubbing his hands across his face as he shakes his head in frustration and says, “Let’s hope that we succeed within that time frame because it’s our only hope to defend our people from the Meli.”

  Six months have passed as Caleb and Paladin reach the planetary system where Bach is hiding in stasis. The very same system Caleb will originally meet Bach in the not to distant future.

  Paladin reports, “Cale I’m showing four T-Challa research vessels with two Heavy class cruisers in high orbit over the main planet. They appear to be continuing their investigation into X’ena technology. My scans show several T-Challa science teams on the surface as they continue reverse engineering all that remains of this X’ena outpost. Cale, you should be aware that these T-Challa science vessels sensors are more than capable of detecting us if we use too much energy. The T-Challa science vessels sensors array systems are far more advanced than their combat ships counterparts and can easily pick up any abnormal energy readings.”

  Caleb is more focused on the moon, he studies the entire area for several moments, asking, “Bach sent the information on your creation over three hundred years ago, am I right Pal?”

  Paladin answers, “Correct Cale, the information containing my programming was sent three hundred and sixty-eight years ago, Bach should be in complete stasis and well hidden within his secrete base on the moon.”

  Caleb takes in a deep breath contemplating his next move, stating, “Bach was always a stickler for following the rules of the X’ena so I’m expecting a less than warm reception once he realizes that we altered the time line.”

  Paladin replies, “Bach is very hesitant to accept deviations from the X’ena way of life. Nevertheless, Bach is a scientist who accepts reason beyond emotion and although he will be dismayed with the time laws being broken he will eventually accept our reasoning for doing so.”

  Caleb places on a shift cloak and prepares to phase shift as he maneuvers Paladin to the far side of the moon. After a few moments pass Caleb closes his eyes and activates the shifter, transferring himself pass the X’ena cloaking field and deep within Bach’s hidden lab, reappearing right next to Bach’s stasis chamber.

  Caleb pulls back the hood of his cloak and reaches his hand out, touching the device. Within a moment, the device reacts just as it did when he activated in the original time line. A blue light begins to glow from within the stasis chamber as the room fills with a mist. Moments later the X’ena knows as Bach rises from the chamber. Caleb stands calmly in the room as Bach quickly surveys the room, seeing only Caleb. Bach telepathically reaches out to Caleb and speaks in its native X’ena language, asking, “If I may ask permission to touch you so I can learn your language and better communicate with you.”

  Caleb chuckles, replying aloud in the X’ena language, “Well Bach, I find it amusing that you would ask permission to speak to me in your own language as if you would expect that I would understand it. Luckily for you I know every language that you do.”

  Bach immediately becomes alarmed at this strange man who stands before him and speaks in a language that not many know.

  Caleb puts out his hand and says, “Take my hand Bach and meet your son and all will be explained.”

  Bach confused by Caleb’s statement cautiously creates a tentacle of energy as it quickly reaches out towards Caleb, connecting the two in a telepathic link where all that Caleb knows is transferred directly to Bach in just seconds.

  Bach’s mind is able to analyze all that Caleb has learned and experienced over the centuries in mere seconds but even with the ability to learn all that Caleb knows it still takes Bach time to accept this information.

  Bach becomes annoyed and angrily speaks, “Time travel is strictly forbidden by X’ena law as is any form of aggressive use of our technology. You have perverted everything that we have given you and made a mockery of our ways.”

  Caleb impatient as always replies, “Bach I don’t have time to rehash old arguments, besides you will have four hundred and twenty years to come to terms with what has happened.” Caleb pauses as he lets Bach weigh into his last statement. After a moment Caleb continues, “Now if we can cut to the chase you know why I’m here and I need your help or my sacrifice will be for naught.”

  Bach pauses as he continues to contemplate all that he has learned from his joining with Caleb. Even though Bach’s species is far more advanced than most other races the actions Caleb has done weigh heavily on him. Bach looks deeply into Caleb, studying who this man truly is. A human that has been chosen to share his life with his greatest creation, X one-hundred and fifty-two. Bach reluctantly comes to terms with what Caleb has done to get to where he is and what he has sacrificed to make things right for not only himself but for every living being within this universe. Bach continues reviewing all that Caleb knows and is shocked to learn that ultimately it was his own people the X’ena that placed one and all in jeopardy by freeing the Meli into this dimension and that Caleb has taken it upon himself to right this wrong. Finally, after several more minutes Bach speaks telepathically, stating, “Caleb Ocoda you are a unique individual and although I find what has transpired to be a grievous miscarriage of our power I can see what and why you have done what you did and therefore I will help you. N
evertheless, Caleb Ocoda, I see a major flaw within your overall strategy.” Bach creates a holoimage of the Flower stone, continuing, “You have within your possession a cosmic seed that you and your people have named the Flower stone. This seed cannot be allowed to remain within our universe for too long. Caleb Ocoda, you must be aware that its interaction with our universe puts everything in jeopardy. This Flower stone as you have named it is an all-powerful piece of the multiverse and like all living things it will eventually grow and develop into what it was destined to be. Caleb Ocoda, should this Meli discover this seeds existence as you and the Flower Stone now fear, then the Meli does indeed have the potential power to infect this seed in the same manner as X one-hundred and fifty-two did with you. However, unlike your melding the Meli could find a way to gain complete control over this seeds consciousness. Thus, the Meli will be able to recreate the universe into a dreed place just as it did in the alternate time line. Should this Meli gain control of this cosmic seed it would force it to expand within our universe, destroying everything. The Meli will use the seeds power to recreate a new universe in to whatever form it desires and we will all be destroyed in its wake.”

  Paladin telepathically speaks, “Hello Father, we are aware of the potential danger that the Flower stone possess to our universe, specifically should the Meli discover its existence as it was the seed itself that has shown us the countless variations to our time line as we continually interact with the time line. Including your image of the time line where the Flower stone is possessed by the Meli and expands, destroying everything. Nevertheless, that potential threat is still hundreds of years away.”

  Caleb stares at Bach and states, “Bach you know our mission is to travel halfway across the universe and stop the Meli before it has the chance to come for the Flower stone. I know all too well the risks should we fail and how the Meli will use its power to reshape everything.” Caleb pauses, collecting his thoughts, finally continuing he asks, “If I’m not able to stop the Meli then everything I have built. Everything I have put into motion will be for naught. Will you help me?”

  Bach considers the future and his people’s place in its ultimate design, dejectedly Bach replies, “I will give you the energy you need and I will follow the path of history you have shown me to follow Caleb Ocoda but you should know that if the Meli does come into possession of that cosmic seed there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.”

  Caleb sighs heavily, stating, “I am aware of my mission as well as my potential fate.” Caleb pauses as he looks to Bach saying, “Bach when we meet you only use my first name not my complete name, please remember to use my memories just as I have laid them out to you.”

  Bach reflects on Caleb’s statement and creates a tentacle as he fills Caleb with the energy he needs, stating, “Caleb, I too am aware of the role I must fulfil but there are many traumatic events that will be too difficult to completely shield you from when we meet again. What events lay before you and your race are now forever intertwined with my race. I know that my people are ultimately responsible for everything that has occurred and that there will be a price that my people may yet have to pay to restore the balance in the universe. I have much to ponder on for the next few centuries.”



  Present time, deep space as the new Ronin Super Carrier lies between the milky way galaxy and the Triangulum galaxy at the secret gateway of Ulysses people. For the past two days, the crew of Ronin has waited patiently for Ulysses to open the gateway.

  Ulysses hesitantly walks on to the Bridge and over to Admiral Frasier who is in the C.i.C section of the Bridge. Frasier is standing along with Ismail and Kalen as Ulysses reluctantly begins to speak, “Admiral, I believe it would be best if I took my ship and personally went ahead to contact my people at the high command before allowing you bring this new enhanced Ronin through our gateway and into our space.”

  Frasier as always suspicious asks, “And exactly what do you expect us to do while you go off ahead and get permission for us to enter your space?”

  Ulysses clearly irritated replies coldly, “Whatever you wish to do Admiral but I’m afraid that I must make preliminary contact in person before you attempt to enter our space.”

  Kalen, who is standing nearby with Ismail asks, “I do not understand your people Commander, why are you and your people deliberately making us wait? Can you not simply send a holocom signal ahead instead of making direct contact?”

  Ulysses lowers his head, grumbling in exasperation, “Well Ambassador Kalen as you are obviously aware we have already tried several times to contact our people for the past two days and our holocom signals went unanswered.”

  Ismail growls as he clenches his fists and stands straight, stating, “Then I will go with you.”

  Kalen annoyed at Ismail’s bravado snickers, adding, “Fat chance that I will allow this Earther go ahead and make first contact without the Paladonian people being equally represented.”

  Ismail smiles deviously as he stares at Kalen and replies, “Kalen every day I ask myself why it is I don’t simply pummel you into ground and every day I’m unable to find an answer.”

  Ulysses exhales heavily as he interrupts, stating, “Gentlemen, if you would please refrain from your chest pounding for a moment and allow me to once again refresh your memories. I have already stated to you both that my people have no desire to open relations with either of your governments as of now.”

  Frasier, becoming impatient interrupts everyone and asks, “So what would happen if we just took Ronin through that gateway unannounced?”

  Ulysses eyes goes wide as he replies, “Admiral our world is a heavily fortified system with over a dozen advanced species that may find a ship as powerful as Ronin suddenly appearing within our controlled space as an immediate threat. If it did not create a military incident it would most definitely create an economic one. You must understand that the other races we trade with would most likely stay away. Please Admiral just allow me and my crew to go ahead and set the stage for your arrival.”

  “Why don’t I go?” An unexpected voice from above surprises everyone as Abe speaks from the descending lift. He is carrying his daughter Marianne with an exceptionally larger than normal maintaince drone directly behind him. Abe asks once more, clarifying his last statement, “Well perhaps it would be best if I go with Ulysses, considering this will be our new home for the foreseeable future, if that’s ok with you Ulysses?”

  Marianne yells out unexpectedly, “I want to go too Papa!”

  Abe looks into his daughter’s eyes and grins for a moment as he reflects on her request and her excitement. He slowly turns to Ulysses as he waits for an answer.

  Ulysses is flabbergasted at Abe’s boldness as he replies, “I can see no reason in denying your request master Abraham.”

  Ismail immediately steps forward, holding his hand out towards Abe, announcing, “Forget that Abe. There is no way I’m letting you or any other member of your family out of my sight.”

  Abe’s grin disappears as he replies, “Ismail it is time that you come to terms that this world will be our new home and that you can’t be here to guard us anymore.”

  Abe finally succumbing to his annoyance exhales, looking over at Ulysses for a moment he exclaims, “For crying out loud Ismail they risked their lives for us. They exposed their hidden culture just to save us and you really think our lives are in danger with these people.”

  Marianne starts yelling once more repeatable, “I go, I go, I go!”

  Ismail grumbles as he stares intently at Abe not hiding his discontent he asks, “And you think you’re going to take my goddaughter with you unprotected?”

  Abe’s eyes go wide, staring back at Ismail in disgust, he quickly looks towards Marianne and states, “Well I was going to leave her here with Carla but she seems pretty determined on going with me. Besides if we are going to live there we need to show our faith in them as they have shown theirs with us and I think we both
recognize I know how to protect myself and my family.” Abe looks over his shoulder at the maintaince drone behind him and grins once more.

  Ulysses quickly notices Abe glance towards his drone and snickers a bit before he speaks, “Master Abraham you and your daughter will be completely safe under my care. I swear on my life that I will protect you both.”

  Frasier curious about this conversation asks, “Just how long will this trip take?”

  Ulysses replies, “My homeworld is less than a day from our galactic gateway. Once there we can contact the elders on our capital world of Avalon. Provided there are no additional distractions we should be able to send for you in a day or two.”

  Ismail clearly concerned about this asks, “And we will be expected to just wait here patiently for however long it takes while you discuss allowing us to enter your space?”

  Ulysses shrugs his shoulders, stating, “This is a process of politicians Ambassador Ismail and as you are fully aware of the process yourself it may take a few days for them to sort out what to do.”

  Carla suddenly appears from out of the deck in her psychic form. She glistens with radiant energy as she floats above the deck, stating ever so clearly, “Ulysses please don’t misinterpret what I’m about to say as me exerting my own agenda, because I want you to know that I do trust you with my life and that of my family. Nevertheless, I cannot risk the lives of my family without being able to be there for them should the need arise. Now with that said I will allow Abe to go with you but only after Ronin has passed through your galactic gateway. Once we pass through we will wait there until we receive word back from you.”

  Marianne yells again, “Momma I go too!”

  Carla smiles at her daughter and says, “Marianne you will stay here with Me and your brother.”


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