Enemy Myself

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Enemy Myself Page 4

by Daniel OConnell

  The holocom activates as Abe’s image now appears on the holocom. He speaks, “To the whomever is hearing this transmission my name is Abraham Jackson and I’m pretty sure you know who I am so I won’t bother going into my background but you need to know that me and Carla and our family are coming to your world and Carla wants the rest of her family back now, so I’d suggest you speak to me while that option is still on the table.”

  After a minute passes a response is finally heard from the holocom, “This is Avalon central command to the person claiming to be Abraham Jackson we request that you wait at your present location until we can verify your identity.”

  Ulysses hastily interrupts, speaking up, “His identity is confirmed central command this is Black Guard Commander Ulysses of the Salem. I can personally confirm Abraham’s identity.”

  The holocom opens, showing the image of tortoise like creature who looks directly towards Ulysses and says, “Commander Ulysses you have over stepped your authority. The proper protocols must be met before establishing contact with the Ocoda family and you are not authorized to enact those protocols.”

  Abe shakes his head clearly exasperated and states, “Look, whoever you are you really don’t want to waste my time any more than you already have because you know who’s coming right behind me and I can certainly promise you that she will not be very cordial in waiting to see her mother and brother for even a minute longer than she has to. Now with that being said, I’d highly suggest we skip with this protocol crap and get on with me meeting with you, unless you would prefer to deal with the wraith of a very angry, very powerful and extremely impatient wife of mine. Whom I can and most certainly assure you can and will make you regret any further delays.”

  The creature glances over towards Abraham and slowly inspects him. It suddenly noticing Marianne. The tortoise like alien is surprised and speaks, “I am known as Oz the supreme leader of Avalon and the last known being to have spoken to Caleb some four hundred and sixty years ago.” Oz slowly gestures as two humanoid creatures bring out a case to which Abe is extremely familiar with. Oz reluctantly speaks again, “I’m sure you are aware of what this device is Master Abraham.”

  Abe alarmed at the device answers, “We have one of those locked up under one of the most secure vault systems on Earth.”

  Oz unphased responds, “Yes you do Master Abraham and that device that you possess is the current prison for the Meli of this time line.” Oz adjust his stance as he looks t the device before him, continuing, “Master Abraham prior to it being said prison that device was also the source of Mistress Carla’s training. Perhaps you may recall upon its first activation that the device released a program into all of Earth’s X’ena/human databases. That program was a failsafe set up by Caleb. A failsafe which infected both the Earth and Paladonian people systems with a very aggressive computer virus. Now Master Abraham please listen closely as I don’t want you to misunderstand what I am about to say. If the proper protocols are not followed than this device will activate that computer virus that will instantly wipe out all X’ena/human technology from both the Earth and Paladonian people. Now although your people will be able to rebuild yourselves it will take considerable time to restore those databases.” Oz pauses once more, placing his hoof like hand towards the holocom, gesturing for them to wait and for almost five minutes. Oz stands there, waiting before he finally speaks, “It will take both the Earth and Paladonian people four years seven months and three weeks to recover from the damage, during which time your current ships will still be able to operate but no new construction of X’ena/human technology will be able to proceed.”

  Abe suspicious at this revelation asks, “Why would Caleb create such a weapon?”

  Oz once again responds ever so slowly, “Because the threat of the Demon Queen from this time line must be verified to have ended.”

  Abe, becoming more doubtful of Oz’s warning huffs as he exclaims, “Oz I’m not really one you try to bluff with. I’m not sure what your game is but you just stated a minute ago that you knew we have the Meli trapped. Now Oz I want you to listen to me very closely, even though I have no real memory of ever meeting Caleb I know a lot about the man that gave me this gift of knowledge and I know Caleb would never create such a weapon to impede us. Nevertheless, I will follow your protocol procedures just to get this over with.”

  Oz noticeably confused turns hastily away from Abe as the holocom mutes. He can be clearly seen arguing with someone off of the holoscreen view. Oz reluctantly returns his attention back to Abe, responding, “You and your daughter Marianne will be brought to the central command center on Avalon in the capitol city of Eloso. Once you land there you will be escorted to the central spire to meet with me.”

  Salem interrupts, reporting, “I am currently scanning over four hundred Dorsa vessels on long-range scanners in route to our current location. I estimate they will be here in eleven days.”

  Oz’s eyes go wide as he angrily asks, “Commander Ulysses please tell me that Mistress Carla and her ship are not within our sector as well?”

  Ulysses groans loudly as he reluctantly responds, “My apologies Lord Oz but Mistress Carla can be somewhat demanding, especially when it comes to her family.”

  Oz visibly exasperated reports, “The Dorsa have had scanners around our galactic gateway for several weeks, it is more than probable that they detected the Ronin’s ship energy silhouette when it passed through the gateway.”

  Abe smiles as he states, “Well if they already know she’s here than we may as well bring her out into the open and have her follow us into your space.”

  Oz once more places his hoof like arm out as he closes his eyes and thinks. After several moments pass he opens them and states, “Our data on this newer version of the Ronin vessel shows that it is incredibly fast and can make it to our space in just a few hours. As such, the ship will wait in its present location until I decide to allow it to come any closer. The Dorsa vessels are more than a week away from being able to intercept her.”

  Ulysses alarmed at this disclosure asks, “Lord Oz that many ships would possess well into the thousands of Dorsa and they will be in psychic range of her vessel within a few days.”

  Oz unconcerned responds, “Mistress Carla has two option before her. The first, she can return to the other side of the galactic gateway and wait there until I decide to allow her passage. The second, hide behind the Ronin psychic shields, which I imagine should be quite formidable.”

  Abe concerned asks, “And should my wife decide to confront the Dorsa what would happen?”

  Ulysses alarmed at Abe’s statement says, “The Dorsa are not known for their manners Master Abraham and can be very deliberate in their ways. Mistress Carla as powerful as she is could harm them as she tries to defend herself and this could easily escalate the tension between all our people. The Dorsa have long been aware of the possible legacy regarding Mistress Carla and have multiple preconceived thoughts on her.”

  Oz quickly adds in, “Your ability to remain in our space will weigh heavily on Mistress Carla ability to be accepted by the Dorsa.”

  Abe now very alarmed says, “Then I think it best that we explain that to my wife.”

  At that specific moment, a psychic avatar of Carla appears on the Bridge of the Salem and speaks, “Don’t worry I have been listening to your conversation and will be a good little girl and stay within the psychic shields of Ronin, at least for now.”

  Oz stands in complete awe at the appearance of Carla and is momentarily stunned. Nevertheless, he quickly collects his thoughts as he once more looks down at Marianne and smiles briefly, stating, “I see you share the same psychic bond with your children as your Father did with you Mistress Carla. You should know I am fully versed in this psychic bond and although that bond is perhaps undetectable and possibly even unstoppable it may open you and your family to undo harm from the Dorsa. You should know Mistress Carla that the Dorsa as a whole have psychic potential that is yet unknown to us a
nd they may sense this connection should enough of them converge within our space.”

  Carla alarmed at Oz’s knowledge asks, “How is it you know so much about me?”

  Oz grins, replying, “Your Father was my friend. He personally shared much of his life with me when he saved me hundreds of years ago. When your Father healed me much of who he was became part of me. If you are untainted by the Meli you will be allowed access to our space and be reunited with your family but your Father has left numerous tests that must be conducted before we can allow you access.”

  Carla scowls, stating, “Nothing like making a girl feel unwelcomed.”

  Oz swiftly becomes concerned at Carla’s statement, responding, “This is not our way Mistress Carla. We do not wish to make you feel unwelcomed but this is the will of your Father and we must follow the path that he set before us. Welcomed or unwelcomed is not an issue for us to debate, it is a path you must follow if you want to come here.”

  Carla grumbles as she vanishes off the deck of the Salem

  Ulysses exhales loudly as he says, “Helm top speed to Avalon.”

  Twenty-six hours later, the Salem lands on the planet Avalon at a massive spaceport, possessing hundreds of ships of all various size and configurations. After a several minutes Abraham disembarks with his daughter and his personal maintaince drone. Several hundred armed soldiers hastily approach and surround the Salem and its crew. An officer step forward and says, “You will wait her until a detailed psychic scan of each of you have been completed.

  Abe grunts as he looks to Ulysses and asks, “Is this truly necessary?”

  Ulysses shrugs his shoulders, saying, “It is not a common practice Abe but then again your visit is not common either.”

  Several Candorian’s arrive as they each hold hands and begin their psychic scan. After several moments pass they stop and one of them say aloud, “The one called Abraham has a psionic blocking device activated and the young child seems to have a natural defense that is preventing our scans.”

  The Commander turns towards Abe and says, “You will comply with the psychic scan or you will be asked to leave our world.”

  Abe growls as he reaches down to his side and deactivates his psionic scrambler. The Candorian’s once more scan them, stopping after a moment as yet another of them turns to the commander, stating, “His mind is well versed in shielding his thoughts but we sense no malice or threat within him. Nevertheless, the child still is an enigma to us, her ability to block us is astounding. Her psychic shields are completely impenetrable.”

  The Commander raises his hands as his soldiers immediately pull their weapons, pointing them towards Abe and his daughter, yelling, “You will comply with the psychic scans or be treated as a threat!”

  Marianne quickly becomes frightened at the man’s voice as she grabs onto her Father tightly and begins to cry. Abe, seeing the fear in his daughter reacts immediately, shouting, “Zeta Seven combat armor mode now!”

  Zeta seven instantly projects a force field around Abe and Marianne as the drone completely transforms itself, enveloping Abe with a massive armored exo skeleton that entirely encases him and Mariane within the armor within seconds. Abe quickly activates the weapons systems, which suddenly appear all around the armor. Two heavy missile launchers suddenly appear on each shoulder as a massive plasma cannon appears dead center in the chest plate. Both arms are completely covered in multiple plasma cannons as the armor exo skeleton overall mass expands drastically, making Abe stand over twenty-feet tall.

  The Soldiers quickly react, charging their weapons as Ulysses screams, “Stand down everyone!”

  Abe points his right arm at the Commander and says, “Threaten me or my family and there will be no place on this planet that will be safe for you or anyone else that would dare to harm us.”

  The Commander yells, “You will stand down or I will open fire!”

  Ulysses, reacting to the escalation mounting yells, “Salem activate defense systems! Defend Abe and Marianne!”

  Salem’s weapons systems go on line as dozens of light cannons pop out of the hull and multiple targeting beams lock onto all of the soldiers.

  The soldiers all freeze in place until a holoimage of Oz appears and speaks, “That will be enough Commander, they may come to the capital now.” Oz looks at the armored Abe and says, “You have passed the first test.” The holoimage disappears.

  Abe turns to Ulysses as the helmet on his exo skeleton raises up partially exposing only his face, allowing him to say, “First test? Ulysses if this fool endangers my family like that again this will be over before it begins.”

  The Commander signals his men to lower their weapons as he turns to Abe and states, “You may come with us now.”

  Abe looks at the Commander in contempt as he maintains the armored suit and cautiously follows the soldiers through the spaceport and across tarmac to a transport, which is noticeably not large enough to carry Abe in the armored suit.

  Ulysses stops and looks at Abe and then the transport, asking “You want to come out of that super suit now?”

  Abe cautiously replies, “Not just yet.” Abe activates the suits internal propulsion systems as the suit hovers upward and states, “I’ll just follow you.”

  The soldiers and Ulysses enter the transport as it takes off. Abe flies closely behind. After a few minutes, they land at the center of city right in front of a massive and majestic spire. Several soldiers step out from it as yet another small tortoise looking alien creature walks out behind the soldiers. The creature similar in appearance to Oz steps forward and approaches Abe, saying, “You may lower your guard Master Abraham as I can assure you that there will be no further tests of your character.”

  Ulysses steps out, approaching the creature as he lowers his head and speaks humbly asking, “Lord Eldridge why was Master Abe and his family threatened so? I have already spoken on his behalf.”

  Eldridge looks towards Ulysses and responds, “The tests are necessary to evaluate whether Master Abraham is ready or not.”

  Abe interested in Eldredge’s statement asks from within his armored suit, “Ready for what?”

  Eldridge looks towards Abe and says, “Lord Oz will explain everything to you inside Master Abraham but I fear that you will not fit through the doorway in your present suit.”

  Abe exhales heavily as he reluctantly says, “Zeta Seven, standard defense mode.” The suit quickly peels away from Abe as he and his daughter Marianne reemerge from the massive exo skeleton. The defense suit returns back into its oversized maintenance drone appearance.

  Eldridge clearly unimpressed says, “Come with me.”

  Eldridge leads Abe who is now carrying his daughter in his arms along with Ulysses and Zeta Seven through the main corridors of the central spire. The group travel through several heavily guarded access points until finally reaching the top of the spire where they see Oz standing in the center of the room.

  Oz looks to Abe and grins briefly, stating, “Your skill and ability are as impressive as we believed they would be. Nevertheless, they are several obstacles we must overcome before allowing you and your family permission to come to our world.”

  Marianne suddenly speaks out, asking, “Papa what’s stuuling. What’s stuuling mean Papa?”

  Oz looks alarmed as he quickly checks his psionic scrambler and sees that it is on.

  Abe equally confused at this asks his daughter, “Marianne are you asking me what is stalling?”

  Marianne innocently smiles and replies, “My thingy said the turtle man is stuuling…err I mean stalling papa.”

  Abe alarmed at this asks, “Mama says that your symbiot shouldn’t be able to speak to you?”

  Marianne smiles innocently and answers, “My thingy talks to me all the time Papa.”

  Oz obviously annoyed lets out a long breath and says, “It would appear that Caleb did not take into consideration the existence of his grandchildren and the effect it would have on his plan.”

  Abe suddenl
y confused looks to Oz and states, “Okay I’m guessing Marianne isn’t wrong here.”

  Oz looks over to Eldridge and shakes his head, saying, “Your daughter is correct. Caleb knew to the exact day when you would arrive here and needed me to delay you for as long as possible but obviously that is no longer a viable option.”

  Abe’s eyes go wide in extreme confusion and asks, “Why would Caleb need you to delay us?”

  Oz shakes his head as two guards bring out the psionic recording device and place it in front of Abe and says, “I was never very good at deception Master Abraham. You were of course correct in your earlier assumption as my previous attempt to threating you was indeed an empty threat. This device was never meant to be a danger to you or your people. However, within this device are many things that Caleb has left for Mistress Carla.”

  Abe sighs, saying, “Well if it’s anything like the previous device it will require her to open it.”

  Marianne unexpectedly races up to it before anyone can react to stop her, touching the device. The device comes to life as an image of Caleb appears to the room. The A.I. quickly studies the room before finally speaking, “Well this was unexpected.”



  The Image of Caleb hovers before Marianne who stands before the holoimage with her mouth wide open in shock at the sudden appearance of the holoimage.

  Abe hastily steps forth, picking up his daughter and says, “You are part of the program of three that we used to capture the Meli.”

  The image smiles for a moment as it stares at Marianne and Abe. The Image seems to be processing data for almost a full minute before finally speaking, “No Abe, I am not part of the program of three. Nonetheless, this device is the final piece of that.” The Image of Caleb gives pause once more as it looks down at Marianne, continuing, “I am glad to hear you have successfully captured the Meli of this time line.”

  Abe freezes in place as he hastily assumes what this image is saying, “Oh my god you’re really him. You’re the real Caleb.”


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