Enemy Myself

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Enemy Myself Page 16

by Daniel OConnell

  Carla giggles as she picks up Marianne and says, “I think I could eat just about anything.”

  Marianne laughs aloud, “So long as it has ice cream on it.”

  The four of them laugh on as they walk down to the mess hall.

  Several hours later, a well-rested and happy Carla returns to the Bridge as she is greeted by the Dorsa and Ismail. The Dorsa asks, “Why have you slowed our progress?”

  Carla looks confused at the Dorsa’s as she considers its question for a moment, she quickly looks up at stars and smiles, saying, “Whatever we do in this lifetime we do it to better ourselves and to better those we bring with us and if we don’t take the time to enjoy those moments we create then we really haven’t accomplished anything.”

  Ismail’s eyes go wide as asks, “Carla have you become philosophical now?”

  Carla giggles as she closes her eyes and once more merges within Ronin. The massive vessel power increases as it once more reaches even greater speeds than before.

  Ronin announces, “We are reaching the outskirts of the psionic dampening field. Mistress Carla will be able to access the full extent of psionic power within the next seventy-two hours.”

  Ismail raises his brow, asking, “I thought we had four weeks till we had passed through the affected region?”

  Ronin responds, “We have surpassed our previous known speed records as well as charted a course towards a sector where the psionic interference had not stretched out as far, although it is far denser within this sector, the psionic dampening field did not expand outward as far as in other sectors.”

  Carla grumbles, stating, “The psionic interference is so compacted in this sector that I can’t even talk to Ronin telepathically.”

  The Dorsa states, “It is an odd feeling to be so alone without the voices.”

  Ismail looks to the Dorsa and states, “Well at least you can think for yourself.”

  The Dorsa states, “It has always been with my people a joined consciousness. We are born with the voices of everyone all speaking at once. We have no privacy in our thoughts, which is why you humans often have difficulty in dealing with us as we speak what we think without reservation. You humans mask your true feelings and desires, my people do not. We say what we think when we think and it is known to all of us at the moment we think it. This is a difficult time for me as much as it is for the daughter of Caleb.”

  Carla groans very annoyed, saying, “The name is Carla. You can say my name. It’s not Demon Queen, it’s not the daughter of Caleb, its Carla.”

  The Dorsa looks upward towards Carla who floats above the deck of the Bridge, responding, “Names have never been a concept that my people have held in high regard. Your Father was the first alien to ever contact our people. He possessed so much power that he could have easily destroyed our entire race yet instead he helped our people and showed us the flaws with our hyperdrive technology, saving millions of our people. He brought us to your people and welcomed us as equals. Your Father’s name is held in high regard amongst the Dorsa. Nevertheless, just as your race holds on fondly to titles such as names you call each other my attempt is one of respect in which I speak to you.”

  Carla exhales loudly as she directs her attention back towards the Dorsa, asking, “Well it’s not necessary with me but as you just said names are not a highly-regarded concept with your people, it is however a way in which our people communicate with each other so with that said how about we give you a name other than the Dorsa.”

  The Dorsa looks to Ismail and then to Carla and asks, “If you feel that it will allow for better assimilation with you and your crew than I will accept your suggestion. What name do you wish to call me?”

  Carla grins as she stares at the Dorsa for a moment. Its body similar in appearance with a fish that has tentacles as it hovers above the deck within its environment suit. She ponders for a moment, finally asking, “Do you not have a preference of a name?”

  The Dorsa looks to Ismail and then back towards Carla, answering, “A name is irrelevant to me but if it will make dealing with me more comfortable than I will choose the name Noah.”

  Carla gives pause once more as she looks back at the Dorsa and asks, “Why the name Noah?”

  The Dorsa responds, “If it offends you than I will choose another.”

  Carla shakes her head with a slight grin and states, “It does not offend me at all but makes me wonder why you have chosen that name?”

  The Dorsa, now called Noah looks up at Carla for a moment and answers, “I have read all the literature of your people and have studied the multiple religions that you and your people have followed. I see a human surrounded by water and find comfort in that name.”

  Carla giggles, replying, “Then Noah it is.”

  Several hours later Carla begins to feel the psionic interference diminish as she begins to feel outward into the psychic plane.

  Ronin speaks to her telepathically for the first time in days, stating, “Mistress the psychic interference is weakest here but I sense stronger pockets ahead.”

  Carla, realizing she has a limited window reaches out to find her Father. Her mind focuses on their shared psychic link, reaching out as she had done almost every day of her life in search of her Father. She looks out and senses his presence and stops herself as she feels the emotion build up within her. Even though Caleb is hidden behind a psychic shield Carla can reach him through it with their shared psychic bond. A feat that the Demon Queen never could do. Carla slips through Paladin’s psychic shield and enters her Fathers mind, saying, “Hello Dad.”

  Caleb, who is on the Bridge stands up in shock as he believes it is the Meli, answering telepathically, “You want to continue playing the family card Meli you will need to do better than that.”

  Carla appears in her Fathers mind, smiling as she responds, “Not the Meli Dad, it’s the real me and you need to listen to me before I lose the chance to tell you.” Carla pauses as she looks at the psychic image of her Father, doing her best to focus on what she needs to say. Finally, she speaks, “Listen Dad I don’t know how much time I have to speak so I’ll be quick. Dad I found the Ronin shard from the future and it showed me everything it could. Whatever plan you had its not going to work without me.”

  Caleb ever suspicious asks, “And just what did it show you?”

  Carla grimaces, stating, “It showed me how damaged the Meli was and how it had been battling it but it feared what would happen if it was rejoined with the Meli and made me destroy it. Dad it showed me as much as it could and your heading into a trap.”

  Caleb, remaining ever suspicious stares at the image of Carla and asks, “How am I to know if it is really you?”

  Carla beams as she barely can contain the joy of seeing her Father, answering, “Because nothing I can say will ever make you believe it is the real me as the Meli can find out everything about me and this new timeline but in your heart, you know it is me.”

  Caleb grins as he stares at his Daughter in joy, barely able to contain his emotion. Nevertheless, Caleb quickly regains his composer and realizes that Carla is in danger, stating, “Ok Carla you need to shield yourself back within the psionic super bombs affected area. I don’t know how you were able to get out of its affected area so quickly but its not safe for you.”

  Carla still ecstatic answers, “I am married to the smartest man on any planet anywhere. He found your hidden gateway system and we are only a few weeks away from you. Now you can forget this crap about doing this alone.”

  Caleb realizes just how much danger Carla has put herself in, yelling, “Carla you need to get away now! The Meli is coming not just for you but for something even more powerful and I have seen that future.”

  Carla stares at her Father for a moment and states, “No Dad that vision like so many others the Flower stone has shared with you is no longer valid and you know this. We have changed too much of the time line for it to predict what will or could happen.” Carla pauses as she feels the psionic interfer
ence returning, stating, “I’m coming to end this Dad and we are going to do this together.”

  Caleb stares into his daughter’s eyes as he sees her strength and determination, realizing she is not the little frail girl he left all those years ago. He raises his hand to take her hand but her image vanishes as she hits another pocket of psychic distortion.

  Carla snaps back to the ship as she is forced out of the psychic plane. Angered she pushes that rage into the ship as the ship jumps in speed once more, continuing an unparalleled increase. The jump is so significant that the inertial dampers are barely able to compensate as Abe and Ulysses whom are both on the Bridge feel it and Abe yells out, “Carla what the hell are you doing now!”

  Carla focuses on getting passed the sector affected by the psionic bomb, answering hastily, “I found him Abe and we are going to help him.”

  Abe races to the helm and looks over the readings as the ship is being pushed beyond its structural limits. Abe quickly looks up and yells, “Carla you need to take it back a notch the ship is not able to keep up with your power increase to the engines! You need to focus your power on the inertial dampers and structural integrity! Your focusing on just one source and the ship is not able to handle it!”

  Carla maintains her focus on the engines as Abe sees the main conduits begin to overload. Carla answers, “I need to get to him.”

  Ulysses, who is also seeing the overload yells, “Mistress Carla if you rip this ship apart we will be of no value to him!”

  Abe in panic mode moves as much of the excess power to the secondaries but the overload continues to build as he yells, “Carla you need to stop now before someone gets hurt!”

  The ship shakes violently as the structural integrity begins to fail. Carla feels the pain as she realizes what she is doing. She stops herself as Ronin slows to it previous speed.

  Frasier, Ismail and Noah hastily arrive on the Bridge as Carla lowers her self down to the Bridge deck, saying, “I’m sorry Abe, I just saw him for a moment and than I lost him again. We are so close.”

  Abe looks over the data on the terminal and looks up to Carla and says, “Carla you can’t do this crap anymore. Your smarter than that and you know it. You pushed us ten hours further than we expected in less than five minutes but you did it by pulling all the extra energy from virtually every system on Ronin. The main conduits are so overheated its going to take me all day before I can even touch them. The hulls buckled in several places and is ripped in others. The inertial dampers and deflector shields are all twisted in their ports. Damn it girl, if the ship wasn’t able to self repair itself we would have to stop for a week.”

  Carla, feeling the pain holds her arm, stating, “I’m sorry Abe but I saw him and I was talking to him and then I lost contact with him. I was just overcome with emotion. I won’t let it happen again.”

  Ismail stares at Carla in shock as he looks at Abe and asks, “Is this vessel not large enough to handle the power Carla possess?”

  Abe exhales loudly, answering, “It is but it is just barely able to handle her power.”

  Noah asks, “I have tried to understand how Carla creates power to this ship but I cannot comprehend it.”

  Ronin answers Noah’s question, stating, “Mistress Carla has access to energy that is part of her X’ena biology and that energy has multiple applications. Her psionic powers, her strength and her long life are just one aspect of her power. Nevertheless, her main strength comes from her ability to connect with this vessel and share that energy with me. Mistress Carla and her Father both share in their ability to augment their vessels energy to incredible speeds and displays of power.”

  Abe rolls his eyes, stating, “Ok we can go over my wife’s biology later, right now we need to start repairs on the ship.”

  Ulysses confused asks, “I thought you said the repairs were able to self repair?”

  Abe grumbles, stating, “Yes but it will take over a week. With us aiding in the repairs my wife’s pain will only last for a day instead of a week.”

  Frasier looks over the data on the ship and turns towards Carla in shock, saying, “I know you are powerful Carla. I’ve seen what you can do first hand but this is utterly amazing. Even at your fastest recorded speed you have never come close to speeds like this. Ten hours of travel in five minutes. I’m astonished.”

  Ismail looks towards Carla in disappointment, stating, “And had she not come to her senses she would have ripped the ship apart. Astonishing would not be the word I would have chosen. Perhaps fool hardy or reckless.”

  Carla returns Ismail gaze with contempt, stating, “If you knew your Father was racing to his death and you could save him don’t tell me that you wouldn’t do anything less.”

  Ismail snaps back his response, “That is where we differ Little Flower. I do not believe you Father is racing to his death, I believe in his ability to fight and win. You however are acting on passion instead of reason and it will be that weakness that the Meli will exploit, unless you can gain control of your emotions.”

  Carla turns away as she refocuses back on the ship, racing forward in a more controlled and stable manner.”

  Abe looks to Ismail solemnly, stating, “She is not the Little Flower you trained anymore Ismail, she is her own person that needs that passion to push her and that wont ever change. If you want to help her than show her how to harness that passion towards helping Caleb.”

  Ismail looks at Abe in confusion, asking, “I do not understand Abe she is your wife, it should be you that help reign in her emotions.”

  Abe puts his hand on Ismail’s shoulder, stating, “When it comes to family then yes but when it comes to battle tactics that is where I lack your skill. I have a unique gift that Caleb bestowed upon me when I was born and that was to see the answers to any problem that arises before me. This problem is one that only you could fix.”

  Carla huffs, stating, “I seriously doubt Ismail can train me in how to use my powers any better than I already am.”

  Ismail’s eyes go wide, replying, “There is not a day that goes by that I do not learn something new about what I can do. I learn from ever defeat what I could do better and how I can prevent that from occurring. I place myself in harms way not because I want to but because I need to so that I can learn to be the best warrior I can be. To be better than my Father and his Father and someday when I have a son so that he can be better than I. To float above us and utter such a pretensions statement speaks volumes of how much you still need to learn.”

  Carla grumbles as she turns her gaze slowly down towards Ismail and smirks sarcastically, stating, “Okay Ismail give me a few hours and you can try and show me how to be better at what I’ve done my entire life.”

  Ismail scoffs, stating, “You wish a reprieve to allow yourself time to deal with the pain you inflicted upon yourself. Normally I would not allow you such a luxury but I prefer to battle you at your best.”

  Abe grins as he walks away, saying, “And that is how I get you to fix the problem with my wife and I go fix the ship.”

  Noah, who has been studying the interaction of everyone states, “With so much turmoil and conflict between everyone how is it your people have advanced so far beyond us confounds me and my race to no end. We have studied your people’s history and it holds so much hate and fear within that it is unfathomable.”

  Carla grins, stating, “It is in our differences that we learn and we grow. Our challenges are our goals and without each other to push us to reach even more lofty and greater goals we would become complacent.”

  Ronin chimes in, stating, “Humanity, although infantile in comparison to many within the universe have an untapped potential that if explored and nurtured properly could have positive and long-lasting affects across all known space. The X’ena saw this when they chose to send my Father Paladin to Earth but still there are many amongst them that are afraid of change and afraid of the future. They cling on to what was and what could be. Sadly, it is that conservative thinking that ho
lds back humanity from ever growing to its full potential. It was Paladin that saw that Caleb was one that could lead humanity to the stars and although grudgingly he has done this task, guiding them out here, there are many who blame him and want nothing more to go back to what was.”

  Ulysses shakes his head, stating, “Being half alien from a race that would have become extinct if not for Caleb I can say that if not for him and the human race much of what we are today would not be.”

  Noah looks at everyone and adds, “I concur with your assessment regarding Caleb Ocoda, if not for his actions in saving my direct ancestors in the past than perhaps I would not be here today. Although he may not have wanted his mantle of leadership he has proven that leadership is earned and not given.”



  Caleb clenches his fists as he stands up in frustration.

  Rooke, who is on the Bridge noticing this asks, “Caleb?”

  Caleb takes in a deep breath and slowly exhales. Finally saying aloud, “That girl is so pigheaded and frustrating its beyond description.”

  Rooke even more confused asks, “Just what girl are we talking about Caleb?”

  Caleb stares for a minute at Rooke and replies, “My daughter, Carla.”

  Rooke’s eyes go wide, asking, “You mean the Demon Queen or your daughter from this time line.?”

  Caleb huffs, answering, “From this time line. The Demon Queen is not my daughter Michael. The Demon Queen is just a shell that was taken over by the Meli.”

  Paladin interrupts, reporting, “Cale I have scanned as far as I can in every direction and cannot yet detect Ronin. I have however detected two of the Super Carriers from the Meli approximately six days ahead. It would appear that they are patrolling the area.”

  Caleb stares at the long-range scanners for a few moments and announces, “Get Syn up here now.”

  Several minutes later Syn walks out of the lift and asks, “What do you need from me now?”

  Caleb glares at Syn as he switches the holoscreen back to long-range scans, which shows the two carriers doing patrols. Syn gazes at the screen for almost a full minute before reluctantly answering, “It is more than likely a trap being set for us.”


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