Enemy Myself

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Enemy Myself Page 19

by Daniel OConnell

  Syn shakes his head, stating, “Ronin possess every file on you Caleb, which means that they know every conceivable attack tactic you may have. We currently possess two advantages that they will be unprepared for. One, the increased mass and firepower of Paladin that should more than likely sway this battle into our favor.”

  Caleb tilts his head, asking, “And the second advantage?”

  Syn stands up, connecting his program to the main holoscreen as the images of over a thousand medium support fighters and four oversized Super Carriers come into sight on the holoscreen in a two by two formation, all of which are closing on Paladin. Syn looks towards Caleb, answering, “Me.”

  Caleb studies the image and asks, “So your programming would suggest that I would more than likely bypass the fighters and attack the Carriers directly?”

  Syn looks at the holoimage and shakes his head in agreement, replying, “It is the most likely of tactics.”

  Caleb smiles, stating, “Except that those four ships should be able to carry over five hundred fighters a piece and your probability holoimage only shows thirteen hundred, which means that there are at least seven hundred fighters unaccounted for.”

  Paladin adds, “Those fighters are more than likely still within the hangar bays waiting for emergency launch orders.”

  Syn quickly recalculates the probabilities, responding, “Your assessment is more than probably. Interesting that you would have calculated that probability, in previous battles you were always the one that went in guns blazing.”

  Caleb exhales, rebutting, “Its true that I would often go in guns blazing but I always had a plan. Nevertheless, with an extra two thousand years to grow and develop I’ve become very good at rethinking just how I approach a battle and I have always said its best to be were they least expect you.”

  Rooke turns to Caleb, asking, “Course Caleb?”

  Caleb grins, answering, “Shift us right down their throats.”

  Syn becomes alarmed, stating, “This is an extremely dangerous maneuver with a less than twenty percent chance of success.”

  Caleb stands, yelling, “Shift us now!”

  Paladin instantly shifts directly into the middle of the cloaked fighters and launches a massive barrage of unprecedented fire power, decimating over a hundred ships with multiple power blasts so powerful that they carry their way through several ships. Paladin quickly transfers to shields as it becomes visible to all, launching a second blast with the Phace’mal energy being used to augment Paladins shields and weapons. The second wave destroys over another hundred ships as the fighters quickly switch to shields and target Paladin, returning fire.

  Over a hundred plasma blasts hit Paladin’s shields as Paladin announces, “Shields are holding at thirty percent and recharging, we have overloaded two primary shield generators back up are compensating.”

  Syn quickly reports, “I’m scanning close to seven hundred torpedo locks.”

  Caleb focuses his attention on the fighters as Paladin launches a third volley with its full compliment of spacial torpedoes including two anti-matter nuclear torpedoes. The volley strikes dozens of fighters as the two anti-matter nukes detonate near two large clusters of fighters.

  Caleb barks out, “Rooke shift us out of here now!”

  Paladin shifts clear of the blast zone as do many of the fighters, which scatter all over the sector as over three hundred fighters are instantly destroyed.

  Paladin announces, “I’m currently tracking six-hundred and sixty-eight fighters dispersed across the quadrant.”

  Caleb continues his rampage, “Rooke pick a cluster and shift us there now.”

  Paladin shifts directly into a cluster of thirty fighters, launching another barrage, destroying eleven vessels as the bulk of the fighters shift away.

  Caleb yells, “Michael keep it up! I want constant shifts! Let’s keep them off balance!”

  Paladin continues with its short shifting tactic, never staying in one area for more than a volley, destroying dozens of ships as it continues to move erratically across the sector for several minutes.

  Paladin announces, “Our shift drive is reaching maximum heat levels. We will need to allow for a few minutes to cool down after this next shift.”

  Caleb stands saying, “Put everything into our shields, activate the superior shields and stand too. Allow then to target us and prepare for an all-out attack.”

  Syn turns alarmed, stating, “Caleb the tactic you are proposing will overload most our shield emitters and will cripple several of your cannons for at least a day.”

  Caleb remains unphased as the fighters quickly regroup and focus their attack on Caleb as over five hundred fighters close into attack range.

  Caleb sits down and states, “If our shift drive is near critical heat levels then theirs is much more so.”

  Paladin reports, “Caleb’s assessment seems to be true as I’ve already detected over a hundred fighters did not shift and are using hyperspace to close ranks. Currently I’m detecting multiple torpedo locks, more than enough to pierce our shields.”

  Caleb looks to Rooke and says, “Michael do what you can to evade the majority of those torpedoes but do not shift away.”

  Syn yells, “The fighters are in our effective firing range!”

  Caleb grins, “Hold our fire until our superior shields are exhausted.”

  The fighters hastily close the distance, launching over a thousand torpedoes as Rooke twists Paladin beyond its inertial dampers to compensate as it avoids the bulk of the volley, nonetheless hundreds strike the shields as Paladin announces, “Shields are down. We have taken damage across our super structure. I’ve contained the damage with force fields. No casualties.”

  Caleb, feeling the intense pain across his chest jumps up as he pulls open his jacket exposing his bloodied chest, yelling, “Fire and shift!”

  Paladin launches a volley from all its cannons, which almost defies description as the massive energy rips several of the main turrets cannons apart both large and medium. The effect however destroys the bulk of attacking ships, leaving only a few dozen left, which quickly close in as they attempt to make suicide runs. Paladin however shifts away.

  Caleb drops to a knee as he holds his command chair, steadying himself as he asks, “What’s the damage?”

  Paladin reports, “We have multiple hull breaches across our super structure. All the forward and aft turrets suffered sever stress cracks from the energy discharge and our shift drive is at critical heat level. Regrettably our primary and most of our secondary shield generators are also damaged and we cannot cloak.”

  Syn, who is also studying the data looks to Caleb in disdain, stating, “You successfully destroyed the bulk of their fighters but you exposed our increased power levels and size. Those Super Carriers will be recalculating their next attack.”

  Caleb slowly stands up as blood rolls down his arm, asking, “How long till repairs are completed?”

  Paladin reports, “I’ve already set damage control responsibilities to our crew but with the limited number of people on board the bulk of the repairs will take several days too complete.”

  Syn continues to study the scans and states, “We really don’t have that much time, those carriers will be coming for us shortly.” Syn immediately leaves the Bridge as Rooke steps away from the helm and begins to follow Syn.

  Caleb, seeing Syn leaving with Rooke in pursuit says, “Let him go Rooke, for now my friend just do what you can to keep us away from those Carriers.” Caleb warily turns towards the exit as he follows Syn.

  After several minutes Caleb enters engineering to see Syn hastily connecting several conduits to the main power core. He asks, “Syn what are you doing?”

  Syn, remaining focused on his task, replies, “I’m hooking up a portable shift drive to the main power core, which I will then send the data to Abe on the Ronin Super Carrier to do the same and allow them to send over a contingent of people to accelerate our repairs.”

  Caleb stu
dies Syn’s work and asks, “Do you really think you can make a connection that will span the distance? Syn they’re still over a week away and individual shifts can only cover a day’s travel at best not a week.”

  Syn stops as he lowers his head and responds, “It is a very risky maneuver that may fail but it is the only thing I can think of.”

  Paladin responds, “The theory is plausible that a shift of such magnitude could work but regrettably the human body would not survive the stress of such a shift.”

  Syn eyes light up as he smiles saying, “You’re right, the human body would not survive but I saw Abe working with a drone. It is plausible that they must have created drones in this new time line as my Father had created the assault drones. Those drones could easily accelerate repairs by ten-fold.”

  Caleb closes his eyes as he enters the psychic link he shares with his Daughter. She immediately appears as he smiles, hiding his injuries Caleb asks, “Carla, Syn needs a few of Ronin’s drones. I guess he saw some on your ship and we have need of them.”

  Carla smiles for a moment and quickly realizes why Caleb is asking as she rips away the false image that Caleb is projecting, showing his badly injured self, she yells alarmed, “Dad what happened!”

  Caleb clearly annoyed by this, answers, “Well I had a little run in with a few fighters and they got in a few lucky shots.”

  Carla tilts her head in disgust and asks again, “Dad?”

  Caleb exhales as he lowers his head, answering, “Well they were coming at me from three sides and so I kinda punched them right in the gut, unfortunately I took a little damage.”

  Carla now shakes her head and says, “Well if your symbiot is anything like mine. Paladin would please cut to the chase.”

  Paladin responds, “Your Father attacked over thirteen hundred fighters head on, successfully destroying the majority of them. Regrettably, we suffered significant damage. The plan was a bit risky but nothing that we have not faced before.”

  Carla’s eyes go wide, saying aloud, “Thirteen hundred fighters!”

  Caleb grumbles, “Carla it was a well calculated risk that needed to be taken. Anyways it gave us an advantage while the Meli’s ship and her two escort carriers are still out of the battle. If we can destroy or disable these ships the Meli may try and run instead of fighting. Carla, if I wait for you to arrive it may change the advantage back to the Meli and that’s an advantage I’m not ready to give up on.”

  Carla huffs aloud, clearly concerned she responds, “I’ll have Abe set up a few dozen drones to come help you but I don’t know how he will get them over to you.”

  Caleb grins, “Just have Abe talk to Syn. Syn’s already figured out something that should help.”

  Carla looks at her Father with deep concern, asking, “Just how far are you going to push this Dad?”

  Caleb grunts, “Carla this is war and we are the only two people alive that have any chance to stop this and if we fail then it doesn’t matter because everyone dies.”

  Carla scowls angrily, stating, “Fine Dad, I’ll get Abe to help you out but I’m not going to sit idly by while you try and get yourself killed. If your goal is to take the fight to the Meli before it can repair its ship than I’m going to make sure that takes even longer.”

  Caleb yells out, “Carla no!”

  Carla leaves her Father and enters the psychic plane, telling Ronin, “Ronin tell the ship to brace for the power surge, I’m going to push this Meli a little further.”

  Ronin concerned responds, “Mistress this is ill advised as your acting on emotion, which the Meli will detect and try and use against you.”

  Carla stares angrily out into the abyss of the psychic plane and answers, “I’m counting on it.”

  After a few minutes, the psychic plane once more comes to life as energy ripples across the plane. Carla’s shields are up as Ronin alerts the crew of Carla’s action.

  The Meli sees Carla and feels the emotion of rage within her, the Meli smiles, stating, “Oh how nice to feel your rage. Has your Father upset you again? Perhaps disappointed you yet again. I remember those emotions when first I took you. Your power was so intoxicating then but now it is nothing to me. I only need your body to carry my essence to this cosmic seed. Once that is done I will cast you aside like the refuse you are.”

  Carla contains her rage as she focuses her power into a controlled burst, allowing the psychic energy to build up within her.”

  Ronin, fearful of what Carla is doing alerts her, “Mistress the power levels are at an all time high and Master Abraham is unable to control the output properly. Our speed has more than tripled as the primary and secondary as well as the additional backup conduits are all about to overload. We can not contain this energy any longer.”

  Carla focuses her blast directly at the Meli as it strikes her shields and pushes against them forcing the Meli to increase her own power and stumble back to her knee as her blasts finally penetrates the Meli’s shields, grazing her side.

  The Meli stands back up in astonishment, holding its side, saying, “You are indeed skilled, your power has grown much since I last remember but nevertheless you are no match for me.” The Meli strikes back, hitting Carla’s shield and blasts her back. Carla allows her shield to be knocked back and away as she concentrates on maintaining the shields integrity and forcing the Meli to continue to expel more power. Carla’s force shield encapsulates her as she finally crashes into the plane and the Meli charges forward with yet another blast.

  Carla quickly reacts as she transports herself behind the Meli and strikes out with a field of darkness surrounding the Meli, blinding it from seeing her. A tactic once used against Carla long ago.

  The Meli quickly becomes enraged as it strikes out another massive psychic blast in all directions.

  Ronin alerts Carla. “Mistress we cannot sustain our field against that much energy and our ship is taking sever damage.”

  Carla relents as she escapes the psychic plane before the Meli’s psychic barrage strikes her. She returns to her ship, seeing the crew scramble wildly as it deals with the massive power surge.

  Ismail sees Carla psychic projection and yells, “Carla you need to contain this now!”

  Carla reacts swiftly as she takes in the excess energy as quickly as she can. The energy she releases increases Ronin’s power core as it increases her psychic power, unfortunately when she tries to recall that energy back it causes her a great deal of pain.

  After a minute Abe appears on the holoscreen from engineering and angrily stares at Carla, stating, “Well we lost most the primary conduits and several secondaries, thankfully the additionally conduits we added in survived. It will take me and most of our engineering team a few days to repair everything.”

  Frasier equally dismayed looks to Carla, stating, “We are now only five days from your Father’s location. Hopefully if you can contain yourself a little more we might survive long enough to help him.”

  Carla grumbles as she struggles pulling the excess power back into her, “It had to be done. Paladin took a lot of damage and I needed to buy him some additional time.”

  Abe, who is clearly annoyed states, “I think its best we all have a nice sit down to discuss this instead of rushing head long into a half planned out battle.”

  Carla exhales as she phases into the ship and pulls herself out returning herself to her physical form.

  Several minutes later everyone convenes in the main conference room attached to Carla’s and Abe’s temporary chambers above the Bridge. Carla stands back as Frasier, Ismail, Raphael, Kalen and Ulysses sit around the table while Noah the Dorsa who is unable to sit while in his environmental suit hovers near Carla.

  Frasier being very short on temperament stares at Carla and asks, “How long till we’re back to full capacity?”

  Abe, who also stares at Carla answers, “it will take sixty-four hours until repairs are completed. We’re still able to maintain our current speed but we can’t take another power surge like
that again, not until we have the primary and secondary conduits back up and operational.”

  Noah, who normally just studies what the humans are doing asks, “It is obvious that you were in contact with this Demon Queen. Why would you engage her in such a manner, knowing the outcome to your ship?”

  Carla exhales deeply, responding, “My Father took on a fleet of fighters and Paladin took serious damage. He was pushing himself and Paladin trying to take advantage of the Demon Queens ship being damaged. Nevertheless, I was trying to keep the Meli off balance.”

  Raphael confused asks, “Damaged? Did he already battle her ship?”

  Carla shakes her head, answering, “No, the Meli has very little control over its power and earlier in the week when it tried to kill my Father it damaged her ship, causing it to drop out of hyperspace.”

  Abe stands up as he walks up to Carla, stating, “When Carla first manifested her power she didn’t have complete control of her power and she would blow out conduits right and left all over the ship as well as stressing the engines to the point of overload. Even now that she can control her power she still pushes the ship to the edge of breaking. Thankfully for us, it would appear that the Meli can’t control its power any better than what Carla could back when Ronin first manifested itself. Therefore, what ever Carla does here the Meli must be doing far more damage to her own ship.”

  Ronin reports, “I’m currently able to scan Paladin in complete detail. The ship is uncloaked and is heavily damaged but operational. Currently, I show four large energy trails fast approaching their locations. They will be on top of them in less than a day.”

  Kalen asks, “Can we open holoscreen to them?”

  Frasier grabs his com, ordering, “Open up a holocom channel to Paladin and transfer it up here.”

  Carla huffs as she realizes what her Father had asked for, stating, “I almost forgot why my Father contacted me in the first place for.” She quickly turns to Abe, stating, “Syn wanted to make some kind of long-range shift thing so you could send over repair drones to help fix up Paladin.”


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