Enemy Myself

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Enemy Myself Page 24

by Daniel OConnell

  Caleb is struck by multiple plasma blasts as he hits the deck, forcing him to use his power in a manner he dreads, drawing out all of the soldier’s life force energy, healing himself. Within a second all the soldiers are dead and Caleb is fully healed, albeit temporarily.

  Paladin speaks to Caleb telepathically, “Cale I know how much that bothered you but these people are not savable. You will need to use your powers as you have never had before if you have any hope of defeating the Demon Queen.”

  Caleb grumbles heavily as he looks over the dead soldiers in disgust of himself. He looks forward and sees a lift that will take him directly to the Bridge. Suddenly several sentinel assault drones shift all around Caleb.

  Caleb fully recharged by absorbing the energy of the soldiers moves at whirlwind speed as he punches his fist through the first drone and uses him as a hammer against the next. Five other drones immediately fire upon Caleb who is struck several times.

  Caleb’s body, having just absorbed the living energy of all the soldiers before allows him to survive the blasts but nevertheless weakens him ever still.

  Caleb tosses one of the drones into two others as he turns his weapon against the remaining three blasting them all.

  Caleb stands up ever so slowly as he once more walks to the lift, forcing open the lift doors. He looks up to see a straight shot to the Bridge. Caleb props himself at the door, leaping upward over forty meters and then uses his ability to hover and carry himself all the way to the top.

  Elsewhere, Ronin is just about to exit null space as Syn reports, “I’ve detected that the Demons Queens ship is damaged and her support carriers are all moved around it. I am not detecting Paladin.”

  Ronin reports, “I’m detecting a psionic bomb detonation in the area.”

  Ronin exits from null space as Abe reports, “The shift drive we used is melted.”

  Ismail, seeing the fleet ahead yells, “Launch all fighters!”

  Ronin scans the sector and reports, “I’ve detected Paladin. The ship has blasted its way onto the Meli’s Carriers fight decks. I’m also detecting a massive energy build up from with in Paladin.”

  Carla’s heart fades fast as she looks across the battlefield as she sees Paladin has crashed into the Meli’s ship.

  Frasier stands up as he sees the four Super Carriers quickly turning their attention towards him and says, “Lock all weapons and target those ships before they have time to react.”

  The weapons officer, shocked announces, “We are at full power Admiral. More power than we have ever had, we may damage the main guns if we fire to many times.”

  Ismail looks to Carla who is still in shock, asking, “Carla is this your doing?”

  Abe suddenly appears with Syn and Zeta Seven on the Bridge, stating, “We have the Phace’mal powering the shields and weapons but your going to have to be careful on using their power as it is there very life force they are feeding us with.”

  Carla pulls her psychic form from Ronin as she looks to Abe in panic and says, “We need to get on that ship.”

  Abe looks towards Carla as he turns to Syn for a moment and says, “We will get him Carla but you need to stay here. Without Ronin’s fire power, the Vengeance would never have a chance against those four Super Carriers.”

  Ismail alarmed asks, “What are you planning?”

  Abe once more says, “Zeta Seven combat mode.”

  The drone instantly transforms around Abe but many of its appendages and weapons seem to have changed. The massive battle armor fills the Bridge as Zeta Seven must crouch to fit its massive frame on the bridge.

  Abe looks to Ismail and says, “We’re going to save Caleb.”

  Ismail grabs his plasma rifle and shift cloak stating, “Then I will be going with you.”

  Ronin announces, “I’m picking up a light class fighter from Paladin, carrying multiple humans. It is unaware of us and trying to escape.”

  Frasier yells, “Get them on the holocom and get our fighters over there to protect them!”

  Suddenly several plasma and torpedo strikes hit Ronin as the mighty ship is rocked hard.

  Ronin announces, “Shields are holding at sixty four percent and recharging rapidly. The Phace’mal energy is recharging our shields but the emitters will over heat soon.

  Frasier screams, “Take them out now!”

  Ronin fires all her guns at the closest Super Carrier as it easily tears through its shields and into its hull blasting its way clear through its hull, crippling the massive Super Carrier.

  Abe looks to Ismail and says, “No time to argue Ismail.” Abe throws a device at Ismail’s feet as Syn grabs hold of Zeta Seven and shift away, Ismail however is unable to shift.

  Ismail grabs the device and smashes it as Ronin reports, “Ismail, Abe has deactivated your shift cloak.”

  Carla yells in fear, “We need to get in there now!”

  Raphael and Kalen enter the Bridge as Noah follows close behind. Frasier studies the battle field as he sees two Carriers blocking the Meli’s ship and one other Carrier which seems to be focused on sending an energy beam into the worm hole.

  Frasier orders, “Take out those two Carriers.”

  Ronin interrupts, “I have the fighter from Paladin on the holocom. The pilot is a Michael Rooke.”

  Ismail yells, “Put him through!”

  Rooke sees everyone and declares, “Caleb had me set all his anti-matter nukes to overload, we have less than ten minutes before they explode and take out everything here, including you.”

  Ronin concurs, “The energy builds up I’m detecting would indicate that Michael Rooke’s statement to be accurate.”

  Carla looks panicked as she turns towards the enemy ships, saying aloud, “No!”

  On board the Meli’s ship, Caleb hovers towards the Bridge door as he grabs another thermite grenade and tosses it at the door. It explodes, ripping the doors apart.

  Caleb quickly places himself against the side of the lift shaft and jumps the remaining distance through the doorway and onto the Bridge.

  There several crewmembers scramble as Caleb looks around quickly, yelling, “Show yourself Meli.”

  A moment transpires until a holoimage of Noskcaj appears, speaking in a mixed voice of Ronin and Noskcaj, “Predictable to a fault as always Caleb. We had calculated that you would attempt to sacrifice yourself in order to stop us. The arrival of this time lines Ronin was unexpected but nevertheless a minor inconvenience at best. We had hoped to use the Phace’mal energy we calculated you would bring with you to augment our power in opening the wormhole, making it large enough for our fleet to escape through. Nevertheless, you did not disappoint us as the energy building up from your ship will be sufficient to power our needs.”

  The holoimage of Noskcaj shows the overall fleet as the ship they are on is closing in on the wormhole. Noskcaj continues, “Let me guess, anti-matter nuclear torpedoes of perhaps seven thousand kilotons.” The Noskcaj image grins briefly and continues on, “The energy from your sacrifice will be enough for us to force open the worm hole and allow my Mistress to escape in the other carrier. You have failed yet again Caleb. Failed as you have always failed.”

  Caleb, feeling a moment of despair realizes immediately that the Demon Queen must still be nearby as he places his hand on the Bridge Deck and begins to suck the life energy from every living thing in the room. The Demon Queen reveals herself as she jumps towards Caleb and begins to strangle him.

  Caleb suddenly feels the X’ena power and immediately focuses on it, drawing all he can from the creature.

  The Meli shocked at Caleb’s assault screams out, “You cannot contain this much power Caleb.”

  Caleb snarls as he pulls as much power from the Meli as he can, pushing himself to his limits and beyond as the Meli screams in pain, releasing Caleb as it tries to pull away.

  Suddenly Abe in the Zeta Seven armor and Syn enter the Bridge as the Meli shifts away.

  Caleb collapses in pain as he tries to contain the ener

  The massive carrier collapses back from its enormous size to equal that of the other carriers, crushing the Paladin Battleship and forcing multiple explosions throughout the doomed ship.

  The Bridge ceiling collapses all around as Caleb sees Abe and Syn. Caleb yells, “Get off the ship now!” The Bridge is suddenly filled with a bright light blocking Caleb from sight.

  Syn instantly detects massive energy fluctuations all around the Bridge and right on top of Caleb. Syn can see multiple spectrums, which Abe cannot and notices the energy silhouette near Caleb and is in shock momentarily as he grabs Zeta Seven, shifting away.

  Abe screams, “Syn we need to go back!”

  Syn reappears in normal space and scans the area quickly, declaring, “Abe lock your scanners on grid three by eleven.”

  Abe confused does so quickly and says, “We are wasting time there is nothing there.”

  Syn grabs Zeta again as he looks towards Ronin of this time and says, “I will explain everything to you once we return.” Syn then shifts once more back to their Ronin.”

  On board Ronin, Carla stares out in panic as Ismail states, “Abe will save him Carla.”

  Ronin reports, “The remaining carriers are maneuvering themselves around the furthest carrier while the Carrier with Paladin inside is heading towards the wormhole. I’m detecting an imminent explosion.”

  Frasier sees on his screen, “The fighter from Paladin just landed.”

  Ronin announces, “We need to recall all our fighters at once. The energy from this concussive blast will destroy us.”

  Frasier screams, “Emergency recall! Prepare hyperdrive for immediate retreat!”

  Carla looks out the holoscreen in panic as Syn and Abe appear on the Bridge.

  Carla screams, “Where is he!”

  Ronin interrupts, “Fighters have all successfully returned, the Carrier is exploding we must evacuate at once.”

  Frasier yells, “Punch it!” Ronin hits hyperspace as the entire areas is engulfed in a powerful wash of energy.

  Everyone looks towards the holoscreen as Ronin reports, “The remaining carriers have sacrificed themselves by shielding one of their numbers as it has escaped through the wormhole everything has been destroyed.”

  Syn somberly states, “The Demon Queen has successfully made her way to your galaxy.”

  Abe jumps out of Zeta Seven as he directs his rage at Syn, screaming, “Why did you pull me out of there? I could have saved him!”

  Syn looks to Abe in disdain, replying, “Your shift drive was useless Abraham and you would not have been able to reach him let alone save him.”

  Abe’s rage becomes uncontrollable as he pushes Syn, yelling, “You don’t know that! I could have made it! I could have saved him!”

  Carla confused at Abe’s anger asks, “Abe what happened?”

  Abe turns to Carla saddened, answering, “Syn stopped me from saving him.”

  Carla, realizing just what Abe is saying acts out, racing over to Syn and striking him so hard that he flies across the deck, impacting the far wall. She screams, “You coward!”

  Syn slowly gets up from the harsh impact as his arm is partially separated from his body by the force of Carla’s blow. Syn begrudging looks up towards Carla and says, “If perhaps you two would give me a moment to speak before destroying me I can explain.”

  Abe yells at Zeta Seven, “Target that thing and vaporize it.”

  Frasier and Ismail quickly jump in between Zeta Seven and Syn as Ismail yells, “Abe stop!”

  Abe quickly raises his hand, stopping Zeta Seven.”

  Syn lowers his head, stating, “I see my place in this world is not one that I had hoped. Abraham, you could not save Caleb because he was already gone.”

  Abe yells in rage, “You don’t know that!”

  Syn reluctantly replies, “But I do Abraham. Your scanning systems as advanced as they are cannot scan pure X’ena technology. My systems however can. You could not save Caleb as he had already been taken.”

  Syn than takes his damaged arm and projects a holoimage of massive ship silhouette. Syn continues, “I am able to scan pure X’ena energy on any frequency and the image you are seeing is the X’ena world ship that left X’enablanca just before its destruction. Master Abraham you could not have rescued Caleb as I had detected X’ena energy all around him just moments before we were forced to escape. You would have died in a vain attempt at finding a body that was not there.”

  Carla now utterly confused asks, “What are you saying?”

  Syn simply replies, “The X’ena are here.”

  To be continued in

  Book 8 Hope

  Concluded in

  Book 9 Begin again




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