Intimacy (Rose Series Book 3)

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Intimacy (Rose Series Book 3) Page 11

by Eden Fortae

  Karrina placed her hand on her back, rubbing soothing circles into it. Despite her prior flirtation, the touch was sweet and calming, similar to how she consoled Kya after learning of Antonio's marriage proposal and reluctance to have children. She expected Kya to get up and hug her, as Karrina did. Instead, Kya remained where she was, her eyes taking on a hardness she'd never witnessed from her kindest friend. When Kya moved, she crossed her legs at the ankle and spoke with an oddly void tone.

  "Then, don't. As long as he's chasing you, you'll get what you want. Don't lose sight of what you want."

  That might have been the strangest advice Kya had ever given her. Mostly it came from a place of hurt. But it was great advice. Exactly what she needed to break through the fog and get back to the woman who'd captured the attention of the best man and left him wanting more.

  "Well, shit! What in the hell did my brother do to you? You left here sweet as ever and came back acting like him. Are you a clone? Quick, convince me you're not before I drop kick you off this bed."

  "I'm not a clone, Rina. Just tired. I messed up. Tony let me believe he was done with the street bull. He used love to make me compromise. If Edy stays focused, she won't end up like me."

  "If you're going to keep beating yourself up about this, I really am going to kick you off this bed. You have every right to be hurt. Hell, I am, too. He kept that from all of us. Chris and Jay are like his brain and his lungs, and he didn't tell them either."

  "I'm kind of pissed at Donny, too. He gave me brotherly advice but couldn't tell me that?"

  Karrina scoffed and waved her off, "Don't ever expect Donny to tell you Tony secrets. He'd die first. Do you know what else he wouldn't do? Let Tony enter a dangerous situation on his own. I believe that's the only reason he's still out there, too."

  Eden remained silent, taking in the conversation as if it provided a clearer picture of Donny. When Kya initially explained Antonio's past, she mentioned the others and the pact to get out simultaneously. The discovery that Antonio and Donny were still living that life hit her with what felt like irrational fear proving she cared more than she should.

  "Yeah, well, his loyalty can kiss my ass, too. For that, I hope he never gets to see Edy's ever again."

  Eden smirked, and Karrina snickered, "Didn't you just tell her not to lose sight of what she wants? Pretty sure that requires him seeing more than her ass."

  "Not if it's dark." She pouted, swatting Karrina with the pillow again, narrowly missing Eden as she rolled onto her side to get her phone at the same time.

  Looking down at the unfamiliar number, Eden started to decline the call but answered at the last second.


  "Hi, is this Eden,"

  She hesitated and replied slowly, "Yes?"

  "Hi, Eden, my name is Maxine Foster. I'm the owner of Prestige Magazine and a friend of Kya's. If you have a minute, I'd like to discuss the possibility of meeting for an interview."

  Eden paused again, looking up at Kya with her eyes narrowed, raising her balled fist to one of them. While Kya mouthed an apology, Karrina clapped her hands, grinning from ear to ear.

  "Yes, Ms. Foster, I'm free to talk." She said her name purposely and through clenched teeth.

  "Great! Just call me Maxine. I hope you don't mind Kya giving me your number. She sent me some pictures of your work, and I practically begged her to connect us."

  "Really?" Eden shook her head, turning away from the girls who were both watching her with smiles. Her palms were beginning to sweat, her nerves causing her heart to race.

  "Really. It's bold, sexy, and that piece Kya wore makes it liberating. You put a woman with a reason to hide in something that made her feel sexy enough to show it. Grant me this interview, and I promise the opportunities will be endless."

  Her heart was beating so fast now she thought it would burst. The stubborn side wanted to decline with an excuse to end the conversation for good, but the idea of doors opening was too exciting to bypass.

  "I'm game."

  "Perfect! I'll be back in New York two weeks from tomorrow. When I get there, I have some things to square away, but we can aim for that. I'll call you to make arrangements. I'm looking forward to meeting you."

  "I'm looking forward to meeting you, too. Thank you for calling."

  "Thank you for accepting. Talk to you soon."



  The moment the call ended, Eden snatched one of the pillows from the bed and swung at Kya.

  "Wait, Edy! Hear me out!"

  "I told you not to do that!" Kya dodged it, raising the pillow in her arms to block it until Karrina snatched it away. After two wacks, Eden swung at Karrina, hitting her on the hip.

  "Why'd I get hit? Kya did it!"

  "You knew! Your smile gave you away."

  "I wasn't smiling. It’s a nervous tick. That happens when my third personality tries to come out."

  "Does the third personality clap, too?"


  "Yeah, I thought so!" She smacked them both once more, tossing the pillow onto the bed, standing with her hands on her hips. "You were mad when Antonio leaked your name, but you turn around and do this to me?"

  "This is different, Edy. He did that to win me back. I did this because you keep going on these interviews with no luck, and I feel like that's a sign that you're supposed to do your own thing. I know you don't really want to be in the spotlight right now, and I get why, but this will be good for you. I swear!"

  "Agreed," Karrina chimed in. "You're too good to work for a stale ass department store."

  "Exactly, but if you choose to work for one of them after this, they'll know they're lucky to have you."

  After that, Eden wasn't mad. Although a bit peeved, she was thankful at the same time. An interview with this woman was a big deal and a great opportunity if she only focused on the bright side.

  Rolling her eyes, Eden smiled softly. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome," Kya beamed like a child.

  "You know what this means, right? We have to celebrate, and I know the perfect place."

  Kya threw her head back. "I don't want to party, Rina. I'm sad and stressed."

  "Perfect reason to drink. Now get your ass up and get pretty. We're going."

  When Eden didn't back Kya up, Kya mimicked her narrowed eyes from moments before and pushed off the bed, faking an attitude. A little makeup and a little over an hour later, they were headed to Blue Jay's for an impromptu girl's night with all three worry-free.


  Before they had the chance to sit, Jermaine stood table-side, greeting Kya and Karrina with seriousness and Eden with a slight smirk. Putting all of their food and drinks on the house, he left them to enjoy the night as they intended.

  Kya took advantage of the food while Karrina ensured they never had empty glasses. At one point, she stood on the other side of the bar, mixing their drinks herself. Two of Karrina’s secret concoctions and a shot later, Kya was loose enough to stop sulking and dance. Eden stood back, watching her friends have fun, genuinely happy. They sang along to just about every song, trying to coax Eden to the empty dance floor. Shaking her head, she backed away, laughing her way to the bar.

  Most of the patrons were crowded around the main bar. Eden took advantage of the change in music to speak rather than scream.

  “A Margarita, Hurricane, and Screaming Orgasm for table two, please.”

  The bartender looked past Eden with a small smile.

  “I’d like that, too.”

  No sooner than she heard the unmistakable voice whisper into her ear, warmth covered her back. His cologne wrapped around her like a hug, so soothing she reeled in it.

  Suddenly Jermaine’s smirk made sense. He probably made the call as soon as he walked away.

  “It’s sweet. I don’t think you’ll like it.”

  “The only way to know for sure is for me to taste it.” He nipped her ear quickly. “Hennessy. Straight, no ic

  “Coming up. I’ll send the others over.”

  “Thank you,” he was speaking to the pretty blonde, but his words warmed the top of her ear.

  Eden closed her eyes and slowly counted down. His hands were on either side of her, resting against the bar to cage her in. As he pressed against her, she turned to face him with instant regret. Donny wore all black this time and looked just as good. The white gold chain around his neck gleamed beneath the purple and blue lights. His eyes lowered, taking her back to the moment in the shower.

  “Why did you come here, Donovan?”

  “I’ll never miss an opportunity to see you.”

  “What happens now that you’ve seen me?”

  “Now, you finish your drink, dance with your girls, and then tell them you’re leaving with me.”

  Don’t lose sight of what you want.

  “You got a rare repeat, and now you think it’s going to happen every time you show up looking like angry sex on legs?”

  His smile nearly weakened her. “Funny you should mention that. Either your phone’s broken, or you’ve been ducking me. So, am I punishing you or buying you a new phone?”

  Eden pursed her lips. It was all she could do to suppress a moan. Clearly, he believed his theory about dominance and was testing her.

  “Neither. If you cannot abide by my rules, we’re not playing.”

  He mimicked her raised brow, licking his lips, “Rules?”

  “You know the rules and my limits, but you’ve chosen to ignore them, which is why I chose to ignore you. Judging by the way you keep focusing on my lips, you’re still not hearing me.”

  Donny cracked another smile, “You’re saying you have boundaries. I respect that. If you say missionary only, I’ll keep you on your back. You say you’re not into anal play, I won’t stick my tongue in your ass. Telling me you don’t do slow, gentle, and you don’t kiss is where we’ll clash because I’m going to kiss you while I fuck you slowly and gently. And I’ll continue to kiss you because I like the taste of your lips. So where do we go from here? “

  Don’t lose sight of what you want.

  God, help me...

  Don’t lose sight of what you want.

  “A hotel. We part ways at the end of the night and reach out when we want more.”

  “I’d rather go to my place, you stay till morning, so I can have you for breakfast. We make up the rest as we go along.” He retorted. His tone and assertiveness got to her. On the inside, she melted. Outward, she fought for control as he towered over her cool and calm. If she didn’t put her foot down, what she wanted would be nothing more than a pointless thought.

  “We agreed to a friendship but crossed the line. Now that we have, it’s important to come to terms with what this is really about. You like to be sweet and caring while I’m seeking rough, wild, and no emotions. That’s all I want.”

  “To use each other for sex and act like strangers who don’t respect each other by not speaking unless it’s regarding sex?” He paused as if waiting for her to respond. Retrieving his drink from behind her, he took a long sip. “Ok. Choose a stall in the bathroom and wait for me. I want your hands on the wall, jeans, and panties around your knees. I’ll make you cum and walk away like you mean nothing.”

  She scoffed and laughed, “That’s your takeaway?”

  “Wasn’t that your intention? To convince me that you just want to be fucked and released? If that’s not impersonal enough for you, the corner by the back door is dark. You can smell the dumpster if we crack the door. We can go there.”

  The fire inside of her roared. The desire matched aligned with anger. She wasn’t sure what she’d do if she unclenched her fists.

  “Degradation to scare me into playing your way won’t work, Donovan. You just want me to accept your intimacy so you can pretend we’re a couple.”

  “No more than you want to use no strings sex to pretend you don’t have a heart.”

  “You got me all figured out, huh?”

  “Not quite. I’m still trying to figure out how to make you happy.”

  “Easy. Give me bomb sex with no complications.”

  “Because that worked out for you thus far? You’re a ball of sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns because the randoms you picked up gave you bomb sex and forget you the moment you left?”

  That stung. It was a blow below the belt, but she wasn’t out of the fight.

  “If I’m easily forgettable, you wouldn’t have been concerned about me leaving you to sleep like a baby. You wouldn’t be here, now, craving me like I’m the only thing that’ll fix your aches and pains.”

  His smile grew. Brief laughter huffed through his nose. “I wasn’t referring to me, but you’re right. You weren’t forgettable. I remember the way your breasts fit in my palms, how good you felt beneath me, and the sexiness of your moans. Most importantly, I remember your eyes being downcast when the photographer took a family picture without you. I remember your mother boasting about two daughters who made her proud while you stood in the back with a glass of wine. I also remember approaching you because despite the ice being sent your way, I found you to be the most beautiful woman in the room, and I had to know you.”

  Pausing again, he tipped his chin at Chris and Jay on the other side of the bar. “You just want sex, fine. But I don’t half-ass a motherfucking thing, and I’m not about to start because you’re afraid to feel. Call me when you grow up, and you’re ready for me.”

  “When I grow up?” She shouted behind him, ignoring the fact that Kya was watching them and probably heard her. When he stopped and turned, she smiled through her anger. “That’s really funny coming from a man who can’t accept rejection.”

  He came back but didn’t stand nearly as close, “You would know all about rejection, baby. That’s why you’re keeping so many secrets from Kya. Because as sweet as she is, you know she’ll hold your feet to the fire and make your face your shit. You’re so used to people turning their backs on you that you think you’re protecting yourself by running. But like I said, call me when you’re ready.”

  There was nothing she could say to combat or dispute his claims. The truth was a hard pill to swallow and as painful as a slap to the face. Those parting words hurt more than her pride.

  Unlimited alcohol dulled the pain less than an orgasms. The sweet drinks provided enough weightlessness that Eden drank until she felt nothing but the floor vibrations. Somewhere between carelessness and lost inhibitions, Kya became concerned. Had it not been for Karrina and the guy behind Eden, she would have danced alone. Donny’s eyes were on her. She felt them first. Then saw him watching from his seat at the bar.

  And she couldn’t care less. The alcohol in her system replaced everything but the good feelings driving her to move.

  “You sure you’re ok, wifey?” Karrina slurred in her ear, pulling her away from the stranger.

  Beyond her limit and unsteady on her feet, Eden held onto her shoulders. Through blurred vision, she couldn’t tell if Karrina was smiling or frowning.

  “I’m great. Kya’s not having fun, though.”

  “She’s worried about you. I am, too. What happened with Donny?”

  Hearing his name, Eden stopped dancing and dropped her smile, “It doesn’t matter. That’s done.”

  Karrina stopped dancing to glance between them. “Does he know that?”

  “He made it that way.”

  She went back to dancing, but Karrina didn’t. As if those words sobered her, she cupped Eden’s cheeks, forcing eye contact. They stood there for several seconds before Karrina pulled Eden into a hug. When she pulled back, she swept the stray curls from Eden’s face and took her hand.

  “Come on. Let’s get some water in you and get you home.”

  “I don’t want to go home yet—”

  On cue, the lights brightened the room. Eden danced the entire distance to the table with Karrina pulling her along. Kya’s concern became more apparent, and it bugged her. “Your frown mak
es me feel like I ruined the night and makes me feel even more like a shit friend.”

  “You were never a shit friend to me, Edy.”

  “You couldn’t be more wrong, Kya Papaya! Ok, let’s go before we end up on YouTube because I started a crying session.”

  On jelly legs, Eden led the way to the door with Kya holding her hand. As they passed the bar, she was pulled back by her shirt and nearly tripped. Even in her drunken state, his presence overpowered her. Somehow, some why, Donny pried her jacket from her arms and helped her into it. He zipped her up, carefully pulling her hair free. The concern was written all over his face, too.

  “Chris rode with me so he could drive Rina’s car. They’re taking Kya home since she lives close. I’m taking you.”

  Similar to a petulant child, she shook her head, “I don’t want to talk anymore. I heard you loud and fucking clear.”

  “We don’t have to talk.”

  “Good!” She turned to walk away and almost tripped again. He caught her by the arm, and the next thing she knew, her feet were off the ground.

  “I can walk, Donovan!”

  “Doesn’t look like it to me.”

  “You see what you want to see. That’s why you approached me at that wedding. You saw a damsel in an overpriced, piss-yellow, dress and now you know I’m a lost cause.”

  He didn’t respond. Effortlessly he carried her to his truck. As if that weren’t enough, he buckled her in and reclined her seat slightly.

  “Why are you so determined to take care of me? Am I the puppy your parents never let you have?”

  “Go to sleep, Eden.”

  He closed the door on her without allowing her to utter another word. Instead of getting in, he leaned against her door, talking to Jermaine. By the time he climbed into the driver’s seat, she’d gotten her seatbelt off but unwillingly followed his command.

  Her eyes opened once and closed instantly. They opened a second time, focused on unfamiliar gray hardwood yet, the sheets’ scent was.


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