Blood of Gods

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Blood of Gods Page 11

by Scarlett Dawn

  I carved through a wave coming straight for us and pushed it to the side to create a calm, flat sea the boat could float on. I overestimated how much power that would take, and carved straight up into the sky, parting clouds.

  “Just like your namesake,” Dorian said.

  “That’s where I got the idea…” I answered. Before I could move another step, I collapsed on Dorian.

  He and Rilen lowered me to the deck and let me lie.

  “All right?” Rilen asked.

  “That wasn’t nearly as hard as the rocks,” I chuckled. “But am I going to fall over every time I use my power?”

  Rilen shook his head as Dorian laughed. “No, ilati, not as long as you keep up with…resupply.”

  “Is this a ploy to get into my bed?” I asked him.

  “Have you ever known him to be coy, Kimber?” Rilen offered me a hand up.

  “There is nothing coy about Dorian, ever,” I answered.

  I turned and gasped when I found the king staring down at me, his angry blue eyes flashing. His hand wrapped around my arm, and he held more than fast—there would probably be a bruise.

  “You. You are the Breaker.”

  Dorian pulled his brother away from me, and Rilen wrapped an arm around me. While it felt protective, it didn’t feel restrictive.

  “I am,” I answered him. “I’m Kimber Raven, Lady Stormbreaker, Bright Sword, Breaker of the Spine.”

  “You knew all this time that we were looking for you.” His breath washed across my face. “You knew that, and you let Niniane take Gwynnore. And you let me think that you didn’t know who the Breaker was.”

  There was thunder in his countenance.

  Dorian slipped in front of me. “It was my choice, Bel. I made the decision not to tell you. I didn’t know… I still don’t know what you want her for, and I won’t let her be used. She’s powerful—you saw that. And she’s not a prize to be won and used.”

  Belshazzar stared at Dorian, and it seemed that lightning crackled between them.

  “Three thousand years,” Dorian hissed. “Three. I didn’t know you. I don’t know you. I know her. The way you know Gwen. I didn’t know if that bastard I sired had gotten to you, too.”

  “I brought you his fucking head.”

  “How would I have known you didn’t take it just to take his place?”

  “I did.” The king stepped up, practically nose to nose with his brother. “But I did it for you.”

  “I know that. Now.”

  “Your Highness, we would have told you,” I said, stepping away from Rilen and from behind Dorian. “We would have. And we will give you the help you need after we find Gwen and destroy what’s left of Savion’s and Niniane’s kingdom.”


  “Our problems are each as important as each other’s,” Aiko said, walking up next to the king. “Yours are important for your people, and ours are important here. We can only see our here and now, sire.”

  “Let us rescue her,” Rilen said. “The seas are calm. Kimber can get us up the Spit, and we can search better there.”

  “I know that army,” Aiko said. “There are only so many places she can hide, and they know them all. Sire, please. It will make it easier for the Masters to go with you if they know their world is safe from threats.”

  “You left yours in the hands of people you can trust?” Dorian asked.

  Bel nodded. “Or, at least, ones who don’t want to destroy the vampires.”

  “Then give us that,” Rilen said.

  “I will give you my help willingly,” I added.

  Staring at Dorian, Belshazzar huffed. “You’re a liar, Dorian.” But that was all he said before he turned and started to walk away.

  “He’s an asshole too!” I called. “Don’t forget that!”



  Walking as softly and quietly as I could through the creaking boat, I approached Aiko’s room.

  I needed blood. I could feel the craving coming on me, and I didn’t want to be out of control or powerless if the magic decided to toss another storm at us.

  Tapping lightly, I waited for him. The door pulled open in seconds, and I had the feeling he was waiting for me.

  “M’lady,” he said, moving back and pulling the door wide. “Please…”

  I slipped in, and Aiko pushed the door closed.

  Rilen slipped through before Aiko had it all the way closed and shut the door behind himself.

  “Not without me,” he said.

  Aiko went bright red. He clearly remembered the kiss and the satisfaction that Rilen had given him.

  “Master Rilen…”

  “I am here for both of you,” he whispered.

  “Rilen,” I said, “you don’t have to be here.”

  “There is nothing obligatory about this,” he said, never taking his eyes off Aiko. “Nothing. But I am here for both of you.” His hand snaked out and pulled Aiko in close. “Have you ever been with a male before?”

  Aiko was speechless and barely managed to shake his head.

  “If it is not your preference, I will step back. I will still be here for Kimber, but I won’t touch—”

  “I don’t know,” Aiko said, slicing into his words. “We didn’t have a lot of time or space to ourselves under Savion. But since honesty seems to be coveted, and what a relief that is, I don’t know.” His hand went to his lips. “I didn’t dislike your kiss.”

  “This doesn’t have to be anything, Aiko,” Rilen said. “I’m here. I’m offering myself because you two can’t rely only on each other for blood.”

  “I know.” He turned, held out a hand to me and beckoned me closer. I took it, and he pulled me in, against him and against Rilen. “I don’t know what I want I want or what I feel. I’ve lived my life under a repressive regime of tyranny—love if that’s what this is, was a luxury I could ill afford. But I find myself utterly smitten by you, princess. I know we’ve been engaged in sharing all this time, but it feels… different.”

  “It does.” I nodded.

  “What about… Dorian?” Aiko asked.

  “I’ll deal with him,” Rilen said.

  “How?” I asked.

  “He cannot continue to be unreasonable,” Rilen said. “Roran and I have been with him for nearly fifteen hundred years. We know him. If I tell Roran to stop sharing his bed, he will.”

  A pit opened in my stomach. “Has he been?”

  He glanced down. “We both have.” He must have seen the disappointment on my face. “I couldn’t think of another way to keep our powers if you needed them—if we needed to protect you.”

  “You slept with him to protect me?” I lifted an eyebrow. “That’s… lame, Rilen.”

  “I know…” He let out a deep sigh. “I’ll stay away until you can find it—”

  I wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and pulled him in for a slow kiss. “This is not your fault. It’s not mine. It’s all Dorian being an infant, which is fairly ironic, given the circumstances.”

  Rilen chuckled, and I stepped back from him and Aiko, tugging them to the bed suspended in the middle of the room. As I climbed on, I was grateful I had insisted on large private beds and bedrooms. In a ship designed for two hundred oarsmen, there was plenty of room for a big, comfy bed for each of the six crew members.

  “I believe that Kimber needs blood,” Rilen said, looking at Aiko for just a moment. He grinned and in the next instant, stripped his clothes off and climbed on to the bed with me. He looked Aiko up and down and nodded. “Come, Aiko. It will be easier if you undress before you join us.” He patted the space behind our two bodies, then started plucking the buttons of my coat open.

  Aiko was suddenly behind me, naked, and I couldn’t help but laugh. He’d used his speed to undress, and it had taken only a blink.

  His body was amazing. There was no way anyone would miss the perfection that was his sculpted pecs and abs. A deep V led the eye straight to his growing erection, and his sk
in was several lovely shades darker than Rilen or myself. His dark eyes were curious and frightened at the same time, and I ran my hand up his naked muscles.

  Smooth and tempting.

  “Kimber...” Rilen whispered and finished unfastening the buttons on my coat. Slipping it open, the cool, night ocean air danced over my skin and pearled my nipples.

  “Have you not been wearing anything under this coat?” Rilen asked.

  “Nothing,” I confirmed.

  “Woman, you tempt us so,” he said and lowered his head to my breast. His lips found my nipple, and he nearly purred in delight.

  “May I take this off?” Aiko asked, trailing his hand over my shoulder and down my arm, catching the lapel.

  “Gods, please. Yes,” I said.

  Aiko was careful, gentle. He was both excited and frightened, but I needed him for his blood. And I wanted him for his body. I needed him for this gentle caring that he offered that was like nothing else. The satin lining of the coat slid down my arm as he tugged it free of my body. Slipping it under me, he grasped the cuff of the coat and tugged the whole thing off and down to the piles of clothes on the floor.

  “Would you like to share with me, Kimber,” Aiko whispered in my ear.

  “Yes,” I answered. “More than just your blood, Aiko.”

  His eye flickered over to Rilen, who grinned at him around my breast. “Don’t worry. All you have to say to me is stop and I will.” Rilen propped himself up on his elbow and leaned over me to bring his lips close to Aiko’s. “But I don’t think you’ll want me to stop.”

  I watched as Rilen gave Aiko a slow, thorough kiss, and I was mesmerized by them. Aiko took a moment to relax. He wasn’t sure it was what he wanted. Finally, though, he let Rilen guide him and taste him.

  I didn’t resist my impulse to reach down and wrap a hand around Aiko’s erection and slowly moved my hand up and down.

  Rilen pulled back and grinned. “Let our ilati have your blood, Aiko. Let her taste you.”

  I reached for his arm, but Aiko shook his head. “No, princess. If we are going to share bed and blood, I want you to take from…” He brushed his hand over his neck.

  As soon as I saw the pulse of his vein, my fangs dropped. I still wasn’t used to that, but I was starting to accept it—that and the craving that washed over me in the next moment.

  I could feel the pulse of his blood below the skin, strong but quiet. His heart fluttered as well, the anticipation of the heady feeling that being bitten gave us. He wrapped his hand around my neck and brought me in close.

  “Carefully, slowly,” he said. “You’re stronger than you realize.”

  It seemed I knew by instinct where I needed to pierce his skin, and a moment later the sweet blood flowed into my mouth. The same tingle as always traveled through me, and the power from his blood energized me.

  Rilen reached across my body and took Aiko’s straining cock in his hand and stroked it. Between my fangs and Rilen’s hand, Aiko was writhing in pleasure.

  I heard Rilen whisper, and I was sure that his lips were hovering over Aiko’s. “Do you want to fuck her, Aiko?”

  His answer was an anticipatory groan of delight. I wasn’t any quieter about the idea—I had wanted this since the first time in the boat on the Northern Ocean.

  “Can you release him for a moment, ilati?” Rilen asked quietly. I whimpered because he tasted so good and made me feel wonderful. Rilen chuckled. “You can have more of him—and me if you like.”

  I pulled away just a little and licked the wounds closed. I ran my eyes over his neck, looking for the veins.

  “You’re greedy.” Rilen chuckled.

  “Says the man who has his hand wrapped around another man’s cock,” I teased.

  Rilen pressed Aiko back a bit while he sat up against the headboard. He moved me to lie back to rest on him and wrapped his arms around my center. His erection nestled between the globes of my ass.

  Aiko looked at Rilen and then at me as he rolled to position himself between my legs. I nodded at him. “Take what pleasure you like.”

  He drew his tongue up the inside of my thigh, nibbling once in a while, and finally settling over a powerful, rich vein at the juncture there. He licked again, then dropped his fangs and found my blood.

  “Oh, gods!”

  “Is that good, ilati?” Rilen’s words were right in my ear, his breath warm on my neck. I managed to nod, but my eyes were having trouble staying open.

  “Use your finger, Aiko.”

  “What?” I managed to breathe.

  No one had to answer. Aiko’s finger found my clit, and it was only Rilen’s wrist in front of my mouth that distracted me from the scream that bubbled up. I sank my fangs into his vein without a second thought.

  He gasped lightly, and I felt his head drop back against the headboard. “Oh, shit.” A second gasp followed a moment later, and I didn’t have to, but I opened my eyes to see.

  Aiko’s other hand was sneaking underneath us to explore Rilen’s cock. His hand was curious and gentle as he stroked a single finger down his length.

  He sealed the wounds on my thigh and moved his tongue to my clit, teasing the nerves. He had both Rilen and me at his mercy, and it was marvelous.

  For as much as I resisted the vampire half of myself, the part that someone as terrible as Savion had given me, Aiko was showing me that it wasn’t bad. It was just nature. It was how half of S’Kir lived and thrived.

  Learning to control cravings with blood freely given, or blood from nature in whatever form, offered a sense of freedom I hadn’t realized. I could feel power from Rilen inside me. I could feel Aiko there as well. I could only imagine what it would feel like to have Roran’s and Dorian’s blood as well.

  The power would be amazing.

  And I realized, at that moment, how Savion and Niniane and all the members of their court had lost their minds. The power of all those vampires coursing through them would have been overwhelming.

  The difference between us was I didn’t want more and more power—I wanted them with me to feel them. Not to use the power, but to be part of it, a part of them, a part of us—to know them as intimately as a druid or vampire… or a druid-vampire could.

  Sealing his wounds, I rolled my head back on his shoulder. “I think he likes this, my love.”

  “I think he should fuck you before he makes me lose my mind with those fingers,” Rilen said.

  Aiko didn’t wait for clearer permission. He licked and nibbled his way up my body, sucking at my nipples, slipping a fang over them.

  That almost sent me over the edge, between the pleasure it drew out and the slick pass of his tongue over me. I managed to keep myself in check—but only just.

  He found my mouth and kissed me.

  His taste was amazing, rich with the blood he’d taken and my own flavor. He didn’t hold back and possessed me with his lips and tongue. While he kissed me, he fitted his cock against my entrance and pushed in, ever so slowly.

  I arched against Rilen’s chest, gasping as he and I broke the kiss to bear the pleasure. “Oh, gods, Rilen, he feels so good.”

  “Good, ilati. Enjoy him.”

  I put my hand on Aiko’s cheek. “Please, make me feel you.”

  I pulled him close, and Rilen leaned forward to catch his lips this time. They kissed over my shoulder as Aiko moved in and out of me.

  Aiko drew away from him and laid his head on my shoulder. “It’s been so long, princess. I have held my desire in check, not just for you, but for everything. I swore I wouldn’t love again until Savion was dead.”

  Lifting his head, Aiko stared into my eyes as he moved inside me. I reached behind me and pulled Rilen’s cheek to mine. “And now?”

  “Enough for both of you,” Aiko answered. “Enough for your brother. Maybe even enough for all four of you.”

  Rilen kissed him, then passed him to me, and kissed him again. I felt Rilen wrap his arm around Aiko’s waist and hold him against us—but I knew Rilen,
and a moment later, his hand was on Aiko’s ass, grabbing himself a handful and squeezing lightly.

  “Oh, gods,” Aiko hissed and pushed himself deep inside, again and again.

  Rilen’s hand snaked between us and found my clit, rubbing it gently. My body responded to his finger and Aiko’s dick, and in that moment, there was no way for me to stop the climax.

  Aiko’s fangs dropped, and he drove them into Rilen’s neck.

  The three of us came at the same time.

  “Why is the moon out?” I grumbled.

  “Because that’s where it’s supposed to be this time of day,” Roran answered quietly.

  “Bugger off,” I whispered back just as quietly.

  He chuckled lightly, then kissed my cheek. “I’m proud of you, ilati. You did what you wanted to do, what you knew was right to do.”

  “But I may have lost Dorian forever…”

  He laughed again, still quiet. “That man is more enamored of you than you can possibly comprehend. What he’s doing is out of pure jealousy. He doesn’t know Aiko and thinks he’s a threat.”

  “He’s not,” I said. “Not at all.”

  “But Dorian doesn’t know that, and now with his brother and the queen here, believe it or not… he’s a jumbled mess. And his jumbled mess comes out as anger and jealousy.”

  I glanced at Roran. “And I’m just supposed to forgive that?”

  “Hell no,” Roran said, shaking his head. “You shouldn’t forgive it at all. He is old and stuck in his ways. Because it’s not someone he brought to us, he doesn’t know how to handle it.”

  “He handled Elex well,” I answered.

  Roran stared off the bow of the boat and let the silence stretch a moment before glancing at me. “Was that sarcasm?”

  I giggled. “I think perhaps I’ve been hanging around you two and King Belshazzar too much.”

  “I don’t know what to do with a sarcastic Kimber.” He laughed, turning to me.

  I raised an eyebrow. “I can think of lots of things.”


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