Bred by the Bully

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Bred by the Bully Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2021 Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0366-4

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Audrey Bobak


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Breeding Season, 8

  Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2021

  Chapter One

  Mira Davencourt knew he was doing this on purpose. Drake had told her to meet him at twelve o’clock on the dot. Now it was twenty minutes past. His PA kept on smiling at her, saying he’d only be a minute. She took a deep breath and flicked a blonde lock back. Her nerves were at an all-time high.

  In and out, she tried to use her yoga breaths. She wasn’t very good at yoga, even though she’d been doing it for nearly a year. If anything, her body was much more limber. She’d yet to lose much weight, but she wasn’t one for cardio.

  Why am I thinking about exercise right now?

  She hated being here.

  Mira hadn’t seen this man in such a long time. Drake had made her life at school a complete misery.

  She didn’t understand why her brother would do this to her, but this was about family. Ever since their father died, Nigel had been trying to make the pawnshop pay for itself. The biggest problem was neither of them knew anything about rare goods. Nigel had invested good money into products that had absolutely no value. He took unacceptable risks. Then he had to go and get a loan from none other than Drake Eastwood. The man who’d bullied her throughout high school, who was one of the worst men in the city to even be around.

  I can do this.

  She’d gone to the shop to talk to Nigel about letting the pawnshop go, only to find the place smashed up and her brother with two broken legs. If he didn’t pay a large sum of money to Drake by the end of the week, his hands would be next. They’d keep breaking things until there was nothing more than his neck to snap. This had happened on Monday.

  So, on Thursday at lunchtime, the only available slot Drake had, she sat waiting to talk to him. She had no idea how she was going to do this. They owned nothing of any value. The pawnshop was so deep in debt that selling it would cause them to owe even more money. Their father’s legacy had turned into a hinderance.

  The migraine that started the moment she found her brother had gotten worse to the point of making her sick. She couldn’t stomach food. Nigel had tried to play chipper, like he was in complete control, but she knew differently. Once they finished with her brother, the debt would belong to her.

  No matter what her brother tried to do to protect her, he couldn’t save her.

  Taking a deep breath, she tried not to think about everything that would be lost. She knew her father had loved his pawnshop, and he’d had an eye for antiques, but it had missed her. She’d moved from job to job over the past ten years. She’d been a barmaid, worked in a bakery, a travel agency, and many other places. Right now, she worked as an accountant. The hours were odd, but the money was good.

  She really thought she was happy, but now her brother was taking all decisions out of her hands. No matter what she earned, she couldn’t cover the six figures he owed Drake.

  After forty minutes, she was tempted to leave and even stood to go, but suddenly, the door to Drake’s office opened. She expected him to be alone, but out came three men, all of whom shook his hand.

  On the outside, he looked like a suave businessman, but she knew the truth. Not all of his businesses were legal. Nothing could be pinned to him, but his name sent fear through everyone.

  His dark-brown gaze captured hers. He tilted his head, but she didn’t complain, nor did she give away her annoyance at being kept waiting.

  “Miss Davencourt is here to see you,” his PA said.

  “Certainly. No interruptions, Glenda.” He held his door open.

  Do not go in there.

  He’s a monster.

  All it took was one thought, Nigel, to get her moving. One step in front of the other, she entered his office, walking toward the single chair in front of his desk.

  Where had the other two men sat?

  “Please, take a seat, Miss Davencourt.”

  Did he remember her? Their school days had been a long time ago.

  She watched as he rounded his desk. His suit jacket fit him snuggly, showing off his broad shoulders. As he sat, the flex of his muscles gave away how strong he actually was. The man worked out. At the cuff of his jacket, she detected the merest hint of ink, but she couldn’t make out what it was.

  “What can I do for you?” he asked.

  She clasped her hands tightly together, hating how nervous she suddenly felt. This wasn’t good. Drake didn’t have any control over her, not really.

  “I’m here to talk about my brother.”

  Drake leaned back in his chair, the tips of his fingers pressed together. “What about Nigel?”

  He hadn’t given any indication of knowing who she was.

  “I understand he owes you a payment.”

  “He owes me a hell of a lot more, Mira. You know that or you wouldn’t be here.”

  He knew her name.

  “Let’s cut the crap, Drake,” she said.

  “No formality with Mr. Eastwood?”

  “What do you want?”

  “On my last count, your brother owes me close to a quarter mil,” he said. “We can start with that, and I’m being generous without adding interest.”

  She had no idea what her brother was doing with so much money. The shop wasn’t even worth that. She closed her eyes as another wave of sickness washed over her.

  I can do this. I’m not upset. I’m not going to give in.

  “Why would you even loan him the money? What the hell did he want it for?”

  “It’s not my place to question the motives of my customers. I merely give them what they want and expect payment in return.”

  “Are you stupid?” she asked.

  His brow rose.

  “There’s no good business sense in loaning out money to anyone who will have it. Nigel couldn’t afford to pay you back.”

  “And you think I didn’t know that?” he asked.

  Mira closed her mouth and watched Drake in case he did anything. He was a snake back in high school and time hadn’t stopped that viciousness from manifesting. He was even deadlier now.

  Drake was rich, powerful, and feared.

  She had to be careful.

  “If you knew he didn’t have the means to pay, why did you lend it to him?”

  “Do you want a drink?” Drake asked.

  “Please, you’ve kept me waiting. I don’t want a drink.”

  “Business ran on longer than I’d hoped, but as usual, I got what I wanted.” Drake stood and moved toward his drink cabinet in the corner.

  She wanted to scream at him, but instead, she kept her calm.

  “You know, everyone in this world has desires. They always want something in life that they might not be able to acquire. Some things are valuable and have a cost. I have an abundance of money, but what I want, I can honestly say cannot be bought.”

  “You’re not making any sense.”

  “Actually, what I want can be bought, but I like to
have my certain brand attached to it.” He smiled, and it wasn’t a nice smile.

  “Drake, just tell me what you want. You knew Nigel was my brother. Clearly, you wanted business with me. Stop avoiding. Just tell me what you want. You know I don’t want him to get hurt. Two broken legs is already too much.”

  “My men do know how to carry out instructions. I told them to make him hurt.” Drake took his seat once again and continued to stare at her. “You were pretty in high school, but now you’re absolutely stunning.”

  Heat filled her cheeks and she licked her dry lips. Compliments were foreign to her. She pushed some of her hair off her face.

  “Tell me, Mira, what are you willing to do to save your brother’s life?”


  “You don’t want to take a minute to think about that?” he asked.

  “Drake, you don’t have any siblings, so I get that you wouldn’t understand this, but I love my brother. I’ll do whatever it means to keep him safe. What do you want?”

  He didn’t answer right away.

  She gritted her teeth to keep the begs and pleads inside. This was a nightmare. Nigel’s life hung in the balance. Her brother would be pissed to discover her here, fighting for him, but there was nothing he could say or do that would stop her.

  Drake leaned on his elbows, smiling at her. “I want you to carry my child,” he said.

  “Excuse me?” She must have misheard him.

  “I want a child. An heir. You, Mira, are who I want to fuck to get that. It’s simple, I’ll wipe out all of your brother’s debts. I’ll also take the pawnshop off your hands and even make sure your brother can start a life on his own. In return, you belong to me. Your pussy is mine to fill. I want babies, and I want you to be the mother of my children.”


  Drake watched Mira’s reaction. On the surface, no one would ever have suspected what she was feeling. It was all in the subtle movements, the slight pinching at the lips, the fiddling with her hands. She wasn’t happy about what he’d asked for.

  Out of all the women he’d fucked over the years, Mira was still the most expressive, and he’d never once seen her naked. Their only interaction had been at school, but in those days, he’d lived for each and every confrontation. Where most women threw themselves at his feet, Mira fought him.

  She was not easily taken.

  Over the years, as he’d built up his empire and his reputation, he’d always come back to thinking about the one who got away.

  She was outraged but contained herself.


  He could have her hurt and no one would touch him. That was the benefit of being who he was.

  Tapping his fingers against his thigh, he waited. She was incredibly beautiful, and he couldn’t wait to spread those juicy thighs and taste her sweet cunt. The background search he’d done on her before this meeting hadn’t given too much away. He didn’t know if there was another man in her life, or if anyone had even come close to winning her over. She’d worked so many different jobs that no one knew who the real Mira was.

  “You’re crazy,” she said, getting to her feet.

  “Am I?”

  The moment Nigel had walked into his office asking for money, he’d seen an opportunity he couldn’t turn down. The money was no doubt a bad investment, but it wasn’t enough to make him lose sleep over, especially as it had achieved what he wanted. Mira in his office.

  “You want me to have your children?” she asked.

  “Yes.” He opened up his jacket and rounded the desk so he stood closer to her. Mira may hate him, and that was fine with him, but her gaze kept on straying. She was attracted to him, and as far as he was concerned, he was more than happy with that. He wanted to fuck her, and this was years in the planning. He would have her.

  She pushed her hair out of the way. The long locks could never be tamed, and he loved that she’d never gotten it cut. He couldn’t wait to run his fingers through the length or have it spread out across a pillow, or better yet, wrapped around his fist as he pounded inside her.

  Fucking her was going to be a pleasure. He looked forward to having his name spill from her lips.

  “This is crazy.”

  “Or it’s a lifeline. You and I both know that pawnshop isn’t going to make it. Nigel went to other people for money. Only my name and my connections are keeping him alive.”

  “You ordered to have his legs broken.”

  “I still have a reputation to protect.” He winked.

  She grabbed her head on both sides. “Oh, God, this isn’t happening.”

  He watched her. The pencil skirt molded to her shapely hips and ass. He’d been with slender and curvy women. None of them even compared to Mira. He couldn’t wait to see what kind of treasures she held beneath.

  “You said you were willing to do anything to save him.”

  “Not have your children. I hate you.”

  He smiled and closed the distance between them. She stepped back and he followed. There was no getting away from him.

  When her back hit the wall, he slammed his palms at either side of her head. “You can fight me all you want, but you and I both know you’re turned on by me.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  His office was a nice warm temperature and yet her nipples poked against the front of her shirt. The jacket she wore gaped open, and he knew she wanted him.

  He put his fingers on her knee and slowly began to slide his hand up. She didn’t stop him, and he moved until he cupped her pussy.

  Her panties were soaking wet. “Do I need to go any further to prove to you just how wet you are?”


  “I don’t believe in lying, Mira.” He slid her panties aside and found her wet slit. “Look at that. Soaked.”

  She put her hands to his chest, but he stroked over her clit. Using his fingers, he moved up and down, preparing her, not penetrating, but getting her used to the feel. Her head fell back against the wall.

  “I know what I want, Mira. I want kids, and I want you naked in my bed. Give me what I want, and your brother will be free. You’ll be the one responsible for his happiness.” He pressed his nose against her neck as he plundered her cunt with two fingers. She was incredibly tight.

  She moaned, and the sound echoed around the room.

  “I hate you.”

  “Do you think I care if you hate me or not? I want what I want, and I’m going to get it by any means I have to.” He bit down on her neck, relishing her cries.

  She started to thrust against his hand, and he groaned. He couldn’t wait to replace his fingers with his cock, but for now, he just needed to give her a hint of what it could be like.

  Kissing down her neck, he didn’t care that clothes were in his way. He sucked on her beaded nipple, biting down.

  When he thought he had her close to the edge, he stepped back, pulling his fingers from her pussy and his mouth from her tit.

  He wanted to do more. To bend her over the desk and take her hard and fast. That would come soon.

  Once she agreed to belong to him, her life as she knew it would cease. There would be no room for her to be anywhere else but at his side.

  He had an insatiable appetite, and he’d been anticipating claiming Mira for some time.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He lifted his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean, tasting her. Stepping back, he kept his gaze on her.

  His cock pressed against the front of his pants, and it fucking hurt. He wasn’t a small man, but years of restraint and control made him sit down. “I proved a point. You want me, and I’m saying you can have me, but it comes with a price. Everything in life has a price.”

  “My freedom for my brother’s?”

  “And he’s getting a lot more than others would give him, believe me. I’m being more than generous.”

  “You’re asking me to bind myself to you for life. There’s no way in hell
I’d give you a child and leave it.”

  “Do you think I expect only one child from you?” he asked. “I want four at least.” He intended to bind Mira to him in every single way.

  The girl he remembered at school was just as passionate now. He had to wait, to bide his time, but he could have her. He was the one with all the power. She would have no choice but to bend to his will, and fuck if that didn’t turn him on even more.

  He wanted her more than anything else in the world. Being close to her only served to remind him of all that he wanted.

  Clasping his fingers together, he waited as she struggled to compose herself.

  She tried to close her jacket, but the wet stain he’d left from his mouth was still visible on her shirt.

  “When?” she asked.

  “Excuse me?”

  “When do you want me to start?”


  “Do I get a chance to think this over?”

  “With every hour you take, the higher the debts are. Like I said, Nigel owes a hell of a lot of money.”

  She rubbed at her temple and he saw how pale she looked.

  He opened the top drawer of his desk, removed two pain pills, and then grabbed a bottle of water from his fridge. He offered them to her.

  “What are they?” she asked.

  “The legal kind of painkiller. It will help your headache.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I know a lot, Mira. I know you’re desperate. I know you want to find anyone else but me to save your brother. You also know that at the cost of your body and your womb, you’re going to give yourself to me.”

  “You’re so sure of everything. Why didn’t you just take it?” she asked.

  “There is a condition with all of this,” Drake said.

  “More conditions?”

  Drake smiled. “I’m a businessman.”

  “Tell me,” she said.

  “I expect you to be willing.”


  “You heard me. I expect you to come to my bed as a willing participant. I don’t want a corpse in my bed, and I don’t do rape. You will come to bed and play just as I will. Anything less and your brother’s life ends.” This was enough for today. He checked the time even though he didn’t have another meeting, but he needed Mira desperate.


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