Bred by the Bully

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Bred by the Bully Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “I know you’ve been staying at Drake’s place. Even following him to work every day. It’s pathetic, if you ask me. Don’t you realize he’s so far out of your league that it’s laughable?”

  She swallowed hard, feeling cornered and uncomfortable. This woman didn’t sound stable at all, and she knew way too much for a stranger.

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m the woman Drake should be with. Will be with.”

  None of this made any sense. “Aren’t you working with my brother?”

  “Convenient, isn’t it? They say to keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.”

  She froze, fear creeping up her spine. “Stay away from Nigel,” she whispered. Then she rushed up the stairs, terrified for her brother’s safety.

  “And you stay away from Drake!” the voice rang out. “Go back to the ghetto where you came from.”

  She burst through the door on Nigel’s floor and ran to his apartment. It was unlocked. As soon as she rushed inside, she saw her brother lounging on the sofa, the remote control in his hand.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, almost completely out of breath.

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “Did your PSW just leave here?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, did you catch her in the hallway?”

  She exhaled, dropped her purse, and sat in the empty chair near the couch. “Something just happened. That PSW of yours is crazy. I mean, clinically insane. You need to call the hospital and report her.”

  “What are you talking about?” He sat straighter.

  “She threatened me, Nigel. Told me to stay away from Drake. It was the craziest encounter I’ve ever had.” Well, next to selling herself to pay Nigel’s debts.

  “That’s impossible. Are you sure we’re talking about the same woman here?” Nigel narrowed his eyes. “You haven’t visited in weeks, Mira. My PSW comes every day. Nothing out of the ordinary, and certainly no talk about you or Drake.”

  She stood back up and started pacing. Was she going crazy? She was so confused. How could she get Nigel to get rid of his PSW when he clearly didn’t believe a word she was saying? He’d always been easy to deceive, forever falling for pyramid schemes and scams. She imagined it would be even easier for a pretty woman to mess with his head.

  “Just ask for a new aide.”

  “No, I like her.”

  “Did you tell her anything about me?”

  He shrugged. “Not much.”

  “What exactly have you told her about us?”

  “I don’t know. I told her about the pawnshop, and I mentioned what a good accountant you are.”

  “And Drake?”

  “Not a word, Mira. I’m not that much of a gossip.”

  She didn’t stay long. Drake was in a meeting all morning, so she used the opportunity to check up on Nigel. Visiting was the last thing on her mind now. At least he looked good and was on the mend.

  If Nigel wouldn’t listen to her, maybe Drake would. There was no way she wanted that PSW back in her brother’s apartment, even if he didn’t agree.

  Later that afternoon, she was sitting in Drake’s desk chair when he returned from his meeting.

  He exhaled after closing the door behind him. “That was brutal.”

  Drake looked mentally exhausted. Instead of remaining neutral, as always, she actually cared. Was her bully growing on her? The longer she was with him, the less she resented him. She craved to comfort Drake but refused to initiate any intimacy—not when she was still his contracted woman.

  “I hate to bother you with more, but there’s something I wanted to talk about,” she said.

  “I always have time for you, Mira.”

  She got up from his chair and he took her place, leaning back with a groan. Then he patted his thigh, and she obliged him, sitting on his lap.

  “I visited my brother today.”

  He frowned. “Nigel. He’s trouble, Mira. You know that. Not to mention where he lives. Did you at least take my driver?”

  She shook her head. “It was quick, and I was fine.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “There was this woman. Well, she’s the PSW the hospital sent for Nigel. She knew a lot—about us. About everything.” She took a breath. “She threatened me.”

  “What did she look like?”

  “I don’t know. A tall blonde. Nigel apparently has a crush on her because he refused to believe me. He won’t request a new aide, and that’s scary. I feel like she’ll hurt him or me.”

  “Did she say she’d hurt you?”

  “She knew about you Drake, said she’s better for you than me and warned me to keep away.”

  He was quiet, and Mira wondered what he was thinking about. The energy in the room seemed to change, making her tense up.

  “That’s not going to happen. I would never give you up.” He ran a hand through his hair, then tapped his fingers on the desk. “Until this is sorted, I want you to keep close. No more wandering off on your own. It’s not safe.”

  “What about Nigel?”

  “I’ll handle everything.”

  Mira didn’t argue. She believed him. Drake was capable in all things from business to lovemaking. Her nerves settled slightly, believing he’d be able to protect her brother.

  “Now,” he said. “I’ve been stuck in meetings half the day. All I want to do is forget it all and enjoy my woman.”

  He wanted sex. Wanted to breed her. That was the end goal. Right now, she wouldn’t even complain.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “Something different.” He winked at her.

  “Are you going to tell me?”

  “It’s a surprise,” he said.

  Drake got up and began shutting down his equipment. That usually meant he was done for the day. He rarely ended the workday early, so she was interested in his plans. She knew exactly how kinky he could get.

  He didn’t give up anything. Even during the drive away from the office building.

  She didn’t recognize the route he’d taken. Then she saw the water in the distance as he passed a security gate into a harbor. When he’d lowered his window to show his ID, the scent of the ocean filled the car. She breathed it all in.

  He parked and then came around to help her out. Rather than lead her away, he pressed her against the side of the car. Drake cupped her face. “I don’t know how many times I have to say sorry, Mira. Nothing I do seems to get through to you. I’m trying my hardest to make amends … to show you I’m different.” He kissed her lips once. “Do you think you’ll ever be able to forgive me? To love me?”

  She felt the weight of the world on her. Drake wasn’t a bully anymore, not with her, anyway. Not like in high school. Nigel had gotten her into this position. Shouldn’t she hate Drake forever for blackmailing her into making his babies?

  But what if she wanted to be his now? Did that make it better?

  Her conscience constantly played in her head to the point she didn’t know how she should feel anymore.

  Mira wanted to fall in love, to have the happily ever after. Could that ever happen with Drake when their relationship started with a contract?

  “I don’t know,” she said honestly. “I’m trying my best.”

  He nodded, and the disappointment on his face made her sad. Drake took her hand. They walked toward the water. The sound of the waves lapping the dock was mesmerizing.

  “There it is,” he said.

  He was referring to the beautiful yacht tied to the end of the peer. It looked like something out of a magazine or maybe a James Bond film.

  “What am I looking at exactly?”

  “I’ve charted a boat … for us. It’s fully stocked.” Then he took her other hand, holding them both as they faced each other. “Stop pushing me away, Mira. I want to be everything you need.”


  Even though Mira allowed him to play with her, to fuck her, her heart wasn’t in it. He was at the point now that sex wasn’t
satisfying, not when there was no reciprocation. Yes, he wanted Mira, but now he needed more. The original contract had gone way beyond breeding and ownership. He wanted it all. And most importantly, he wanted her to love him.

  He was trying, but she kept pushing him away at every turn. Today, he was going to go all out, to try to make a connection with his woman. They’d missed out on all the natural courting, so he hoped that was the missing element. If she wanted romance, he’d give it to her.

  “I honestly don’t think I’ve even been on a boat. Certainly not one like this.”

  “It’ll be fun,” he said.

  He helped her aboard, her hand tight around his when the boat moved slightly on the waves. Drake had gone all out, making sure everything would be perfect. He hoped it would be enough to win her heart.

  There was a lot he needed to handle at the office after his meeting, and even more so with that bitch Katherine. He had a few women stalking him, the money-hungry ones who didn’t take no for an answer. He’d dated Katherine three times over a year ago, and she kept showing up in his life even though he’d made it clear he wasn’t interested. She’d fucked a few of his high-profile clients and friends. If it was to make him jealous, it sure as hell wasn’t working. He couldn’t stand the sight of her anymore.

  There was no doubt in his mind the woman Mira came across today was Katherine. Now she’d gone too far. She was more than an annoyance, and she’d be sorry for messing with his woman. There was no way he’d compromise on Mira’s safety.

  They took a seat on the sofa at the rear of the boat, and Drake signaled to the captain that they were ready to head out. Mira held on to his arm as the boat powered up and headed to sea. He hadn’t stopped thinking of her all these years. To have her next to him made his life feel complete.

  Her long blonde hair blew back with the wind. The smile on her face made her even more beautiful. He wanted to see it more often. He’d been such as asshole, but when he wanted something, he was used to getting his way. Business was one thing, but he knew now that relationships had to be handled with more tact.

  “Like it?” he said.

  “I love it. It’s so beautiful out here.”

  The water was like blue glass with the light wind, hardly a cloud in the sky. Now that they’d put distance between them and the harbor, forested islands dotted the landscape.

  He watched Mira, savoring the innocent wonder in her eyes. Her life had been too hard, and he wanted to change that.

  “Hungry?” he asked a while later.

  “I only had a coffee early this morning,” she said. “I’m kind of starving.” She giggled.

  “Good, because the chef has our lunch ready upstairs.”

  “The chef?”

  “Only the best for you, Mira.”

  He assisted her to the upper deck where the table was set, complete with the single red rose in a vase, per his request.

  “Wow,” said. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Drake held her chair out for her before sitting down across from her. “You’ve already got some sun. Your cheeks are flushed.”

  “Really?” She touched her face and frowned.

  He took her wrist, bringing her hand down. “It looks beautiful on you.”

  She looked him in the eyes, something she rarely did. “You confuse me,” she almost whispered.

  “Don’t be confused. I know we started off on the wrong foot, but I’m trying now. I want more than babies from you, Mira.”

  “You do?”

  “Want to know what I really want?”

  She nodded.

  He took a breath before speaking. Drake hated the feeling of being vulnerable with a passion. It allowed people to hurt him, use him, destroy him. He’d learned to close himself off, to take what he wanted. With Mira, he was trying to change his ways.

  “I want you to want to be here. With me.” He leaned back in his chair, hating how weak he felt. “If there was no contract, would you still be sitting here with me right now?”

  He didn’t want to know the answer. Normally, he wouldn’t give a shit. All that mattered was the fact he had what he wanted. Mira changed all that because she’d already stolen his heart.

  “I don’t want to turn back the clock,” she said. “I keep telling myself I wish none of this ever happened. That Nigel hadn’t screwed up, that you hadn’t asked me to sign the contract. But it’s all lies. I want to be with you, but I want to be more than a business deal or a side piece.”

  “You are,” he said. “God, believe me, baby. All the money in the world can’t buy happiness, I know that. I’ve been trying to prove something my whole life and I still felt empty.”

  “You have nothing to prove, Drake. I can love you for who you are.” She touched his hand. “I don’t care about your money or even this yacht. Don’t you understand that?”

  “And that’s why you’re the woman I want, Mira.” They interlocked fingers. Intimacy was new to him, but he craved it with her. “The contract … I know it’s my own insecurities toying with me. A big part of me expects rejection. Same as when I was a kid.”

  His parents had brutalized him as a kid. Life hadn’t been good, and he’d promised to make something better out of his life. He’d done it all on his own, but it was lonely at the top.

  “Well, you don’t have to buy me, Drake.”

  He reached into his jacket pocket. This was a big day, one he feared and savored at once. They’d only been together a few weeks, but he already knew there was no other woman for him.

  Drake set the small black box on the center of the table beside the flower vase.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Open it.”

  She moved with hesitation. He watched her every move and reaction. As soon as she opened the box, she stared directly at him. She froze in place, and a real sense of fear crept up on him.

  He took the ring from the box and stood up so he could bend down on one knee in front of her. “Mira, will you please be my wife?” Drake held out the offering, the biggest fucking rock he could buy.

  She touched the ring with a fingertip, then his face. Mira only nodded. He breathed again, not realizing he’d started holding his breath. “Yes,” she said as he slipped the ring on her finger.

  He hugged her around the waist, still on his knees. She cradled his head, and he felt like everything in his world was perfect. When he finally looked back up at her, her eyes were shimmering with unshed tears.

  “I still want babies with you, Mira. But I want to be a family. A real family, not like what I had.”

  He was still scared he’d fuck up being a father, that the abuse would be engrained in his DNA. But he didn’t want to be anything like his parents, and he couldn’t imagine a sweeter mother than Mira for his children.

  “That’s what I want, too, Drake.”

  He heard someone coming up the outside stairs. It had to be their dinner. The sun was already starting to set, hints of color decorating the evening sky. He got to his feet and sat back in his seat.

  The food was set out on silver domed platters. Everything smelled delicious. Once the staff left them alone again, he put the cloth napkin on his lap. Mira copied him.

  “I’m not used to fine dining,” she said.

  “Get used to it.” He reached across the table, tracing her face with the backs of his fingers. He was completely enraptured by her. “I know you don’t care about the money, but I plan to spoil you.”

  “I guess I could get used to it.”

  He smiled at her. God, she made him happy.

  “What can I offer you, Drake? I have nothing. I think my bank account is overdrawn.”

  “I have everything money can buy. You’re what I want, baby. Your body, your mind, your love. All of it.”

  “It’s already yours. I sold my soul to the devil, remember?”

  She was teasing. He noted the playfulness in her tone. Not once had they really made love or connected beyond amazing orgasms. Now th
at Mira was willing and not pushing him away, things would finally change between them.

  Tonight, he’d make her feel like a princess. He wanted her to remember the day he proposed to her. Tomorrow, he’d have to deal with that bitch Katherine. She knew too much. He may have a soft spot when it came to Mira, but he was cold as ice with everyone else, and rarely showed mercy.

  Chapter Seven

  Drake was hiding something. Mira was sure of it, which made no sense. He had nothing to hide. Ever since she’d mentioned the aide her brother refused to complain about, he’d been … different. Not distant, but contemplative? She couldn’t put her finger on it. Even with the proposal, he’d been distracted.

  The proposal had been sweet, and she had no doubt he meant it, but clearly something played on his mind.

  “Was it a really rough day?” she asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

  “It’s been a struggle.”

  She nodded, not sure how best to respond.

  The food was delicious and dessert even more so. There was nothing to complain about. She enjoyed eating.

  The wine was also nice, but after the single glass, she opted for the water available. Silence fell between them and even though the engagement band hadn’t seemed too big of a deal, with it glinting on her finger right now and her insecurities surfacing, it felt like the heaviest thing on her body.

  “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever been on a yacht out to sea,” she said.

  The way he kept staring at her, she didn’t know if there was something on her face.

  “Mira, you don’t have to be nervous.”

  “Do I seem nervous?”


  “Oh. Well, I really don’t mean to be.” A lot seemed to have happened in a short space of time. She’d gone from being a single woman to suddenly engaged and owned by the very same man who’d made her life a living hell growing up. She was even giving herself mental whiplash with how all over the place she’d become.

  Drake stood, holding out his hand for her to take. She hesitated for only a split second but even then, she saw the flash of disappointment in his gaze and she quickly slid her hand within his, hoping he wasn’t upset.


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